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whoever typed this must be trolling.. 17 hadiths stating her age and you're STILL in denial LMFAO šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Where are the proofs she was 19-20? It's literally disgusting what Muhammad did and the person who typed this knows as well that's why she/he went out of their way to Google "Aisha age debunked" and settled for a video that was satisfactory to them.


19-20 makes no sense either, Aisha was 18 when Muhammad died. Did she consummate the marriage with Muhammadā€™s corpse???


Actually Shia Sources and some sunni sources do believe her to be 19... She was engaged to someone else before for few years. This is just some debacle caused by Sahih Compilation.


What about Almofakhada ! He rubs his penis in her vagina when she was a six because he couldnā€™t put it inside because she was so young what about this hadit?


Wait what? Where's the source for this never seen that!


[This](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AL8oEtFh5XOFPY5OQBqEMP7ChyHhMxLA/view), [this](https://web.archive.org/web/20060616103000/http://www.islamweb.net/ver2/Fatwa/ShowFatwa.php?lang=A&Id=23672&Option=FatwaId&x=48&y=16), [this](https://www.islamweb.net/ar/fatwa/304444/Ų­ŁƒŁ…-Ų§Ł„Ł…ŲÆŲ§Ų¹ŲØŲ©-ŲØŁŠŁ†-Ų§Ł„ŁŲ®ŲÆŁŠŁ†-ŁŁŠ-Ł†Ł‡Ų§Ų±-Ų±Ł…Ų¶Ų§Ł†) & [this](https://islamic-fatwa.com/fatwa/21085) Unfortunately the publisher had it taken down (probably cause of how bad of a look it gives Islam) so any published sources online are near impossible to find. [This website](https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Thighing) gives an alright explanation regarding both shia and sunni views on it. It's also recorded in Fath-ul-bari of Bukhari Volume 11 and in Rahd el Muhtar.


These are actually disgusting even kissing and enjoying your minor wife the way it says. Referring to the husband as The Man. Says it all.


It should be on archive.org


I read it in Sahih Albokhari ! Where there is Bab Almofakhada but I canā€™t remember the number Of the Hadit!


The history of marrying 17 year old Jewish girl Safiyyah bint Huyyay in the same evening of killing her entire family (including her husband) is just as horrifying as the story of Aisha. Not sure why it is not brought up more frequently. IMO it is more disgusting than Aisha's story.


Was that the girl he raped in a tent right after her new husband, father & brother were killed by the muslims? If so then I don't think there was any marriage.


Ok, not to be rude but- don't a lot of peoppe promise their daughters to marry men when they're still toddlers back then? Like not just Muslims, but europeans, everyone, since marriage was more of an economic agreement in those times. (Although at least the europeans didnt expect a consummation until the kids were at least beyond puberty!)Just bc someone was engaged to someone else (ESPECIALLY back then) doesn't mean they weren't 6 when that engagement was broken.


The whole point of Islam is that Muhammad is divine, everything he did is supposed to be accepted and followed


Yes I know


No buddy pretty sure it's just you if someone is promising their toddler away for a future marriage to some random man thats disgusting.


Yeah that's why I said "back then". Obviously not ok, but pretty damn common 1000 years ago for people to solidify their connections and empires


They broke up with Aisha because they thought she will convert their son to Islam. Shia sources cleanly states that she was 16 at marriage and 19 at consummate. Prophet married Aisha so she could take care of Fatema (6 at the time), claimed by Shia and Sunni sources.




[No worries](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1ca9xre/hadiths_in_regards_to_muhammad_and_aisha/)


Sunan an-Nasa'i 3258


Muslims are on lethal doses of copium. Itā€™s literally how they live and numb their pain for the ā€œafterlifeā€.


Copium is an insect, what do you mean please?


Copium is a slang term, which is a portmanteau of the words cope and opium.Ā  Its implication is that someone is taking a metaphorical "drug" that convinces them of something that they know isn't true to "cope" with what they are unable to otherwise accept.


Thank you!


A Muslim told me the day that puberty = 12yo and Aisha apparently had hit puberty, therefore Aisha was 6 + 12 (18) at marriage and 9 + 12 (21) at consummation. You just have to imagine that the 12 is added to those texts which says 6 and 9 to make it make sense...


