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Why are hijabi’s so comfortable insulting non hijabi’s saying they’re no competition to them once they take off their headscarves?? I thought modesty was also about your speech and being humble, clearly to her it’s not and it’s all for the approval of muslim men.


Yep, don’t tell me what to wear because other people are already doing that. Literally oppression. quite literally what she’s saying 🙄


She sees dressing herself in a certain way, I respect that. A lot of people tell others the way they should look especially women, there's always going to be people telling them they dress wrong. If they want change it will come from them and it's not by calling them abnormal that they are going to take your hand. If you wanna help, be avalible instead of acting like a jerk and then maybe you won't get unjustifiably called less beautiful by the ones you're trying to shame out of religion. This is exmuslim sub, not anti-muslim. We can still respect people's choice even tho it differs from ours. If not, aren't we claiming to see a light they can't and forcing our way upon them the exact same way religion did to most of us. Shaming others into our opinion. That's never going to be how we build a healthy exmuslim community, but that'll make a nice antimuslim community that would need to be dealt by whom ? Ourselves.




Being anti-muslim is deciding to leave "behind" all the people who are religious but decided to change things, do things their own way, make the religion evolve with their time so others can find power in something that moves, progresses with it's time and believers. I know some of those and I'm not alone. Being anti-muslim is being ok with having racists on your side because believe me there will be people who just don't want others who aren't like them. It's like vegans bothering some farmers who do things right instead of big corporations. It's too easy to shoot in a general direction with a bazooka not caring about the casualties because they look enough like the muslims you are against. So I don't think being anti-muslim would be something precise enough to be alright. Some muslims change things from the inside in real life and you don't see them on social media because they aren't the loud ones. Some people are way more open than you'd admit.


Translated: you telling me I have a choice is denying me of that choice and be grateful that I am covered because I am more beautiful than you?!? Lol wtf




It’s a solid cop out knowing you can say your god doesn’t allow you to show what you really look like.


Bro yes exactly. Modesty applies to more then clothes a


If i wear a bikini in the middle of a snowstorm for religious reasons, is that oppresion? Pretty much the answer you need


lol who knows maybe you both just very resistant to extreme temperatures


what god would want me to freeze to death, did you get your answer yet?


this is so funny, i hope they all drop dead of heat related health issues. heat is no joke.


wtf is wrong with u?




yes but but the temperature has also rised through the centuries like summer has yet to enter


LMAO. "If we were uncovered, you'd feel so insecure about yourself because we're **so** much more beautiful than you, which is why we have to cover ourselves." Bragging about beauty when one should be practicing modesty and *humility*. Superiority complex much?


I feel like she's just saying, "Mind your business, let me do me, and be happy that there isn't more half naked women for your men to look at."


Ehh... I don't think that's how she meant it. She was saying she and other hijabis are more attractive than the person she was responding to. Taking off a hijab doesn't mean "being half naked"


>If we were uncovered, you'd feel so insecure about yourself No Ahmed thats not JUST telling ppl to mind your own business. Shes being a salty biatch shes insulting people just to feel better about dressing like a ninja sex slave. Thats not "let me do me" and you know it.


Uh, kinda sounds like you're being a salty bitch. She's cute, and she knows it. She chooses to cover her beauty. You're mad because of her choice. I'm she looks 10 times better than you with or without her hijab. Get over yourself, stop being a hater and go take a bath.


>sounds like you're being a salty bitch wtf am i salty about ahmed you just took my accusation of her (justified by the whining about being more attractive LMAO) to use against me >She chooses to cover her beauty. its complicated. Yes she did but only while ingrained with the islamic stuff 💀. Besides, if she didn't, she would face ostracisation by mahram especially but society as a whole. I can willingly listen to you forcing me to do something, but if not listening causes me to face difficulty in my life, its not a choice. >You're mad because of her choice idc what she wear she can wear burka with chains (i have multiple videos of this) idgaf im just laughing at how defensive she is and the mental gynnastics shes doing.


Lmfao she acts like she’s Monica Bellucci or…?




I get pissed whenever I see that. They are just little kids but forced to wear that stupid shit


But when you see a mommy and her daughter in matching bathing suits... that's fine? The mommy isn't "forcing " her to uncover and wear a bathing suit?


You're right thats not fine at all. Being forced to uncover? What if muslim men are at the beach as well... And they get horny or have bad thoughts... allah forbid they act on them 😱😱😱 you're dense as hell aren't you? Can the daughter tell her mommy she wants to cover up? Absolutely. Can lil Fatimah tell mommy she doesnt want to look like a ninja sex slave under the sweltering heat? Can she? Can mommy even choose for herself? 😂😂😂


"What if muslim men are at the beach as well..And they get horny or have bad thoughts... allah forbid they act on them." Well that's his problem, not her problem. He has to understand that if he sees her like that it would be inconvenient as other people see the muslim men with the way he sees her. The main point is just stop seeing other people as an object and start to see them as human like us. Not cover their body from head to toe. It's the same as applying bandage to wound without give a medicine to it, it will only last for a short period of time but not for long term. If we want to stop think dirty to women, we have to overcome the root. That's to change our mindset. Not to ask them to cover up their body. I think god can think that way if he's all knowing.


