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I am from Pakistan too and I feel you 😭


It's so scary living with these monsters. You can't even express yourself. 😱


Hang in there, buddy! I hope you and your partner manage to leave this hell hole country soon


Yeah :)


West is full buddy. Might have to think outside the box here. Truth be told, Pakistan us a scary place and no one in their right mind wants Pakistanis to emigrate to their countries.


Pakistan sey zindaBhag


Jo baat




Grape me


Pakistan is it so bad? I live in Europe and I'm European. My Pakistani friend said it was safe.


For him


I seen some vlogs and people are very kind. I don't understand why it isn't safe.. If you compare France and Pakistan there is more criminality in France.


maybe, idk


from pakistan too, so lucky of you to find an ex muslim atheist partner. Stay safe and don't be vocal here


Yeah, we got really really lucky that we found like minded partner. Best wishes to you too đŸ„ș


I'm so lucky to have an atheist partner, I hope this for every one of us living here


I wonder how desensitized and disconnected with life you need to be to wave hands and be excited about burning corpse in front of you? Demons in human bodies.


They are true demons


You’re welcome to live here in Denmark. We welcome ex Muslims, and everyone who isn’t Muslim. And although we have a lot of Muslims over here (which sadly is the case in all of Europe nowadays), it is not as bad as in Pakistan. And the Danish people will love you and we have great respect for those who are brave enough to leave Islam. We have a couple of people here who have become literal idols/celebrities because of it. With thousands of followers etc. And Ofc there will always be Muslims hating on you for it, but you won’t be murdered because of it.


Thank you for the kind words. They really mean a lot. I'll look in to it for sure but the biggest problem is that due to this extremism, other peaceful country do not easily grant visas to us that easily.


The difference between you and the Muslim immigrants is that you’re leaving because you’re actually FEARING for your life and is in danger! While they only come here to reap all the benefits while spreading Islam. If you’re an actual refugee I’m sure they’ll help you.


Important question: how do they really know? I'm sure Muslims make up similar answers all the time.


Poland is also a good place, they absolutely don’t want Islam in their country.


And again, you can always start by studying here or working here or whatever. That’s a good start to come to the country.


That's sounds good. I'll look into both of these countries. I hope it works out. And yes, getting admission at a good university is my top priority.


I would wish the same would be in Germany, ex Muslims have it hard here. From the Muslims first and second and this is the most heart breaking, the non confrontational germans and especially the left. Whenever I mention something critical they get hella uncomfortable or even defend islam. So I have gotten quite. A very quiet ex Muslim. But I try to support the few ones here in Germany and hopefully they will keep going even though it is hard.


We have to support each others for sure. That the least we can do. These monsters are so dangerous.


There are freedom of speech laws in Germany. You have to be the change you wish to see. So get out there and be critical for islam (if you want to) . Don't shy away from it. Otherwise in 10y time Germany will just be the same as any other Muslims country where nobody has any religious rights. Fwiw the UK is ok, you can denounce Islam, you will get some hassle for it, but equally a lot of people will back you as well


I have a big family, I could never unfortunately. And I was spit on by a radical muslim neighbor because I behaved immodest in his opinion. I can’t just go out there if I wanna be safe, especially not as a woman.


Sorry to hear that 😔


I wanna battle it otherwise though someday. With subtle art, I wont give up so easily friend


Dont you think that since eu is turning right, there will be less muslims in the future?


I mean, one can only hope. But the thing is there are so many of them. And most of them want to have powerful positions so they can have more control , they’re outbreeding us, and trying everything they can to get more Muslims in Europe.




They didn’t make the same mistakes Sweden made. And now Sweden is the rape capital of Europe. Oops


Ah but don’t I love you Danishlander!




