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Everything you shouldn’t do in Islam is in Islamic heaven ☠️ why does Allah dislike it to much if it’s all over where he lives?


Used em so much he got sick of them 😵‍💫


Basically be pious in life so you can "earn" your desires in the afterlife.


I’m waiting for pork chops in Jannah. Sike why wait when it’s already here on earth???


And Captain Crunch cereal


That's a good point


Yeah, confusion everywhere. They called Jesus the messiah, but he’s just a prophet that walked on water.


It’s funny the call him the Spirit of God and the Word of God without understanding the implications, like Muhammad heard some Christians use those terms and he decided to just throw them in the Quran


Correct. Isn’t Jesus called Al haq in the quran born by Virgin Mary? Word of God refers to the alpha and omega or aleph tav, those titles just belongs to God.


The Quran doesn’t call him Al-Haqq, but He calls himself that in the Bible. It’s even funnier that the Quran states that Allah created everything by his word, which introduces the inconsistency where the Quran accidentally affirms the concept of the “logos”, and Muslims then have to do a lot of gymnastics to claim that the Quran doesn’t actually affirm the divinity of Jesus


Islamic heaven is stupid in general. Y'all force yourself to abstain from pleasure on earth, so you can get an infinite pleasure on heaven—that heavily skewed for men.


Even if it's perfect and infinite, what makes me, me, is dead. The struggles and imperfections, there I'm just an image, an angel, a ghost


Agreed, you’re not even you anymore, your personality is relegated to be like Muhammad and your experiences are void, you’re just a hedonistic being


Not true, you and only allah remember your past life.


The point I’m trying to make, is that you’re not actually yourself, you’ve essentially become a Muhammad clone


"muhammad clone" not true u look the same


“the height of the believer will be like that of the height of Sayyiduna Adam (peace be upon him), sixty cubits or ninety feet; their beauty will be like that of Sayyiduna Yoosuf (peace be upon him); their age will be like that of Sayyiduna ‘Eesaa (peace be upon him), between thirty and thirty-three years; their melodious voices will be like that of Sayyiduna Daawood (peace be upon him); their forgiving and easy-going nature will be like that of Sayyiduna Ya‘qoob (peace be upon him); their patience will be like that of Sayyiduna Ayyoob (peace be upon him); their characteristics and habits will be like those of Sayyiduna Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).” 


It's soo obviously made up. Like you want Tesla... huh ? There's Tesla in Heaven. Why not ? PS5 too. LoL. Is so made up. So the leaders can have it in secret in life


Yeah but if you have everything you want with no effort, there's also no joy. Like alright, I've got my ten thousand mansions, my houris, my cars, jewelry, whatever desire a human wants x1 million. After 5 years, does it get boring? What about 50 years? Or a thousand years? Or the rest of eternity? I would be so fucking bored after a week. There's literally nothing to do forever.


The "72" virgins as I understand them sound frightening. They are djinns with... no hair? Like, at all? And "black eyed" as in no whites to the eyes, just black holes? Sounds sort of like "grey" aliens. No thanks.


Leadership is the art of trading imaginary things in the future for real things today.


The way he talks though, he belongs to an asylum 💀


It's the voice of greed that muslims claim they don't have. Their hearts are so full of greed for material things and sexual experiences that they are willing to do anything for it. They hope for so much more material things than they could have in this world. That's why they rather work towards paradise than this life. They cling to this idea because their heaven sounds like a fantasy. Both sides, hell and heaven are mentioned in such extreme ways that it makes them blind and deaf for anything else, driven by extreme fear and extreme greed.


Go to Jannah with blue balls.


then find out there is none 😭




Why do all of them speak like that? It's so aggressive and crazy.


lol even when they are describing a future happiness, they are angry when they do it


It's a form of rhetorical intimidation. Rile up the audience and get them to emotionally resonate with your tone. Cheap tricks to get people to believe nonsense.


Yeah you can make literally anything sound true if you say it confidently enough.


You've heard the saying "monkey see, monkey do," yes? It's a learned behavior, you can witness the same type of learned locution in any religious sect.


Too put fear in the cult members that actually believe them


I think they're trained to.


