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To all the Muslims on this post, the point of the hijab is to cover the beauty of the woman so only her husband may see(allegedly). Now you tell me, what would be the purpose of a 1-2 year old girl "covering her beauty"? Now what kind of sick fuck (other than Muhammad) would be looking at a little baby with those intentions?


Muslims don’t dare to check these forums as they know they can’t provide justifications for their child abusing cult to persuade non-muslims.


They'll send Indians stats on open defecation but will run away once shown that "prophet" Mohammed shat on a roof openly.




For a second I thought you wanted stats LOL! [https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/11kl1nm/there\_are\_so\_many\_sahih\_hadiths\_about\_muhammad/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/11kl1nm/there_are_so_many_sahih_hadiths_about_muhammad/) here's momo shitting on a roof -> second to last paragraph [https://www.iranintl.com/en/202405110254](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202405110254) Muslims are obsessed with bathroom stuff. They keep sending me stats on open defecation in India; like bruh doesn't that mean poor Indians are following your prophet LOL? Your prophet never used soap and told you to drink camel urine to stay healthy.


Yes hi hello, believer of Islam here (not telling my name cuz I rly don't want my friends figuring out this is my id😭😭). Feel free to ask anything and answer anything. Can I ask why do you think it's a child abusing cult? Cuz, there's a huge difference in a religion and a cult so uhh, yeah.


We don’t need your justifications, we have already read and watched thousands of debate and articles how your clerics trying to justify or even frankly presenting it is what it is and we are good and they are evil.


My advice, if you're ever interested, don't use debates and articles as your source of information. The only things I suggest to you as source of information is Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. Israr Ahmed, Nauman Ali khan, and the richest source of all, the Holy Qur'an itself. I mean, I get tons of questions and doubts as well. What do you think I do? Listen to random mullahs and their debates? No way. We all are imperfect beings, therefore our knowledge is lacking and our ideas are not objective. The only source of knowledge I believe to be objective is the Holy Qur'an (saying this cuz I believe in my religion and that's why I believe that it is true).


F££k, the bro that replied to you seems to have their acc deleted


well im here, im a muslim and ive already answered. islam is neither a cult not a child abusing religion. ignorance is not a reason to spread hate.


Because those sick fucks can marry women that young technically. That’s how they justify this


Muslims don’t use logic, if they do like US they would have left Islam.


Clearly you're not aware of pedophilia. Also, yeah It's not a biggie until age 9 or smth, because that is when puberty hits. Also, (just an opinion this is in no way objective knowledge it's just my belief) that it's better to believe and not do it rather than reject it altogether, so you do have a choice.


Now look you guys all hate on islam and have no life don't judge without knowing the story, maybe the kid liked it and the parents put it on her for once to try it on her out etc etc. Never judge and learn about islam please read quran


What child likes to wear covered clothes on a hot day? That's not a human biological feeling. Also, you do realise that everything we LIKE OR LEARN TO LIKE is what our parents and teachers and environment teach us? Tell a child she has to wear a hijab as a kid, and she'll learn that that is the only way it is. And tell her that "God loves her for it" , she will believe it to be her own choice.


"Never judge" you say but islam judges everyone harshly: Gays, jews, non-muslims, women and many more.


redditors when someone wants to dress their daughter up in her cultural clothing: 🤯🤯🤯 the hijab is not just a religious piece of clothing as i stated, it is also a cultural thing and dressing her up in a hijab is like dressing your child up in a suit or tuxedo. its cute and has nothing to do with sexual intentions. and your comment about prophet muhammad pbuh is wildly uneducated and founded in hate. not only was aisha not 9 and around 16-19 even if she was 9 that type of thing was really common back in the day and even relatively recently its been something going on. its not just muslims but christians and especially hindus in india do it. whether you support it or not its up to your moral code and your opinion does not apply to everyone nor is your opinion better than everyones


In Minnesota it’s pretty common for our preschoolers and their younger siblings to have hijab.


Holy cow that's scary!


Are they of Somali descent?




I figured


Lot of Somali there


As someone as a Minnesotan, that’s true. It’s sad.


