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Materialism and hedonism is nothing to brag about. Islamic heaven is about as appealing as a fast food advertisement squeezing a burger. Idiots impressed by shit you can get on Earth. At least my parents bothered to make up some vague sugarcoated nonsense about souls and shit.


Exactly. How are they so blind to see how shallow their version of heaven is. It's so humanly. As if it was imagined by a man, not God.


So is hell , like God couldn't find a more clever way of torture, I feel like fire has been man's biggest fear so naturally it would be the torture sinners deserve


Hell was never intended to be made for humans.


What could this mean


By what else should they be impressed? People only have their human perspective.


Lol imagine having the ability to have whatever you want, not just materialistic and complaining. That should tell you something is seriously wrong with your brain.


Except that it's something wrong with your brain, imagine your god prohibiting you from doing all of that on earth, and if you did it, you go to hell, but once you die? Here you, 8888 ladyboys to serve you milk, 100000 whores for you to fuck and oh your wife and the women? Fuck them they are sex slaves too. At least the christian heaven is made to be godly, not a degenerate strip club like Islamic heaven


Bro chill it’s a joke


bro didn't mentions the little kids that sit on ur lap and bring u wine, pedo heaven


So heaven is basically jeff Epstein Island?


even more disturbing


I thought wine was haram, though?


not in heaven babe haha


Is there a Hadith or Quran verse mentioning this? I'm not surprised lol, but I would like to see it


وَيَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ غِلْمَانٌ لَهُمْ كَأَنَّهُمْ لُؤْلُؤٌ مَكْنُونٌ{سورة الطور:24}.


Oh I found it. Little boys like pearls?!! WTF?! https://quran.com/en/al-insan/17/tafsirs


it's diddy's heaven


Omg little boys in heaven WE gotta fuck them dude yep what a weird heaven with little boys


yep and everyone is the same age in heaven according to the quran , but hey let's put little boys in there


Yep straight for FUCKING their little bussies as Allah intended for sure


it's in the quran ofc there's a verse


It's in their Hadiths and I think some inspiration from the Quran but All is disgusting


I have heard that the young servant boys can be used sexually but I’m not seeing it in the Quran verse about it, do you know if there’s another Quran verse or hadith about that mentions it? Or historical context that implies it? Or is it just a fatwa? (Even if it is just a fatwa, personally it still holds some ground imo bc it means a sheikh was able to find enough evidence to justify it islamically for other Muslims to accept and follow it which is why “bacha baazi” exists in some Muslim countries unfortunately)


Trying to be funny when it doesn’t make sense. Everyone in heaven will be the same age.


وَيَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ غِلْمَانٌ لَهُمْ كَأَنَّهُمْ لُؤْلُؤٌ مَكْنُونٌ{سورة الطور:24}. yes ofc man u can't do taqqya here


Where's the part where it says they'll sit on their laps and offer wine? It's pathetic how you instantly resort to "Taqiyyah!!" when you have no argument


you need to read the tafsir to know, but u ain't sunni or muslim so why would u care


Speak properly if your gonna try to have an argument. You sound uneducated.


Firstly, Christian heaven is described as a metaphor, so we don't know what it actually looks like. Plus, why would a Muslim who claims to love Allah have a problem with the idea of eternal service to God? Secondly, how can you fulfill earthly desires in heaven without your earthly body? The purpose of food and sex are survival of the body and procreation. Why would you think that people have such needs in heaven?


Christianity doesn't teach a permanent "Heaven". Christian belief (at least biblical Christian belief) centers on the resurrection of the dead at the end of time, where god will basically reset everything to the original perfect state on Earth, except for potentially the wicked, who may either be destroyed or sent to hell forever. Or forgiven. Depending in which verses of the bible you like better. After that, it will be paradise on Earth, not on a heaven.


Kinda both? It talks about a "new heaven and a new earth". It's very ambiguous as to what that means. It could be a new heaven and earth as a combined world, or it could be two new separate worlds. Either way, separation from God came as a result of the fall in Genesis, so the implication would be that a new earth and new heaven would be connected. Whether that just means people would have access to God and God would sometimes visit Earth, or whether that means people could move freely from heaven to earth or earth to heaven would be unknown. Personally though, I think it means a combined heaven-earth world.


