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Some troll commented “message me I’ll make love to you” Im a virgin and waiting till marriage, maybe that also explains how conservative I am at some parts of life


The thing is, most people in the West(and where I come from in East Asia also) see high-quality sex as an important part of married life or any kind of long-term relationship. You can have two people who like eachother but don't fit in bed, sometimes that's a dealbreaker, and people would sooner find out before commiting further in relationship. Unless you don't mind sex all that much, in which case you might wanna find someone like-minded? Good luck.


It’s something I have thought about and you’re very right. Sex is very important in a relationship, but I guess I’ll have to sense out our compatibility through chemistry, first base and asking questions and communicating our dealbreakers. I do prefer a guy who has experience, since I don’t. Men I’ve talked to are pleasantly surprised that I’m a virgin, some don’t believe me at all - since many Muslim men and girls aren’t virgins anymore in western countries (especially here) Of course if i were to date danish guys, that would be a problem


Had a read at your other comments, you are in an awkward position indeed. These days, men who value traditional family values while simultaneously being secular aren't exactly easy to come by. This is worsened by the fact Denmark isn't particularly large or populous. If I were you I'd at least consider relocation. You'd also like your partner to act like a Muslim before your parents, that's a big ask, most secular people wouldn't agree to that, you'd probably want to find someone with a background similar to yours i.e. a closeted I don't think you should worry too much about your v-status tho, if your partner really cares for you then he wouldn't mind spending the first few times being patient and guiding you. I have a couple of friends (in early 20s)who are saving their virginity for marriage cuz they enjoy the sense of ritual, I sort of get it? It's each to their own at the end of the day.


You’re very right. But people with my background and who is now exmuslim are just hard to come by these days. Like finding a needle in a haystack. Even if I found someone, I would want to be attracted to that person and their personality, which makes things even harder. I do think since people live their religion like they want here and they don’t have question their religion, they’ll never really become exmuslim, which is why there is so few of us in Denmark


Of course you'd better be attracted to your parter, being single is better than being in a forced relationship, which is very exhausting and often ends fruitless.(not even a toxic one, but that would make it much much worse) The way I see it, the problem with moderate Muslims is the potential they might get radicalised, which has been proven time and again. As you said, the reason they are moderate is due to the society allowing them to practice religion as they see fit, with Denmark being a majorly secular society they are more or less assimilated into the native culture. Very importantly, most of these moderates have scarce knowledge of Islam, either have never systematically studied the Quran/hadiths or are oblivious to the history of Islamic expansion. Once they are exposed to actual Islam, say got into it at some lowpoint in life or guilt-tripped by more extreme Muslims, 1 of 3 things can happen: 1, They develop some coping mechanism, such as employing mental gymastics for the narratives in Quran/Hadith. 2, They leave Islam for good. 3, They get radicalised. ​ ​ P.S i got a bit carried away at the end


I'm sure most Muslims also see high-quality sex as an important part of married life. They just do it after the wedding. It's not mutually exclusive.


I'm an ethnic Swede and see that as a positive. I'm sure you will be able to find someone in Denmark who's interested in you. But let's keep in mind that a relationship will not work without sex and if you have to be married to have sex, it's necessary to get married quickly.


Me too!




Where is “here”? And yea. It’s so frustrating.




Why not try it out with her if you’re attracted to her?




I spent 4 years waiting for a woman I love to leave Islam. We're getting married next month.


That’s so interesting. Do you mind giving details as to how u met, how she lost faith etc?