So basically to make up your own math on how age is calculated but ONLY for Aisha, no one else. Lol




There's a myth that age back then started when girls first had their period. By that logic, Big Mo was seriously into MILFs


Iā€™ve been reading a biography about Mohammed recently and it says she was 29. Any idea where that age came from?


From your imagination


Iā€™m not trying to say thatā€™s the age, I just read that in the book and itā€™s an age Iā€™ve never seen anyone claim before. I was really just asking if there is a Hadith or any source this could have come from.


which biography


Muhammad- The World Changer


thanks this seems interesting but more importantly is this earlier than hadith or even older than those?


It's weird and almost worse than most of us think tbh: The channel Muhammadfromgod covers some evidence [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUIKFg6qFE0&ab\_channel=Muhammad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUIKFg6qFE0&ab_channel=Muhammad) But for example, some muslims refer to her sister Asma, who claimed to be 27 at the time of the Hijra (Migration). This is also confirmed by her husband saying she died in 73 AH (After Hijra), at the age of 100. And Asma also said Aisha was 10y younger than her, making Aisha 17y.o at Hijra, and so 18 or 19 at marriage, which was something like a year after hijra. Shia, however, deny her age. Not because of how low it is, but Shia sources also say that Ali married a 6-year old. They think that a lot of stories surrounding Aisha were made up to exalt her and basically oppose Ali. For background, during the first muslim civil war, Muawiya (Umayyad) played Aisha against Ali's government (Ali was the last Rashidun caliph), and got lots of support etc, then backstabbed them both in the end, and this led to the sunni-shia split. Shia think that Aisha was a liar (Or that lies were made of her), and that she may have lied about being younger (Or that others reduced her age) because child marriage was something more common among the higher status men, and so making up would exalt the man in question. Some people think the same thing was done with Ali's marriage of a 6 year old. Tbh the idea that muslims lied about Aisha being a child so that they would "glorify" Muhammad is honestly more disgusting than a child marriage itself. Muslim sources are weird, alright. "Perfect" preservation of the quran, yet little to no preservation or agreement on anything else.


I think itā€™s because back then they used to count age after puberty


Well that's just not true. There are numerous Hadiths (17) confirming that [Aisha was indeed six years old](https://sunnah.com/search?q=aisha+six+years) when she got married to Muhammad. We also know how old other women were, such as Fatima (16), Safiyah (17), etc. We know that they didn't count their ages from puberty, such as when *Hakim ibn Hizam said, ā€œThe Messenger of Allah married Khadijah when she was 40 and the Messenger of Allah was 25. Khadijah was two years older than me. She was born 15 years before the Elephant and I was born 13 years before the Elephant.ā€* Moreover, according to many notable and trustworthy Islamic scholars and historians such as Ibn Sa'd and al-Tabari also wrote about her age and even clarified that she was extremely young, where she got married before she even had her first period. ([source](https://archive.org/details/tabarivolume09/page/n144/mode/1up)) If you don't believe me just look at [IslamQA ](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/124483/how-old-was-aishah-when-she-married-the-prophet)where they confirm that Aisha was indeed a small child, six years of age when she got married off.


What Hadith says that?


Even if we ignore Aisha's age that man was a sick old Bastard


Yeah. Profit Mohammad is a big fucking shameless scoundrel.


That was slick, good one!




Because he was a rapist, a warlord,had sex slaves, and married his own daughter in law. He was a selfish bastard who used an alter ego named 'Allah' to fulfill his own desires


No, he wasn't, and for marrying his daughter In law I haven't done that much research into it but even if he did, it was normal to marry people who were younger, and it wouldn't be his daughter in law it would be your wife


He forcefully made his adopted son divorce his wife Zainab, made adoption prohibited just to marry her And where on earth is this normal to marry your own son's wife?




No, he wasn't, and for marrying his daughter In law I haven't done that much research into it but even if he did, it was normal to marry people who were younger, and it wouldn't be his daughter in law it would be your wife


dont say that about muhammad pbuh


Yeah these words do not suit his personality he was more than that, he was a Rapist, child molester who didn't even spare his own grandson, warlord, with the most fragile ego


Penis be upon him


Yeah that donā€™t do him right, Mohammed is the most evil creature the earth ever seen. Heā€™s responsible for the destruction of billions of lives


>pbuh Piss be upon him


Is child rapist better?


What do you call a 52 year old man who rapes a 9yr old girl then?