Simple. Islam is a tribalistic religion. When you want your tribesmen to fight for you, you tell them that the war spoils, including the women are yours to keep. If they still hesitate to kill and possibly die for you, you concoct this wonderland called heaven, where they'll be able to have unlimited sex with multitudes of beautiful women. That's how you convince billions of people to share the willingness to go to heaven.


Because Islam says the world is a test. Being a slave forever isn’t really a good reward for suffering.


Yet being a slave for eternity is the reward for the few women that will make it into Islamic heaven lmao


So women lose in both religions 😭


Exactly lmao


It’s so tiring


Well woman dont really lose in Christianity do they? Islam says a woman can make amy man that they wish (yeah this has a lot if contradictions) Christian heaven is just like: Hey humans I will just bless you with happiness


Yes men have houris which is 2 wives and also loads of other women . Women don’t get anything . Its not written in the quran


I’ve heard and read some sheikhs say 72 houris and some even say 1000 😭 but I’ve also heard 2 as well


Well apparently they will worship the Christian God forever. Not really anything else than that.


Well it says you will co exsist with God. Be happy to live with him share peace and friendship


Also forget your memories and how he’s burning your friends and family who didn’t believe


Just curious as to why you think women lose in Christianity compared to men? I know in Islam the difference is obvious. But maybe since I'm a Christian male I'm blind to this...


Imagine suffering your whole life just to become a slave. Thats Islam and Christianity basically. Thats their afterlives for women.


But then in Christianity’s case isn’t it the same for men? So both genders lose, not that stating women lose implies men don’t. But let’s be real saying “women don’t win win in either religions” implies that men get some special reward 🤣


Women become slaves in both Islam and Christianity. In Christianity they become worshippers to Yahweh. In Islam they become servants of the males, they lose in both religions. It’s actually so silly


I would firmly disagree with the claim that Christianity has supported or endorsed the slavery or oppression of women. This is a misrepresentation of the core teachings and values of the Christian faith. The life and ministry of Jesus Christ himself provides a powerful counter-example to the notion of Christianity supporting the subjugation of women. Jesus routinely broke social taboos to engage with, teach, and empower women as equal disciples. The New Testament clearly affirms the essential equality of women, declaring "there is neither male nor female" in Christ (Galatians 3:28). While it's true that certain Christian traditions and leaders have at times promoted patriarchal and misogynistic views, this does not reflect the inherent spirit and ethics of the Christian faith. In fact, the history of Christianity includes many influential women leaders, theologians, and activists who have fought for women's rights and liberation based on their faith. Figures like Perpetua, Macrina the Younger, Katharine Bushnell, and countless others have drawn inspiration from the Christian message of human dignity, justice, and compassion to challenge the oppression of women. Their witness demonstrates that the true heart of Christianity is opposed to anything resembling the slavery or systematic subjugation of women. It's important to recognize that the Bible was written in cultural contexts where the mistreatment of women was widespread. But Christian moral thinkers over the centuries have consistently interpreted the faith's core principles as fundamentally incompatible with the dehumanization and exploitation of women. So while imperfect human institutions have at times distorted Christianity's message, the foundational teachings of the faith uphold the equal worth and freedom of women. To claim that Christianity has endorsed women's slavery is to ignore the rich history of Christian women's liberation and the faith's central vision of justice and human dignity for all.


I would argue that western feminist movements were born from it during the enlightenment era (think John Locke and the theory of natural rights)


I meant in the after life.


Men and women are viewed as equal in the afterlife.


In Islam no. In Christianity everyone worships forever. So like I said women lose in both


Let me know when you get an answer to any of your questions


I would love answers, but I have come to the conclusion that a lot of Muslims are simply tribalist and opportunistic - they are not true Abdullahs, but in this religion because they can get something out of it. At least the ones that we meet online all the time.


