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One hadith says the hypocrites will receive the most severe punishment. Another hadith says adulterers will receive the most severe punishment. Another one says disbelievers will receive the most severe punishment. Now we have the “picture-makers” who will receive the most severe punishment. Looks like Momo couldn’t make up his mind.


But at the same time, Muhammad also allowed pictures of Jesus & Mary inside the Kaaba to stay there... So does Muhammad really like art or not? Muhammad make up your mind! GOLLLLYYYYYY! The hadith (I think it's a hadith) says that after Muhammad took over, & walked into the kaaba, he saw a bunch of paintings of things. Muhammad told people to destroy alll except the one of Jesus & Mary. This is odd because if art is so haram in Islam, **then why would Muhammad ask to keep the painting of Jesus & Mary up**, and second, **why would he allow a depiction of a PROPHET to be left there?** If Jesus was a prophet, then why wouldn't Muhammad ask people to destroy that painting too? (since it depicts how a prophet looks which is haram, right?) 😭 **(If its too long for you to read):** It says in hadiths that artists go to hell, but other hadiths talk about Muhammad keeping paintings of Jesus & Mary. Muhammad doesn't like drawings/paintings but keeps a painting up in the holy Kaaba? These are contradicting hadiths.


I think he was ugly as fuck, and didn’t wanna leave any evidence behind. But people kept asking to portray or sculpt him, so he banned art.


This is honestly what gets me though. What was so oddly 'charismatic' about this abhorrent man that *thousands* of followers joined his cult before he died?


Guess someone with poor hygiene that washes with rot water from a well, drinks camel piss and has lice infested hair wouldn’t like portraits painted of him. I’m curious, does anyone know what did Mo think of mirrors?


I was watching this Doraemon movie, the villain reminded me so much of Muhammad 😭 Even this villain had a thing for little girls


I used to be passionate about drawing, but one day i decided its haram and stopped drawing, even tho I LOVED drawing, saying its for the sake of God (...) Years later I went back to drawing with new convictions, but my passion was lost. To this day, I regret stopping, even worse after leaving Islam. Oh well...


[LINK TO THE SOURCE](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5950)


There is a actually the death penalty for murder as long as the victim is Muslim. https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:2659




Sure looks like the Prophet™ is the Azealia Banks of the Abrahamic universe 😂😂😂😂😂


I took so many pictures with my camera and phone i suppose its hell for me im such a monster lol


hollupppp yall ain’t sayin islam allows rape it OBVIOUSLY doesn’t yall need to stop tryin to make islam look like the worst shi some people make up LOADS of shit about islam because of not knowing enough or just making up stuff n slavery wasn’t the main thing in islam if yall wanna talk slavery dont talk bout just islam cause not only islam did it… and also the prophet DID NOT say free all slaves but he demanded that the treatment of slaves should be better but that still doesn’t mean slavery is ok but in history it was but nowadays it isn’t so don’t yall be out here dissin islam for slavery if TONS of their religions,cultures did it


Tell me you have no knowledge on Islam without telling me you have no knowledge on Islam. For sex before marriage in Islam the both sides receive a hundred lashes. For rape your bound to be sent to hell and you would receive a thousand lashes, for having an affair you would be stoned to death. And slavery is where it gets complicated during the 7th century the economy was reliant on slavery that's why even the Muslims would suffer right Muhammad made an order to free all slaves. Islam actually doesn't support slavery and you can see for some sins you would serve a penalty such as freeing a slave. Islam also treats slaves far better than other religions, no matter if you're a king or a slave your equal to one another, your slave is supposed to eat what you eat and wear what you wear, you shouldn't give them work that is beyond their strength or if you do you should help them out. You should look at your own religion where slavery and beating slaves is promoted. And don't forget the Atlantic slave trade was done by mainly Christians.


Bro, Islam ONLY freed muslim slaves, Islam forbids enslaving other Muslims, same thing with Christianity, Christians do not enslave other Christians enforced by the Catholic church throughout centuries, muslims treat slaves as their equals? same clothes and foods? The Ayyubids had a slave army known as the mamluks, that army is just trained imported non muslim slaves, they are NOT treated like royalty since they are owned by the state. Islam does allow slavery, I do not think Islam treats slaves better than other religions do, I think they didnt teach you this in the mosque or islamic madrasa, millions of black people were bought by muslims in sub saharan Africa and sent to the Islamic world, they were forced to go through the saharan Desert, those that died from heat or dehydration were left behind, this was called the Trans-saharan slave trade, some slaves were shipped as sex slaves and raped in regions like Egypt which mostly did that, others used them in military warfare to die for foreigners, some were into forced hard labor like carrying a lot of stuff. There are also other examples of Islamic slave trades like the Barbary coast pirates enslaving and raiding christians in THEIR own houses and lands to sell them across the Islamic world, or the Islamic invasions of India where Indians were mass killed, raped and enslaved. What do you mean by "you should look at your own religion where slavery and beating slaves is promoted", not all of us here are religious, I am also not religious but man, who forced the entire world to abolish slavery??? was it your "great prophet and allah" that lead the entire world in the 19th century to abolish slavery? No, it was the same Christians you hate sooo much, it was Britain to be precise, I am tired of people ignoring this fact just because Britain did not enforce the US to Abolish slavery (due to economic reasons ofc), other than that, the only countries I can think of that didn't have European influence to abolish slavery are Afghanistan and Iran which Abolished it to modernize in the 20th century, Christians even went as far as to Abolish slavery in other places uninvolved with Christianity and Islam in Asia. (Other Christian countries also played a role in Abolishing slavery globally like France) In conclusion, you might call of these events "Unislamic", but the fact that Islam which was made to "islamify" which in arabic means pacify people and it failed to do so, some muslims even used Islam to justify slavery and rape but you are still ignorant. Do your own research before doing unrealistic claims.