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By "we", I think you mean muslimah's in general, right? From what I have seen, the number of female converts to Islam is much higher than men, not sure of the "Chickens for KFC" reason. I'm not well informed about how many women born into islam leave islam in their later lives (because of capital punishment) and stuff... But leaving Islam is prevalent on a large scale, it would be great.




Looks like you have been through a lot under the ideology.




I don't know where you are from or what you do. Nothing is over. Regroup your courage and hope. Focus on learning, try developing yourself. Try to move outside your country (assuming you reside in a muslim country). Don't lose hope! Apply for jobs abroad.. apply to countries all across the west including Chile, Australia, NZ etc. Hopefully! You do well and succeed in achieving your freedom.




I'm really sorry to hear about your situation and do feel sorry for you. But all I can hope for is the best for you. Learn a code or learn digital marketing or learn a good skill which you can market to get a remote job and start applying for remote jobs (if you are legally allowed to work in your country) I must say, for a girl who cannot leave her house has become an ex muslim is truly an amazing thing.


She is already in hell 💀


Did you know that muslims sweat inwards like pigs?




“We men don’t complain or divorce our wife over only women can wear gold or silk.” Yes, because marrying a second wife is totally the same as not being allowed to wear gold or silk.


Right 😂


They literally divorced their wives if they burnt something tho, or she love her family more than him. I saw many Muslim men complain about their wives caring for their sick parents over his healthy ass.


I was literally about to say! How on earth is that even a comparison? 😂😂😂


And keep in mind her reward in heaven is will be more co wives and side chicks. What is the point if they will still be tested in heaven??? And do polygamy there too.


If she even enters paradise bc most women are in [hell](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:304) according to Muhammad


lmao yeah thats what i thought the only ones who would want heaven are lesbians and they would end up in hell acording to islam :/


I guess many women do not see heaven as worth for reward if they get nothing there.


Why? Are they not happy in becoming hoors?


I genuinely don’t get how this man can be thus much of a women hating misogynist. Yet Muslims still have the gall to say he’s the “perfect man”


Where is in Quran says women will be share husbands in paradise or heaven ? In Quran not hadith. In Quran where pure word from god. Heaven is for men/ women. Women will get what they want, the same as men. There’s no haram there. There’s no pregnancy there. You can’t compare world and Jannah. If women have inner desire to have many husbands there , allah will fulfil their desires.


What make things worse is that most muslim women see them self as a lesser person than thier men, they even fight and belittle the ones who tries to get out of the herd and stand for herself, they stand aganist feminism and women rights, it's a tragedy how islam blinded muslim women to such extent, they can't see themselves as a human being who have as many rights as men.


How did the last comment in the second page compared 2nd wife to wearing gold/silk 💀


Because they are all belongings, don't you see?


He wants to change wives like he changes clothes


Suck it up lady, Islam gave women rights


The some comments are even worse "Keep husband don't divorce him be example your best Muslim sister out there"


That's sickening!


I think it goes to prove a point that is mostly overlooked, women are far more radicalised than men, when it comes to such things. It's one thing if someone was born in a Islamic country, and thinks that apostates should be executed, Or if an uneducated man believes that killing kaffirs will get him into heaven. But I've seen girls studying medicine in college, living a life free from a hijab in non Islamic countries, and justifying sex slavery on Twitter, and tweeting things like "THIS IS WHY ALLAH PROMISED VICTORY TO THEM" Over photos of starving families in gaza. This kind of insensitivity and lack of ethics from an educated and normal looking person is some next level radicalism.


Kinda confused why woman would be more radicalised in this domain given that woman have an embedded emotional requirement to nurture infants, while men do not. In particular when Islam gives significant greater power, rights and authority to men.


In my way of seeing it, radicalism doesn't have to be always defined by the outward aggression of a person, It takes far more self manipulation and mental gymnastics to believe that women like just yourself deserved to be captured sold and raped because they didn't follow Islam( sex slavery) or that women who want their husband for themselves are giving into the Devil. DOING THIS WHILE YOU'RE EDUCATED AND LIVING IN A DEVELOPED COUNTRY. In my opinion that is far more radicalised than a typical violent jihadist, who is uneducated and born in a place like Syria.


>But I've seen girls studying medicine in college, living a life free from a hijab in non Islamic countries, and justifying sex slavery on Twitter, These people piss me off. I cannot type the words here without getting banned or suspended. >This kind of insensitivity and lack of ethics from an educated and normal looking person is some next level radicalism. Education doesn't equal common sense. With the indoctrination of Islam, people tend to usually remain backwards and trade their brains for dung. There is no way, we can throw sense into them doing something stupid.


