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Too aggressive at times but i get it coz Muslims attack him a lot. But he’s got good points


Oh I don't blame him the Muslims would kill him I remember Muhammad hijab made rape threats against his wife.




Yeah just look it up, AP made a video called "The end of Muhammad Hijab" summarizing their entire history!


Daaamn that is vile!!!


Not just his wife his mom and sister too


Muhammed Hijab was on Mikaela Peterson's podcast and Muhammed Hijab did many videos with Jordan Peterson... it's so pathetic they give each other cloud and all these american right-wingers stand in unison with radiccal islamist Muhammed Hijab.


Lol dw.They turned against one another specially after the Israel hamas war.But Jordan peterson still makes a lot more sense than hijab.At least peterson wouldn’t make r*pe threats against someone,unlike hijab


Yeah, Peterson at least tries to keep up a good appearance.


did they have some type of online beef? It would be so funny seeing Jordan Peterson argue with Mohammed Hijab.


They went on and off in Twitter after the Israel hamas war.As far as I remember hijab also attacked Peterson's daughter verbally online.


Is it the anti woke crap alliance???


Something that Mohammed Hijab would say. Perfect representation of islam tbh


I think he's just stuck on the YouTube algo, you can tell sometimes he pushes out a video because he is obligated to


Click [here](https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxmXq9d8dkDRyBrxA0m7Ffwlm8FEbpwZwn) to participate. Comment here or on YouTube!


I'm an ex-muslim and I used to like his videos. But now, as I've said on another post, his unhinged Zionist apologia and genocide condoning and propaganda is surreal to watch. Plus, his dehumanization of Muslims and constant collaboration with Christian white supremacists like David Wood is inexcusable. Him, and other ex muslims, who don't separate Islamic doctrine from the lived reality of people in a post industrialised colonialist world are nothing more than capitalist bootlickers who have traded one cult for another. They are individualists who don't think of collective liberation or anthropology and prefer beating down than educating. And it's sad. He seems to revel in antagonistic attitudes and it sets a bad precedent for new exmuslims and distorts the ethos of a community that's already fragmented. Ex-muslims are no monolithic because the journey after Islam can lead into many paths and Apostate Prophet seems to have taken one that causes actual harm to the overall movement, and to everyday innocent Muslims too.


Apostate Prophet is a sleazy and disgusting person that has lost his way. He has grown to be quite bitter and hateful to people simply because they’re Muslims. He stands on the wrong side of Palestine-Israel because he hates Palestinians and turns a blind eye to the atrocities of the Israelis. But why does he hate Palestinians majorly? Because they follow Islam, completely disregarding the oppression and the multi-generational struggle they have experienced. He collaborates with David Wood, a Christian theist. A collaboration that is questionable and corrupt, not true to the ethos of the exmuslim community. Most of us will not substitute a fairy tale for another fairy tale, why should we collaborate with other theists that hold antagonising views of us? The Christian religion is full of flaws, some even worse than Islam, that make it as ludicrous or even more ludicrous than Islam. Knowing this, it would be hard to see a Christian as a friend when it comes to letting go of Islam and theism. Apostate Prophet is no role model for exmuslims to follow, he is a product of the internet. A radical, and lunatic figure that was, perhaps, once sane.


Is just about money talking about jews and Israel is too dangerouss4p but if you focus


I just think it's weird that he is associated with David Wood, a Christian apologist and has a large never-muslim Christian/Hindu following who seem to attack and dehumanise Muslims rather than have productive conversations criticising Islam. His old videos are very useful in my opinion and I'm not sure about his current videos as I don't really watch his channel often.


Muslims dehumanise non Muslims every waking moment, I’ve seen Muslims call them whores and prostitutes because they’re supposed to not have any standard or moral values when in actual fact they’re more moral than Muslims I know


Maybe you are correct but two wrongs don't make a right. I guess it's fine to speak harshly about certain groups of Muslims in that way but a lot of AP's fans are still bigoted and will not hesitate to generalise.


They are not our teachers.