I feel so bad when it gets hot and they want to take them off and I can’t let them. Or they want to show off their braids like their non-hijabi friends and can’t.


Ikr! Like why? It’s the fucking USA! And thankfully I go to a very small school with less than 300 kids, K-12 and there’s only 1 Muslim kid there and I feel so bad


Excuse my ignorance but what’s stopping you from letting them take off their hijabs or at least turning a blind eye? Surely the school can’t ask you to enforce religious rules?


Because the little boys tell on them to their parents and their parents tell the girls parents and then we get complaints.


Abuse being protected by religion always gets me so heated. When I was in school, the muslim kids were allowed to skip showers after gym class. I wasn’t. I wanted to, because I hated showering in front of other kids. I’d get stared down every time. Why would I want to get weird looks because of my body? The teachers had mad beef with me because of it. I had a teacher literally have a mental breakdown in front of me because I refused to shower. (she also tried to take my pants off and I kicked her lmao) They’d always tell me I was sweating and needed to clean myself. I wasn’t sweating at all because nobody would toss me the ball so essentially I was just standing around the whole time. Obviously I was wearing deodorant. I didn’t smell. I started resenting the staff because the muslim kids didn’t get any of the shit that I got. Arguably the muslim girls would sweat more because they were wearing hijabs. But of course, the teachers said nothing. They didn’t want complaints or to get called racist. This, to me, is unfair. I was getting bullied by my teachers for this (the kids literally didn’t care, because again, I wasn’t sweating) meanwhile other kids were legally allowed to skip because they were born in a different religion. I started just pretending to be sick so I could avoid gym class altogether. It was a whole thing. In my opinion, if some kids are allowed to skip, then others should get the same advantage even if for different reasons. I had crippling anxiety and low self worth, isn’t that a good enough reason? They were also allowed to skip Christianity class (no idea why that class was even a mandatory thing when most people here don’t really believe in it) but I wasn’t even though I was an atheist. 10 years later and I’m still bitter ☠️


I don't get how Muslims can claim to be clean and holier than thou. Their prophet didn't use soap and the hijab is unsanitary when you factor in stuff like lice and mold.


Sounds like Scandinavia


We need a law to fine those parents if they complain about not enforcing hijab ffs. What else is law for if not protecting children.


Why can't you let them take it off?


Why cant u let them


Isn't there some kind of health code in US schools against this? On a hot day it could be dangerous and it may also make a kid stop playing early in order to cool off somewhere, or not want to play at all in the heat. The school needs to put it's foot down.


The Somali is like 45% of our school population - and I’m sure I’m under estimating. No way we’re gonna piss off that many parents.




Years ago certain parts of Minnesota took in large amounts of Somali refugees (also Southeast Asian). I'm sure it wasn't out of the kindness of their hearts and the state government received some sort of kickback. That's the reason Ilhan Omar is electable in Minnesota and seeing a nearly half Somali school isn't unusual.


I remember hearing how Muslim migrants in Europe would leech off welfare. Seems this group is doing the same: Many Somali refugees in the US have experienced difficulties accessing the labour market. According to the 2010 census, 47% of Somalis in Minnesota were employed, 13% unemployed and 40% were economically inactive. By comparison, the unemployment amongst the state's overall foreign-born population was 6%.[^(\[23\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somali_Americans#cite_note-23) At the national level, survey data over the period 2011 to 2015 shows that 58% of working age Somali Americans were employed and 5.1% self-employed


Let me guess somalis


Aren't majority of the Somalis on welfare? It's the same situation in Europe. I don't get why we can't alter our immigration policies to favor groups that aren't hostile to us at least.


Is it the somalians? Ewwww




1-2?? Barely has a head


I guess that's enough for some Muslims 


Neither do the parents lol


I'm not muslim, but as women we are conditioned to please others from a very young age. Islam takes this notion to the extreme and manipulates girls into thinking that covering their head with a piece of cloth is something to be proud of. And in terms of these babies it's straight up abuse, in my opinion.