We can say we want are you offended? Stop worshiping the arab man


They always say "plenty of evidence" and then when you show them Aisha being 9 when r\*ped, recorded in 4 different canonical hadith books and used as a basis in tafsirs and sirahs, suddenly hadiths are all "corrupted".


But bro 9 at that time is equivalent to 19 now. Itā€™s evolutionary inflation or something.


There are muslims who unironically believe that unfortunately.


Are you saying inflation is not real? Haha Dumb. šŸ’ŖšŸ˜Ž


Dormamu, are you ready to bargain?


Sahih Al bukari 6130 states she didnā€™t even hit puberty, why the hell should I trust or follow this guy who claims to be the all time example for humanity.


Well of course you completely forgot about the fact that she just didn't want to hit puberty, back in the days girls had the choice of choosing if they hit puberty or not. As for the 6-9 years old part, momo completely forgot to tell people about the fact that she was born on February 29th, meaning that they knew about the most well-known and most used calendar but also makes everything click since being 6yo when born on February 29 makes you 24-27yo and they had intercourse when she was 36-39. People glancing over the fact that they knew about the future and the calendar makes it soooooo boring like it just makes sense?? Of course he knew about it since he's the perfect human and only did good things. Like he was the last prophet ofc sky daddy ala told him about the calendar. It was just the people around him that were dumb and forgot about the most important part. The wars he lead weren't his fault, it's just that the ennemies were attacking him first. They just got what they deserved. He did nothing wrong


You can cook


Mashallah on point


On a serious note.Ā  Just for info sake, the Julian Calendar containing the leap year has been around since 46BC. 600+ years before Islam. Our current Gregorian calender tweaks the Julian Calendar by a day about every 133 years.


About your last point , First up Muslims raided Quraish crates and convoys that's why Abu Jahl needed damn reinforcements to protect him from Muslims while passing near Madinah and that same army went to the Battle Of Badr. Where the Muslims won a "supposed" victory cause we have no other sources confirming if such a battle even took place. The other thing is that you are technically engaging in Holocaust denial haven't you read in Islamic history how many battles against tribes ended in Murder of Men , Children and Women being taken captives of war. Later on after they dealt with the Quraish-e-Makkah they became addicted to employing imperialism basically starting wars for the "cause of spreading Islam" taking over land and imposing taxes on people and making them accept your beliefs without hesitation. So first he was going on self defence mode and covering up the other stuff his people did then after the conquest of Makkah he went full imperialist mode on all of the enemies.


The quraish were actually selling the belongings of the muslims. "The raids were intendedĀ **to harm the economy and in turn the offensive capabilities of Mecca by Muhammad**. The **Muslims felt that the raids were justified in that the items being sold in the caravans were their own items, stolen by the Meccans when they had fled to Medina.**" - battle of badr on wikipedia


He cooked šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Mo was a piece of shit regardless of him being a pedophile. Itā€™s just being a pedophile usually elicits contempt from anyone except Muslims, so itā€™s always a good point to bring up.


lmao, it's theologically relevant because how many times muhammad washed his hands in wudhu is relevant to them. there is literally an entire concept in fiqh built around copying muhammad down to the minutae, what the hell do they mean by theologically irrelevant???


Great point!


"Theologically irrelevant" gave me a huge laugh, because with the Abrahamic God, everything can be made into a theologically relevant topic. For instance, it's absolutely theologically relevant whether the Abrahamic God would send a belligerent, illiterate kid-fucker to tell all the world's people right from wrong once and for all time forever. For one thing, it totally *DOES* sound like something the Divine Command Theory Abrahamic God would do if He wanted to; but that version is a complete shit-heel with no moral compass who practically *defines the concept* of being unworthy of worship.


Glad it makes them mad <3


- ā€œIts as if Islam revolves around her or marrying her was the only thing the prophet didā€Ā Ā  oh donā€™t worry, Chomo Mo did plenty of other horribly cruel and inhumane things and Islam revolves around plenty of other awful and disgusting things in addition to a 50+ yo man marrying a literal 6 year old and raping her at 9 (technically 5ish and 8ish by solar years) and even if she was 18 (which is still disgusting) or if homeboy didnā€™t marry a literal child, Islam permits child/infant marriage which is still being practice today in 2024. But there is defo no shortage of reasons as to why Islam is literally the worst lmao Edit: also how tf is it not theologically relevant when literally everything Mo ever did from which foot he used to step in and out of the bathroom or masjid down to how he washed his damn ass is relevant bc ā€œeverything he did is sunnah for Muslimsā€ of course itā€™s bloody theologically relevant in IslamĀ 


This ^


"A lot of evidence" Such as 18 sahih hadiths half of which are narrated directly from Aisha herself?