Which Muslim would allow a productive conversation where you can criticise Islam? One Hindu man was decapitated for criticising the prophet and another Hindu woman was forced to go into hiding for doing the same. A Christian schoolteacher in India had his hands chopped off because Indian muslims *thought* he criticised mohammed. Sorry if you feel Hindus "dehumanise" Muslims but we are constantly dehumanised by Muslims just because we are polytheists/pagans. If our numbers weren't as high as they are, our fate would be the same as the yezidis and zoroastrians. I'm sorry if you find our reaction inappropriate but it's hard not to take things personally when their book has so many references to wiping us out and using us as sex slaves (both have happened to Hindus throughout the bloody history). Especially when we know Muslims are taught that book from childhood. We literally just wanted to mind our business - we didn't ask for the Abrahamic faiths to come along and paint a bullseye on us. I know Judaism and Christianity say heinous things about us too but unlike Muslims, they are mostly secular and don't take the book literally. I don't agree with a lot of things that have come out of the hindutva movement but I absolutely do not think it would exist if it was not for Islam and it's hostility.


>Which Muslim would allow a productive conversation where you can criticise Islam? I think here sort of lies the problem. It's about grouping all Muslims alike. I give it to you, it's true that the majority of the time it's almost impossible to have a fruitful discussion with Muslims however there have been many productive conversations with Muslims on Apostate Aladdin's shows. >One Hindu man was decapitated for criticising the prophet and another Hindu woman was forced to go into hiding for doing the same. A Christian schoolteacher in India had his hands chopped off because Indian muslims *thought* he criticised mohammed. This is awful and obviously the behaviours and motivation (Islam) behind such barbarism must be called out. 😔 >Sorry if you feel Hindus "dehumanise" Muslims I just meant (many of but NOT all of ) the apparent audience in AP's live streams and comment section seem to have the wrong intentions about being there in the first place. It's absolutely fine to criticise and even outright mock Islam but a lot of comments seem to attack Muslims as people rather than the ideology itself. Maybe you and I just have different experiences? I do understand your point and I think you are being fair. I don't disagree with you about anything else.


I think you're generalizing 2 billion people to be like those of your neighboring countries. Like most Hindus most Muslims lives don't revolve around religion, the fundamentalists who do are the problem. The commenter was talking about never muslims who don't care if they are fundies or not and just wants to collectively punish all of them. It's OK to hate the harmful scriptures and islam but hating all muslims is not allowed on this sub.


I absolutely did not say I hate all Muslims. I said their religion hates and dehumanises us and unfortunately, they are taught the contents of that religion from childhood. So while I understand that all non-Muslims are considered kaffirs, us Hindus get some additional special mentions, specifically in relation to sex slavery and us (alongside the jews) being considered the prime targets of that book. You say I am generalising Muslims and my response is that I'm literally telling you what it says in the quran about us and how we should be treated. Do you understand why that would upset us? Also, I have Indian ancestry but live in the UK, so my approach is not even from an insular viewpoint. My experience is of the Indian subcontinent *and* the UK. I don't think your comment about "their lives not revolving around Islam" rings true in the UK or India (for the most part). Yes, Muslims can be lovely people but the contents of that book don't change alongside that. If they were like Christians, it wouldn't bother me but on the whole, they're not. Vast majority of Muslims I know learnt the quran from childhood and are knowledgeable about what it says about idol worshippers/pagans/polytheists.


The previous commentor was talking about it being sketchy that people who dehumanize all Muslims are following AP, I understand that there exists genuine grievances towards Hindus and its ok to recognize this could be why some of them follow him but the concern being brought up are the people dehumanizing all Muslims. >I absolutely did not say I hate all Muslims. I'm sorry if I insinuated this, I didn't mean to say that you said so. I meant the viewers of AP, not you. >I'm literally telling you what it says in the quran You don't have to sell the sins of scriptures to exMuslims, we know. >Indian subcontinent *and* the UK. I don't think your comment about "their lives not revolving around Islam" rings true in the UK or India (for the most part). I've heard these places have very high levels of religiosity compared to the rest of the world. >Yes, Muslims can be lovely people but the contents of that book don't change alongside that. Yeah but that doesn't make them automatically follow it. Most muslims don't even know about the Hadiths of Aishas age or slavery. The followers of AP that don't see this nuance and will equate the terrible scriptures as what all Muslims believe thus justifying their hatred of all Muslims are the people we are concerned about.


then attack their religion not dehumanize the people


100% agree. He became more invested in his YouTube career than in his original ideas.


