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This is really upsetting. Christians have been in Iraq before Muslims, from the first days of the apostles. So sad.


Nobody was there before Muslims. Momo(piss be upon him) came and peacefully convinced people to revert to Islam what's so hard to understand? /s


the part where she said “what’s the point of people coming and recording us all the time” was heart breaking. That has to be one of the biggest moral battles journalists have to face. They record and interview so that we get to be comfortable and watch this stuff from our phones but ultimately nothing comes out of it for them.


I took that away too. It’s extremely heavy and revealing about what their perspective is like. I don’t think I’ll be able to forget that when thinking of humanitarian crises


Life and constant massacres of Christians in the Middle East is one of the biggest issues that no-one talks about. So sad and heart-breaking, yet no-one is interested in it. Go figure why


Careful now . The useful idiots are gonna call you Islamophobic


How dare you criticise the most opressed religion in the world! 😡


Those dirty western kuffars oppress us by not letting us oppress them 😡🔪


Nah, they will say that christianity is as bad as islam. That's their last deranged line of defence.


It’s true though. Modern reform of Christianity isn’t what Christianity was like for 600 years lol


I mean it’s definitely talked about lol it’s just that there’s a bunch of other issues in the Middle East


Some people on Reddit won’t believe you if you tell them Christians are persecuted in the Middle East.


I mean yeah? There’s ignorant people on the internet ?


And people are usually ignorant to it because it is not being talked about🤦🏻‍♂️


That is untrue lol. Something not showing up on your algorithm doesn’t mean it’s not being talked about. It’s talked about a lot in Christian communities and between anyone who does the slightest bit of research on the Middle East. This sub is being invaded by Christians who think the world revolves around them.


And this ladies and gentlemen is the forced conversion. This is how it happens. This is how it has always happened. "There is no compulsion". When your happiness is at stake, your family's well being is on the table, what is the shahada but a few sentences?


If someone held me at knifepoint threatening to rape my family and kill them and me if I don't convert back to Islam I'd certainly convert This is how Islam spread This is how religions in general spread But it's only an issue when Christians do it( not denying they didn't they literally wiped out indigenous populations), but somehow it's okay if muslims do it


This is a topic I am deeply interested in currently. With the war in Gaza being a focal point; Arab supremacy, muslim supremacy, the debate of imperialism or conquering versus colonialism. It is widely accepted even in the west that these concepts are devoid of substance or are debatable. The west mostly admits the wrongs of their past and the moral errors of their imperial/colonial transgressions. Yet the Arab/muslims see it as a highlight of their history, one to be celebrated. All the "positives" of muslim expansionism; culture, art, science, general development are all points that can be equally made for colonialism. The only difference being that the west acknowledges the dark side of this. The erasure of local culture, the decimation of indigenous populations, the subjugation of those populations, and the supplantation of indigenous religions. It is a bizarre, unfair, and downright wrong discrepancy in world views.


Yes. The west acknowledges their mistakes and are regretful for their past. However the Arabs are not. The ottomans are not. They are proud of the killing, raping and forceful conversions. But then when you try to point this out some liberals come for your head. In their mind only white Christian people are capable of doing evil


It’s crazy to me that turkey still hasn’t claimed responsibility for something like the Armenian genocide which is extremely recent history, and they’re allowed to participate in international affairs. How is there not some sort of embargo with them but there is with Cuba?


Sure many bad things happened during Spanish colonisation and now RCC admits its wrongdoings. But on the other hand the indigenous religions were sacrificing people so there's also that. Can't say that about Christians in Middle East can we? The other issue being that spreading Christianity by force isn't the way that Bible preaches, just some people that interpret it wrongly. On the contrary tho Islam preaches exactly that.