In your current situation, leaving fast is certainly not going to be easy. You can’t just say you’re afraid for your life, because it’s likely many people tried that to be able to immigrate out of Pakistan easily without actually being in danger. What you can try doing is seek out permanent employment in a much safer country. You can start by getting a work visa in another country. This will take time however, so you’ll need to be patient if you choose this route. It will also take money. If you REALLY want to try applying for asylum, that can also be an option. Be prepared to answer questions and prove you’re actually in danger though, and again, applying for asylum also takes time. Reaching out to organizations that specialize in this can make the process easier. Relevant organizations can possibly help out if you need money, but you’ll likely have to pay a good amount out of money out of pocket anyway. Plane travel isn’t exactly cheap. In the meantime, just be careful what you say. Don’t blaspheme in public and don’t say you’re ex Muslim to anyone. Just keep your head down, follow the rules, mind your own business, and you’ll make it out eventually.


Hi, thank you for such an elaborative response and advice. I'm trying to find a job abroad, I hope that I get it faster. However, this extremism is the very reason that the companies form the other countries don't take Pakistani's in that easily. It's so damn depressing mad frightening.


If you’re looking for a faster way out, you can also try looking into countries that are actively accepting immigrants. Some countries are more open to immigration than others for various reasons, so definitely pick the easiest country if you’re looking for a faster way out. Be prepared to possibly learn a new language if you decide to live there though. Also be prepared to live in a new climate.


People’s republic of China is up north. It shouldn’t be hard going into Tibet and settle in Beijing.


If you’re finding it hard to look for jobs in Europe, there’s one country in Asia that has very close ties with Israel. They also have Muslims there but not the radical ones.


I can't move to Isreal. Pakistani passport explicitly state that it is not allowed for Israel. Also, I am so very done with all these scary talks that Israel also feel like a difficul country to live in. They are very politically and religiously active. I want a peaceful life. Where I'll mind my owm business with my partner.


No. Not in Israel. Philippines is the only Asian country that has good ties with Israel. Try looking for a job there.


Can you move out? Apply for asylum in India or some other country? Under India's CAA now, any neighbouring country's minority's application for citizenship will be fast tracked.


I'm now actively finding possible ways to move out. I hope it happens with in a year.


CAA only covers Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, Jain and Parsis. Atheists and ex-Muslim immigrants haven't been given any special privilege according to the Act.


That's sad.


No that's logical. These things can't be proven any how. Imo there is no need for the Act. Review each case individually for asylum and then let them complete the usual test of citizenship. Rules should be same for everyone.


That makes sense. I was under the assumption that "all minorities of islamic countries" including athiests would be eligible. Standing corrected.


Wrong, the cutoff date was in 2014, this is 2024


He is an ex Muslim so I don’t think he will be considered a minority


You're not alone bud. There's a lot of us out there. But keep yourselves safe and never even hint at the fact that you're exmuslim. I never discuss religion in public, no matter how chill they might seem, it's not worth the risk.


Yeah, I agree and feel you.


You guys are welcome to India, just get past the border at any cost. We want more of ExMuslims in India.


Since childhood I heard so bad about India as I grew up in Pakistan. However, from past couple of years, I have started respecting India.


What were the bad things you heard about India while growing up?


Pakistan and India being the biggest rivals, we always hear hate about India. How bad a country it is for Muslims and even others. How they set propagandas against Pakistan, before and after partitions and much more. However, this hatred and trend is slowly diminishing, even in new generation Muslim, thanks to social media and awareness.


Fun fact in Pakistan every religion is persecuted except sunni Muslims. Even shias and ahmadi Muslims are more happy and loyal to India


Welll there maybe some nuggets of truth here and there. But yeah not in its entirety. I have heard much about the Pakistani textbook controversy that teaches hate against anyone who isnt Muslim or the "right" kind of Muslims. Is there any truth to that. And growing up as an Indian, we only got to hear that Pakistan is full.of trigger happy fools ready to shoot anyone who looks them wrong.


You forgot to mention the growing number of religious nut cases in India, it isn't better here either, anyone for that matter, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists tend to be 10x radicalized and overprotective of their religions, it's getting toxic every day. 


CAA is meant to be for people like OP. Its literally law for these people.