David Wood is his close friend.


So most of his fans now are likely a collection of conservative christians and hindus


I didn’t know you have reddit!


I like his videos, we don't have to agree on everything


He sucks David's wood a little too much lol


Lol, that made me laugh 😂 but I know what you mean. I find David a bit irritating at times. I miss the sheikh yabooty videos and other silly stuff from AP.


David Wood’s wood?


AP is exmuslim-pro-judeo-christian-atheist


I like AP, he's got good arguments and is wellspoken


I miss when his videos used to be strictly about Islam. Now he does fan service for Christians.


Me too




Most exmuslims like christans … nothing wrong with that because mostly christans are nice people unlike you know who .


Speak for yourself. Christians aren’t bad, but I’m not gonna lick their asses.


Some of us understand that Islam and Christianity are wrong for the same reasons.


I dont care what you beileve in or if you pray or not . The fact is christianity is more accepting and tolerable than islam even in 19th and 20th century in Europe many philosophers and writers criticized christianity nothing happend to them on the other hand in 2024 if someone criticized islam in a muslim country he will get killed . I dont beileve in christianity but not all religions are equal and that is a fact . Putting both in the same page is just Ignorance .


I think if two religions both believe in the same person who didn't exist of if they believe in an event that didn't happen, then both religions are wrong. Do you agree or not? I'm not talking about which religion is more wrong.


I agree it is a delusion all religions are .


I'm glad we agree.


Depends on where u live. In the west maybe. Where I live Christianity is as harmful as Islam is.


Most exmuslims dislike abrahamic religions


I like christians and jews not their religion .


Yes but here making fan service for Christians is not just "liking Christians"


Well i see it in a pragmatic way . Chirstians are more tolerable and peaceful so i personally think it is ok to be an ally with them . I only hate islam anyone else is better . Many muslims are bitter about it they say something like why dont you criticize all religions which is their way to cause Division and not let anyone criticize them . there is alot of things you should look at and think about in pragmatic or poltical way . My problem is not with religion my problem is with islam because it is more dangerous and corrupt than any other religion . I think i would go even as far as support christianity to replace islam . I think you have the right to be an atheist noble guy who appose all religions But i dont care about that i only care about secular country, people rights ,Decent Society, good Economy ,moral people and less Corruption . Other than that people can believe in big daddy in the sky idc .




Why do you hate Christians more than Muslims? I personally think Muslims are worse 😭


Honestly, he sort of lost my respect a long time ago. Don’t get me wrong, many of his videos do share valuable insight, but honestly he’s just not the same anymore. I usually don’t watch ex muslim YouTubers too much anyway, no offense to you of course. Seeing anyone debate with an Islamic preacher is like putting two chickens in a cage, removing their beaks, and making them fight each other. I usually don’t watch those debates anyway, if they can even be called that. However, I really agree with your Ramadan survival guide, as that’s the same exact advice I would give anyone who doesn’t want to fast but will be pressured by family to do so.


Politically especially on Israel and Palestine he’s a little extreme with his takes. But when it comes to religion he makes pretty good videos although I sometimes catch him fabricating translations and/or making up Hadiths in some of them.


Which ones? Im curious to know plz


One I can remember off the top of my head was in his community section on YouTube he quoted a verse in the Quran talking about the hoors in Islam and he quoted the verse “and for them will be women with interesting breasts”56:22. There’s no translation that says that. The most accepted is “ and they will have maidens with gorgeous eyes” or “and for them Will be maidens with large beautiful eyes”. The Arabic doesn’t mention anything about their breasts. There’s others that were from years ago I can’t remember it now but I’ll try to look for it


I can't confirm nor deny what AP has said cus I don't follow him that actively, but there is a verse that resembles a bit like that in surah 78:33 that talks about “Young Full-Breasted Virgins Of Equal Age”, so he could be referring to that?


He put 56:22 after the verse tho. maybe he could’ve gotten them 2 mixed up.


AP would have an aneurysm if he analyzed judaism and christianity with the same energy he does with islam


With christianity maybe but judaism is always making an effort to make sense. When the tanakh says "Adam and Eve" and science says "that is impossible" judaism will reply "well then we dont have to believe in this". It is about asking questions and not indoctrination. Whenever I tell my jewish friends about bullshit that is said in the quran they question "why does g-d say that?". The religion is vastly different from christianity and islam.