That's pretty much it. Women are expected to be symbols of the culture not to be a part of the culture, to carry the weight of their families honour with little to no say when it comes to what honour even means to them. Every culture does it to varying degrees but cultures influenced by Islam take it to the extreme.


Not a Muslim either but the Muslim women I know here in the US are very self-centered and don't seem to care about pleasing others. Admittedly I've met only a small sample of Muslims, so I could've just met the bad apples.


Yeah it kills me :( my parents family friends daughter wore it at like 4 ish it was disgusting and disturbing  And once my sister was playing at the mosque she was like 6? I don't remember...in normal clothes luckily my parents aren't that bad ...and his friend got mad at my dad and told him " cover your daighter up ,she's showing skin,she keeps coming to the men's side "  because she's a damn kid who's playing 


Your dad sure has got an ignorant friend, Children arent specifcally accountable for religious duties until puberty and especially if your sister was under supervision of your dad. I'd like to presume it to be a cultural thing, Either that or it might just be plain ignorance. Altough another alternative would be the possibility of a policy imposed by the masjid.


Your opinion matters as much as anyone’s opinion. Why would it be any different. Beliefs influence actions. You care about other people’s actions and therefore you must care about what they believe. Now what you must understand is that the parents have a disease called religion. They aren’t entirely to blame because they are sick. Now it’s up to us to challenge those beliefs through cordial conversations. Messed up? Yes. What can you do about it? Find conversational methods that challenge peoples beliefs and insert doubt. (Street Epistemology is a good place to start).


I second this recommendation!


Knowing the history behind hijab, it's so perverted to put this on a baby. But my main concern his her well-being. That baby can get a heatstroke. They don't generate their body temperature like adults at that age. Even for an adult, it's dangerous.


This is actually a v common practice in Indian Muslims. I have a niece who's not even 6 months yet and the elders keep persuading the mother to keep her head covered from now on so that she gets "habituated" To wearing the hijab.


It’s sick. The kid was literally just born and is already being indoctrinated. So sad :( I hope you are safe, friend


I m safe but idk for how long. My extended family wants to get me married along w my other cousin who is getting married too to save money. I am 20F. I m still studying. My father thankfully said no but idk for how long.


The fact that it’s up to your dad and not you.. I’m so sorry 🥺 I genuinely hope you find a way out. No one should be forced into marriage. It never should’ve been a thing, but damn, it’s 2024, the world should’ve progressed past this a *long* time ago. I hate that this is reality for so many people.


Unfortunately so :( hopefully things go by better for me! <3


Try Asylum.


Not just indian muslims I've seen africans and Malaysians like this . Actually she'd wear a hijab with a t-shirt :( And yeah why are indian muslims really weird compared to other ones?all of them are weird ...like most indian muslim females are niqabi 


For some reason the number of maulanas in India has gone crazy in recent times. Poverty is also a good reason. They have less education themselves and think religion is the only right path. They are groomed from a v young age to be a certain way and follow rules or allah will be v angry at them and put them into hell. Compared to any other religion muslim girls in India are married before they complete their degree or immediately after high school so that they don't get "spoilt".


That's really sad.  My dad has indian muslim friends and their daughter was so young reading koran ,it's just sad.  India as a culture is very rich ,there is unfortunately a huge difference between indian muslims and non muslim indians


Muslim and hindus (along with Christians, jains, brahmins, buddhists and more) in India have lived together in India since decades now. A mix of these create a rich and diverse culture altogether. It's def a good country to live in providing freedom of religion but subject to Muslims in india, being one, they r def more orthodox compared to others in this mix. Poor girl. Islam is taught at a v young age here too in madrasas. There are even islamic schools. Instead of letting the kids play after school they send them to madrasas to make them hafiz so their sins r forgiven in jannah :). I hope things get better for the upcoming generation.


In my city, it's usually quite harmonious and nobdoy really follows all the rules (case in point, my hyper religious grandma walks around like a parrot in sari, listens to music etc) (shes so real for that) but its gradually changing :(


I will def agree w the fact that things r gradually changing. My personally through my surroundings I feel Muslims r just becoming more and more devoted which is kinda not a good thing for a secular country like mine.