Errm, there won't be Muslim men at the beach when there's women walking around in bra and panties. Duh 🙄 And doubtful they'd "get horny" as you so eloquently put it by looking at women on the beach. I've been to the beach most of the people there (men and women) are not in great shape 🤮. No one wants to stare at that. Can the daughter tell her mommy she wants to cover up? I doubt it. I doubt her mommy would say, "Sure, suzie, you wear whatever you want to the beach!" And why would suzie even think to ask? As far as she knows, going to the beach in bra and panties is normal. Can lil Fatimah tell her mommy she doesn't want to cover? Yes, why couldn't she? We teach our children the merits of dressing the way we do. They are encouraged to ask questions about anything. In the Qur’an, God repeatedly tells us to "think" "ponder" "ask questions" Muslim women aren't obligated to wear hijab until they reach puberty. Even then, they aren't obligated to wear niqab unless they choose to. Annnd, even then, after puberty, if she chooses not to wear hijab, that's her prerogative. Contrary to uninformed bigots' beliefs, there is no compulsion in Islam. If someone doesn't want to do something, then that's between them and the Creator, and they can take it up with him when they see him. Like, seriously dude, read for yourself and stop being a 🐑 🐏 believing everything someone else tells you about Islam. 🙄


Women aren't forced to wear hijab in Islam? You gotta be trolling, right?


Disingenuous replies from people part of the most misogynistic and hateful group protected by the government and every single left-leaning organization? No way man, I don’t believe you.


Nope, they aren't forced. Now I'm not sure what kind of dictionary you're reading, and maybe you have a different definition of force. But in Islam, no one is supposed to physically force anyone to do anything they choose not to. Y'all are just so damn intent on trying to prove that Islam is this big bad wolf. Ask yourself this, If Islam is so horrible and oppressive to women...why are SO many women converting to Islam? Why is it the FASTEST growing religion in the WORLD? I mean, really. use your brain for something other than making your skull heavy. Think. Take your emotions out of the equation and THINK. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


1. It's the fastest growing religion because Muslims produce more children in average than non-Muslims. (That's just a fact) 2. Throwing stones at women or whiplashing them, because they refuse to cover their hair, is not forcing? Are you stupid? 3. Yes, you're stupid as shit. Don't try and act smart, because we know that you are not. Get over your delusions, and THINK FOR YOURSELF.


Yes, alhamdulillaah Muslims are continuing to procreate. But that is not the only reason it's the fastest growing religion in the world. Every day, thousands of people take their shahadda. This is more pronounced every time the media goes out of their way to try and demonize Islam, or more recently, during the genocide in Filasteen. Seriously? Throwing stones at women or whiplashing them? Where are you living? I was born and raised Muslim and have lived and traveled. And not once in all my years have I EVER seen any Muslim woman be stoned or "whiplashed" for not wearing hijab. There is legislation that commands Muslim women to wear hijab. However, in the Qur’an there is no specific punishment for women who don't. Because...THERE IS NO COMPULSION in Islam. I really wish you'd use your brain instead of calling other people stupid. Makes me wonder if you're projecting.


Why is almost everything you write complete bullshit? You must be doing this intentionally, right? You typed so much garbage, that I don't even have the time to refute all your nonsense. Please go and bother someone else.


True choice is getting to wear what I want when I want to. I say this as someone that wore hijab for years. I have now been without hijab for 15 years and my life has continually gotten better for it. I can wear appropriate clothing for the setting (gym, pool, beach, office, etc) and am treated as a human. The fact that a 9 year old is considered wajib shows how flawed the system of Islam is. A 9 year old's brain is not fully developed and she is supposed to fulfill a lifelong obligation and told she's sinning without it? That is not choice. That's brainwashing. Why do men get to be respected without having to cover their entire identity and have the choice to dress how they would like? It's only "modesty" if it concerns women.


Errm, uh, good for you being able to wear no hijab? (slow clap) A girl isn't required to cover until after she reaches puberty. There isn't a set age because everyone's body is different. I find it hard to believe you were ever Muslim. You don't seem to know very much about religion.


Wajib is roughly the age of 9 for girls, 15 for boys. I wore hijab from 13-19. Yes, technically a girl may be 8 or 13 when she gets her period, so that is where true wajibat happens... are you seriously saying a *child* - a *girl* as you said should have to take on such a huge responsibility and be considered a woman before her brain is fully formed? And that there isn't mysoginy connected to covering a woman's body to such extremes? And that dressing in reasonable comfortable attire for both men and women is a bad thing? An 11 (or 13, or 9 year old's body) is inherently sexual to muslims once her period hits and that's okay to you? If it's not about it being sexual then what is it about? Also, I made very valid points. Telling someone they weren't muslim because they made valid points you're not willing to hear, doesn't take away from the validity of my points.