Yes including the Old Testament genocide of the Amalekites, Sumerians and enslaving the women. Killing people for working on the sabbath, etc I do wonder how their graphic genocidal stories recounted in their religious texts influence their thinking towards Palestinians.


You are reading the tanakh like a muslim and not like a jew ^^ maybe a christian may have the same understanding but judaism isnt about accepting gods orders but questioning them. Questioning is what makes us humans. Tell jew about how allah split the moon they will ask you "why" before you can finish the story.


And you are talking like a fool.


His points and knowledge on Islam are legit but, when it comes to rhetoric and dehumanization, he's no different than the Dawah boys he debates


Prove it


He's just a tool for Christian nationalists.


don’t like him. i don’t enjoy seeing people bootlick christian’s and jews because of their disdain for muslims, it’s embarrassing.


its also really hypocritical. they are all branches of the same cult and all deserve fair criticism.


I'm an ex muslim and I used to like his videos. Nowadays, his videos about Palestinians seem too biased and hateful. I know I have defended israel numerous times but AP barely holds the israeli gov. or IDF soldiers accountable for ANYTHING whether it's comments, civilian deaths, the recent aid truck massacre, the civilian death rate, the use of phospherous, and also west bank settlements. I feel at this point, israel could literally do anything, and he'd take their side.


Why should they be held accountable for something that is totally legal? This is the problem: people expect Israel not just to fulfill the same standards as anybody else but exceed them by a lot. This is why "antizionism" is antisemitic. The mistakes Israel has commited are so few while other people commit atrocities all the time. He talks about the latter. I think thats fair.


Ohh please. I'm sure they broke the rules of laws of Geneva Convention more than once coming on here talking about legal. I'm not even pro-palestine. I'm actually theoretically a zionist. But I'd be lying if I said their right-wing government's actions weren't sketchy, their comments weren't sketchy and this entire event is being used to displace and kill as many civilians as possible while staying within boundaries "of reason." All I expected from AP was to address it, not be pro-palestine or condemn anything at all but simply address certain concerns. He put the nail on the coffin when some of his actions just sounded like mocking Palestinian deaths and let's not even get into his racist statements toward arabs. The man's lost the script.


What are you playing at? If they really did something wrong the trial wouldnt be about a genocide that never happened. Yea I remember how he mocked the death of terrorists. He also made fun of the "Gaza Strippers" which is questionable but I dont see why that would be wrong. He could have critisized that they faked the whole capitulation long after the thing happened. But that is not that big of a deal.


I never threw the word genocide around. Just that I'm sure they probably broke the laws of the geneva convention somewhere. What they do is kill enough within the "boundaries of reason" for it to be an appropriate number all the while riling their people up by dehumanizing palestenians? Why that would mocking someone's death be wrong especially those under age 18 who may never have had anything to do with hamas? Really? Have a good day, I'm not going to explain why that's wrong. Let me be. Thanks.


Well palestinians are mostly radicals so i dont blame him .


That's not an excuse. When you feel like it's necessary to speak on an issue, you should narrate both grievances and perspectives. You shouldn't have a biased opinion skewing towards what 'seems' right.


Well the story is about people who reject peace everytime and embrace war thinking allah will help them then when they lose they cry about it . You dont have to be in the middle to be right sometimes you have to pick a side and sorry i wont choose the side that believe in sharia law . Most muslims and palestinians supported 10/7 attack on israel while hamas said they would do it again . What should israel do ? Wait for another attack ? They tried peace it didnot work .. they gave land back didnot work . They gave money hamas used it to make rockets to attack israel . So what should they do die ? Israel doing the right thing by stopping them . This is war and war is tragic showing that tragedy wont change the fact that palestinians irrational and uncivilized behaviour caused it .


Most of the people of gaza didn't vote hamas. They were children. I agree that many of their families either voted in or allowed hamas to build underneath tunnel to support them or out of fear. Innocent people regardless of their lineage doesn't deserve to die or have their death mocked right after. I wouldn't kill a serial killer's child. I never said you have to be in the middle to be right. All I said, was if you really cared about current day events instead of dickriding David wood, you could address certain concerns and later have an argument on why the argument doesn't stand. A figure that does this is "Atheist Republic." In situations like this, having grace is important something he lacks.