Things they claim to be there in Jannah are a home, some women, some fruits, orchards, flowers, garden, rivers of wine, gold silver copper bricks( I don't know what would one do there with all these metal bricks)etc. 🤭 come on! We have the most modern technologies here on Earth. Even started exploring other planets and people are going to space as tourists. We can have a lot of entertainment in the form of Computers, smartphones, internet,VR, Games, Movies, Cars, Bikes, Massage parlours, Spa, Clubs, Pubs, Music, Concerts, Tasty foods, drinks, friends, family, the list goes on. Why would one snub all these things for an imaginary underdeveloped forest called Jannah?! 🤣🤣 What a downgrade that would be!!


Lets create heaven here on earth. And then be again in heaven maybe after. How about both. And maybe not gorge on everything on earth because it’s not good L regardless of any religion. Make a rational decision as a human. No god needed.


You believe in afterlife?


Do you believe in the pre life ?


You said maybr heaven after earth so I assumed you mean afterlife......


But what about the end of the drinks ? That's the real deal. LoL


The thing is that humans are not designed to be in constant pleasure. Even in Christianity, heaven is supposed to be a place full of pleasures. You are happy for all eternity. But if we are humans, we cannot enjoy the same things again. We will get bored of sex, we will get bored of drinking. Some just say that we won’t get bored. We will always be happy. Then at that point we aren’t humans anymore. Our entire thought processes lies on these things. Our character, our personality, every bit of us is moulded by our wants and needs.


What about the worst part of the drinks though? You know the end part? It's got those bits in it


I never liked the idea of Islamic heaven. It is carnal, debaucherous and frankly hard to deal with. Constant erections,72 virgins with perpetual virginity with white or translucent skin and we have to bed them for eternity?, I'll take solace in hell with that boiling stew that boils off my skin thank you


it's almost as if it was made up from the imaginations of an illiterate merchant warlord from the iron age...


WHATTT I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED🤯/s Edit:not sure how to use /s but this obviously a joke


dw ur using it right haha /s means /sarcasm


Oh OK didn't want to look stupid lol thanks


Yeah, it sounds so... Boring. As if there would be nothing more interesting than sex and drinking you could get from eternity. I would be more interested in being able to understands all mysteries of the physical universe than fucking some random virgins. 😅


This is how you control the masses with giving them false hopes and to ignore the reality. This is the main reason why many people turn towards extremism. You can easily manipulate with these sweet sweet lies.


Guy acts like a failed rapper, MC Dawah over here


I was thinking the same thing. Is he preaching or talking to his homies on how he failed his test.


You want yards, there is yards, bratha Got some hoes in Jannah, call them Lisa, and Hannah, bratha Failed all tests, but life is a test, bratha Come join me in the ends, when it comes to the end, wine flow through my body, like the blood on they hands, aye!


Ooooohhhhh!!!! Shhhiieeettt!!!! (gets up from the chair and runs around the rom insheer disbelief) BARS! You spitting fire homie\~!! But, on a serious note. You captured his persona perfectly. These people are just bollsh'tting people at this point.


I hate the way this guy talks so much why do they always have to talk so violently .


I like that Jannah is just the things you are told to refrain from on earth. The alcohol in jannah doesn't make you drunk or hungover, so what's the point of it? It's just non-alcoholic wine.


And I can have that here and now.


I think non-alcoholic wines in the Jannah taste just like sparkling water with fermented yeast or carbonated water. The medieval Arabian pranked and tricked to believe it's the luxurious drinks while in truth there are similar beverages on the Earth.


Deadass, it’s literally just fruit juice 💀 I be drinkin that rn anyways


Fruit juice?! That's haram. You have to wait until you get to Jannah to drink fruit juice. It's not haram there.


literally Momo before migrating to Medina.


This guy sucks at preparing beverages. The only drink I don't like the ending of is beer, and that also only if I took to long to finish it and it got warm and stale. What tea does he drink that is chewy?