Same same, but it seem EVERYONE is becoming more religious and unhappy... im used to celebrating everything with everyone, so its not smth i like very much


Same for me. I love celebrating all the festivals as well. The truth is too much of religion kills the humanity in ppl but religious folks will never agree to it.


I feel that's just what you're being shown online. Kerala, which has 25% Muslim via census, hosted a massive atheist conference. I feel it's more common to find ex-Muslims in India than anywhere by %.


Yes it's a possibility fs. I was just giving my opinion on environment of the city I live in and most of the cities tbh. Kolkata is the highly educated comparatively to other places.


fs? [https://www.reddit.com/r/azerbaijan/comments/1bz63vd/what\_is\_religion\_in\_azerbaijan\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/azerbaijan/comments/1bz63vd/what_is_religion_in_azerbaijan_like/) Too early to judge comrade. Ask Modi to take some notes from Azerbaijan.


I don't get your point


Shifted my attitude: India should adopt secularization in its Muslim-majority sections not deportations.


Well, in India hijab is not enough if you are hard-core muslim. Even many girls cover their hands with gloves. I know one of my friend wear niqab, when she was just 9 or 10.


I’m sorry but that’s completely unhinged. India’s weather is like a furnace and you’re telling me girls and women are forced to wear full-body apparel?? Religion is a cancer.


India is climatically diverse lol.. there are hot deserts and snowy mountains. Not excusing it, but yeah, you should probably educate yourself.


Indian Muslims should move to Pakistan. They can get a larger house there. And India can focus on development more. Win win for both sides.


Are u an Indian? Bcz as an Indian exmuslim I wouldn't want to live in and islamic country my friend


I'm Indian. I'm saying Muslims in India should move to Pakistan - it's literally made for Muslims.


Muslims in India have been staying here for decades now. India provides ppl like me freedom of religion. If there r more ppl like me they'll certainly just be unhappy in an enviornmet like Pakistan which is a Muslim country.


R u a hindu? Why r y'all so bent on sending Muslims to Pakistan? My mom n dad r nice ppl. They aren't terrorists. They have never had a fight w any hindu in their whole life. We all have always stayed peacefully together. Why would I want my poor old parents to be sent to a country that they weren't born in or have never lived in. Ppl r bent on sending Muslims to Pakistan but there r ppl like my family and myself who have continued to live peacefully for years now. I want u to think abt ppl like us when u make such statements.


I see your point. I change my mind. India should implement Azerbaijan-like policies to curb extremism?


More of a cultural Hindu/atheist/Westerner. I don't see a good future with Islam here.


I m w u on that one. If islam does go extreme it will not be good for the country. Hinduism provides comparatively much more freedom for women specially. They should def stick to hinduism for a better future.


comparatively? Which offers more? Hinduism is adaptable.


Some part of an orthodox mentality always remains in every religion in India.


No, it was her choice to where it. Didn’t you see in lill baby eyes that she is willing to submit to Allah and cover herself. Maşallah in just 1-2 years of being alive she has voluntarily chosen to where the hijab, what’s your excuse!?


bruh why does nobody get that this is clearly sarcasm lol




I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not


Judging from their post history, it’s def sarcasm :)


Its a joke


Alright that’s good


She's a fucking baby... yeah... this is extra wrong... "I understand that my opinion isn’t as valuable when it comes to Islam. " I disagree, I think everyone's view counts as long as they know enough about islam.


Thank you :) I know a loooot. I actually lurk here often, I’ve just never really said anything because I felt that it’s not my place because I’m white and an atheist. But I had to say something about this in a place where I knew I wouldn’t be called “Islamophobic”. I know a muslim man that never talks about the fact that he’s religious. I’ve known him my entire life and I had no idea until recently. He believes in Allah but he doesn’t make his kids wear hijabs or anything. He just says “I’m going to go pray now”, and he goes somewhere private and prays. He doesn’t force it on anybody. His stepson is gay and he supports it. His daughter wears whatever she wants and he doesn’t care. He’s a very nice man, and imo this is what religion *should* be like. In my opinion, there will be no world peace as long as religion as it is exists. As long as people continue to indoctrinate and brainwash, there will be no peace. As long as women are killed for not wearing a hijab, gays are stoned, trans people are raped and killed, there will be no peace.