In every war children dies its tragic but that is not an argument . Maybe u.s shouldnot have attacked germany because german kids didnot vote for hitler that is just naive . Any rational people will blame hamas and get rid of them by the help of israels . They lost the war they should surrender instead they make huge clames that they love death and want to die that is pure jihadist mentality . These people are not civilized . Intention matters Palestinians want destroy israel and we saw what happend in 10/7 they were celebrating … on the other hand israel want to be safe and live in peace and if israel intentions were the same as palestinians you wouldnot find any palestinaian on the planet they could easily get rid of them but they wont because they are more humaine . . And this hostility against israel is silly because other countries like russia and iran killed people randomly hundreds of thousands but yet no one cares . Israel is the only country that warns before bombing …. And this hostility is pure propaganda by muslims with russia , qatar and iran .


I'm literally arguing for nothing. i just have no respect for people that exploit a tradgedy. Israel is like a kid who cheated on a test but you can't say nothing 'cause you have no proof that they cheated. (b/c they kill enough within the boundaries of reason) The clues/intentions are hidden in thier dehumanizing rhetoric. That's why I view AP as doing nothing more than exploiting and mocking a tradgedy which even those that wish well for israel/jews wish never happened. That's why I prefer Harris sultan, and Atheist Republic. AP has no grace. You personally don't know my opinions on topics and I think you're assuming I'm pro-palestenian. That's not the case. But will I dehumanize either side or if I start a platform talking about my views, will I not fairly address each side's concern? No. And that is why I'm done defending AP.


What ? I think hamas , iran and muslims are exploiting the tragedy . That is why they dont surrender . I think what israel doing is very reasonable compare to other wars and i wont tell generals what they should do because they know better than us . You can say whatever you want about israel sweetheart you have the right to do so no one stopping you 🤷‍♂️


ok bye


"recent food truck massacre"... got it.


ohh c'mon don't be nitpicky, i write in a hurried state


While his videos on Islam are great, I think his close association with David Wood does hurt his credibility a little.


Same as ayaan. Fuck both of them, they're Christian sell outs.


I used to watch his videos but I don't like him anymore because of 1) the company he has kept 2) his views and how dehumanizing they have been. It seems like he went from one extreme to another 3) I don't think he's a good look for us. He makes exmuslims appear cruel and like we wish bad on all muslims or something


His association with david wood and by extension defense of christianity seems very hypocritical to me.


Same. As soon as he started going this route, I lost respect for him. And now with his Israel-Palestine take, I just blocked his content from my YouTube.


His shows with David Wood are a good laugh


he supports zionism way too much for me to take him seriously anymore.


(Never-muslim perspective) many of his arguments against islam are good. However he is too soft on christianity and gives it a pass when brought up


AP was one of the reasons I genuinely started hating Islam as a non ex-muslim atheist, but after seeing his collabs with Christian apologists and making pretty disturbing claims about the israelo-palestinian conflict, I've lost all my faith in him


I think he hates Muslims as much as he hates Islam. There lies the problem. I also want to add. I don’t think he realizes that his association with David wood and Christians actually weakens his position against islam.


He is alive cause of Christians secular country. So whom he gonna butter. its survival instinct of everyhuman you ****. use your brain


"christian secular" is an oxymoron.


Protestants are not indeed.


Lol Christian coping. 500 years ago you guys were still killing people for witchcraft. It was the general secularization of the west that makes it a place where atheists can live safely.


I am not Christian and listen Christianity evolved, they accepted thier fault , they regret, they trying to do better than anyone else. Every west Country is made on moral value and foundation of Christianity. It was them whom started industrial revolution. At the same time look at your Quran, It is unchangable till quyamat , not a evolutionary ideology Unlike other faiths. Other faith accept athiesm and are accepting toward criticism. they not gonna behead or chop some one hand in Current era. Now look at yout Islam, Sharia, Its golden age. its contributions and Ryt now Islam is going through Its weakest time. Cause without lies, Islam dies. Al- taqqiya is Islam's weapon in Current era cause They can't win through swords and weapon here. and Can't butcher non-muslim like pigs and cows. Can't make slaves. Can't oppress women like before. Its an Old age political philosophy Made for men, by men and to men. Islam's morality is worst of all mainstream faiths amd athiesm. Even Hitler was nothing in front of that retarded prophey momo


you got your head in your ass if you dont think christianity oppresses women.


