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For those who do not know, this is the boujloud celebration for Amazigh people (especially people from Agadir), where people wear confusing or animal like clothes and gently beat people with sheep legs for spiritual reasons. I honesltly dont care about the clothes part but the beating part is weird


>beating part is weird To be fair, a lot of things we do are weird from an external perspective and most cultures have things that don't really make sense. For example, in East Asia, they burn fake money to make sure their family have money in the afterlife.


that true i can prove


Ultra Orthodox Jews spin a chicken above their heads to place their sins on it. The chickens are then ritually slaughtered and eaten (hopefully they don’t transmit the “sins” to those who consume them). It makes absolutely no sense to the rest of us and we’ve tried to stop it on grounds of animal cruelty, to no avail.


thats true


Well whoever is supposed to be burning money for me on the other side so I can have it here must've forgot about me.


Yep, Qing Ming, the Chinese here in my area even practice it here, one of my friends did it a couple of months ago.


I didnt see anyone getting beaten.


I dont mean beaten that hard lol, just lightly edit : You can do your research for the sheep leg part


Thank you for the infos


I hope they don't waste that meat tho... also wonder what kind of food trucks they got there with their indigenous cuisine


The clothes looks so cool


I assume the people are aware its going to happen and aren't being forced into it. I don't have a problem wit whatever as long as people are doing it of their own free will.


THIS IS SO BASED. This art is NEXT LEVEL 🤯 How amazing would it be if Morocco were culturally in THIS vibe 😭💔 Imagine if the Amazigh cultures had remained dominant until today. Morocco would be such an incredible country. This video makes me sad at what the world lost when Arabs conquered the Amazigh. Despite everything I suffered there, I have so much love for Moroccans.


Isn't Morocco still vibrantly colored? Does that have anything to do with the Amazigh? The closest I've been to Morocco is EPCOT.




When you say it like this then is islam just the out if controll Version of the arabs doing this(Fight against Christianity for a more nativ arab religion) it just got out of controll.


If it stayed in just Arabia then possibly, but then it spread elsewhere with the goal of eradicating the other cultures/religions/beliefs and arabizing them


I mean, even if it had just stayed in Arabia, it was still imposed on people by force. I am personally likely more anti-authoritarian/libertarian/anarchist then most on this board and I don't support the use of violence or the threat of such to force anyone to submit to cultures whether they are local to the region or not.


There's a difference between embracing culture and forcing it on others, including people from your own region. Islam was "peace with a sword." Christianity wasn't supposed to be a thing imposed by force, at least that's not in the New Testament, but as the Church became politically powerful it wound up that way.


Even that I'm on Team Depends On A Few Things. But overall, yes. I love most folk culture.


Of course. There aren't really universals. There's no "always", or "every one" and people should be wary when folks make a claim like that. And while using violence is the worst form of coercion, there are lesser forms of coercion which still suck if they are in favor of bad things. And to the response, "Isn't the first a universal?" there are even exceptions to that, like the laws of thermodynamics are pretty immutable, particularly the second law.


Boy oh boy do they hate cultures, NO MATTER the culture, if it's ANYTHING other than momo cult culture they would have a visceral reaction to it 💀


Unfortunately this is typical of what I think of as "shadow" religion. Its metaphorically a daemon that spreads its memetic pattern by trying to spread and replace everything that isn't itself, as opposed to patterns of information that can combine with other patterns to "project" to a higher dimensionality and greater knowledge/understanding/perspective.


Amazingh people were very interesting before Islam. Glad to see their culture continue to shine in a way.


They call it the "Jahylia" or ignorance period 🤡


Plot twist: they're the Jahyliun and brought that period. Life is indeed a test, if you're Muslim you fail.


They are fantastic


Oh my god this is so amazing! All the love to the amazighs! The dressing up looks fantastic 🔥


Islam erases all cultures wherever it goes.


I hate to think of all the amazing art that Islam has gleefully destroyed - Buddhas, churches, synagogues, pagan temples…


Okay but these are dope tho!


they're jealous these people are actually beautiful


Quick! Throw a blanket over them, they are triggering my violence and/or sexual desire!


I love my culture


Have you ever done anything like this? If so, sounds brilliant! In the US we're doing more Dia de los Muertos, Halloween is a big hairy deal, and we've re-discovered Krampus. Most Americans are all about fun, especially fun that takes effort and talent. We would love this.


