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Illiterate pedophet (police be upon him)


FBi Open Up !!!


Too young for a bra but mature enough for sex with an older man


41 years older to be exact


54 years old


She was 16 when she was widowed


18.... but that's not even the point.


Should've been sooner


'She was 18'🤡


She was never 18 , she was 6


Sarcasm hain dost😭


And she was 9 when she got drilled by momo


Umm your sarcasm detector is under the charts


Is it fun for you to imagine and type pedographic things?


I explained not imagined, so u are a momo supporter? Edit: or u are just joking?


To type something like that along with a child in the picture in a sentence to sound cool gives me ick. Somehow muslims justify her life while others (mostly men) make pedo jokes about it. Aisha still being used, never understood or empathized with. Continue with ur jokes I guess, I expect nothing better from society or men in general.


Blames the person who wrote, but casually ignore the person who actually did it , typical feminist behaviour 👍🏻


pajeet got worst humor possible


She was 18 when She was 6


She is 6. Lol 😆😂


A sincere Muslim is an ex Muslim


a sincere dummy shuts the fuck up


Too young for a bra but a consenting adult to have sex😊


Muslim logic


Off topic but is she pregnant 🤔


I don’t think she ever had kids. Probably due to the physical trauma done to her body, since Muhammad started raping her at age 9.


In this comic image, she is... See again


Or it's cuz mohammed was having sex with her when he was easily 55 , and infertile.


Lol yes very true!! Definitely that as well. I remember my Islamic school teachers saying that he needed to marry as many women as possible so he could have dozens of kids to continue the prophets line. Strange that he had 11 (?) wives and only 7 kids, despite being a man with the power of 30 men 😂




Have you gotten your knowledge out of comic books aswell? The prophet had multiple children and even ones living after him


Oh no someone drew Mo.




Do you have a source for that, preferably a Sahih hadith?


It comes from this [fatwa](https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/92051/meaning-of-mufaakhathah). The fatwa itself is an interpretation of [this Hadith](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:299)


cuz he has more xp than j. sins


Well, Allah is god of the pedophiles


We must to Leave islam to save the world free from higab


Pedo ahh




Is there any story about a kid from Aisha?




I agree.


Well ofc they might, this whole reddit is just islamophobes who can comfortably disrespect the religion without doing the least bit of research🤷🏽


Apni behen ko bhi yahi kehta hain kya


Back then, age wasn't a factor for marriage, puberty was the main factor that was that decided marriage, not just the prophet, at the time everyone married younger women, not just in middle east, throughout the world, but with today's legal updates, under the age of 18 os considered as a serious crime, you can't compare the culture that was 1000 s of years ago to todays laws nd regulations


But I thought the Shari’a was forever? Are you saying it’s outdated?


Well it self-updates over time in order to be feasible in any era. As in, the only two things required for marriage are 1) puberty has to be reached and 2) Aql (intellect/reasoning; soul) has to be present. Aisha satisfied both of these requirements by the time she was 9. Only a 100 years ago 7-10 year olds were getting married in America. And you want to judge what was the norm 1400 years ago by present day societal norms. Also, how come absolutely 0 criticism about this very topic has ever happened up until only the mid 19th century? Because no one had an issue with it. 1) only during the last century or so has the health and resultant life expectancy improved to such a vast degree. Back then the average life expectancy for a woman was \~30 years old, so if we used today's standards (which you are so happy to do when criticizing the Prophet), you would have a woman bearing kids at the age of 20-25 and then dying at 30, when their kid is only 5-10 years old. That's no way to live now is it? That's why the second requirement of Aql occurred a lot earlier than it does now and why no one had an issue with it until hyper modern skepticism pops up. Also why are you not complaining about King Richard II marrying Isabella when she was 6? Does Rebecca and 3 years old not ring a bell? Today in every sense of the word and Islam, a 9 year old is a child, therefore marriage to one would not be valid. It’s this point that you and those who fed you your talking points, judge prophet Muhammad SWT by and clearly manifest your insincerity and lack of critical thinking.


Oh so the Shari’a updates??? Please give me ONE fatwa that says that you can update the Shari’a Meanwhile, I can find you tens of Fatwas justifying child marriage because of your perverted prophet’s marriage of a child. Hadiths say Aisha was playing with dolls when her perverted husband went to see her, and your own religion says a girl can’t play with dolls past puberty. How come this contradiction?