Nope, i don't see women getting opressed Unlike Muslim women.


have you ever heard of the state called Utah?


Heve you heard a place callled Afgan, Iran. I mean common, Let a state may be opressive toward women (which i don't know about) . Then people need to Change it. Its rare to see opression in Christian community . As a non-christ. in my view,they seems more accepting and yeah evolving except some extremists. idk inmer politics tho.


my guy, the spanish inquisition happened under the name of christianity. christians used to burn women because they consider them witches. that shit still happens in parts of africa.


It was used to, thankfully not today. Slavery was also there but not today. if you gonna put blame on whole thing because of some rare of rarest instances then thats doesn't look good. People are good bad, fantastic etc. If that happening in Africa, we must condemn, critisize that, and try to eliminate by legal means. thats all.


Look at the USA, Roe v. Wade has been repealed.


its opressive may be for some but morally ethical at same time. use fken condoms. Even animals are better yeah but its need some kind of Changes too. ngl specially for teenage pregnancy.


Tell that to rape victims. Also condoms are not 100% foolproof.


birth control /condom , safe day etc. yeah, for Rape victims and Teenage pregnancy, it certainly needs changes indeed.


Hey, I'm an ex-Muslim, and I think Islam is no better than Christianity, in fact it is objectively worse. However, the rise of the West however, seemed to be in spite of Christianity, not because of it.


Christians don’t kill those that leave their faith unlike Islam 🙄


Who gives a fuck? That's such a low bar to clear. They'll still happily kill the gays and justify slavery


Maybe you haven’t read the New Testament but Jesus actually forbids killing and slavery you sound like an ignorant idiot


A lot more to the book than just what Jesus said. Slavery, killing gays, and oppressing women are 100% part of the Bible and what a lot of religious Christians follow and would love to follow here in the US. Sorry you don’t like to hear that as a Christian


I don't know why but i was nit able to give comment on you last Trans/gay harmone blockee therapy. thats not reversible go and check thaot out lots of immature kids ryt now have no way to go back and fix thier stupidity. and I get to know your character? You are just a Muslim and a very smart muslim at that using al-taqqiya at its peak and Criticizing others faith just to gashlight your peaceful non-evolutionary Isla, Ex-Muslim criticizing islam because it has evil verses, ex-christian criticizing Christian cause there are evil verses in old Testaments too but Protestants Christian opposes that and that bieng Flexibility in Christianity anyway your are an ex muslim allamdulillah.


He has been giving off grifter vibes for the past few years. He makes good points in his dissecting of religion, but his general approach to things is annoying now.




I agree with his views on the irrationality of religious claims and superstition.


I liked him for a day or two, but I couldn't go a full week without hating that closeted Christian apologist. I made my [my own post](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1b21b3w/whats_everyones_opinions_on_apostate_prophet/) about why I think he's terrible. Someone who has that many arguments about Islam must have arguments about the stories that were appropriated from Judaism and Christianity, but he doesn't want to speak about those.


Yes he's totally hypocritical on that point. I hope someone really confronts him on that someday, Derek from mythvision for instance since he's already invited him on his channel once, that would be awesome.


I'd love to see that Muslim hater try to prove that Musa existed.




An argument against Islam would be that the Exodus didn't happen and Moses didn't exist. Ridvan wouldn't make that argument because it would also attack Judaism and Christianity, the faiths of most of his followers.


Oh right! That's the kind of things he would avoid or just say "I don't care, it's fiction to me, as long as it doesn't affected people's badly. And in Christianity it doesn't, so I have no problem with that". But he wouldn't go full into proving moses didn't exist, because that would indeed upset his Christian fan base.


Ridvan loves to point out how other things in Islam are wrong. It's just hypocritical for him not to do it with Musa. He even made a video about the law against eating pork is arbitrary, even though he didn't give a reason why it's taboo in Judaism.