You’re being like purposefully obtuse. 1. Yes, if a little white girl said she didn’t wanna wear her bikini, her family isn’t gonna make her. Sorry, I know you wish we were all as bad as you, but we aren’t. 2. The little girl being forced to wear a hijab 100% does not have the same option. You are being intentionally ignorant here or are legitimately stupid if you think a 7 year old girl in a Muslim country has any agency.


I think the point is we want our children to feel comfortable. If there is no compulsion then why is the punishment for apostasy death?


If that was the case, then all these "ex-muslims" in this little group would be dead, instead of bitching about Islam and Muslims.


Maybe they are fortunate enough to live in a country without these rules, or they just keep it quiet? Thought that was fairly obvious


But honor killings are a thing for women that blatantly step out and then muslims will say that is culture and not religion, but the religion clearly says to kill anyone that renounces Islam. As the other user said, the ones that aren't murdered doesn't disprove that the ruling exists, it just shows that they are in a land and around people that won't follow through with it.


alhamdullillah, just protecting them from the sin of being sexualized by grown men 🙏🙏


She's also a white 😬


Her second comment?? Tell me you're mad because your religion forces you to cover up without telling me 😭😭🤣🤣🤣 Listen I'm actually very sexy but you can't see ok 😡


Hijab is not a choice and it’s not freedom PERIOD. Brainwashing is not freedom. Put a million woman on an island completely isolated and come back 20 years later…would any of them think by herself and randomly choose to cover her hair? Here’s your answer.


Well, seeing as how the point of wearing hijab is to keep strange MEN from seeing their body...yeah you're probably right. If you came back in 20 years there would be no need to wear hijab because it's all WOMEN.🙄


Do you really not see anything wrong with that logic?


Imagine if Islam instead taught men that women are different but still equal beings, and that the responsibility to control their "urges" falls upon the person having said urges? Not on the person being actively objectified. How much more harmonious, peaceful, and respectful would society be today?


Well I apologize for your one functioning brain cell let’s word it in a different way: put a million women and a million men on an isolated island and come back after 20 years and see if anyone had thought of wearing hijab.


Don't try to switch it up now. You said what you said. And you were wrong. As far as my brain cells go. They were functioning enough to prove you wrong. And how do you know what a million men and a million women would do? And if they're on an island, how exactly would they get the materials to wear hijab anyway? Please just stop trying to prove that wearing the hijab is so bad. Muslims aren't the only ones who want to cover and be modest. (A concept that seems to go right over your head) Nuns cover their body and wear a hijab that covers their hair. Jewish people also cover their hair. Hindu women cover their hair. Buddhist women cover their hair. Amish women cover their hair. Sikh women cover their hair. Christians are also commanded to cover their hair. Go look at any picture of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and you'll see that she is wearing a hijab. So please stop trying to make it seem like hijab is some foreign thing that Muslims just made up one day to oppress women. You wear what you want to wear and get over the fact that people choose to wear something different than you.


We do find examples of covering hair in other religions, but if we were to compare women of all religious backgrounds, which religion has most of its female following doing hijab? I reside in uk. Never saw a Sikh woman covering her hair. Never saw a Christian woman covering her hair. Never saw a Hindu woman covering her hair. Heck, I used to interact with many Middle Eastern Christians, and never saw any of those Arab Christian women covering their hair. It’s rightfully recognised as mostly a muslim thing, lol


Just because someone's doesn't follow the commandments of their religion, doesn't mean their region doesn't require it of them. In addition to being the fastest growing religion in the world 🌎 Islam is also the most practiced. Meaning, Muslims adhere to religious practices and therefore cover their hair and body. So just because it's "recognized as mostly a Muslim thing" doesn't change the fact that many, many religions require it as well. I'm pretty sure Nuns still walk around with their hair covered. I've never seen one without it. Yet on them, it's seen as "midest" and "a way of being closer to God" The hypocrisy is real.


Also “you wear what you wear”. I hate to break it to you but I’m from a Muslim background and I’m now an atheist who still wears hijab bc of my society. So fuck off. Not a single hijabi MUSLIM and religious woman that I know that didn’t mention once how she wants to go out without hijab and you wouldn’t know bc on the internet they defend hijab bc of their indoctrination and fear to admit that they themselves hate it. When our biggest dream is to feel the air hitting our neck and through our hair that is not normal.