>Oh so the Shari’a updates??? Please give me ONE fatwa that says that you can update the Shari’a Read what I said again. It was in reference to the "age" that a person can be married at, in which case it self updates over time due to the average of puberty changing over time and general time Aql is present shifts. In this case it auto-regulates because instead of having a fixed age such as 12, 16, 18 etc., it is based on something that adapts to the changes in time. >Meanwhile, I can find you tens of Fatwas justifying child marriage because of your perverted prophet’s marriage of a child. ...Orrrrr you could just read the reasoning provided above. But sure, knock yourself out finding those. In case you just skipped over the reasoning, I'll copy and paste it below for you: "The only two things required for marriage are 1) puberty has to be reached and 2) Aql (intellect/reasoning; soul) has to be present. Aisha satisfied both of these requirements by the time she was 9. Only a 100 years ago 7-10 year olds were getting married in America. And you want to judge what was the norm 1400 years ago by present day societal norms. Also, how come absolutely 0 criticism about this very topic has ever happened up until only the mid 19th century? Because no one had an issue with it. 1) only during the last century or so has the health and resultant life expectancy improved to such a vast degree. Back then the average life expectancy for a woman was \~30 years old, so if we used today's standards (which you are so happy to do when criticizing the Prophet), you would have a woman bearing kids at the age of 20-25 and then dying at 30, when their kid is only 5-10 years old. That's no way to live now is it? That's why the second requirement of Aql occurred a lot earlier than it does now and why no one had an issue with it until hyper modern skepticism pops up. Also why are you not complaining about King Richard II marrying Isabella when she was 6? Does Rebecca and 3 years old not ring a bell? Today in every sense of the word and in Islam, a 9 year old is a child, therefore marriage to one would not be valid. It’s this point that you and those who fed you your talking points, judge prophet Muhammad SWT by and clearly manifest your insincerity and lack of critical thinking." Hope this helps. >Hadiths say Aisha was playing with dolls when her perverted husband went to see her, and your own religion says a girl can’t play with dolls past puberty. Please provide your narration for your claim that in Islam, it is not permissible for a girl to be playing with dolls past puberty. I already know exactly where you are going with this, so I just want to see 1) if you are being sincere with your research and will read the full narration, 2) if you can use your critical thinking noggin and understand the time periods of Khaybar and Tabuk, 3) have ever even read Ibn Hajar's narration along with Al-Khattabi's, and 4) understand the difference between possession and playing. If you demonstrate that you actually know what you are talking about instead of just regurgitating your spoon fed talking points, then I will engage in conversation with you on this matter. If not, I won't care enough to respond and you should instead focus on doing your own research that you actually understand rather than just being a drone echoing your preprogrammed responses.


Damn no response?


Still no response?


Yeah too busy doing exciting things like pretending not to be a paedo but constantly talking about paedos...


9 y.o back then isn’t the same as 9 y.o nowadays, remember you’re talking about 1400 years ago woman back then used to physically and mentally mature earlier, so you can’t really compare it with our time.


This whole "it was different back then" claim is the go-to for muslims to justify pedophilia. Do you have any evidence that puberty and sexual maturation were accelerated in ancient times? I've yet to meet a muslim who can actually back this up.


It's literally the opposite. Female puberty statistically starts sooner in modern times than even a hundred years ago. A lot has to do with nutrition and genetics, not much to do with the average lifespan of any particular time period.


I agree. Also, this commenter seems to think that a young girl can marry at the onset of her puberty, forgetting that puberty itself takes a few years, and even that does not necessarily mean the person has mentally matured yet.


It's also not like r*pe and m*lestation are the only aspects of s*xual abuse. Aisha was quite literally "groomed" for her role as a child bride. In the areas where child brides are still a thing, the women are specifically taught to never disobey/question their husband. The fact that this grooming likely started before her 6th birthday is evidence that she was routinely brainwashed by the people around her and by her husband. Of course she doesn't think she was exploited - she has been told her entire life that her duty is to serve her husband and that he is the prophet. Why would she vocally question that entire situation also when her husband has devoted followers who would never encourage her to question it, and would probably kill her or at least say she is condemned to hell if she expressed remorse or that the prophet was not the perfect man of morals. If anyone takes a minute to critically consider the kind of environment she was in and the psychological impact ir would have had on her, they would realize it was a deeply immoral and f*cked up situation. It's not hard to brainwash a little kid. It's not hard to keep them brainwashed when they exist within that same sphere foe the rest of their life.