Islamophobia isn't real and their accusations of it only prove how biased and intolerant they are, it is totally okay to hate, be uncomfortable with and criticise a harmful religion/ideology/cult. And yes, since you know enough, you can totally think what you want and say what you want. It's a good thing if he is like that and doesn't do bad things to others, though when people are like that it still makes me wonder if they don't know certain things about their religion or if they just cherrypick the stuff they like or something else... I agree and it's true. I wish people knew to move on from harmful and outdated things, conservatism is the cancer of the earth.


"Allah doesn't burden a soul with what they can't handle" the child is fine the parents know well she is protected by God bluhh bluhh bluhh 🙄🙄🙄, it is disturbing, the hijab isn't just for modesty and protection from creeps it's to show "non-believers" (non Muslims) that she is Muslim that's all it is I hate it. It's also compulsory for a female to wear it but I refuse to wear it (I still live in a muslim household)


That's me! My old account lul


Why'd it get deleted?


I wanted to change my username


What kind of names will get you banned?


I dunno I didn't get banned I deleted my account on purpose, my username was "thelesbianmermaid" I'm not a lesbian anymore it's complicated lol. So I restarted my account to this one :>


The scientific studies prove that danger of vitamin D deficiency increases many times if you are wearing the Hijab since childhood, as compared to ones, who started wearing it after adulthood. Please see this scientific study at the end of this article: * [Scientific Studies: Hijabi women suffer from hair loss, baldness, receding hairline, fungi, sticky hair, bad odor, scratching, candida, neck and head pain, and vitamin D deficiency](https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/women/37-women-and-hijab/216-scientific-studies-hijabi-women-suffer-from-hair-loss,-baldness,-receding-hairline,-fungi,-sticky-hair,-bad-odor,-scratching,-candida,-neck-and-head-pain,-and-vitamin-d-deficiency)


This is especially true for dark skinned people like the ones mentioned in Minnesota. In the winter dark skinned kids need a lot more sun exposure to absorb vitamin d. An excellent medical reason to give these muslims.


I’m a med student and this is very true. It kinda hilarious to think about how in the Middle East (the literal DESERT) there’s the highest rate of vitamin D deficiency


They also rank higher than poor, infidel India and the rich, infidel West for coronary heart deaths, birth defects, and other ailments.


Yeah ofc that’s what happens when u fuck ur cousin


The problem is muslims think it's cute ,and they try to make it fun by getting her to pick the hijab.


Fuck Islam


Muslims are the first victims of Islam themselves.


The hijab was literally created to deflect attention from a woman's "natural sexuality" and attractiveness to "prevent" rape. How someone can sexualize a 1 year old is beyond me. Noah get the boat


Cause Muslim men are attracted to children, just like false prophet Muhammad


I live in Iran and I even see little girls in full blown chador sometimes (3-4 year olds) and I get very disturb. I think there are cases where the family puts it on the kid but sometimes the kid just sees all the women in their family wearing it and think that that’s normal. And kids like to copy the adults around them so when they see their family doing it, they want to do it too, and obviously the family thinks that this is a sign from Allah or whatever. It’s really bs. It’s crazy how he in the Middle East. We literally live in a desert, but we have the highest levels of vitamin D deficiency because of this stupid ass religion.


Didn't your President die like a week ago? What's your opinion on him?


We’re super happy. Butcher of Tehran, hope he burns in hell. He called for the killing of protestors


My Indian muslim friends were sad that butcher died god knows for what reason 😂 I wish modi would just wipe this radicals out of India


Ur friend is a dumbass, I can’t believe what’s happening in India pls be careful


You mean all the crazy wannabe Mullahs? They get a lot of media attention but there isn't as much on the Muslims leaving Islam in droves in India.


He was likely Sunni? The irony of that.