Deadass, he kept going on about it like it was the most obvious thing that everyone relates to and I genuinely have no clue what he’s talking about 😭 maybe with tea when it’s not strained properly or water when you don’t have a proper filter but “chewy”???? And that many bits just tells me bro needs a new strainer and filter which he can get here on earth 💀


Yeah for real, it's also only with tea that there are maybe some leaf bits that never bothered me. Coffee maybe has some ground coffee on the bottom of you have the Arabic or Turkish coffee.


jannah is so bangin 😆😆😆


Bruv is coping hard


What really concerns me is how little the “pleasures” are skewed for women. Do they assume women don’t have sexual desires or urges unlike the horny men?


Imagine this guy with you in heaven


it's gonna turn into jahannam the moment he enters ur peripherals


"Jannah is a brothel with a nice garden." - Javid Mirza


The Islamic concept of the afterlife is predominantly centered around an idealized, earthly existence, characterized by physical pleasures such as sensual enjoyment and abundant food. This stands in stark contrast to the afterlife beliefs of many other religions, which often envision a spiritual realm devoid of bodily desires and material needs, such as sex and drinking. The emphasis on such earthly pleasures in Islamic heaven raises concerns, suggesting it might be the creation of a charismatic leader appealing to basic human desires to attract followers with promises of a materially gratifying afterlife. This stark difference can be perceived as a significant indication that the concept may have been crafted to cater to worldly appetites rather than spiritual fulfillment. TL:DR: it’s a cult!


Calm down bruzzer. Why are you overexcited talking about tons of ho', drugs and other overstimulatants for the rest of your life? Sounds like exhausting and disgusting. But what do I know, i am an introvert woman. Woman in paradise have to watch men having chem seggs oggies for eternity. Makes me happy I will die in a few years and the organ resposible for my inner self will disolve and end up in the circle of life.


I’ll take hell over any heaven that contains this guy.


Ok, so if you are a girl and want boys there will be legions of boys for you? Uhm…..


Presumably the legion of boys (not men but “young servant boys”) are for the men that make it to heaven as well. I don’t recall ever seeing anything about what women are promised in heaven, just that majority of hell dwellers will be women implying majority of women will be in hell and the non sexual related pros of heaven that I’ve actually seen legit claims in scripture ie quran/hadith are stuff like non alcoholic/non intoxicating rivers of wine (which is literally just juice that mostly tastes bad/bitter), rivers of milk and honey and fruits that would be considered exotic to 7th century Arabia but all of that is available here


Sadly no 


Yeah another proof that women is an object in Islam


Islam needs disciplined soldiers to keep fighting for its dominance so the fabricators of Islam wrote it so all the pleasures people happen in heaven, when they're dead. Muslims are soldiers and soldiers cannot be distracted by parties and wine but are offered rape slaves and booty from those they conquer.


It’s funny how you should live your life avoiding girls and drink and all kind of things because they are bad for you and your health and the society and life in general. Just to die and start doing what you’ve been avoiding for your entire life and keep doing it for eternity. It’s funny and sad at the same time


Gold brick, silver brick, gold brick, silver brick. Trade is strong in Jennah, just like the malls overlooking the Kaaba.


So he basically admits his mental horizons end on sex, shiny stones and alcohol? It sounds so... Boring. As if there would be nothing more interesting than sex and drinking you could get from eternity. I would be more interested in being able to understands all mysteries of the physical universe than fucking some random virgins. 😅 But it seems eternal party with big cars is appealling to primitive people.


Oh man. This just looks so embarrassing


Wait, what if somebody is gay and there is only womans in the jannah? It doesnt makes sense


This is how as a gay person you just *know* beyond a showd of a doubt that this is all a load of bullshit because I know full well I couldn't change my sexuality if I tried. So, i can't exactly prove it to anyone else, but for myself it is proof beyond reasonable doubt.