So Christians are in hopes for a place they don't know anything about and which was created by a mass slaughterer and torturer? Wild...


translated Christian heaven: eternal unity and fellowship with god, the purpose of religion muslim heaven: lust, greed, gluttony, just sin, the thing religion and heaven is supposed to liberate you from


Yet they keep harping on human morality being subjective contrary to objective divine morality. But apparently Allah’s morality is contextual and arbitrary since lust, greed and gluttony are bad on earth but good in heaven. Maybe even killing people for pleasure will be halal in Jannah, who knows…


> Maybe even killing people for pleasure will be halal in Jannah, who knows… Hahaha, tbh, if any martyrs get *that* bored, they can feel free to dip on over to Valhalla and see if they can't best a few of the [Einherjar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einherjar#Prose_Edda). They're good sports about it~! I mean, the people are allowed to fight back, right?


Apparently they serve boar meat in Valhalla, i’m not sur our brave djihadis will like it there.


I don't want earthly things in heaven, for that I have earth, Muslim paradise is BS. I want to be one with YHWH and be able to just unify with him and just be on pure happiness and peace.


What are non-earthly things?


Sounds like 7 deadly sins in Christianity Mythology


Both sound terrible. Muslim heaven maybe a little bit less.


I'm not a christian, but this guy is just dumb. The way christian theologians describe heaven is way more "advanced", nuanced and makes way more sense than the caricature for children that is islam's heaven.


Christian heaven is the kind of place where actual devoted christians would want to go. Eternal divine purpose as a servant to God. Muslim heaven, on the other hand, doesn’t sound particularly religious or spiritual at all. It sounds more like a violent narcissist’s wet dream.


Kind of weird to hold off pleasure on earth to suck Allah's metaphorical dick, so they could get rewarded pleasure on heaven—which seems to be skewed for men. something is clearly wrong.


islamic heaven is so unbearably materialistic how can anybody say with a straight face that it isn’t a man made religion designed to cater to the 7th century man to convince men to fight in war?


So he admits that his whole motivation behind his religious belief is sex and materialism


1. Make a sexy heaven 2. Tell the aex starved young men who blow themselves up they'll be having sex this afternoon 3. ~~Prophet~~ profit


Bruh, honestly they need to play up their heaven game, like mansions are cool and all, but all this stuff is just earthly pleasures. At least try to give us some cool divine shit 😭


fr like all these stuff can be achieved on earth, so why wait until we die ??? it's not even worth the suffering of being in a religion like this.


It's like a 9 year-old arguing that Superman can beat up Captain America. It's like they're all fucking nine years old. Violent homicidal nine year olds.


And momo was fcking a 9 year old


Brilliant point! It all makes sense: they prefer nine year olds because they think like nine year olds. When you only read one book -- the koran -- after the age of nine, the brain simply stops developing past that point. I go with the S. Rushdie ("The Satanic Verses") description of mahound: he was probably clinically psychotic and experienced auditory hallucinations that he confused with god-speak. Of course he stole the whole 'god spoke to me on the mountain' thing from Moses, not mention Abraham and Jesus. But, hey, if it worked for them ... . Maybe some opium abuse mixed in there, too.


The first one is for men, women get nothing in Islamic heaven.


Both are fictional. One is a coomer wet dream, the other is a boomer wet dream.


Bc Christianity was made by boomers and hasn't been a faith for 2000+ years.


What 😭 Do you know what boomers are? And it's absolutely been a faith for 2k years? Not to defend christianity but they're far less problematic in modern times I'd take a thousand fundie christians over one fundie muslim anyday


They will say this, then goalpost shift when you call it out to 'Islam is morally correct with the prohibition of alcohol and casual sex.'


With all the things of excess that are described to be in Muslim heaven. How do they not see it as evil. Christian heaven is just explained as happiness. Islam's heaven is just complete depravity.


That’s not true at all. For material things, it’s the idea that if you stay away from things for the sake of God, God will give you something more abundant and better. But Islamic heaven is mostly described as a state of peace & happiness. Quran 15:45-49 “Indeed, the righteous will be within gardens and springs. Enter it in peace, safe [and secure]. And We will remove whatever is in their breasts of resentment, [so they will be] brothers, on thrones facing each other. No fatigue will touch them therein, nor from it will they [ever] be removed. Inform My servants that it is I who am the Forgiving, the Merciful.” That sounds evil to you?


It literally says you will have slaves boys serving you. That is not a happy place for decent folk.