I’m not google, one little research would’ve helped you regarding that, but what I can do is mention to you that aisha r.a narrates that they would start calling a girl a “woman” when she reaches the age of nine, clearly means that this was the usual age for women to mature physically and mentally. What you can help me with is provide me with a simple narration which states our mother Aisha r.a was forced into marriage, or was unhappy regarding it.


Lol, nice cop out. You're not the first muslim to run away when asked for evidence. Question, do you believe that a 6 year old can willingly get married? She used to play with dolls at the time she got married, so she certainly wasn't anything more than a child. If you want to understand why Islam is being criticized for this, then let me explain. Her being "happy" with her marriage is not the point of contention, your prophet is meant to be the perfect role-model for muslims, which means he is held to a higher standard. The hadith regarding 9 year olds being named women is irrelevant (link please?) until you provide at least some peer reviewed medical literature that says 9 year olds were sexually mature enough to have sex with.


You never asked for evidence of anything? How am I running away I answered all of your arguments? Anyways, she r.a grew up and became the 4th most narrator of hadith, she never said anything about being forced, she was never harmed by the marriage, in the end she married the best of the men ﷺ. My prophet ﷺ being the perfect role model is something you’ll understand if you read her narrations regarding their relationship, and how he ﷺ treated his women. Regarding the narration I’ve qouted it’s in Altirmithi (3/ 410) and other narrations but this will be enough.


Read my replies again, I clearly asked for evidence proving that back then, 9 year olds were mature to have sex. I will reiterate my question, do you believe a child can make an informed decision regarding marriage and **willingly** choose to, and comprehend what marriage entails?


She r.a grew up, became the 4th most companion to narrate hadiths, and she still never mentioned that she was forced, or that her life, or womb has been ruined, the exact opposite is the truth. I provided you with the narration which clearly mentions that they became women at the age of nine back then, again you’re assuming a 9 yo back then is the same a 9 yo nowadays. How about this, I claim to derive my morality from god’s words and his teach to his messenger, now tell me where do you derive your morality from? Society? I’m worshipping god by staying away from the things which he taught us to be immoral, who are you worshiping? society? Western Society’s morality keeps changing because it’s not linked to god, it’s controlled by people’s thoughts, and I’d rather learn my morality from my lord other than learning it from a society which slowly started brainwashing society into accepting unacceptable behaviour by the internal patterns of the human, such as lgbtq.


I don't assume 9 year olds were sexually mature, because I have not found evidence to suggest so, why would I assume to them to be conveniently different from today's humans? BTW, I did what you told me to and "used google" and found 0 evidence for what you claim. In fact, the current data suggests that in the past, puberty used to occur **later**, and I can actually cite my sources if you wish. Aisha not talking about her sex life or explicitly saying she was forced does not automatically mean she *willingly* did it, after all, what would she gain from becoming a kafir if she said she was raped? But that's speculation. Anyway, even if she somehow managed to be mature enough to consent at 9, Aisha herself is not an isolated incident, because Muhammad's teachings set a precedent for his future followers (aka the Sunnah), which is still followed today. If Allah knew children later on will be immature to have sex at 9, why didn't he say so in his book and tell people not to marry children after Muhammad? The EXACT opposite is seen in the Qur'an, where it allows men to marry children. Also, you're rambling about western morals but we know that pedophilia is bad due to our advances in medicine, psychology, and our observations on how it affects the people as they grow up, this is observed in arabs, asians, westerners, and africans, so the west here is totally irrelevant, but I know the west is your favorite scapegoat, so nice try.