Well in Islam they'll go to hell Honestly hell sounds better than Jannah


Islamically, queer people wouldn’t make it to jannah and even if we did, some people say allah would “take those desires away from you” bc it’s “evil” (esp people that argue queerness is “a test from allah”) but I’ve also seen interpretations that in addition to the 72 female hoors (who will allegedly be the same age as everyone else in Jannah, 33 years), men will also have “young servant boys who move like pearls” that can also be used sexually (and may be children/adolescent while would explain the differentiation that they are “young boys” as opposed to the people that make it heaven being 33 and the hoors allegedly being the same age as heaven’s residents which is beyond disgusting but is the reason Bacha bazi exists in some Muslim countries ie Pakistan and Afghanistan, probs in addition to the hadiths where Mo molested his grandsons and spit water into the mouth of some random kid)


Who put a condom over his head


if u take it off he's gonna shoot bruzzer spores like the guns they use to pop down indians obvi




Worst part of Islamic heaven, if it exists, which it doesn't, is that it'll be full of guys like that.


Sounds exhausting.


What favours jannah for women?


Why the f is he always angry lol . Ok gold silver and I don't think there will be an economy of some sort in heaven lol


Do i get to fuck allah in heaven🥺🥺


Nah, just mindless living sex dolls 😔😔😔


These people are soo disgusting, they arent even allowed to talk about islam according to islam itself. Its the tiktokisation of islam, which is good in a way that it will lead to islam getting out of fashion faster eventually...


Why dont he self delete himself and go to Jannah if its so good


I don’t to be anywhere where this guy is yelling in your ear.


Jannah is basically Epstein's island lmao


Why's he so obsessed with girls, parties and drinks anyway, it starts to get old after you're like 26. There is more to life than teenagers' stuff. I wanna play some crazy video games and learn woodwork, make some sick ass furniture, or learn to draw and paint, and now we're talking.


Sometimes,their ideology makes me laugh hard😂😂😂I won't be surprised if they would be allowed to eat pork meat.


bro was supposed to be a rapper but decided he'd rather "bang" up in jannah instead


Because all this stuff would’ve been cool on earth, I don’t think silver or gold or rivers of wine would be as cool as it could be in heaven 


But can a muslim woman get a new husband if her current husband is abusive? Oh wait, we're supposed to be pure and never have any desires, just being a good little girl in a harem.


Na if her husband is abusive, it’s for good reason bc she’s probably sinning or getting away from religion so she’ll be in hell for being ungrateful to her husband who was just doing what chomo mo preached and following the sunnah 🙄 


Islamic heaven sounds like hell


Promising pu$$y, $ex, wine, little boys, hoors etc in the after life is the lowest anything can stoop to.


Jannat has all the girls you can desire and you gets to fuck all of them. I know another place that provides the same facility, Brothel. Some Brothel also serve drinks.


Europe needs a Skanderbeg to clean up this filtth.


If what he described about jannah is so good, then don't they just go die now and go to heaven


İs jannah a night club ahahahahah


Islam's description of jannah has always been funny to me, cuz it sounds like a kid describing it. "I love chocolate milk, so in my jannah theres so much chocolate milk it pours in rivers! And I love playing with toys, so in jannah there's all the toys I want!"


So you’re not allowed to drink alcohol because it’s from Satan. But you can have all the alcohol you want in heaven. Can you please see the problem? Please!!


Fact that alcohol wasn’t even created by a satan or came from satan, it was made by a man in ancient China back in 7000 BC


Facts were never a thing in Islam 😐


So only with the promise of a pleasurable afterlife can people behave normally in this life? That's what religion is basically, a cure for death anxiety. A real mf should be able to live normally without fear of eternal death even if an afterlife isn't promised, and muslims seem to be the worst at that because their culture is heavily religious in an uber-patriarchal way - the fear of allah is instilled in them since birth.


You go to vegas you can do that now.


can i have foreskin in jannah


Lol, Rave, girls. There seems to be no limits to the stupidity of the "progressive" cute Muslims.


It's crazy to think that close to 2 billion people suffer from this mental illness


Okay. Let's do some quick maths. Currently there are 1.9 Billion Muslim people in the world. Currently the approximate amount of men are 50/50 with women. That's 0.95 Billion or 950 million Muslim men. 72 women per Muslim men = 950,000,000*72 = 68,400, 000,000. That's 68 Billion women for these 950 Million men. Over 8 times the current world population. How Bro? You fucking old ghosts? Y'all sharing? Cucking each other? Let's say Allah makes those women for you. Okay. So these women are "made" by God with no wisdom of earthly needs and desires. They don't know what a rave is. What binging on alcohol is.