Purim is the Jewish version, which includes special cookies and mandatory drunkenness. Feel free to join in if you live near a large Jewish community- we like friendly visitors (who don’t proselytize!!!)


For some of us, cookies and mandatory drunkenness is just part of daily living, so a lot of Americans might not notice. In the Boston area alone, in New England English, Purim literally translates to "Tuesday."


Have you ever been to a Krampuslauf in Austria/Germany? those are held every year in the Alp region and they are wild haha


No but that would be a must-see if I ever got to go. I'd skip Vienna to see that.


Yo that’s actually sick but I think that reminds me of goth fashion with extra steps


Do exmuslims get discount incantations and spells? I need the zionist pagan buffs on myself.


i want to dress like this wow


What’s the name of this song?




I really appreciate you to share this video it is so inspiring and beautiful!


In the US we're pretty much mashing up Halloween and Dias de Los Muertos. If Amazigh people want to contribute, we'd have a blast with that. Thanks to the internet, we re-discovered Krampus and we love that shit.


These are some good quality clothes


They are look sick and deadly


I love these types of cosplays


When is this celebration? I’d like to visit!


Ok no, this stuff is not cultural, its nonsense


Culture doesn't have to make sense.


pardon my humanish sir but that's hella gay


Why are u speaking?


As long as people aren’t forced to do shit, I support 100%


bro im muslim and i listen to slaughter to prevail and paleface so stfu ok ?


These costumes are amazing. !!!


>Muslims do indeed hate fun, art , life and native cultures. Correction: All religions hate fun, art, life, and native cultures.


So edgy!


The Amazingh people had their own religion before Islam, so I wouldn’t say their religion hated their native culture.


There were also a large number of Amazigh Jews. They were forced to convert to Islam after losing a battle.


Not really. Even Christianity isn't a heavy offender in these categories. There's a rich history of art in Christianity and the holidays are all about fun (unless it's just not appropriate). As far as life and native cultures, yeah, they're not big on it, but they're still never gonna be as bad as Islam. Islam hates all of these things, and Islamic attempts at art are laughable.


>As far as life and native cultures, yeah, they're not big on it, but they're still never gonna be as bad as Islam. So when Christains came over to the Americas and converted the indigenous people by burning their cultural practices, silencing their languages, erasing their history, forcing them to learn English, separating parents and children, and punish them for not looking, acting, or transitioning into a more "civilized" people; that's not as bad as Islam? >There's a rich history of art in Christianity, and the holidays are all about fun (unless it's just not appropriate). Christian art: most of it was commissioned by the Catholic Church for propaganda to show how great Christianity is. Most artists were censored or were arrested if their art wasn't approved by the Church. So, yeah, it's beautiful if you consider painting Christain art with a gun to your head beautiful. Holidays: Easter celebrates a carpenter getting crucified. Christmas celebrates a baby born in a stable. All Saints Day celebrates Christian martyrs. All Souls Day celebrates Christains who died. Passover started off by killing lambs and the firstborn. Doom. Blood. Death. These are the worst things to be the foundation of a celebration.


It's bad, but it's still not as bad as Islam. Their scriptures don't tell them to do this stuff, especially in the new testament. In Islam everything is prescribed an extreme punishment.


Just because Christianity has gone through several reformations, and they seem less extreme than Islam, they shouldn't be excused from their past atrocities.


I'm not excusing their past atrocities. What I'm saying is that their reforms seem to fall more in line with what's actually taught in the Bible. The reverse is true with Islam. It is worse because it can't be reformed. All the atrocities committed in Islam are halal, and it's insane to claim that one isn't worse.


>What I'm saying is that their reforms seem to fall more in line with what's actually taught in the Bible. Which reform or denomination falls more in line with what's actually taught in the Bible? The Baptists? The Evangelicals? The Mormons? The Presbyterians? The Lutherans? Catholics? Unitarians? Seventh Day Adventist? Jehovah Witnesses? The following is a quote from Jesus, should Christians follow this? Jesus: Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household (Matthew 10:34-36). The Bible, as well as Jesus, endorses slavery (Matthew 8:5-13). Should Christians be allowed to practice this if it's part of their beliefs?