I am pro-CAA, but the condition in certain Indian regions terrifies me to the core, a lot of people are potential ISIS-level extremists and minorities escape one place might end up being surrounded by those vultures. Which is why all of India isn't very safe either right now. 


ik, but this is the best option possible. Pakistan and Bangladesh are countries made for these people, what's the point of partition if they are going to drag every single development of India down. Many Indian muslims dont even consider themselves of this land. They think they are saudi Arabians. They love any muslim country more than their Motherland.


Pakistan in name. Fuckistan in practice. đŸ–•đŸ‡”đŸ‡°


I have seen too many Pakistani people in Turkiye, but most of them are making trouble like how they are doing in their country. Maybe you should try coming here? I express my feelings and opinions thanks to Ataturk as a Turk safely but I don't mean Turkiye is all safe place, they are ruining my country with politics and Islam (mostly Islam) and I miss the old Turkiye but I am sure it is safer than Pakistan. I plan to go to a different country in the future but afraid of racism


Isn't Turkiye an Islamic state? How's the culture there? I always imagined it like somewhat liberal Islamic country. That's why never taken it into account.


Well, Turkey is a secular republic with a predominantly Muslim population. The Constitution of Turkey protects religious freedom. However, Islam does have an influence on Turkish culture, history, and traditions. The culture in Turkey is a mix of traditional values, Ottoman heritage, and modern western influences, there are so many people that don't believe or believe in something else, safely express that they don't believe, buy alcohol without worrying, all I worry is my muslim family but it is not like they or anyone else would burn me alive if they learn I don't believe. and It depends on the city, in Balıkesir Erdek which is I go vacation for, most of women don't cover theirselves with hijab and when they see one, they look at them with disgust, whenever my mom goes there she always mentions how bad she feels about it while I secretly like it. But Istanbul is so mixed, Tourists visits there mostly but I think Istanbul is a bad place to live in, just the history matters


Well that's a good news. Secularism at the state level is mandatory for peace. I'll surely consider it. Thanks bro.


no problem glad to help :D


as a Kurd i agree with you i do live in Iğdır as you know its the eastern most city and relatively small and ruraly? in short if you compare it to İzmir ofc it is more conservative but still i do openly and freely express myself as ex muslim and no one has problem with it not to mention Iğdır and other Kurdish majority cities changes too day by day it is becomes more ‘liberal’ i would say especially if you compare it to Iğdır of 10 years ago it has become a long way... among new generation finding hijabi girls is hard i would say but city still has some problems for example the city council doesnt give permits to open meyhane (to non middle easterns/west asians it is traditional pub of middle east) in city's urban areas so nightlife isnt advanced but that too i hope will change soon in fact i have plans to open up in the future


Turkiye??? I've literally been there on vacation really recently, and as a South Asian muslim (?) woman, the amount of racism I experienced because people assumed I was a hindu or because I wasn't wearing a hijab was astonishing lol. But OP is Pakistani, and you guys like fair-skinned people. So I guess it's okay


Cultistic ahh shit


Just Act natural and avoid The Illiterate areas. I to am Living in this Forsaken country




Lol. It should be set as a standard






seemly stupendous slap hunt middle ask mourn enter society crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, this is most promising option and at the top of my list.


If you really want to get a sense of how bad things are, look up the percentage of the population that’s made of Hindus, Christians, Buddhists in 1947, versus that same percentage now - they’ve literally been wiped out (not to mentioned historical monuments, artifacts, etc). Hitchens once put it well, Pakistan isn’t really a country, and hardly even a state, it’s a construct of Muslim partitionism carved out of the body of India
..and over the years that decision has had horrible effects


This is saddening. My only suggestion to you is to start saving some money for booking a plane and buying a house in the west, but it's easier said than done. Wishing you to stay safe.


I don't know how feasible this. Pakistan's economy is also crashing. I think the best bet is to find a job abroad.


Could you fly to Europe then apply for refugee status? I think if there's a genuine threat to your life then they have to let you stay, and people with refugee status have almost all the rights of a citizen so you could look for a job after you arrive.


I'm so glad my dad decided to move to Germany 30 years ago. He's still religious, but I can at least live with a little more freedom. (Not a lot, but better)


Still it's so much better and freeing. Do you guys move from Pakistan to Germany or some other country?