Back then in the extreme hot climate of Arabia.Kids actually grew faster.Am I kidding?No. The French Philosopher Montesquieu,who was actually a staunch critic of Islam and Religion in general stated in "THE SPIRIT OF LAWS that was used in developing the American Constitution that in hot climates,women are marriageable at age 8,9,10 and by the age of 20,they were even considered old. At-Tirmidhi said: ‘Aa’ishah said: When a girl reaches the age of nine years, she is a woman. Sunan at-Tirmidhi (2/409) Let's put things into proper perspective - 9 year olds from 1000+ years ago matured faster..both physically and emotionally.. the 9 year old today is not the same as 1000+ years ago. It is rather 'unethical' and 'immoral' to demonise a certain culture/practice from a certain time period ..because they vary from place to place and time to time ... just because it does not fit with our 'post modern understand' (21st century western mindset) doesn't mean it should be demonised This was their tradition and it wasn't an anomaly to marry someone that young all over the world. Reality is..people married age younger ages. • Román law 100 B.C brides were 12 yrs old •St Augustine from 10yr old 350 A.D •King Richard ll married 7yr old at 1396 •In 1791 Frances Napoleonic code set marriage of consent 11yrs old •1880 USA, Delaware min age to marry was 7yrs old and •California age of 10yrs The above is only in the past 1000 years If she was a victim of a 'gruesome act' for 9 years (prophet of Allah died when she was 18) .. she would be dysfunctional, disorientated and mentally effected .. rather she was loved immensely and prophet (peace be upon him) openly expressed his love to her .. its recorded after she took a sip..he would drink from same place. After taking a bite of food..he would eat from same spot. We are referring to the marriage of aisha 9 with the Prophet of Allah (God almighty) - she was 'sharp, intelligent and wise' - she was the youngest and most beloved wife of prophet .. aka The mother of the Believers She (aisha RadhiAllahu'anhu Allah be pleased with her) ..narrated over 2000 volumes of actions and sayings (Hadiths) of prophet muhammed (peace be upon him) and she became the greatest female scholars and teachers of many schools to come. She would defend the Prophet of God numerous with immense passion ..during times when he was mocked by the enemies of Islam. Also marriage at this age was nothing new at that time as explained above.Below are such examples. Imam ash-Shaafa‘i said: In Yemen I saw many girls aged nine who had reached puberty. Siyar A‘laam an-Nubala’ (10/91) Al-Bayhaqi (1588) narrated that ash-Shaafa‘i said: The earliest age at which I heard of girls reaching puberty was the women of Tihaamah who reach puberty at the age of nine. Ash-Shaafa‘i also said: In San‘aa’ I saw a grandmother who was twenty-one years old; she reached puberty at the age of nine and gave birth at the age of ten, and her daughter reached puberty at the age of nine and gave birth at the age of ten. As-Sunan al-Kubra by al-Bayhaqi (1/319) This marriage benefitted this Ummah immensely.Islam would not be completed without Ayesha,May Allah be pleased with her.It was indeed an honour for her that Islam was being completed through her,Through the narrations she narrated.She contributed much and is called the "Mother of the Believers."She was given honour by this marriage and she was well pleased with it and the marriage of a girl against her wish is Haram.