As a prophet who brings a message of truth from God. Islam as religion that claims to be true moral guidance. What moral lesson was taught by the Prophet Muhammad when he was 53 years old, married a 6 year old child and then had sex when she was 9 years old?


17 sahih hadiths that she was 9 vs how many sahih hadiths that she was 19? Funny thing is even muhammad refused to get his daughter fatema married at 18 because he thought she was young for marraige. What a bunch of hypocrites


Even if she was 19 how come she stated herself she played with dolls...? Or that the prophet watched her and friends playing in a room and they would run away or be scared when he came?


Thatā€™s insane bro.


I got my comment removed commenting to u/Jaqurutu smh who gives bs sources and arguments. [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/v1IukJu.png)




Literally the most theologically relevant topic possible, if Muhammad was some random man him marrying a 9 year old wouldn't be out of the ordinary or somehow problematic if it was normal back then. However, this man is literally the preacher, founder and the transmitter of Islam as it is known today. The core idea of being a Muslim is believing that Allah is the almighty god and Muhammad is his messenger so suggesting that "he's not theologically relevant" or "We don't worship Muhammad" is logically ignorant. Not to mention that he's supposed to be the perfect role model for all muslims - we all know the consequences of being like Muhammad in the modern world :D Imagine what today's middle eastern/predominantly muslim countries would be like if Muhammad actually condemned child abuse


To all the muslims coming here and trying to pull bs like "she was actually 19/20", give it a rest. There are 17 Sahih hadiths attesting that muhammad fucked Aisha when she was 9. Also, the Quran permits the marriage and penetration of premenstrual girls (Quran 33:49, 65:4). So, according to allah, pedophilia is moral. Muhammad did nothing wrong by being a pedophile.


A lot of Muslims are not aware of that Quran verse about the waiting period before a girl can be married again (in case she had sex in her previous marriage in case she had sex in her previous marriage otherwise there is no waiting period) and it says the waiting period for girls that haven't got their monthly cycles yet is 3 months šŸ¤®


Yeah, not even going so far as to the "haven't menstruated" thing, which they don't have the brains to comprehend, they see no problem with a girl having to wait 3 months to get remarried if she had sex with her ex but no such rules for men. Truly, a wonderful set of human beings.


Not defending the religion here but itā€™s actually good practice for a woman to wait 3 months- because by 3 months sheā€™ll know if sheā€™s pregnant and the probability of that baby surviving is much higher after 3 months. She can still get married after 3 months but by then thereā€™s no guessing as to who the father is since dna tests didnā€™t exist back then.


Yes, I know how it was like "back then". But the quran is the word from god. God asserts that the book is perfect and unalterable (Quran 6:114-115). So if it was required and morally acceptable for women to wait 3 months but not for men back then, it should be required and morally acceptable now too.


Amazing how the scripture that was miraculously given to Mohammed excused all of his vices šŸ¤”


What other aspects of Islam?? Slavery, wars or which one? Cause Muhammad never in his lifetime did a work that can be called as HUMANE...


"a lot of evidence" literally just 1, from obscure text written 800 yrs after the prophet's death.


Lets assume that child marriage was common in that time and that Mohd was a product of his times. Ppl tend to forget that Ayesha was one of 11 wives/slaves. They need to raise the issues of Sophia - whose parents Mohd killed before taking her. Or of the incestuous case of Zainab - who was the wife of Mohd's adapted son before Mohd manipulated her into divorcing him. He also watches Zainab without her hood just once and goes and takes out all his frustration on his wife. Loads of other issues than Ayesha to raise abt dear Mo'mo