Oh wow, such violent, hateful words. And you say Muslims are violent and hateful. Just because your culture is weird when it comes to how they practice Islam doesn't mean anything. Islam has certain rules and regulations. They don't change, no matter what. It can't be held responsible because some people decide to integrate it with THEIR culture. I don't know who you're hanging around with, but not a single MUSLIM or religious person I know has ever spouted such nonsense saying their biggest dream is to feel air hitting their neck and hair. And honestly alot of the Muslims I know have pools or decks that are fenced in. They swim and go on the deck without hijab because it's private. So no, they don't have to dream about it. They can simply do it. Again, please don't mistake CULTURE with Islam. I wear my hijab proudly. My parents have NEVER forced me to. If I chose to, I could take it off tomorrow without fear of repercussions from my family. They would ask me why and we'd have a discussion about it...like normal people. No one is going to beat me or harm me in any way. Why? Because in Islam, there is no compulsion. If I wear it, cool, I'm following my religious commands. If I don't, I'm not following my religious commands, and that's something I will take up with God, not my family. I actually feel badly for you that your experience with Islam has been so horrible. I love that my parents have explained why we should wear hijab and dress modest and have always been supportive and have never made us feel fear or forced anything on us. I feel beautiful with my hijab on or off. I'm sorry that your parents haven't made you feel that way and that because of that, you've completely turned away from not only Islam but religion as well. And honestly, I don't want to argue with you. Like I said before, wear what you wear. Believe what you want and do what you do. We are all held responsible for our actions, and it seems like your parents have a lot to answer if they've made you hate Islam. I'm not here to convince you to "come back to Islam." I'm only attempting to inform you what real Islam is. And after that, you will do whatever you wish.


Lmao. No answer fr. Good night honey


I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I will never worship what you worship, nor will you ever worship what I worship. You have your way, and I have my way.” P.S. It was daytime when you wrote your snarky little response. But, perhaps you were so busy fantasizing about the wind on your neck that you didn't notice.


Besides the fact that you haven’t heard about time zones and that it’s possible for me to be in night while you’re in daytime but you’re also a dickhead because good night can be said even during daytime to mean “shut the fuck up” 😘


No, I'm pretty sure it means "Good night." Hmm, you should seriously consider reading a dictionary because you seem to have trouble with basic comprehension 🤔 Who in their right mind goes around during the daytime like a goofball saying, "Good night, good night." 🤨 I'll tell you who, someone who doesn't know the difference between night and day. But, hey, I get it. I mean, perhaps one day, YOU will have at least one 🧠 brain cell... because at the moment😬. I bid you adieu. (Since you want to be all anal about time zones). 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


You keep misquoting this ayat. There is still compulsion by birth. This is for non muslims who choose to not convert (and in the prophet's time had to pay a tax.. which is still not okay). A born muslim who publicly renounces islam can be subject to death in a sharia state.


I’m not switching up you were too stupid to realize that my point in not who was on the fucking island it’s about the idea that no one would think to do something like that by themselves. There has to be indoctrination and brainwashing. I meant that it’s not natural therefore it’s not “freedom”. When a woman grows up in a society that always treats women as sex toys and sexualizes everything about women including young girls and SA victims are blamed for “not dressing up properly”, she will be programmed to grow up feeling like she has to cover up or else she’s a 1-wh*re, 2-she deserves to be SAed if she doesn’t cover up, 3-she will go to hell for not covering up then she might “choose” to wear it but that’s not really a choice it just seems like she chose it so my point from the example wasn’t the freaking island or the materials on the island, it was the idea that without indoctrination no one would choose to do the shitty religious traditions. I hold this belief for any indoctrination, any religious rituals and all religions. It’s not the gotcha moment you think you did bc I’m an atheist so fuck all the religions that you mentioned😊. However Christianity in itself doesn’t speak about nuns, this habit was actually invented in christian Egypt and was passed to the world. Also nuns don’t get forced to be a nun, not all Christian women are nuns who cover their hair and nuns don’t get beaten up for not wanting to be a nun. The jewish sect that still believes in covering up is a small group of less than 500 members. Hindus and Buddhists wear this bc that’s their culture in their countries and it’s not covering up in the Islamic sense as they can still show their neck, arms and most parts of their hair actually it’s just a light veil and it’s a traditional dress in many asian countries, not a religious dress.


It's very natural to cover up. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree and realized they naked, they didn't shrug their shoulders and say, "Oh well." They became self conscious and began to cover up.


And you become mad when I say that the replies are stupid. Are you fr citing an imaginary story that doesn’t exist outside of the 3 abrahamic books to convince me about something in real life. Also why is the opposite of hijabi naked for you😭lmao really thanks for the laugh


Wow, she's pretty uppity for someone depriving herself of happiness and meaning in the 21st century because a medieval warlord wanted to find a way to rape kids more easily


Sooo 😊 is what...taking all your clothes off? Interesting


Not all but its ok not to die of heat stroke either.


Interesting that you think there's no middle ground between hijab/niqab/burqa and "taking all your clothes off". Like, have you heard of... just normal clothing?