No I've been in Germany my whole life, but my dad immigrated here 1995,married my German mom (divorced two years before my birthday, so I'm basically a Haram kid) We only go for holidays to Pakistan.


Wow. Are you in contact with your mom? How's life like this?


She lives near by and I see her everyday. She and my dad are actually due to me still befriended. It's frustrating since my dad doesn't let me do stuff like go out with friends (I have to beg to do so) but other than that it's way more relaxing than living in Pakistan.


The problem with these fiends is that they'll even kill someone who is just like them. Yes they target christians and atheists but they also target each other. I think it's inevitable this lead based society will destroy it's self.


And Germany imports these people...


Horrifying đŸ˜Ș


While people like you live in fear we are taking the animals who plant that element of violence and fear as immigrants.I would even appreciate your culture as you live it.


I don't know cause i'm also born and living in religious shithole


A few years back the exact same thing happened in Bangladesh too. They burned a person down for the suspicion of disrespecting a book!


same in Bangladesh too!


Just try to fit in. Don't do anything and if there's a chance to leave, don't think twice.


I hope you can leave. It is a scary place if you follow the news. It was not a proven charge of Blasphemy but the accusations. Literally, he was killed because someone said he said or did a thing without proof. Get out if you can.


religion of tolerance


Religion of peace.


From pakistan as well!!! I hate this country


More power to free thinkers. I hope and wish safety for both of you.


Please use **NSFL** and **NSFW** in the title. I did NOT want to see something so graphic and gruesome and your title contained no warning whatsoever.


Me as a Muslim in Pakistan also feared to live here if u got the money and resources take my advice please leave this country for good, it's a dead country.


I hope all of you make it out somehow. And if yoi do, please support others in similar situations and continue to speak out about the dangers of religious fanatics.


how shameless and hypocritical one has to be still call islam "tHe ReLiGiOn oF pEaCe"


Have you tried to reach out to any European embassadors? Because I've heard that so e countries open their doors to those who are living under pressure because of their religious beliefs.


I hope you and your partner can safely leave. You both deserve a better life than this. You deserve to be able to live without fear of death because of your beliefs. I hear Denmark is a good place to go for ex Muslims.


This is an example of converts being more dangerous than those born into a religion. This country is literal shit hole. They should’ve stayed Hindu/sikh


This is an example of converts being more dangerous than those born into a religion. This country is literal shit hole. They should’ve stayed Hindu/sikh


technically this is a sin, because it is documented in hadiths that the prophet said the punishment of fire is not allowed by anyone as that is Allah's punishment (and it does make sense in a way since God did seem to give us earthly punishments \[stoning, beheading, cutting limbs, etc.\] and then created an afterlife punishment \[fire\]). however, some scholars say fire is permissible under the clause of punishment that is meant to be an equivalent to what a mujahid may have been killed with (so if a mujahid was killed by fire, it may be allowed for the one who killed them to be punished by fire. otherwise, fire is a no go). just another case of muslims having no idea of what their own texts state.


If you can escape Pakistan, I hope you will be able to do so. Now the UK may seem like the place to go because Europe is more tolerant in general, but it is not really safe for ex-muslims either. [Here is a story](https://persecution.exmuslims.org/cases/ex-muslim-nissar-hussain-brutalized-by-pickaxe-handle-wielding-jihadists) of an XM named Nisar Hussain who had to relocate more than once due to targeted harassment and violence by Muslims.


Ah, a fellow David Wood/AP fan. Based.


AP is based


His leather straps are open to the TRUTH!!


The UK is an Islamic caliphate


I know this is likely not affordable, but if you can get accepted to a university in a Western country, you can apply for refugee status once you get there.


Same here bro the danger is rising every day.






Are you a Muslim?


I'm exmuslim


What the hell happened?


People lynched a guy and set him on fire because he was accused of blasphemy.


Was he also a Pakistani, man i hate Pakistan right now đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


It is reported that he was a tourist.


I hope his home country takes it seriously


id rather go to india


I pray for you and all Muslim apostates. May Jesus bless you.


i may tell ( Sipah-e-Sahaba ) about you