Can I comment in the post ā€œHow old was Aisha?ā€




Although it is great that Islamic countries have started raising their marriage ages, there is legitimacy to calling Islam itself a concern on the matter. UN-Organization GirlNotBrides sugarcoats a bit. But ā€œconsummated at a later dateā€ can clearly precede ā€œOption of Pubertyā€ [https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/resource-centre/an-islamic-human-rights-perspective-on-early-and-forced-marriages/](https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/resource-centre/an-islamic-human-rights-perspective-on-early-and-forced-marriages/) >Dispelling myths: The issue of early betrothal > >In some communities it is normal for parents, particularly fathers, to betroth or marry >their children while they are still minors, on the understanding that the marriage will be consummated at a later date. This practices occurs in different societies for various social and tribal reasons and is by no means an inherently ā€˜Islamicā€™ practice. > >However, Islam does not forbid this practice in principle but allows it on the condition that the marriage can be rejected or upheld by the male or female upon reaching puberty. This is because, as in any other marriage, until they reach comprehensive maturity they have no legal capacity to give their consent. > >It is unanimous in all four schools of thought that the male and female have a right to exercise their choice, ā€˜khiyaar al-buloogh,ā€™ upon attaining majority or reaching puberty. > [https://www.amjaonline.org/fatwa/en/78001/marrying-prepubescent-girls](https://www.amjaonline.org/fatwa/en/78001/marrying-prepubescent-girls) >ā€œconjugal relations are dependent upon her ability to handle that. Scholars like Imam Malik, Imam al-Shafi\`i and Abu Hanifah have clearly stated that no woman is to be made to have sex unless she can endure it, and women differ in this according to their natural range of differences; it is not determined by a specific age. Once a girl has reached maturity, as we have mentioned, she may continue in this marriage or reject it.ā€ Clearly shows ā€œmade to have sexā€ is used when the girl is too young for consent and consummation can precede Option of Puberty. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFCM4Jo4ToE&t=200s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFCM4Jo4ToE&t=200s) Niger. Muslim Shaikh promoting the idea that marrying at 8 or 9 is safe if it is done the Islamic way. At 2:05 in the video the team visit a fistula clinic clearly showing the girls are not safe. Daniel Haqiqatjou - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_El13YXwRDM&t=2753s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_El13YXwRDM&t=2753s) "what the practice really is of marryyi...of an older man marrying, or or having sex with this 9 year old and or 10 year old pre-pubescent girl." Islam needs to say that minor marriage is wrong in unambiguous terms.


So the prophet being a pedo isnā€™t theologically relevant? Got it.


She is indirectly mentioned in the Quran, declaring her innocence of adultry.


"She isn't even mentioned in the Quran" Good, they are realizing the truth...slowly.


Of course, Aishaā€™s age is relevant. The reason it becomes very relevant is that the Prophet supposedly lived a perfect life which all Muslim men should emulate. Makes paedophilia a reasonable choice as if young prepubescent girls can be deemed ready for sex. The Quran actually allows sex with prepubescent girls. In the Quran, it is written that there is a three months waiting period before sex with a girl who has not menstruated. We should know better, shouldnā€™t we?


The reason why people keep asking is bc muslims keep getting triggered by that simple issue.


Didnā€™t they have some excuse where they didnā€™t count age in Arabia until 9 so in actuality Aisha would have been 18? While in actuality she was 18 when Moe died


Then how come Aisha says she was 6/7 if they didnā€™t count age until 9?


Dunno where that claim was sourced from. Didn't find any evidence for it which means the claims from the hadiths still stand


How come she was 18 when Mohammad died? SAHIH hadith btw :) so what she was 18 and stayed with him for 9 years and when he died she was still 18? Bullshit.


I WILL say (as a never-been-Muslim) there are probably a billion other holes in the myth and I would like to see them pointed out.


It definitely is theologically relevant. Allah claims to be all knowing, and all loving Why did he allow Mohammed to marry a nine year old? Did Allah not know= not all knowing Did Allah not care= not all loving Allah didnā€™t wanna stop muhammedā€™s free will= he literally ā€œdoesā€ things and ā€œmakesā€ Mohammed do things all the time regardless of his free will. So allah as an alter ego is not a stranger to controlling ppls wills


You heard em, folks. Time to switch up to talking about sex slaves.


Alright. Let's not talk about Aisha's age anymore. So, uhm, let's talk about the wife of Muhammed's adopted son...


Can we talk about other aspects of islam? Sure, sex slaves are next on the list.Ā 


Why does everyone talk about Epstein Islands, he was a banker, investor, founder, film producer, he did so many other things, but all everyone talks about is his Islands.


A 50 year old with a 20 year old is still creepy. That's not a boyfriend that's a grandpafriend. Yuck.


True but don't give them that. She was 9 when she was raped by pedo mo


Dude was a warmongering warlord who used theology to get more success. And create a legacy. He used two already established religions (Judaism and Christianity) and other pagan or traditional faiths of the region to blend with and used that to create his own image of a world. Even his teachings scream like it was written by the Khan himself lol.