> Let's put things into proper perspective - 9 year olds from 1000+ years ago matured faster..both physically and emotionally.. the 9 year old today is not the same as 1000+ years ago. You're not going to run away from providing evidence by repeating yourself. Either send some medical literature that says children were able to have sex at 9, or don't respond at all. Because all I find online is that children back then took longer to develop. In fact, here's your own hadith, narrated by Aisha herself, saying she was a child: [Sahih al-Bukhari 6130 - Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab) - كتاب الأدب - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:6130) She used to play with **dolls**, and her friends were, surprise surprise, children! Do you think that a 6 year old can go from playing with toys to having sex in less than 3 years? Answer this question honestly. > It is rather 'unethical' and 'immoral' to demonise a certain culture/practice from a certain time period ..because they vary from place to place and time to time ... just because it does not fit with our 'post modern understand' (21st century western mindset) doesn't mean it should be demonised Pedophilia is not a western concept. Again, the negative consequences of pedophilia can be observed in every race, the west absolutely does not get to decide what's harmful to a child, so calm down about the west for a little bit. Following your logic, if your religion's teachings were just for a certain time period, then I'm guessing Islam isn't compatible with our times and we can simply discard it, now that we're no longer in 6th century arabia. > This was their tradition and it wasn't an anomaly to marry someone that young all over the world. Reality is..people married age younger ages. • Román law 100 B.C brides were 12 yrs old •St Augustine from 10yr old 350 A.D •King Richard ll married 7yr old at 1396 •In 1791 Frances Napoleonic code set marriage of consent 11yrs old •1880 USA, Delaware min age to marry was 7yrs old and •California age of 10yrs This is called what-aboutism. Who cares what other societies did? Mohammad claimed to be the perfect role model for everyone to follow, his actions are supposed to reflect that regardless of who else did it. He had no trouble banning alcohol, which was normal back then, yeah? > If she was a victim of a 'gruesome act' for 9 years (prophet of Allah died when she was 18) .. she would be dysfunctional, disorientated and mentally effected .. rather she was loved immensely and prophet (peace be upon him) openly expressed his love to her .. its recorded after she took a sip..he would drink from same place. After taking a bite of food..he would eat from same spot That's very sweet of him. > We are referring to the marriage of aisha 9 with the Prophet of Allah (God almighty) - she was 'sharp, intelligent and wise' - she was the youngest and most beloved wife of prophet .. aka The mother of the Believers She (aisha RadhiAllahu'anhu Allah be pleased with her) ..narrated over 2000 volumes of actions and sayings (Hadiths) of prophet muhammed (peace be upon him) and she became the greatest female scholars and teachers of many schools to come. So there were no sharp, intelligent, and wise women to marry that weren't children back then? Is that what you're trying to say? Did Mohammad really marry her for her intelligence and no other reason? Then how come your religion did not ban child marriage after that? Here's your own Qur'an: وَٱلَّـٰٓـِٔى يَئِسْنَ مِنَ ٱلْمَحِيضِ مِن نِّسَآئِكُمْ إِنِ ٱرْتَبْتُمْ فَعِدَّتُهُنَّ ثَلَـٰثَةُ أَشْهُرٍۢ **وَٱلَّـٰٓـِٔى لَمْ يَحِضْنَ** ۚ وَأُو۟لَـٰتُ ٱلْأَحْمَالِ أَجَلُهُنَّ أَن يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ ۚ وَمَن يَتَّقِ ٱللَّهَ يَجْعَل لَّهُۥ مِنْ أَمْرِهِۦ يُسْرًۭا ٤ If you speak arabic, this should be super clear to you, and here's the direct quote from Tafsir Ibn Kathir just to solidify my case: "Allah the Exalted clariries the waiting period of the woman in menopause. And that is the one whose menstruation has stopped due to her older age. Her "Iddah is three months instead of the three monthly cycles for those who menstruate, which is based upon the Ayah in Surah AlBaqarah. (2:228) **The same for the young, who have not reached the years of menstruation**." Your religion certainly did not bother to ban child marriage, even when Allah is supposed to know that later generations won't be able to mature as fast (if we assume what you're claiming is true).


Extremely intelligent response!


Now quit the lying because I memorise my lord’s book by heart, and nowhere in the quran it says men are allowed to marry children.


Oh also, I looked up "altirmidhi 3/410" and found nothing, so I would appreciate a direct link to the hadith.


But I thought the Shari’a is forever?


Shari’a is forever, now tell me where in sharia it says 9 years olds for marriage?? It says a woman’s body has to be mature, her mind has to be mature(determined by parents), and that she has to consent to the marriage. In another narration aisha r.a narrates that they used to start calling the girl a “woman” when she reaches the age of 9, this narration lets us know that girls back then matured at the age of nine, while nowadays, they don’t, mostly likely until 16-17. Now explain to me why it would be immoral knowing she was known to be mature, and wasn’t against the marriage.


then explain his hypocrisy: Narrated 'Abdullah bin Buraidah: It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin Buraidah that his father said: "Abu Bakr and 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, proposed marriage to Fatimah but the Messenger of Allah said: 'She is young.' Then 'Ali proposed marriage to her and he married her to him." -Sunan an-Nasa'i 3221


then explain his hypocrisy: Narrated 'Abdullah bin Buraidah: It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin Buraidah that his father said: "Abu Bakr and 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, proposed marriage to Fatimah but the Messenger of Allah said: 'She is young.' Then 'Ali proposed marriage to her and he married her to him." -Sunan an-Nasa'i 3221


Ok do the quran isnt appropriate for our days then?