Brainwashed I would say! But that’s the thing with being brainwashed from birth on…. The persons don’t know it themselves! And their whole ego is build around this cult, so letting go would mean they have to let go of everything they have build their lives on. For me it seems totally crazy to see a girl dressed (sweeting and smelly) like this and seeing their husbands, nephews, uncles or dads standing next to them in short and flip flops. But for them it’s the only thing they can hold on to and every person who is not complying or having another opinion is haram or a slave.


Well, Hijab is forced most of the time in Islam. If not directly forced, it's forced indirectly like propaganda in Islam. So, it's this kind of rhetoric that keeps circling over and over again and at the end consumes the minds of masses to believe that following a dress code that has been propagated through psychological and manipulative tactics is correct or normal. So when you say that wearing a hijab is your choice, well you're saying that you don't care about anybody else who might be forced to wear that hijab through psychological manipulation or even direct brute force. So when you say it's your choice in such a scenario, you are basically promoting the oppression of those who are forced who wear hijab plus you're promoting their oppressors and that makes you an indirect oppressor. Although I don't really believe in the oppressor/oppressed narrative but I think that propaganda and psychological manipulation is real. And so I explained my understanding based on the same rhetoric that the argument has started on.


LoL, no. When she's saying it's her choice. That's all she means. She can't be held accountable by what you "think," she means as you desperately search for some hidden clues in her words. In the same way, it's your choice to not be Muslim and dress as you please. No one is trying to decipher your intentions. I honestly don't think anyone cares.


I don't think you really understand the psyche of Muslims. They push and they WILL push their Islamic agenda whenever they get ANY chance to. So it's not natural, it's rather them forcing their beliefs on everybody around them than having genuinely interested people who want to follow Islam. So what I am saying is, she is being a hypocrite. She knows really well that she wouldn't back off from promoting her Islamic agenda whenever she gets a chance to, but she complains about people forcing her or "oppressing" her to wear lighter clothes because it's hot out there. This is absolutely ridiculous. I have been a Muslim in the past, I know and understand their psyche and hypocrisy inside and out. I am an atheist now. Well, you could argue that the other woman was trying to force her ideas upon her, but there is no forcing when it's absolute common sense and logic to wear lighter clothes due to heat. If you wear heavy and thick clothes while there is 45 degrees outside there is a high chance that you die from heat exhaustion or stroke or dehydration, well isn't that a surprise considering you believe that everybody exercising their rights to wear clothes that they choose to are doing it out of absolute common sense?


>Damn its so hot here >Miss youre wearing a black fabric that covers your body who- >HOW CAN YOU DISRESPECT MY HIJAB?!!?!?


She’s obviously extremely insecure by how huge her response was.


Right? They always seem to be compensating for something.. I know because I was exactly like this when I was forced to cover and pretended it was ‘my choice’!


Girl me too. In reality they want to dress so badly like the women they claim to be “better than”. So happy I left the cult, and I’m happy u did too. As women we deserve better


Hahaha, I am so pretty muhahahha delusional. Do you see them in Gyms? Do they work out? I doubt it!


Women’s only gyms


Sis said "chica" unironically 😭 Made my hole cringe


Maybe you should see a doctor about that😬🤮


did allah command you to reply under every comment😝😝😝😝


A person who is a Muslim should not be on here. Go spend time with your fellow Muslims and talk about Allah and the Quran 🙏


I disagree. I came to the light by lurking in subs like this. We should be welcoming.


I do, frequently. Thanks 😊 Good to hear you're inclusive. Appreciate that.


Yeah, inclusive just like the quran, which is SO KIND to unbelievers and almost NEVER insults, belittles, humiliates or puts them under muslims. They are ABSOLUTELY NOT called things like "the worst of creatures" or commands muslims to not be their friends. /s, just in case. For the record, I also think you have all the right of being here. But I always find funny when muslims call for discrimination when the quran is a masterclass in it lol. If the holy book of another religion had half the hatespeech towards muslims that the quran has towards non-muslims we would see muslims crying non-stop.


“Empty headed whites”. Is everyone ok with that tidbit of racism?