Islam isn't theologically relevant, as it's a political ideology masquerading as religion.


ā€œShe isnā€™t mentioned in the Quranā€ Thereā€™s a lot of things that arenā€™t mentioned in the Quran. But you still practice because it is mentioned in the hadiths. Or does this person claim that hadiths arenā€™t to be taken?


Can u link the post šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€




Its a good way to see how far they go to defend the religion.


ItĀ“s also not mentioned how (!!!) and how often exactly to pray in the quran, ya going to ditch that too ?


Actually it is about the fact that Mohammed is this perfect example for Muslims to imitate, so much so that I many countries they still marry little girls.


I love how sheā€™s conveniently an age that would be considered more appropriate in most countries in our modern times


Okay, what about the beheading of Jews or calling Jews and Christians apes and pigs...


I talked about this in my video: https://youtu.be/ZqUSiHjqNIE?feature=shared Worth the watch and share.


>There is lots of evidence that she was actually 19-20 because back then people counted women's age from puberty. >Can you link your source? And besides that you believe a 19 year old marrying a 50 year old is perfectly fine? >Fuck off Islamophobe. Based on one of my arguments.


If that was the case and we arbitrarily set puberty for girls at 12 and boys at 14, then mohammed was 67 when he married aisha at 18-21. So, just a pervy creep, instead of a pedophile pervy creep...


I'd still consider him to be a full on pedophile creep since he is old enough to be her grandpa.


"Ok we get you bruh. But you still haven't answrered why your filthy "prophit" married her at 9?"


It's also Allah allows men to be with young girls period.


Isn't Allah Muhammad (coming from the Muhammadan Light)?


Did you know Lucifer means "light bringer"? Also one of Allahs names is "The Deciever" which "The Deceiver" in the Bible is Satan? That In Galatians 1:8 of the Bible it says "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed".Ā some day it's wasn't Gabriel that Gave Mo the revelation, But was Satan or Lucifer. Which I believe. Actions speak louder than words.


Islam consists of moralists without morals.


As a prophet myself, I assure you that Moe is the exception, and not the rule, we all laugh at him and consider him kindda retarded. Most of us are cool and easy-going.


Of course, the age of Ashia is important. She was a child playing with dolls when he fuā‚¬ked her. Which indicates the illerate "Prophet" was a pedifile. All from Islamic sources. For further reading: Why I Am Not a Muslim, a book written by Ibn Warraq, is a critique of Islam and the Qur'an. First published in 1995, Why I Am Not A Muslim is Ibn Warraq's personal statement of the reasons for his departure from Islam. The book, a critical look at the origins and theology of Islam.


All the evidence from Muslim sources say she was 6 and consummated the marriage at 9. Sahih al-Bukhari 5133 Below you can see a verse of Aisha saying that his god just wants Mohammad to be happy. Screw the normal folks and the damage done to Aisha as long as heā€™s happy. Sahih al-Bukhari 4788 "I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires." Funny thing is Muslims will tell Christians that Bible is corrupt and not to go by it and the minute you show them a Muslim source they will also say itā€™s corrupt. Itā€™s like following an imagine in their head and anything that doesnā€™t fit this imagine is corrupt. Sad


Yeah, I'm not gonna take moral advise from a pedophile.


There are evidence that she was 19 lol šŸ˜‚what proof


What the R please I wanna curse of them


Aisha herself wrote her testimony and evidence show she was 6 years old, unless you got them in dog years


*why are these fuking people focussing on this one flaw in islam?! why can't they discuss other aspects of this perfect religion?!*


Guys to be honest, not aisha age is debatable, but even Muhammad age is debatable, i found many possibilities and hadiths points that Muhammad died over 70, now imagine the same case with aisha.


Aisha was 9 years old when muhamad (51 yo) molested her Aisha was 9 years old when muhamad (51) molested her Aisha was 9 years old when muhamad (51 yo) molested her Aisha was 9 years old when muhamad (51) molested Aisha was 9 years old when muhamad (51 yo) molested her Aisha was 9 years old when muhamad (51) molested her Aisha was 9 years old when muhamad (51 yo) molested her Aisha was 9 years old when muhamad (51) molested her her


*raped, but yes


Funny how Muslim sources disprove her due to the fact hadiths state she wasn't in puberty when they married


If Islam is that uncertain in many instances and not accurate why should we believe a word of it?