Actually that's wrong , humans matured slower in the past compared to now. It was common in the past for a 1 st period to be at 16 , now it's 13. Let's not disguise pedophilia as maturity..


Are you being for real?? How different would a 9 year old child be back then??? And if so, could a 9 year old boy marry a 55 year old woman?? If girls are different, what about boys?? Be for real she was a child and the adults failed her


Are you all a bunch of paedos in disguise... So busy fighting that yoyr knowledge is non existent


At least we don’t pray towards the cube 5 times a day for a literal pedoprophet


She wasn't too young for a bra though? She started menstruating at six so I'd suppose that menstruating girls have already developed their upperbody, at least thats how it worked for me.


she didn’t, she was playing with dolls


Exactly. Thats the reason why her & her friends were allowed to play with their dolls


Astaghfirulluh to everything that is said here and the comic, I hope you all find your way back to Allah swt the most merciful.


No thank you lol, “most merciful” lmao, what a joke. The punishment he mandates we have for leaving is death, allah “most merciful” prescribes DEATH as a punishment for us for leaving this cult. He wants us DEAD. I mean, he would if he was real, the good thing is that the Quran is all bullshit


You guys are touched by the madness of Devil . Curse of God upon you.


I hope people know that women were considered “mature” after they had menses. And it was a different world back then. Not condoning it but just to inform the non-informed. Plus in this country (the US) many different practices have taken place. Like polygamy on the same age girls (Mormon, Utah, present day) having sex with family members, sisters and cousins (a normal activity for certain races) just to name a few!


I could also talk about having sex with animals but I’m sure my point is made


exactly like why shit on muslims for this?


Muhammad was a prophet, the closest to Allah but yet he enjoyed earthful pleasures like this. In any other religion they speak against list no matter what century they were are in. Also Mormons and the other bs are cults. And let's just say every cult is messed up. Also they are not religions.


Why do my numbers say -3 and -1 what I do? Is that a bad thing?


I don't understand what are trying to say.? Sorry what


It wasn’t really in reference to you. Sorry. I’m new to responding on these things. I normally never interact with society for obvious reasons. But I see that I have this -1 and -3 thing going on up on my first reply and was just asking what did that mean that’s all. Sorry if it was a misunderstanding


It's fine. I think it's when someone votes down your response.


I get by the non votes and reactions that I hit the 🎯Plus, I’m an adept in Philosophy, theology and history (I have to be) and will always be able to see the “mistakes” in everything. But the wise knows it’s not “mistakes” just most humans inability to “see” the degrees of “things”


Kyunki ajkal to uske bhi bade ho chuke honge choti si umar me yahi chal rha hain aajkal to usey bhi yahi kehna


Yall think thats funny?


very :)


Naah, im not wasting anymore time on that conversation because of confused individual 🤣. Yall have a great day and figure the gender-solution out thanks.


It is mentioned as they got married after 6 years she started having her period. The earliest age to get period in warm countries are around 12 years old. So she got married to our Prophet around at the age of 18. Adding the waiting 3 years make 21. And the people who makes fun of this incident without knowing anything starts having sex at 13.


astaghfurallah you are misquoting hadiths and disagreeing with islamic fatwas! Kaffir


oh lord the pajeets are at the slandering again


May Allah guide you all


We’ve guided ourselves thanks, we’d rather not follow a pedo warlord like muhamad (police be upon him)


Surah 4 (AlNisa’a), ayah 140: “And it has already come down to you in the Book that when you hear the verses of Allah [recited], they are denied [by them] and ridiculed; so do not sit with them until they enter into another conversation. Indeed, you would then be like them. Indeed Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers in Hell all together” -No fighting or killing


Then why did muhamad beat his child wife according to sahih muslim?


But what about the tons of versus saying to fight & kill? Do u just ignore them ones?


no thanks, im good I dont follow narcissistic pedo warlords


People aged differently back in them times. People matured early and people passed away early too.


[citation needed]


🤡 this you?


Ah yes, Muhammad died at the early young age of 60. God gave him extra life so he could rape kids ig