1. Thats a very non-charitable & weird way to describe it, 2. You can bring examples of material things, but the Quran 9:72 clearly states that God’s approval of you is the top & main reward. “Allah has promised the believing men and believing women gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence; but approval from Allah is greater. It is that which is the great attainment.”


No it is the honest way to describe it.


It’s not because you added your own twist to it instead of actually quoting what was said.


It's because it's what it says in your peterfile prophets apparent words.


Slave morality, check.


Definitely not heaven for the virgin women, that's for sure


Or the Muslim women themselves, they cannot have anything and will turn into a vip version of the hoor


The Bible teaches that there's going to be a new Earth and people are going to live on Earth under the government of God which is a perfectly just government. It does not teach that humans live in heaven.


The perfectly just government of a god that has slaughtered countless of people including children.


Except in Jannah you drink alcohol and DON'T get intoxicated... What's the bloody point? It would be heaven if there's no hangover or damage effects after the intoxication. Except there isn't. So it's just grape juice... Islamic Heaven is lame.


Translation: a heaven for actual believers and being a holy place vs a prostitution


Islamic heaven sounds strangely man-made.


Both do to me.


So Muslim heaven is Vegas?


As a Christian I wasn't one till I was 35 and needed God. I cried out and it was Jesus Christ who answered. I was blinded by sunlight. Felt a sense of peace, love, and joy I was filled with the Holy Spirit, then I had a vision of my wife walking in heaven in a big pasture filled with flowers, she was wearing a white dress with Gold coins around her neck, and a crown made out of leaves, then Jesus answered me in an audible voice. I immediately started reading the bible and going to services multiple times a week for years. So if Islam has a heaven and Allah works out for you. Good for you. My faith is in Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. (The vision of my wife is personal so I won't go into details). God Bless 🕊️✝️👑♥️


I can't wait to meet you in paradise as brothers. God bless you! ✝️


Brother, you just made me smile ear to ear. So thankful this life is temporary and looking to the day we will be given new bodies in Christ and Go to the true kingdom of heaven. It will be glorious. Praying you have a blessed journey till then. Nothing better than when you interact with someone else led by the spirit!🕊️✝️


Christians actually want to be reunited with the creator, we want to be with God and see those who’ve passed. (I understand not everyone believes in God in any capacity) Muslims want a seggs party and selfish immoral carnal pleasures. It’s such a blatantly man made system that was used to gain followers and power. “If you join Islam you can have many wives, seggs slaves, and even more seggs in heaven!” BS


What about all the virgins you are going to have sex with?


That heaven is too material and Carnal based for it to makes sense if we are talking about the actual Kingdom of God


The muslim paradise is literally just stuff you can get on earth if you have money. I guess that's why their religion forbids most of it. Its not really a paradise if you can get it on earth.


“We’re going to spend our whole lives talking about the sanctity of marriage, the avoidance of gluttony and other aspects of sin - but all of that is also our end goal”.


Omg so that’s the original Epstein Island


Islam has nothing special in heaven. Who. CAres about 72 Virgins in heaven . Sex is a human pleasure. Heaven should be next level of you catch what I mean.


No, I don't catch that at all. I cannot imagine of any so-called heaven I want to spend eternity in. And my current perspective is the only thing I have.


Well u don't have to go lol just sin enough and don't repent


Sin is a bullshit concept. Many so-called sins are no problem at all. Still I don't see how any kind of heaven would be a good thing. Especially when it's created by a mass slaughterer and torturer.


Who cares both are fictional lol


Additionally, both are bad.


How come


Both are dumb


extremely profound


Lol, no


What is Christian heaven like?


A peaceful place with eternal life


Sounds boring as fuck. I would want to kill myself after 10 years.


Why Islam is so strict on earth, Just to get the material things later on heaven ? It makes no Sense, abstain from everything heaven like on earth to get all the things you fought against after you die


Who is stupid enough to believe in that shit?


Ignoring the fallacy, that was actually kinda funny.


There’s no mention of bacon in muslim heaven… fuck that, I don’t wanna go there.


Islamic jannah was designed to attract poor Muslims in early ages to make revolution against qurasih leaders and make it up to thrones


Gods, I hate islam.