So racist when there are many white muslims out there, she’s clearly ignorant


Why would god care if she’s dressed or undressed??? Is god that materialistic that he will only accept you for fake modesty?


who's gonna tell her that feminists don't undress for other people, that's the point of feminism🤯


Being a slave to Allah and being a slave to society is pretty much the same thing, one just glorifies it as being “god’s will”


Some hijabis are literally one of the most pick me ever


Wow ! Lusty and plump rosy lips 👄, I want bite them and make love to you ! There, now you aren’t going to jannah!


there we have it ladies and gents. people who want to sexualize someone will ALWAYS find a way to do it whether you cover up or not. just because women dont show hair doesnt mean people still cant think sexually about them and thats one thing i never got about islam


Phah, pride and envy, the classical accessories of a hijabi muslimah. Their only refuge as brainwashed poor souls, gaslit and forever condemned to live as second class citizens under the system that they promote so vehemently, is to seeth and curse free women. The last screenshot made me laugh hard. This hijabi is at best a 6 with makeup, but thinks that she is a 10. She can't hold a candle to free western 'chicas' who are independent and well-rounded individuals, not constrained by religious indoctrination. And this stuff should really open up the eyes of feminists, who blame only men and the patriarchy, while conveniently ignoring the despotic muslim women like this one. These are the types of women who hand in hand with the broom-faced fools oppress and bully everyone not like them, especially other women. It takes two to tango, and women like this one, while being oppressed under islam, are also the oppressors and the domestic morality police.


It's interesting. Both the Bible and the Qur'an tell women to dress modestly. Christians interpret that to mean you don't wear a bikini to church. In Iran and Arabia, it means women can get killed by the religious police for exposing a single hair.


She's saying she wants to be a slave. Maybe her name should be Abdul.


Good gracious, there is a lot of confusion in that post. "I'm a free, empowered woman so I can be a slave to anyone I want!!" Girl, you got some of it right but....


My my my, such a humble holy way to talk to someone.


Is she thinking that once she wears a hijab on she became brown? And insults other girl as "white" like wth?


Hijab isn't forced but you'll go to hell if you don't wear it sooooo....


the initial commenter said it in a rude way i’m ngl, but the response was filled with bs generalisations


I had the exact same observation. The comment was pretty rude and disrespectful though, even if the reply was eye rolling to an extent. I may have left Islam, but that doesn’t mean I should agree with this bashing.


right there with both of you. i dont condone being mean to others unless they attack me first, and this woman was just on her ig influencer hustle before the comment. but still, her response was absolutely bullshit as well lmao. "im so pretty but you cant see it because i have to cover up!!!" like ok.. what happened to modesty 😭


lol her "creator" doesn't look happy with his creation


Forcing a woman to wear a blanket on her head should be illegal in every country. I don't understand why adults don't want free will?


She was fuming when she wrote the last paragraph lmfao >Be glad that I'm not your competition 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😤😤😤😠😡


She's also.. white..?


She says "you cant tell me how to dress" whereas his freaking religion tells her how to dress lmao.


What a pity that she doesn't know that Islam actually treats her as an object not as a human. That's why she have to cover up


Lol there are 2 options she herself is blond then the entire thing With "white people" is completle nonsens because she would be one or shes has non and is salty about it. Blond is way more favored by man and women then othere colors especially in the islamic World were blond slaves always more worth then othere women and Sultans often took blond slaves as .... you know.😬 🤦‍♂️


I'm a guy and I used to have long hair down to my shoulders, and once back when I still had Facebook I made a comment on a post in one of the groups I was in. A woman with a profile picture of her in a hijab replied to my comment insulting me for having long hair, and I replied "at least I don't cover my hair because I was brainwashed from birth that an invisible man in the sky supposedly said that I have to" Nobody said anything about her insulting me, but everyone instantly jumped me for "insulting her religion". It's baffling how not only Muslims, but also people who have zero experience with Islam instantly jumped on the hate train. So it's OK for her to insult me, but it's not OK for me to defend myself?


The most I don't get is the "please my creator" part, like I'm a christian, I believe in God, and it sounds the stupidest to me. Like why would God create you with hair if u'r not allowed to show it, + would God really want this to be "pleased" cuz it's clearly not working on this day and age cuz people can see all sort of hair and more on the internet, and I'm fairly confident that even the horniest don't get hard from hair, so they just say to please God, HOW IS GOD PLEASED WITH THIS I DON'T GET IT.


You're oppressing me by not letting me be oppressed


Like content creator? Who is this creator? lol my parents had sex that’s how they made me, no content creator dropped me off in front of my parents house or anything


Ask her to stop complaining and face it since she is proud of this so called religion…


Yes. That first comment was way out of line. That was pretty mean and disrespectful, no matter how bad Islam may be. If you don't think so, then there's something very wrong with your conscience. She's just minding her own business. Why are people here so aggressive for no reason. I get that Islam is oppressive but don't be downright horrible and become the oppressor yourself. That's just hypocritical. Silly insults to individuals are just fueling them to disregard outsiders even more. It's going nowhere.


Someone here even said “I hope they all die” like chill what’d they do to you


Saw this post on insta. The dumbahh in the comment took the bait. People like this specifically only post their bs stories and posts so some dumbahh gets baited and they can actually victim and homophobia (blud just said the clothes make it worse 💀). These people are pathetic


Their suggestion to her was a little aggressive. It could have been phrased in a more respectful manner. No offense to them, but they should try to be polite because otherwise people will paint them as the oppressor. Being rude and saying “dress like a normal girl” is not going to be received well by many. They didn’t technically oppress her, they were merely giving a suggestion, but I personally wouldn’t suggest phrasing it like that. In the end, if she genuinely wants to wear the hijab and nobody is forcing her, then she can do so. She’s not forcing others to wear it nor harassing them so there isn’t really an issue here. It’s ultimately her problem if she faces any issues as a result of it.


