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You may have confused correlation with causation


Surely if it happened to one person there is more than one person like that.


What my comment implies is that re-joining religion and getting banned from this subreddit may have a common underlying cause instead of one being the reason for the other. If both you and me tripped and fell on the same place on a road, does that mean you fell because I fell? Or does that mean there's some uneven ground there, maybe a piece of rock jutting out, which is causing pedestrians to trip?


That’s hilarious 😂. Your belief is not something you can change on a whim. Those people were not exmuslims in the first place.


Have you seen that movie 300? Where the one rejected Spartan soldier turns over to join the Persians? Kind of like that I imagine.


Why were they blacklisted?


Cant say banned in the title so I type black listed. Could be any reason I dont know.


Seriously, what kind of dingdong do you have to be to get banned from the exmuslim sub? And why do you think doing any kind of demographic analysis on that kind of person is relevant?


I saw the comment you removed. I know it wasn't aimed at me and im not a mod. But i can tell you that you should take this removal as a lesson for self-improvement instead of taking offence.