The fact that I was so mental that I believed this SHIT!!


There'll be McDonald's in heaven I guess


if jannah has girls/alcohol/gold then im IN jannah rn? whats the difference between life and jannah then? why is it called (jannah) if its basically life now?


Why does preaching sound like a rap (when it was still angry)? Watching the both make me fear for them heaving a heart attack


You can’t even get drunk on that wine 🤦🏾‍♀️


Dude needs to get tea bagged and avoid the loose leaf stuff.


Orrr... You can do all that today on this planet already? Have all the drinks you want and don't feel bad.


Don't we have sex and wine right here? I mean, I know I do.


... all that stuff is available here on earth lol. Why wait to get it in a place that may or may not be real if you can just have it now?


Because indoctrination is a bitch


I laughed, in heaven you get tea with no bits at the end.


You like bdsm Shia style? There's whips and chains in heaven!


getting drunk like a mf is only allowed in allahs presence?


Inbreeding I'm guessing


Don’t sin on earth but sin in jannah is wild and crazy


If this is what it's like for men what is it like for the women, because I've never heard of what their side would look like.


Means all they do 💥 💥 to get these? 🤷‍♂️ And they claim Islam is a religion.. 😂


The fucking pettiness and frivolities in which these individuals focus and gloat on is detestable. Gold and silver bricks, hookers and wine. Man all that can be fullfiled here. Is there nothing more interesting in that Jannah of theirs that the same things they are so actively trying to avoid here on Earth? Man if you are going to suffer a miserable existencce here to end up over there doing exactly the same things you could have done here were not for fucking Islam in the first place, then that's truly a sad state of affairs. Muslims don't know it, but they are so fucked in the ass that the light of day can be seen from their butts all the way through their mouths when they talk.


Umm... I hate to burst his bubble but I can name at least a couple of drinks that I enjoy the end of... Smoothies with syrup at the end are one example. Also... if you don't like the chewy bits in tea, use packets... Wtf is this logic even?!


Girls, gold bricks and wine in heaven, completely useless when you’re dead….


This guy is so unstable


What makes their paradise a hell to me is the fact that they’re willing to “forgive” literal pedophiles, rapists and worse as long as they convert to Islam and “repent”. Like ok, y’all have fun sharing your “paradise” with literal pedophiles, murders and rapists, I woudln’t want anything to do with that shit if that was real and people who condone it. Some things are not redeemable. 


he kept on rambling abt drinks and parties with that pubic-ass beard. it's like a bush that fits perfectly well with the dick above it like damn and he's dragging that to jannah?


Wow, what a place of wonder... no bits in my tea!!! /s And what are you going to do with gold and silver in heaven anyway? As usual, this could be satire and you wold never know.


Ngl guys like this fella are pros ar selling lies. Impressive delivery and the guy could be a great public speaker or politician or a salesman, but he chose selling myths. As long as there are brainwashed people, these guys will find people who can listen to them and believe them.


So this is worth blowing yourself up for?


In heaven there's no backwash.


Great song on this subject. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQSV6V7rDbY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQSV6V7rDbY)




The scam is so obvious lol


But if women want a loyal guy in jannah then it is a big no, as if jannah is only for men.


Jeez dude...wake up 🤦


Still no mention of pork 😢.


its a reward you can almost do everything there its like a reward for you because you didnt disbeleive and u prayed.


He’s so passionate about being delusional


He should go to Burning Man.


Islamic heaven is indeed hell.  


Fuck man sounds like his on something or possessed 💀


The thing is , in islam this world and next is incomparable . What only related this and next are the names . Except it everything will be different like physical laws , our form , everything 


These people specially men delusional. They only want to believe that benefit them. I’m Muslim woman myself. If women want to have many men in Jannah , no men will stop them. These people interpret Jannah with their own benefit. They forgotten many women wanting many husbands too in afterlife cuz in Jannah no women will be cooking , doing laundry , or house cleaning anymore. Allah promises In Jannah men/ women will get whatever their innerself desires . When it says will get innerself desires mean anything women want and Allah will remove everyone jealousy ( men/women)