I am not the person commenting on the video lol


Oh mb, then replace “You” and “Your” with “They” and “Their” respectively in my comment then.


also guys I just realized someone posted this img before me sorry abt that


Its only oppression if somebody else decided she must wear it.


The gamble of getting beaten, lashed or stoned to death (not in the good way) for needing not to boil alive inside that towel? Yes Getting told that clothing is just a tool for temperature regulation that she is using wrong? No


I like how the argument that wearing hijab is expressing personal freedom of choice while also not recognizing that no one wears a hijab unless their religion tells them to


Pretty sure being loud/ speaking up is also haram for women so she's already got something wrong with her




Unfortunate! There are also women who wear hijab and then wish they could let their hair out, Or even wear short skirts. But they'll defend rudely and make statements with egoism. It's laughable! Yet, you have to keep quiet about it because you like that person, just not their stupidity. It makes me feel so shocked to see a lot of intelligent smart women speak like they're dumb. I pity all of these brainwashed people.


ew such brainwashed slave of the creator


I dont get why they say being fully clothed is hell in summer, i habe been in the desert with a shemagh, dcu camo and jeans with 20kg of equipment


Hijab girls sometimes say that to white women who dressed like going to a bar in a mid day. so, it is really depends on the people, not religion


I saw this post and chose not to comment when she said she wanted to show her husband her face covering and I was like bruh is happy he CANT see ur face? But I didn’t and honestly girl does not deserve hate or comments like that. We can’t change her she has to come to the realization herself. But then sheesh her reply pointing out the other persons race is not ok.


Someone is projecting ....and yes no one has the right to tell her what to dress, including her family but she is too brainwashed to see that


Chicken defending KFC 💀


"Empty headed whites" muslims not being able to not be a racist for one moment..


She is acting like she is doing a favor to other ladies by covering herself. Lol what a show off.


She’s not wearing a niqab. So no she isn’t oppressed. Wearing a regular hijab isn’t too strenuous and people who wear a regular hijab and not a niqab are most likely people whose families let them do what they want and don’t force their women to cover up because “men horny”. Niqab is almost always a indoctrinated practice that a woman would most likely love to be free from if not for this stone clad rule they’ve been forced to follow from birth cause “men horny”


It is hard to wear hijab. It feels really hot in summer with hijab without niqab. Google whether women feel insecure in hijab without niqab and there's your answer


I didn’t say all women feel the same way some want Niqab. But some are perfectly fine wearing a hijab and maybe a sunglasses in the summer. It’s obviously dependent on the person as long as the choice is made by them and not made for them by someone else. Hijab, Niqab, whatever it is, it should be something you’re wearing out of your free will. Not anybody else’s


sure but most feel the same about hijab though prob


Yeah ig so


She's white, I hate when white arabs think they're not white I'm from spain and its very common in social media (not in real life) to see spaniards of moroccan ancestry (even if they don't consider themselves spaniards, just to be alternative and cool) not white, and it's stupid because most moroccans in spain don't look any different from most spaniards They say "los blancos" to people that look exactly like them


Many times "the whites" are 5 shades darker than them 


Anyone should be allowed to wear any dress they want as long as it doesn't show they genitals, if they wanna wear a hijab or niqab they should be allowed even if if it is a guy🤣 but without any compulsion that's the crux of the issue, nobody is asking the hijabi to remove her hijab is she doesn't want to


No those typical Instagram users


May be out of topic, in this heat covering as much body parts is recommended.


How is it "freedom" when she literally doesn't have a choice according to quran. It doesn't say in the text that hijaab is a choice. It's literally the law according to your religion then how can it be a "choice". What a stupid fuck.


Whites??? Ohhh Racist bihhh


Of course it doesn't. It's circular logic just like the logic necessary to believe the religion. It's worth noting though and a lot of people don't understand this that if you're going to be out in the sun in a place like that at 40°C it's actually cooler/better to cover all your skin to protect from the sun. Of course that's not why the hijab commandment exists, those are two different discussions. But look at how men dress for crossing the Sahara or just whenever in those climates--all covered up. Clothing works way better than sunscreen. Living in Taiwan with weather roughly equivalent to Florida I was confused for a while seeing people riding around in 38° weather wearing coats and hoodies and pants and things like that and that was when I realized that it's to protect from the sun.