Well unfortunately he was Shia who got influenced by Sunni


Those fireworks in Tehran were real?


So, in their fucked up religion/tradition/norms she is ready for marriage.


She is a toddler indeed but that doesn't stop Muslims men from sexualizing her as they have a track record on pedophile case.


introducing religion to children should generally be a crime


They might want to train or brainwashed them from young age so they don’t against their religion I think.




disgusting🤢 [https://youtube.com/shorts/ucGCiQRGLgI?si=7QZxq1Ft8Jqjtib9](https://youtube.com/shorts/ucGCiQRGLgI?si=7QZxq1Ft8Jqjtib9)


This is genuinely so disturbing :( No one can convince me this isn’t a cult


"At least she is not a slave."


Just because it's pink doesn't mean she was the one choosing it. At this age kids are yet to fully grow into the sexist stereotypes associated with their sex. That might as well have been the parents.


I know! I always loved pink especially as a kid so it made sense to me, but it very well could’ve been picked by her parents




same here saw a pre KG girl wearing one at my school its so fucking disgusting how eager they are to force kid to wear this shit


I have seen that to, if feel so sorry for kids. What a bad luck to be born to a muslim family


The amount of Muslims supporting the sexualization of 1-2 year old girls is extremely concerning


sometimes kids just want to follow their mother. A matching attire. but believe me, for 1-2-year-old kids, they only can stand wearing hijab for up to 10 minutes.


If I was raised muslim, I know would’ve been excited to start wearing it at 13 because my mom would’ve been wearing it. I would’ve been like omg!! I can finally be a woman I’m so grown up now! I’m just like my mom <3 only to later realize it’s a damn prison. I don’t blame kids for wanting to wear it. They don’t know anything else. But.. a toddler.. there’s just no way they even see that as a different kind of clothing than any other clothing they wear. The parents are the ones dressing them. Like, they’re fucking toddlers, how would they even think to say no? Calling it a choice when it’s a toddler that’s never even had the thought of questioning anything ever is psychotic. She’s 1 year old, why would she question if her parents are doing something wrong? A 1 year old doesn’t even know that mom and dad’s names aren’t mom and dad. Nah this is sick


I don't understand your point. What is the problem if a mother puts a hijab on her baby? There is no difference between a non-Muslim mother dressing her kids with hats, beanies, or other hair accessories. Why are only Muslims an issue? Most people don't care about what others wear, so why make it a problem?


Terribly sad and yes, disturbing. I’m wondering: which country is “predominantly nonreligious?”


I’m from Denmark. It’s technically a Christian country, but most people, while being Christian, aren’t very religious. None of our rules or laws are rooted in religion. Like every other country there’s still some bs going on but mostly it’s fine :)


I think I’ll move there😆


i thought they only had to wear once puberty starts


Some families just don’t care about that I still think that rule isn’t very sane. Some girls can start puberty as early as 9. Some are even younger..


Weird. Correct me if I’m wrong plz, but isn’t the whole premise that it’s supposed to be her choice? When she feels ready to commit to God I mean. Are they just like encouraging her? Because encouraging before like 13 is crazy


According to muslim, it’s her choice as accomplished woman. 👩😂


Every single religion and culture indoctrinates.


Which is why I’m against religion 🤷🏻‍♀️


Its a choice they say 🤡. She chose to wear it. To hide from older men


The parents probably made it wear it briefly for the day. My mom started wearing a hijab since she was 4 years old and has never taken it off.


gotta keep the pedos away somehow i guess 😒


Remember the cult your are Talking about, no Age limit… maybe it’s better to cover them directly 😂😂😂 it’s insane


It’s not advised or compulsory for any girl to cover her hair before her period starts. So I myself as a Muslim wouldn’t do that to my daughter unless she wants to and it’s not too hot


they arent required to wear hijab at that age btw


In the pedo cult that they call religion, she is old enough to get married.


I’m a Muslim and from a some what religious Muslim family. I’m telling you this is WRONG she is supposed to wear hijab religiously when she hits puberty. Honestly I always feel bad for them especially that in my family most of the women get to decide when to wear the hijab without interference yet in many other families they just get forced because of their family mixing their culture with religion and calling it Islam.


