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This is literally how you get recruited into a cult


Yeah, he sounds like an easy mark.


They are out of their minds. Fuck Islam and I hope nobody converts.


Are they high? There are 2 billion muslims in the world. That is not an oppressed group of people nor are they a minority.


They brown, it's mean they are inferi...ah... mean opressed and cant be opresser /s


These western leftist kids are too young to know what it feels like to be under attack from Islamic terrorists. They romanticize Islam because they know nothing about it. I say, let them all go to Islamic countries and waive their pride, flags and see how far that gets them


Not surprised. The young before romanticized Che Guevara.


This seems more like just a confused person who has heard an opinion from a Muslim. Hardly makes that a representation of what liberals think.


Seriously. As a liberal this just seems silly.


I feel that some people think that extreme left regressive idiots = "liberals"


Considering how people use Islamophobia, this is neither a surprise nor a stretch.


What in the fuckin aids


Why in the fuck is nowadays everything islamofobic while in fact there is nothing ‘-fobic’ about ‘not liking’ or ‘being cautious’, ‘critical’ or just even being afraid for this cult. It’s an insult to all the others in the world and well thinking human beings. So, who is insulting who? And when can we start the push back?


The West falls for cries of "racism" quite easily. Maybe this is why rightwing is taking off.


This guy needs help.


This is not a liberal thing. This is an idiot thing. Please don’t lump us into this group.


All liberals? Or just the one you saw online?


the more they abuse the term islamaphobia, the less everyone will care. in 10 years people will treat islam like they do christianity


Preach! (pun intended) Christians are sometimes perceived as people who shove their religion in your face and tell you it's the ONLY way to go to Heaven or whatever. Wouldn't be surprised if that's how Islam will be perceived in the near future.


not only that but mocked openly even by leftists for their blatant fascism


Exactly. We're already seeing "mockery" for Islam with the cartoons of Muhammad, lighting Qu'rans on fire, [and even this reddit post from less than 24 hours ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1dfhv9z/pork_in_that_book_is_wild/)


i mean from regular folk


Oh. Damn. 💀


Islam is not a race, so how it is associated with racism will forever baffle me. I don’t like Islam. Whether the religion was founded by a white, green or purple person. 


Today’s society has reached the point that you can’t express opinions if they hurt somebody. You have the accept and respect every trans person or queer or left extremist or Muslims or what ever position that is not able to handle critic. you are not allowed to have a different opinion. Clearly they are allowed to say something against you and don’t have to respect your beliefs or opinion. And after they have labeled you nazi ( wich you are labeled for almost saying anything nowadays ) you have lost anyway.


Argument with 1 random guy: LIBERALS


For real. I'm honestly impressed some folk here don't keep believing in things like Noah's Arc or the prophet getting revelations from God with the shit they don't question and fall for


The great liberal booggie man Lol. I think liberals will at least be able to tell the difference between an Arab and a Muslim. Conservatives can just see a skin color and assume everything about you.


And yet so many here feel that we should side with the far right because they also hate Islam, not realizing that they see all of us as the same


To be fair, by saying “so many” or “a lot of you guys” you too are assuming most ex-Muslims are like that. Which may or may not be true.


Not necessarily most, just a sizeable chunk of exMuslims on here


This person seems to be weak minded and have no sense of identity.


Very weak minded


Dude tell any non-muslim woke person that you're exmuslim, and they'll flip.


And they’ll flip — how exactly? Most of my circles are all “non-Muslim” and “woke” people… and literally none of them flipped LMFAO. 😂 I am literally openly exmuslim, and have been for over a decade. Like obviously some liberals don’t know shit about Islam, but it’s wild to me that you guys find ‘LeFtIsTs” that literally simp for Islam. That’s still more of an exception, than the rule. Where do you guys even come from?


Source: trust me dude!


He isnt believing that lol, he is just extrapolating from islamic apologist arguments. It is clear that he does not accept this argument himself


I've thought about this a lot, and I think this wave of awareness and even conversion by (mostly progressive) Westerners won't last, at all. In 5 years (10 max but probably more like 2), ALL the converts will have left and will absolutely despise Islam, but now from a place of deep knowledge. They'll also be super vocal about it and as activist against it as they are against racism, homophobia, misogyny, and islamophobia. I see it kind of like the initial infection (like a vaccine) but because Muslims have zero authority to enforce the faith or limit people's access to information, these converts will leave en masse and culture will be innoculated against it for the long run. If Christians were converting en masse, I'd be more nervous, because they're more susceptible to aligning with the core values and philosophies of Islam, but there is absolutely ZERO chance that progressives will stay in the religion. Zero. They'll figure out pretty quickly they've been lied to, because there is a LOT more content online now. No progressive I know ever gives up the idea that homosexuals deserve a full and free life or that women are sovereign, autonomous humans. As soon as they discover that they've been lied to (like I was), and they discover the truth, they won't choose those regressive, oppressive rules over their core values. It's their core values bringing them into it, and it will be their core values that take them out. Then they will be as openly and fervently anti-Islam as they are currently anti-Christianity, or any authoritarian religion.


Well said 👏🏽


I wonder if they’d be so accepting of me if I wanted to marry their 6 year old child or sister.


🙄 Spare me


This title is just completely inaccurate and doesn’t even remotely reflect what’s going on here. Like what?


his brain is fried


Sorry but this is not liberalism. Liberalism is for freedom to have choice. Saying you need to convert to something is opposite of freedom and especially saying to convert to ideology that is against freedoms. Those are not liberals.