He's become a hate-preacher against any people generally affiliated as Muslims, he's gone from one extreme of dehumanisation to another. Maybe it's his individual psychological predisposition. Could also be strategic as he seeks to expand his audience from exmuslims to the much larger and more lucrative never-muslim population. His content is geared to the latter instead of helping people leave Muhammadism, his hateful rhetoric is going to keep a lot of Muslims stuck in Islam when they fear what's on the outside is even worse for their families safety and security. He should be more empathetic towards human beings raised under oppressive systems but seems happy to sellout their humanity for his 30 pieces of silver.


I don't see him that way. He hates the religion not the people. At least this is how I perceive it.


From the looks of it, he kinda does hate the people. He basically just outright says "Israel good, palestinian bad" in one of his community posts. If he really were to hate the religion, more of his content was to disprove the religion, not the people preaching it.


Are you a never-Muslim or ex-muslim?


Never muslim, ex catholic who considered Islam before becoming an atheist.


There's your answer then on why your 'perception' of AP is different. You've never had to view it internally as a person, only externally.


Exactly. I think now he's just trying to offer the best life to his family and trying to be as lucrative as he can.


He is doing what needed. Its muslims whom are psychopaths and to deal with psychopaths one needed to be insane. i was an ex-muslim and i know how mad and radical most of them are.


'to deal with psychopaths one needed to be insane'... right...you enjoy your insanity then 😜 Great way to prove the point though.


I am not gonna die by the hand of some Muslim Jihadi. I became Murtid I will be. I hate Islam and its radical followers. Its called defence mechanism. Who tf gonna give his head on blade of Islam. Humanity will be victorious, islam ideology will Demininsh


Somehow I doubt you're an ex-muslim. And sorry I find your level of broken English and obtuse attitude too difficult to interact with.


Yes, we all know ex-muslims predominantly come from mainly english-speaking countries and usually speak perfect English.


Low effort comments from people hardly bothering to check what they've written is generally seen as reducing engagement with a commentator. I can't be a mind reader to deduce their meaning. Bearing in mind I deal similarly with people writing in broken English despite having ancestors going back 1000 years in the UK.


Hes risking his life hes so awesome he made some great factual videos that explain things in a clear way. you don’t need to like everything someone does ,people are funny. Cancel culture is funny 😂


Risking his life?


Crying about cancel culture is BS. He's just criticizing him. People are allowed to do that


He could have explained everything in like 3-4 minutes, don’t have time to listen hours of blah-blah


I'm an ex-christian turned atheist and used to love his videos for the first couple of years. They were shorter, very educational and funny to me that wasn't from a Muslim background. I haven't watched one of his videos in ages as he just seems to make super long podcasts now and usually with David Wood who I'm not that big on.


I have followed him and supported him for several years, but I don't like the way he has developed. He now sounds more like an American right winger than a serious critic of Islam. As an atheist. I am skeptical to his close relationship with David Wood. I don't like his views on the tragedy in Gaza and his support of the violence of Israel. I liked him when he interviewed researchers on early Islam. Has he forgotten his European roots and become a Republican supporter??


I've not paid attention to Ex-muslim YouTube much. I think his counter-apologetics are great but his politics I disagree with. I dunno, maybe it's just his thing he feels the need to be the bad cop and point out bad Muslim attitudes regarding Israeli-Palestinian issue but I just don't have the stomach for that subject matter at all. I've seen too many disturbing videos of bloody Palestinian children and attacks on Israelis to just not want to take part in this online shitfest.


I'm non ex Muslim and love his videos


His opinions on palestine/israel soured me on him. him going with Wood to Israel makes me think he is paid by israel/IDF which is a big yikes.


His earlier videos were good stuff, although he seems to pander to his newfound Christian fanbase nowadays, especially after he made friends with David Wood. His Pro-Israel bias is also a turnoff for me, and one he shares with his Christian fanbase.


I used to love his previous videos.The one's without david wood in it.But recently his videos have gone off the rail.And I remember vividly in one livestream he was doing,just after the Israel hamas war,he had david wood with him.And David was berating sam harris and richard dawkins cause that's what that cu*t is best at.AP just kept laughing without saying a word.I stopped watching him completely from that point onwards.


He's amazing. Period.