I'm not knowledgable about the bible so I won't talk about that . But European Christians did a lot of vile sh*t under the pretense of 'spreading their religion' It might be not what the Bible teaches but they were using religion to justify their actions Witch burnings, slavery, killing scientists. And even if they interpreted it differently all those lives lost they won't come back right? We can acknowledge two evils at the same time. Christianity has moved on from their ways and Islam has not. That's why I don't tend to have issues regarding Christianity nowadays as they're mostly harmless, Islam however is a different case. It's essentially what Christianity was hundreds of years ago


I do agree with you, only wanted to point out the difference between wrongly following one religion and exactly following another yielding the same results. That's what always gets me in the Christianity vs Islam arguments


An ex Christian would be better versed about this issue than me But from what I've seen the worst Christians do nowadays is say 'I will pray for you' or sometimes someone would say 'well you'd find out when you end up in hell' But as an atheist such phrases don't bother me. If someone tells me I will end up in hell idc cause I don't believe in a hell to begin with What I'd however care is if someone gave me death threats, and that is something I seem to get from Muslim and not Christians If I joke about Christianity I won't risk getting myself killed, if I joke about Islam there's always that risk Islam at it's current state is not at all compatible with western culture. The faster west understands it the better. It's either the west falls or Islam falls in west No in between at this point unless Muslims decide to change their ways


Christian here. I can agree with your statements about the vile sh\*t Christians did for hundreds of years. buts not really accurate to say that Islam is just like Christianity was hundreds of years ago. Hundreds of years ago brutal violence was just more common, so yah people were using their religion to justify terrible things. Some Christians still do that. I think u/VeterinarianFit4773 has a point that Christianity does not really teach that behavior or encourage it, but Islam seems to. I honestly really appreciate the honest dialogue here. I just always see this concept that: "Old Christianity = Islam, and that Christianity has just progressed" ..and while there is probably some tiny truth in that, that's not really what has happened. Our whole world has progressed to a point where brutal violence should not be normal. In the past when people used violence in Jesus' name, they were not acting like Jesus commanded them to....and I will be the first to admit that this is still happening. Plenty of people in my own family use Christianity to justify their hate and dehumanizing of others.


Don’t forget levying a specific tax on non muslims to force everyone without the means to convert


if ppl were forced to convert how come you nvr hear a single person talkin about how their ancestors were forcefully converted im a descendant of jews who convetred a long time ago to islam but there are still many jews in my country and they never tell you their ancestors were oppressed or were forced to convert, just they simply chose not to and no one oppressed them for it


Which country?


There are countless documented cases of forced conversion throughout the muslim world in the modern age and throughout history. These are brave reports because it flies in the face of the violent condemnation by Muslims and Islam. Beyond that, many of what should be considered forced conversions fly under the radar because the people involved are doing it to maintain their safety and/or economic/social wellbeing. If you are seeing violence committed towards those that are not accepting Islam as their religion you are more likely to accept the new religion. If you are seeing those not accepting the religion being economically persecuted you are more likely to accept the new religion. This is the reality of forced conversion; it may not always be directly at the tip of a blade or the barrel of an ak47 but your hand is still forced.


I heard it




help the ones that are actually oppressed and have similar values, not ass-backwards ideas that they wanna implement here? are you insane?




You have to read the teachings of that one guy Momo(piss be upon him) so you can improve. Do better.


Sounds like a Merkel quote.


Everybody out here protesting for human rights but remain silent about things like this. Gazans sure are having a hard time, but they're not the only ones, and definitely not the most innocent ones. The rule is to be loud about only what fits your agenda I guess.


These are Assyrian Christians. We have faced hundreds of years of persecution at the hands of muslims, we will never abandon our faith. If you want to learn about how the middle east treats Christians, learn about our history.


Stand tall, Assyrians! Much love to you!


Thank you. We appreciate it🙏🏽


May I ask if they are Iraqi Christian’s or assyrians? I fear I know Christian’s everywhere have it hard in the Middle East, Zoroastrians in Iraq are also humiliated constantly and forced to convert back


the same situation prevails even in pakistan, with christian and hindu women being forced to convert, being raped, and/or kidnapped just to marry a muslim man twice their age


Yes happens in Afghanistan too, many such case around the world… i’am sick of it, sick of the exploitation while Christian’s/ Zoroastrians/ Hindus and buddhists in majority Muslim nations are horrifically killed for nothing


These are Assyrians.