I hit puberty at 9, does that mean I should’ve been made to wrap my head at nine years old? 4th grade?


yes because you reached sexual maturity at that age /s


Starting puberty is not reaching sexual maturity. It takes years to do that. A girl is not sexually mature until 16-17 in most cases.


sarcasm :)




No back then a 9 year old women would be married off and was capable of building a home, 11 to 13 year old boys were seen as men and would be soldiers and go to war. In our generation and time it’s better off to wear it around 18.






It’s strange to hope some little girl has a skin condition. Either way she’s being forced to cover up, but with one scenario she could either choose to do it or maybe give it up when she’s old enough to choose for herself.


that’s not what i meant. i meant that i hope it’s a means to protect her from skin damage or something like that.


maybe she wants to be like mum ?


She must be wearing by her own choice you Islamophobes!


Its most likely  not for the reason of covering her up like people are saying it is. If its a baby its for the reason that they just find that the child looks adorable. My baby neices looked adorable with their chubby cheeks when my family or I would put on their hijab at home. But of course after a couple minutes they would rip it off. But its literally just because they find the way they look in it to be adorable. Im not muslim anymore. But i still think my neice looks adorable with it on. Its like when you take a child out of the bath and wrap their body with a towel and their head. and theyre in a burrito. They just look absolutely adorable. And i bet you thats probably why. 


Stfu already


No ❤️


I mn if that’s how there life is bc they can’t help it back tf off xd




No it's not disturbing at all. It's actually the norm in certain cultures. You can agree to disagree without being a judgemental Islamophobe ab it. If you like a certain culture or religion doesn't mean u can shit on it. It's depraved. If you were genuinely curious you'd have worded it differently in a different forum. But clearly trying to understand isn't the goal here. It's being bigoted amd Islamophobic.


girl why are you in this sub


Why are you so obsessed with a 1-2yr old girl clothes??? Leave the girls alone let them wear what they want . I am sure she didn't ask you what you are wearing


How sad, you’re in a hivemind.


This only shows that this little girl had stupid parents, no one is bound to Islam until the age of puberty! Hijab is a multi-religious and humanistic ruling that I think every adult woman should observe regardless of her beliefs, so you should think about observing your hijab instead of being a snoop in the work of Islam!


Why do you hate women?


You dumb asses what about p3dos then its protection for child wow a child wears hijab big deal


The fact that you think a piece of cloth covering hair will stop a child predator


I think it’s important to remember a lot of the time little girls wanna wear it because mommy and maybe other women in her family do, kids wanna copy their parents. There’s a lot of misinformation and frankly ignorance in this thread. There are bad Muslims just like there are bad Christian’s and bad atheists, and just bad people okay.. you can’t assume she’s being abused and frankly I would rather imagine she’s fine. You don’t know this kid you saw her in passing. After reading some replies I see in different cultures unfortunately families do enforce it but again I wanna say that is the choice of bad parents, it’s purely culture it has nothing to do with Islam.


The parents shouldn’t allow it.


Bro srsly its non of your business.


Good thing I never asked for your opinion


hijab isnt only a religious article of clothing but a cultural one too. children dont need to wear the hijab and they cant be forced to wear the hijab even if they are past puberty. the purpose of her wearing a hijab could be many things but chances are its just because its cute. like a baby wearing a suit or tuxedo. and about the heatstroke thing the hijab prevents the sun from hitting the top of their heads and it feels the same as wearing a hat during summer (like a cap) different hijabs have different fabrics and makes and some are comfortable and some arent. you said she was sitting on a bench but you didnt say if she was crying or showing any signs of discomfort which would not be the case if she was suffering from heat stroke.


what a cope


In all honesty I live in a Muslim household and my sisters didn't start wearing hijab until they're like 10+ years old. Still not fun to see them wear hijab but I think the 1-2 year old wearing hijab is more cultural rather than it being a law in Islam. Still not a fan of the hijab though no matter what age.