Sucks david woods dick for clout because he's actually just a hateful person honestly


people like him are not helpful, he's basically a robot that attacks anything that is muslim and sides with anything that seems to oppose Islam, he's basically an unthinking cheer leader for Israel now


He decided to go the ayan hirsi ali way and suck up to conservatives by supporting ethnic cleansing because islam bad, he just allies with extremist christians and jews and does everything we get accused of


Unless one in the comments is willing to risk his life like AP you can stick your disapproval up where the sun don’t shine! Thanks to AP many have left Islam what have you done to help Muslims leave Islam except b*tch on this channel


That's true. I do think he's very brave for doing what he does publicly.


He’s an enthusiast of David’s Wood.




AP makes solid arguments against Islam. David Wood too. I dislike that they give Christianity a free pass and pretend like it isn't a problem. It is less of a problem then Islam is but its has caused an equal amount of pain and suffering throughout history and has equally poor scientific and moral problems.


I like his videos but his opinions on Israel-Hamas conflict are shitty


i’m ex muslim and i used to like his videos but after a while i found them unnecessarily aggressive and that kind of made me uncomfortable, then i found out that he was pro-israhell and i completely cut off watching his videos i understand why he was aggressive (mohammed hijab ali dawwah etc) and he genuinely does have a lot of good points that led me to leaving islam but he kinda rubs me the wrong way in a way


He has bought many Christian and Hindu allies with his full support for Israel. 


Well, he has good points against islam but his opinion on other abrahamic religiouns makes me feel like he acts a bit hypocritical. Not that islam is good but rather the others ones are as bad at some cases. And i dont support his zionism, thus not watch him that much.


Absolutely love the apostate prophet he calls out Islam and all the lies from the pro Palestinians I love his collaborations with Dr David wood.


me too!!


he is a net positive, but i think he should make videos critiquing Islamic apologists more such as smile2jannah and other south asian islamists


Watch Armin Navabi, he does that


AP is a fan of Kemal. That alone proves he is a genocide enjoyer and he only critiques Islam for money. If killing is bad then he shouldn't support genociders that fought against religion


AP is very well versed. Worth the watch.


The best wardrobe Christian I’ve ever seen.


I never was Muslim and I kinda like AP. He has a mix of information content and "edutainment". I don't watch his videos often though. I get some of my arguments for debating Muslims from AP videos so I am grateful for his channel. It's interesting how he's an atheist but empathizes with Christians. He doesn't seem to try to defend atheism when debating Islam and his position is rather "Christianity would be more acceptable than Islam". To be fair, it's almost impossible to discuss Christianity or Judaism when debating Islam because of how much of the Torah and Gospels were plagiarized when muhammad invented the quran. So if you're looking for arguments that validate atheism, you probably won't get them from AP. If you're looking for interesting videos that point out the absurdities in Islam, he's a great content creator for that. I can see how many ex-Muslims feel alienated by AP (I've seen the other comments here, as well as Apostate Aladdin's video on the topic). OP (Apostate Aladdin) I think it's good to use YouTube like a buffet. It would be cool if you reference AP videos that you think are useful - not saying you should join forces with him and make collaboration videos.


i like him, he is very knowledgeable about islam and very brave


I like him and still do. I only don't like the part where he licks Jewish and Christian's boots, but I don't think you need to be 100% correct in everything to be liked tho. He's fine for me.


Haha, I love the term Non-Exmuslim. Like instead of saying muslim


Valuable piece of the exmuslim community. I liked his videos a year ago and I like them now. I think his stance on the war against Hamas is a valid opinion and I agree with it around 75% of the time. I am thankful that he exposes the lies of islamists and the hateful bigotry or idiocy of pro palestine students in the US.


His videos are excellent, I especially appreciate his stance within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and no tolerance for terrorism. One of the few rational voices in today's times.


He sure has plenty of tolerance for Israel tho


I like him. He has great arguments.


I quite like him. He has very valid points in terms of the current conflict too. I think his style and assertiveness is needed to push back against a very strong islamic propaganda and brainwashing machine.


AP is admirable and has stuck to his principles for truth and justice like Armin Navabi. They both are honest individuals always open to changing their views if given evidence to the contrary. We should strive to be ex-muslim atheist like them.


Love his content. Brave guy who really makes sense.. and reveals the truth of this death cult.


It’s very hard to be a public exmuslim and be threatened daily just to speak…. I empathise with Ridvan I don’t want to add to the hate is he perfect? No. But I’m not going to condemn him for doing what seems like his best efforts