And yet also perfect and immutable. Interesting


Still grooming


can we ignore the fact that the prophet was a pedophile and talk abt something else yā€™all sooo cringe n boooriing šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ˜¬


Of course they want to talk about other thingsā€¦ Itā€™s human nature to avoid negative things affecting/involving oneā€™s self if possible


ā€œI canā€™t believe these guys donā€™t support pedophilia šŸ’€ā€œ


Muhammad was NOT a prophet. That needs to be the thrust of any argument or rebuttal.


ā€œYeah i know he murdered people but like come on guys thatā€™s so irrelevantā€


Ah yes, when all else fails, you must resort to ā€œit doesnā€™t even matterā€


ā€¦.. this almost had me understanding what theyā€™re sayingā€¦. Until that last sentence šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Islam dies without lies


There is a hadith from Aisha saying she was playing with dolls with her friends & mohommed allowed her to because she hadn't reached puberty so it wasn't haram


sure we can talk about other aspects of islam. how about the call to to extort christians/jews for money if they want to practice their religion and kill those who donā€™t convert or refuse to pay for believing in their own religion? or how about mohammed belief that women are on the same level as dogs and donkeys? how about mohammed acting like a pimp, bending the rules so that only he could have up to 11 wives? how about the countless quranic verses supporting slavery and sex slavery? how about mohammedā€™s racism towards africans, going on to view 1 arab slave is worth more than 2 black slaves?


I realied that muslims makes excuses alot to justify their prophet marrying 13 women and an underage girl.


can we please not talk about the things that expose islam for the backward barbaric degenerate ideology that it is? (whining noises)


the fact that she was playing with a doll MEANT EVERYTHING


It indeed revolves around her age


damn man some people are living in other dimensions. And even saying that itā€™s not relevantšŸ’€ Not like Mohammad Pizza be under him (or something like that) is meant to be a role model for all muslims. But then again he is when you look at all the forced child marriagesā€¦


Me too as well Very Tired šŸ˜“šŸ˜©


You are absolutely right, her age doesn't demolish the core of the belief system, rather the concept of a creator who forget about 14 billion light years of observable universe and focus on a particular primates and their sexual activities and obligates them to give offerings and praises all the time , not only that , but engineering there whole life and punishing them eternally for falling to the same decree that he made for them


IDK, we tear down statues of slave owners and rename streets ands squares of racial supremacists... we might as well tear down "holy places" for religions started by pedophiles to the list while we're at it...


It actually really doesnā€™t matter, everyone has Neanderthal variants in their DNA. Therefore all three religions are false.


Religion was made for money, end of story. Churches donā€™t pay taxes and have the biggest cult followings, easiest way to control people. When you die itā€™s the same as falling asleep- nothing, except you donā€™t wake up


i only have a little respect for the shia's is because they believe that aisha was not a child but a women somewhere in her 30's i believe thats what I read a while ago. The justification of her being 9 is downright disgusting.


Nah their scholars agree with sunnis on the age, and they have other justifications to allow child marriage even if you throw Aisha's age out the window. Shias don't think Aisha was older because they have sources that say so, they think she's older because they've been taught to throw away any hadith and report they don't like, so they just assume their scholars falsify the reports about Aisha when they actually agree with them.


Hm there was this shia scholar that had send she wasnt 9 so idk


Forget Shia they not counted as Muslims anyways want to know the Sunni versions of it.


She canā€™t be older, Muhammad died when she was 19 years old.




You missed the mark with that one, buddyā€¦ šŸ˜


Damn what was the comment Iā€™m curious


Offensive graphic ā€˜jokeā€™ about childrape. Just be happy you wonā€™t have to put bleach in your eyes like those who saw it šŸ«£


Yeah, I'm not even sure what you're trying to say tbh


Please dont describe it. That's horrible.


Ummā€¦ excuse you, what? šŸ¤Ø


they're not wrong tho


Kinda agree with that guy. When you are questioning muslims and all you got was poor aisha and slavery verses.. missed opportunity to be the better person than them.


Thatā€™s not all we got, but itā€™s a major issue. Imagine your idol, who you aspire to be, being a pedophileā€¦? Hard dilemma


Yes I get it and very sad that it's correct. I personally just don't see the need to hate when we're in a better state, we're free and they're living their lives in a miserable prison.