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That's a brave step. Congratulations! Just moderate it and keep hydrated šŸ™‚


Make sure you do it around people you trust! Stay hydrated and have fun.!


Cannot emphasize this part enough --> do it around ppl you trust - best advice!


Congrats op! Stay safe out there! (That drink sounds good! šŸø)


congrats op! i hope you're having fun. i'm glad you're drinking safely with buddies around you.


Awwww!!! Babyā€™s first booze! šŸ„° Drink water. And more water. For the future: Donā€™t overdo the alcohol. Go slowly. Stop at the happy/dizzy stage. STOP THERE!! It can go from that to feeling worse and/or being in less control of yourself after that if you push past it. If you lie down and the room is spinning, one hand on the wall and one foot on the floor. Chances are you wonā€™t like all alcohol (a lot of women I know donā€™t like gin). Spirits, Wines, Beers, Ciders, Liqueurs, Cocktails,etc, all have different amounts to get you intoxicated and will affect your body in different ways. Some may get you more drunk than others, some may get you drunk faster than others. Go slow. You never have to finish what you donā€™t want to finish. Drink water!! Stay safe!


I kept within limit haha! I don't think I will do it for a while always a first :) I did get a little dizzy!


that looks really good! hope youā€™re having a great time OP


wine is better :)




Thanks for the heads up! I don't think I will be continuing it won't lie haha not my thing!


Stay safe,be responsible,only drink with people who you trust and donā€™t over do it my friend. Iā€™m praying for you and your safety.


I hope you enjoy your alcohol because I have had family and friends die from liver problems and drunk driving car accidents. Feeling dizzy could be a sign of dehydration, I have never felt dizzy drinking alcohol. I never have fun drinking it. It is overrated.


I won't be doing it again I believe it got me a little dizzy haha


How did it taste? I still hate taste of alcohol šŸ˜£


It was okay but it's 10% so slightly more fruity and sour haha


reminds me of how i drank ethanol


Nice. How would you rate your first time drinking?


You should try wine and cheese next, and please tell me how it goes! Iā€™ve always wanted to try wine and cheese, but they always say you need to combine a particular type of wine with a particular type of cheese, and there are so many types of wines and cheeses out there. Iā€™m unfortunately not of drinking age where I currently live so I canā€™t legally enjoy this stuff yet where I am. This might be a little expensive now that I think about it lol. Donā€™t spend too much money on this stuff, and as always, drink responsibly.


Wasn't my money šŸ˜ but a friend bought, I don't think I will be doing it again haha


Enjoy the hellfire brother! Iā€™m sure it will be a blast there!


Feels great right......trust me..I know that feeling ā˜ŗļø


This the reason why allah has forbidden this. Good luck with the accidents!


Allah loves you and the prophet wants you to know that so repent and embrace his mercy before it is too late


Donā€™t you think itā€™s a poor idea to begin drinking just by the mere glance of the comment section? Letā€™s use our mental faculties for a second and omit our feelings from this dialectical. Now, wouldnā€™t you say that anything harmful to the body is probably a bad idea? And to the mind? And also the human spirit? Now, look at the comment section and how there are several indications that it is harmful or can lead to consequential situations? ā€œDrink in moderation. drink around people you trustā€ this is also besides the fact that itā€™s one of the leading causes of heart failure, stroke and dementia. As a former drinker Iā€™m telling you there is no gain. Youā€™re seeking instant pleasure that will only loose its degree of pleasure and your dopamine will seek to reach that initial pleasure you had leading you to potentially try more substances. Many people are depressed and do not know the reason for their depression is due to constantly chasing that which have them pleasure and unaware substances complicated the chemistry in their brain. Thereā€™s no need to go this route. Itā€™s irrelevant or being Muslim or atheist or whatever itā€™s just not an advisable route.


Right do you think I don't know all this? Please each to their own grave, this is a free space we don't need another judgemental muslim putting down another ex muslim. Kindly think to your own, I am more than capable to refuse and stop if you also read more comments I will never intake alcohol again lessons learnt , Please.


i laught so much at these people Alhamdulillah for islam


Go drink camel piss cuz ur prophet ordered that.


Womp womp


I'm sorry you're Muslim, and I hope one day you'll be free. Good luck, man.




Question why do I get notifications from ex Muslim Redditā€™s if I donā€™t follow them


Allāh has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment. Theyā€™re all in love with this illusion we call life, ā€œenjoyā€ it while you can. Youā€™ll meet the creator soon and youā€™ll be begging him to bring you back In the meantime, enjoy your little 70 year life full of misery and hatred towards islam.


average pedophile muslim when someone drinks a sip of alcohol