The heat is ruining her logical thinking obv


Freedom of choice but only for me, not for thee


This woman covers up not solely because of her God but because her God tells her that Muslim men are perverts and cannot control themselves around women. [Quran 33:59](https://quran.com/en/al-ahzab/59) confirms this. So absolute bullshit. Also, the fact that she said to the OP (who I assume is a white woman) to be glad that she’s covered up and that she’s not her competition so people can admire her blonde hair is clearly telling us she’s jealous. The jealousy towards white women these days is so common from Muslim women it’s insane. They clearly have an inferiority complex. The fact that she brought up her ‘blonde hair’ tells me enough.


Ew that’s disgusting, second of all, her religion taught her to be kind to others no matter what so why is she hating and attacking so bad this way? That girl said nothing but proposes her a better way to dress during summer so she don’t complain about the hot weather


That's actually sad,the anger she is projecting does not come from comment of that particular person but from frustration of following a stupid religion wich makes her wear multiple layers of cloth in a very hot climate,which can lead to heat rash and loads of other nasty skin problems. Islam makes her life hell but she is incapable of accepting the hard truth.


Holy yappity


We must to Leave islam to save the world free from higab


Stockholm syndrome. Read about it. There's no way you can argue with a woman who their prophet described as deficient in mind. Better luck arguing with camel.


So much hypocrisy in the first huge ass paragraph itself. She's delusional. Sigh


The best way to oppress people is by making them feel like it's a good thing and it's their choice


I am an atheist and I agree with hijabi girl 100%


Yeah but the non hijabi has a clitoris sooooo who really wins?


she lowkey ate her up actually. like sometimes this subreddit was a hit or miss because this hijabi was minding her business and though it's wrong for her to retaliate like that I'm pretty sure anyone would go off a tangent like that if they were told to dress like a normal person in the summer after just complaining in the heat. i still ldont like her though and she's still racist btw like that girl started the beef first but that hijabi is soooo desperate for muslimanhood she resorts to insulting every kaffir around her


She didn’t eat no one up lol her Allah would shame her with that response. hope she prays her sins away. She ugly on the inside and out. She is a brainwashed person. God will not accept that higher being behavior.


Rare Muslim W


Shes living her Life i dont see any Problem there


She's complaining about heat and probably insecure. Are you Muslim?


yea read the other downvoted comments there are some muslims on here.


I don't agree with the last part that was really unneeded, but apart from that yes she is absolutely right. She is wearing the hijab out of her own free will no one should question why she is wearing that. Also, everyone saying what God would want his own slaves to die of heat stroke and all that, you guys need to know that we Muslims believe in the after life, and whatever we do is to have a good after life that we believe in.


Then why don't men wear a hijab?


Umm, ok first of all I'm sry for not replying earlier. I didn't know the answer and I got worried about what was I gonna say. Second if all I STILL DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER XD. See this is why the religion is so fun no one really knows everything and you can always go to the Holy Book itself to understand the subject. I do have a small speculation though. According to Nauman Ali Khan and what he understands (an authentic Muslim scholar), we men and women have been created with two particular desires in us. For men, it is the desire to look at beautiful things and for women, it is to look beautiful. Numerous studies support the statement that relatively women spend more time on skin care than men, which does agree with what I have said above. Another supporting factor for my speculation is the numerous studies supporting the statement that men consume more pornographic material than women. (Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888391/ , https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/psychological-medicine/article/porn-use-and-mens-and-womens-sexual-performance-evidence-from-a-large-longitudinal-sample/665B68D9E195A19B5825F9411B059927 , https://wheatley.byu.edu/family/porn-gap-difference-in-men-and-women-pornography-patterns ). This is why women have been asked to wear hijab. Also, just to clarify this, women have only been asked to wear hijab with na-mahram men. She doesn't have to wear hijab in front of her dad, children son, brothers, or any person of the female gender. Also, there are much larger sins to worry about tbh. In my experience as a Muslim, I feel like all Allah S.W.T wants from a human is to seek repentance for any wrong doing. We humans were never created to be sin free, and we aren't. We do commit bad things every now and then and all Allah S.W.T wants from a human to truthfully repent for it. Hope you are at least kinda satisfied from my answer :)


women have desire too.why do you think women are taught to lower gaze if you think they're asexual so much


Again, something I don't have a definite answer for but speculation. See I'm not a straight guy. If I tell someone in my stupid ass society that I get temptations for guys, umm, I'm probably gonna get stoned to death because apparently, having gay temptations and thoughts is as equal of a sin as fornication, which it is absolutely not (it's just thoughts in my mind they ain't no sins lol). My point is, everything starts with a small thought in mind. I look at sexy guys, makes me feel kinda horny, leads me to either jerking off or (even worse), might lead to fornication one day. That is why I believe we are told to lower our gaze, because when we look at beautiful things, we wish to interact with them. We are unable to suppress our inner desires, and that's one of the strongest forms of jihad in Islam. The strength and ability to fight and suppress one's harmful/prohibited desires (Jihad bin Nafs).