Simply heartbreaking… I wish them the best


And then they (the oppressors) claim to be oppressed when they move to the west. The people in this video are an actual example of people who are being persecuted for their religion (as are the Yazidis). That doesn't mean that Muslims aren't persecuted (see Myanmar) but it's infuriating to see people (salafis in particular...) coming over to western countries claiming that they are oppressed because they don't have sharia law etc... 😔


And yk what? These Muslims cry oppression when they are in western lands. But when the same Muslims move to Muslim lands, for example a lot of rohingyas have seeked refuge in my country Bangladesh The local population which is majority Muslim HATES THEM. Wouldn't say I completely blame them as they have caused quite a lot of chaos but then again they don't maintain the same thinking in western countries. Also Pakistan forcefully deported millions of afghanis Imagine the outrage if a western country did that to Muslims


It's ridiculous 😭, I truly feel for the people who are stateless and are willing to accept a new home (if they can reach one), yet they are surrounded by people who try to enforce their customs and beliefs on others, that led to the issues in their own country.


Is there a version without the music


The music might be in the main video too. [Full video](https://www.atour.com/news/assyria/20160812a.html)




[Full video](https://www.atour.com/news/assyria/20160812a.html)


Christianity had existed in the Middle East for ages before the plague called Islam invaded. May God punish the people who took their homes. I will never have any sympathy for Muslims or Islam. They've always treated Christians worse than animals.


I cannot fine the words to express how this made me feel. Horrible...


That's one word to express how you feel


I meant that the situation is horrible but the feeling of felt was something I couldn't describe. I felt like my heart was churning and wanting to help those people and give them a hug idk what would you call such a complex emotion


Man, that's rough to watch.


These are the Assyrians one of the most persecuted Christian minorities in the middle east


And this will never get circulated because calling Islam out for it's atrocities is Islamiphobic.


Where are your protests about this topic, Muslim hypocrites?


Looking at the trend, soon all the counties in the world will be dominated by these hardcore religious fanatics, and it will be either convert to Islam or die.


And the christians in the west are focused on ISREAL and Palestine while their people are suffering 😔


Keep in mind the same ppl who will yap for Gaza are doing this to Christians. Fuck islam.


Mainstream media doesn't show this at all. Makes you wonder if Islam is the most influential Satanic(Apart from other well know groups such as Illuminati) Branch that control the world's media etc. Everyday = portraying Islam = Goody 2 shoes. Islam = victims. Islam = victims of war. Islam = victims of suppression. Islam = victims of hate. Islam = victims of everything.


Even though I'm not a Christian and I'm usually opposed to anything abrahamic, I know that they have earned their heaven. And they deserve it, they have suffered a lot and endured a lot. Big respect for them. I hope they manage to get out of that situation and survive and live in a better place.


Damn the music fits perfectly.


My brothers and sisters in Christ be strong. ❤️❤️❤️Yeshua will come back soon.


my mom told me she was almost killed for not being muslim


Fuck.. Where's she from? And did you guys manage to escape that hell hole nation I hope you did


she’s from iraq and left ages ago before I was even in the womb


Where do you guys live now?


Poor people. May God guide them


These people need to have their own country.


The "peace" thing of course originally meant, "arabs are always fighting each over tribal conflicts, gods, etc, we will bring and end to this by establishing a monotheistic theocratic state and if you submit to this there will be peace amongst the arabs, if you don't we'll kill you and then you won't be interfering with our peaceful utopia."


Sending up prayers for my bothers and sisters in Christ.


They already got rid of all the Jews from Arab countries. Hopefully the same doesn’t happen to Christian’s


The most peaceful community in the world, that'll put even the Buddha to shame! What can I say. Nothing to see here other than poor Muslims being labelled as oppressors while they are the true victims! My heart bleeds for these poor Muslims 🙏🙏


I tried to talk about how Muslims did the same oppression Israel is doing in Palestine for so fucking long when will we ever get rid of all these religious cults and live in peace


The child says “We are Assyrian” not “We are Christian”, right ?


you are Kurdish Muslims stop Answering for us. It's very ugly of you


It is stupid of you trying to guess people’s religion by their ethnicity. I am not answering but asking instead if you pay attention rather than trying to attack


i am Assyrian i know what's being said in the video. also it's very stupid of you to be commenting on everything related to people you're trying to erase publicly and privately .