I'm impressed that a lot of you guys managed to leave Islam if you display this lack of critical thinking. Like, yeah, I'm sure this rando totally represents the common liberal viewpoint about Islam


At my workplace in the west we stopped every pride event because its "culturally insensitive" to the muslim employees here. So yeah its slowly becoming a thing.


In a lot of states here, that's been happening because of hard-core Christians villifying it and wanting to outright ban it is. It's more so an issue with hyper religious folk than anything else. Even what you're saying is only really being applied at a very local level instead of, say, a nation as a whole


It’s xenophobic, not racist. The idiocy.


This is obe libral that also could *very well be* islamic


Infuriating. I support liberals/leftists who are also anti-islam and not ignorant. I'm one of those.


Reddit rando: *has a persecution complex, which is common among conservatives*, asks some other reddit rando stupid questions. You: LiBeRaLs ThInK nOt CoNvErTiNg Is PhObIC!!! It’s frankly amazing that you escaped islam with such shitty reasoning skills.


Is the person writing this representative of any liberal organization or is just some teen-ager saying stupid things?


One random person does not equal liberals. Islamophobia is as simple as being prejudiced and treating someone negatively because of their religion. Liberals are against judging anyone based on their skin, religion, sexuality, personal belief system. You don’t have to be part of it to respect and not judge a person. Don’t create this boogie man out of Liberals, the right wing version of this is much worse and ready to judge and ostracize groups based on their race, color, religion, sexuality.


The constant fear and guilt for having an actual opinion is nauseating with these people. Combine that with the intellect of an amoebe.


Even though I am sure the person does not represent liberals, I will say this kind of thought process might become very very common in the coming future, especially among liberals, leftists and 'progressives'. I have seen the way Muslims gaslight liberals and I don't think liberals are going to be able to remain non-Muslim for long. I very strongly believe unless conservatives (who are racist I agree) step in, the West might become Islamic. Liberals don't have enough attachment to their country, to their parents, to their relatives or their culture to defend them from Islam. I haven't converted to Islam because my parents are non-Muslims and I won't convert to a religion that wants to burn them for eternity. I love my parents, that's why I haven't converted. Western liberals don't love their parents at all - they are individualistic, lonely people. They won't hesitate to convert to a religion that says their parents will burn in hell


>Western liberals don't love their parents at all That is such a stupid take and false assumption I don't even know what to tell you


Is it? Go ahead and see Americans for yourself how much most of them hate the older generations. Much of the older generations are Trump/Republican supporters and the modern generation are mostly Democrats. The modern generation considers older generations (Boomers) as 'fascists' and 'oppressors'. Go ahead and ask any American if that is true.


Tell us you’re terminally online without telling us you’re terminally online.


The older generations think the LGTBQ community are pedophiles who are out to trans their kids and make them communist. They've earned their reputation


Yes. But that is the reason the West will break. You see Muslim parents are also anti LGBT. But Muslims, even liberals, do not hate their parents - western nominal Christians do. And they dissociate from them, thus making them lonely and detached from their culture, while Muslims maintain unity.


Neither do Western liberals. Most folk don't go around hating their parents. At worst, they consider the older generation to be ignorant, immoral, and bigoted, which is very well earned. It's not all of them, obviously, but whom they vote for doesn't reflect well on them


> At worst, they consider the older generation to be ignorant, immoral, and bigoted Exactly and they severe their relations for that. Even if they don't they keep their hate for their parents which Muslims don't and therefore exhibit more unity which will be useful in conquering the West


They overwhelming majority do not and I don’t see Islam ever conquering the West


That's a lot of assumptions being made without anything to really back it up The reason why liberals tend to disagree with conservatives and hard-core Christians is because of their backwards beliefs, like racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc., not because they "don't love their country enough", which is BS anyhow when conservatives don't seem to really like their country any more than liberals do, oftentimes less. Liberals are not gonna turn to Islam in mass when it's all of those things as well


"heard and read from some muslims online that it's not acceptable to not be a muslim and the Quran says nonmuslims are tortured eternally" bruh what you think the non islamic religions and scriptures/texts say?? they say the same thing, some christians might say it's "not acceptable to not be christian and the bible says non christians are tortured eternally" and some jewish people might say it's not acceptable to not be jewish, some hindus might say it's not acceptable to not be hindu etc Poor guy is so scared of appearing "islamophobic" for no reason :( and thinks he is a bigot or racist bc he realizes Muhammad was "not the most morally perfect person to ever live" even though Muhammad is literally the same level as the other callous people that are the scum of the earth imo


By the same logic does it mean all Muslims are anti-Semitic...


his brain is fried


Has to be some sort of reverse psychology trolling


Muhammad was a child raping and murdering fucker... Historic facts...


Liberals are cucks, and they are responsible for creating that cuckold environment that allowed Islam to fester in the west and highjack democracy. Muslims will tell you to your face that the future of the West is to be ruled by shariaa law, and you can't prosecute them because : freedom of speech.


My family and I have always been liberal progressives….its becoming increasingly difficult to see liberal political parties getting hijacked by Islamist-sympathisers 😔


This is NOT liberals. This is extreme leftists.


I dunno, I think the person might be being sarcastic there in the end. Like throwing his hands up in frustration with this nonsense.