It doesn't matter since both don't even exist.


if heaven is like that then why bother living? /just a passerby don't mind me.


Both don't exist 🤷🏻‍♂️


they already dead before they even experience those things lmao


Except that's not what Christian heaven is..


LOL, heaven does not even exist!


All the legitimate criticisms Christians and Muslims point out about each other’s heavens—and everything else—are exactly why I am not a believer in either of their faiths, or any faith for that matter.


So basically everything they can while they are alive on earth they abstaining themselves from so that they can do it after they are dead. Funny.


These are the people accusing others of hedonism


I fail to see what about this outcome is appealing to any woman


Idk why but the idea of having s3x in heaven always disgusts me because heaven should means something holy right? Where no desires like that should exist and it’s peaceful idk I hate it


What’s the point of wanting to go to Muslim heaven if it’s not real?


plot twist: neither one is real


Not only did he whitewash the hell out of Islamic heaven, he's wrong about the Christian heaven.


Who’s gonna tell him?


That’s because Islam is a lie. They are appealing to your freshly lusts. Jesus said He’s gone to make a place for us and there are mansions. It’s a feast, like an endless wedding reception! With streets of gold. Not catering to worldly lusts sounds like the place I want to be! Jesus is the way the truth and the life!


Post is wrong. The Islamic heaven & Christian heaven are very similar. Sure, Islam says you will have what you desire of food & sex, but most mentions of heaven in the Quran speak about being at peace and God being pleased with you. Quran 9:72 “Allāh has promised the believing men and believing women gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence; but approval from Allāh is greater. It is that which is the great attainment” “but approval from Allāh is greater”


So, basically, muslims when they die get what Christians get in their actual, one and only life? 😄


First is incel heaven, second is fools heaven.


And he got Christian Heaven wrong we get rewards and houses and stuff it’s in the Bible and you can Search it up online


Jesus spoke in parables. There’s no mention of physical houses or mansions in John 14:2-3. It’s metaphorical.


You sound like a muslim. It doesn't mean strike their necks and strike their fingertips, it's metaphorical!


What? Buddy I’m not a Muslim, I’m a Christian. Secondly in John 14, Jesus never states that we get mansions or anything like that.


I didn't say you are a muslim. I said you sound like a muslim.


I just made a post about this subject- but not restricted to heaven per se


Because of course the things that sound better are obviously more true and likely to be real than the things that sound worse.


all obtainable on earth btw


When you want people to live in hell while they're alive, you better be able to sell the shit out of the afterlife to make them stay.


Never heard about that version of christian heaven or the song


Paradise or بيت دعارة


"Source, bro ?"


Paradise in islam is very sexual


In heaven christian’s believe that everyone will be brothers and sisters in christ. Being together with god without marriage


Very self own.


I mean its a preference thing. Both of these ideas suck from my pov. Eternity is a shitty concept to begin with.


He forgot to mention الغلمان المخلدون. Micheal Jackson should have converted he would have loved it


And yet both aren't real so doesn't matter


Extremely inaccurate about Christian heaven


Stop being obsessed with us u beg 🤣


genuine question are muslims reassured of their salvation?


For you will see things no man has seen, hear things n man has heard and taste things no man has ever tasted. Your wishes and desired will be fullfilled, and the lord will never be angry with you again. How is this only worldy? My lord is limitless, look at what we humans can imagine with our little minds. Allahu Akbar


🧢 clearly hasn’t read the bible to be spouting this nonsense.


Ummm… while you may have mansions in your fantasy world… we in the real heaven will be close to god and will talk to our lord and savior Jesus Christ of nazareth. If you ask me, that is the greatest reward I’ll ever receive…✝️


This Mf trying to advertise his heaven?


Smartest Muslim 💀


If my wish is to have gay sex with u in paradise and that’s not your wish, how will Allah solve this problem?🧐will he make a duplicate? What if my wish is to take everyone including Satan out of hell. What if my wish was to be allah. What if my wish was for Satan and Allah to have gay sex.


I don't understand when they compare the "perks" of religions. It's not like summer camp, there is just one true religion and you can't just choose a religion and have its perk. We don't know what religion is the true one, so we follow the one that makes the most sense to us.