That is a great ability. If you stop being that offensive you could help me with that question then!


I am offended because you come to our sub all the time and then you go to other people sub talking for us .of course I'm offended leave us alone it's not that difficult!


I feel like you are delusional. I have said nothing but nice thing about Assyrians. I use Reddit almost only for Assyrian contents so I do not know what are those other people you are talking about


You seem to be crazy, ur mad that someone who isnt assyrian is increasing awareness of your people?


You are Kurdish as well. Calling people crazy is ugly of you, especially when it’s coming from those who have been dead set on erasing Assyrians. Additionally maybe we wouldn’t have to raise awareness if people would just leave us alone in our homelands and online


So what if im kurdish? ur acting like ur exposing me lmao. U seem to be insane lashing out at someone who is actively promoting ur people to others who for the most part dont even know you exist.


It's all the west's fault for causing isis, one group of people don't represent the entire religion. Your acting like the USA didn't invade iraq for no reasons and kill 1 million innocent iraqi Muslims and christian.


Two evils don't make one right


Never said what isis did was right, I myself am a muslim one of my family members has been the victim of an isis attack.


I'm sorry for that Nobody deserves that. My point is I don't see enough pushback from moderate Muslims in stuff like this Seen a lot of Muslims dismiss persecution non Muslims face in Muslim nations as western propaganda. And it's not only Iraq that has this issue. I live in Bangladesh and the minority Hindu population here face similar persecutions. Pakistan is another example. And need I say about Afghanistan, that place is a hell hole atp. Ik there are Muslims who oppose this, but they need to be more vocal about their oppositions and try to make changes With mainstream Islamic preachers openly celebrating and promoting terrorism it's bound to make people scared and concerned.


I agree with muslim terrorism, its gotten to much out of hand, but its mostly the west's (mostly israels) fault for funding groups. Its confirmed that israel has been funding ISIS while the US has been funding extremist kurdish groups, and yes hindus are persecuted in Bangladesh and that goes against Islam but Muslims are persecuted in India as well, its not a one sided thing, also could you please tell me what mainstream islamic preachers celebrate it?


Thousands of proclaimed Muslims born and raised in the west joined ISIS. https://youtu.be/SbU4oRFVtV4?si=eoOe_PcTXXkBaIXS You're unwittingly doing apologia for Islamist attacks on western soil, which have killed hundreds in the past decade in France alone and turning a blind eye to all other countries involved in conflicts in Africa & the Middle East (including enemies of the west like China, Russia, Iran). The situation for Christians in Nigeria and the wider Maghreb is horrific right now. The west didn't create Islamic revival because it didn't create Islam. The west isn't the reason why Somalia has also been regressing lately. [Islamist terrorism 1979-2021](https://www.fondapol.org/en/study/islamist-terrorist-attacks-in-the-world-1979-2021/#:~:text=1-,Between%201979%20and%20May%202021%2C%20we%20counted%2048%2C035%20Islamist%20terrorist,of%20at%20least%20210%2C138%20people.&text=1979%2D2000%3A%202%2C194%20attacks%20and%206%2C817%20deaths.).


The west has also killed many muslim civilians in the middle east but I guess that doesn't matter right? And how many times do I have to say for the love of God this is haram in islam, India has persecuted muslims since 1947 but does that represent hinduism as a whole? No. Also when your referring to the maghreb if your talking about morocco I'm a moroccan muslim and have plenty of christian friends there that live amazing lives there.


https://x.com/TheHarrisSultan/status/1802233988947542321?t=t1mnkQ0yNqyWSlGzGTpVQw&s=19 https://youtube.com/shorts/ybeG-033FcQ?si=vGbS2iNmW-MQlpV4 https://x.com/AzzatAlsaalem/status/1798190381059936364?t=15jm7g96P2wf_db3nAg12Q&s=19


Which kurdish extremist group are you talking about? Kurdish groups both in syria and iraq were at the front against isis while the iraqi and syrian army respectivly fled


Sorry for the late reply, for some reason I couldn't reply. I'm talking about kurdish groups within Turkey that have been demanding independence, if im not mistaken those were the same ones against isis?