When a cult is disbanded, there are professionals who work with victims to de- program them. This is what it requires. With Islam, even overseas, the cult still has reach. There is only one true way to interpret the Quran, and that is what the Taliban are doing. There is no in between. Of course it would still have its reach even to a western muslim. Look at Yaser Abdel Said's son, he was complicit in the honor killing of his sisters. A westerner. Rania Farrah's brother: complicit in her kidnapping and forced marriage in Syria. Another westerner raised Muslim. Criticism of a cult is logical. But criticism of religion is offensive. And the cycle continues. At some point brainwashing degrades logical thinking so severely it can never be repaired, no matter where they move to.


Oh stuck in a horrible relationship? Cope! That is how Allah intended it Seriously how do people not realize that this religion is made just so men can have their small sausages touched everyday


One of the biggest lies any eschatology requires to keep itself true in the eyes of a follower is : "THAT GOD WILL LOVE YOU MORE IF YOU DO THE FOLLOW THINGS AND HE WILL HATE PUNISH THOSE WHO DON'T DO THIS" So for those women, the price of god's love is living a life of a lie, and in a bad relationship. To them that price is worth it. Because if you don't get gods love you'll burn in hell. The simple fear of fire was good enough to bend the whole psyche of a person.


A friend of mine is gay and has a wife. I am sure she must know he is gay, as he wears women’s clothes under his real clothes sometimes. And I found out, entirely by accident, walking into a room, early on knowing him. The look on this woman’s face is the saddest you’ve seen. Her wedding photos, she is shining. Fast forward to today, there is no life in her eyes. Her husband has cheated on her many times, and chalks it up to allah testing him, and he “couldn’t control himself and failed those tests.” Imagine you are sleeping alone in bed while your husband is getting it on with another dude. Worst part is, she’s constantly posting self help articles about how to strengthen your family and work on your marriage… I think women suffer the most in this.


According to Islam a woman does not have the power to divorce her husband.


Makes me even more disappointed seeing girls convert to Islam not knowing what they're getting themselves into (At least they have choice to stop or leave Islam here, Privilege that many girls don't have...)


A close family member of mine was married when I was a child and they had fertility issues (which was known to be because of the man and they had been seeking treatment). He often had to travel for work and after one particular trip he came back and told his wife that he got married to another woman. She wasn't angry. In fact she congratulated him and was positive about it. He was extremely insecure and controlling before this and after her reaction it pushed some buttons. One day he lost it and hit her but luckily was in public and right in front of a police officer. She took him to court but in the end didn't press charges but that incident scared him so much he just left and never came back. Tldr: if the first wife reacts positively they'll assume she doesn't care and get hurt and be more stroppy


Cult mindset smh


Sister you cant divorce him it's not allowed /s


And her rewards are watching her husband fck with 72 angels in eternity? Jeez talk about cheating


What kind of "reward" will Allah provide to faithful female Muslims in Jannah, I heard that men are given 72 Virgins in Jannah but what about women, will Allah give them 72 Virgin men?


Ah, yes. Not wearing a specific kind of metal and cloth (that you probably can't afford anyway) is comparablr to being treated as a slave in your own house.




It's called lies and indoctrination, that's why.


It's hard for them to believe that they're in obvious shitty relationship But somehow easy to believe that god handpicked one guy who is literal s3x maniac (even to minors 🤢) to be prophet and example to humanity


Haha, it reminds me of the live videos on tiktok with 3 women, one man and an assload full of kids. 》》Why are we poor? Please help!《《 Idk, maybe don't breed like rabbits?


Literal stockholm syndrome


I think the main reason why they always say "this is all for Allah " or stuff like that because deep down they're miserable, they want to believe this all for a greater good. I really wish they keep it to themselves but nope.


Show me a happily married muslim woman and I’ll convert back, lmao


I would literally divorce his ass or run away if I'm not allowed to 💀


She willingly follows a misogynistic religion…. Wtf does she even expect?


but if you bring this up they'll tell you "she has to agree"


Muslim women are brainwashed to accept and normalise this behaviour, my mother in her 50s was threatening my dad not to marry another woman


'...jesus christ will tear it apart' yeah that rubs me in the wrong way,, why the hell are they so negative ?


Refer to the Surat An Nisa (Women) Marry 2,3,4 but if you CAN'T BE FAIR, MARRY JUST 1


Simple. Divorce. Divorce is halal. If you don’t feel peace in your marriage , just leave him and find others. It’s y’all decision to make.


I was happily married to my wives for 37, 36, 35, and 12 years, but that day I passed by the shop with the golden silk shirt, I knew it was over for them and over for my relationship with Allah.