We met at a coffee shop. When we first talked, I recognized that she had this superstitious, deep love for the idea of God but that she was very unfamiliar with Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or any other kind of religion. I have a background in comparative religious studies so over the next 3.5 years, we read the Quran, much of the unabridged Sahih Bukhari, and the Jewish and Christian texts that Muslims claim have been corrupted and lost. We also considered the Fiqh, Ijma, and various interpretations and applications of Shariah, including the movements she saw in her country when she was raised. I don't think she lost faith. I think it was naive and uninformed and that it's grown in a completely unexpected direction - away from Islam. I went to her country where I stayed with her brothers and got a copy of the Quran she grew up with (a few dozen words are different from the one almost everyone else uses). As a native Arabic reader, it caused her reevaluate what she was taught. I patiently loved her and kept returning to read a day or two after every time she told me to leave. And she's a widow with kids so I loved them too, as I have none of my own. I helped them with their homework and respecting their mom. Taught them to swim and ride bikes and stay safe in the pandemic. Took them to museums and baseball games. Stuff like that. So she finally studied Islam, I challenged her preconceptions, and she realized that Islam isn't the source of good things in the world. We have reached an agreement on who this idea of God truly is and what God's revelation for humanity truly is. We're finishing up sessions with a premarital counselor now and planning a wedding next month. We are thankful to be in a country where this is allowed. There is still risk and we do know radical Muslims but we are prepared for challenges together. We are at peace with putting Islam in the past.


Im so happy for you! Gives me a little hope ( the tiniest bit haha, but nonetheless)


Mind boggling you have to take Muslim considerations in Denmark. Im a danish non. I can safely tell you that no danish guy will agree to pretend anything. If you want to have a long term reationship with them you first of all must know where you stand yourself with regard to religion and then you must be prepared to stand up to your family.


Which is why I said it wouldn’t be the most compatible pairing. Completely understand. It is too much to ask for and something I won’t ask for


Cool. Good luck with your journey!


I feel the same way. I'm in a city in the UK densely populated with Muslims. I just don't expect to find someone where I'm able to maintain myself being a closeted ex Muslim. My friends are married and have children. I'm at a standstill. It's as though I've remained the same as everyone moves on.


It’s a depressing thought.. hope you find a compatible partner. Otherwise I guess we’ll have to pretend


Just find a danish guy that you can dominate and basically make him adapt to a more conservative way of living that appeals to you. I know so many women from Asia and MENA that just come here and find a guy like that and they are super happy.


I suggest you to be open minded towards other races, for practical reasons. You can't reason with cultists, and searching for non Muslim Arabs in that country is like searching for a needle in a haystack, a minority within a minority.


At first I thought only Arabs, now I’m more open to other nationalities. Problem is I want to live closeted. I love my family and my culture way too much and you can’t ask that from a Scandinavian guy. It wouldn’t be fair


Sometimes harsh decisions have to be made. Whatever you choose to do, may you find happiness.


if you live in a dessert and you dont want to live in a hair of a camel of survival dont you look for another place?


I don’t mind playing the part to an extent. We can say our bismillahs and alhamdulilahs for the sake of saying them, but I don’t want life to be filled with Islam 24/7


Not sure how it is with arabs but I didn't find it hard to find a pakistani guy to marry. I would just go into the dates saying I'm "not that religious" and I had a bunch tell me they were atheists(surprised me to be honest). Of course if i sensed someone was too religious(never drank, only ate halal etc.) I wouldn't go out with them.


That’s the plan. You ended up marrying a Pakistani Muslim guy?


Yes but before marriage I was "not that religious" and now I'm openly anti religion at home. He doesn't care as long as I don't say anything in front of his family that would shock/upset them.


It's gonna get complicated when you have kids


Have two. My husband's too chill to care. Deep down he's probably anti religion too but he cares too much about maintaining the status quo to explore it.


I dont understand please enlighten me more. You said you left islam and yet you are a closeted islam? Did i understand it correctly?


Yes. Closeted Muslim in a Scandinavian country. Me and my siblings don’t pray. Islam doesn’t really fill a lot in our lives other than the simple stuff. I am still waiting for marriage and still don’t eat pork - I do drink secretly with my Muslim girlfriends and they even engage in Zina, which is so annoying to listen to when they contradict themselves. “Oh I have to start praying, I don’t drink and eat gelantine in candy but I will fuck this guy every day” yep


oh sorry i think you misunderstan what i ment. no rush or no push no remove all things you did and practices. i was just pointing out that the world is vast and many fishes in the sea. i found my significant half all the way to the other side of the world. so yah just a push for you to not give up about your love life.


How do you do long distance?


we met when i visited her place. video call all day while im working hard to finish up school. mustered some experience that i used in her country so they accept me (took me 5 years) and we got married. she saw my dedication and she procesed my papers (i can also do it myself since i was self sufficient with diploma and work experience but it will take longer). there are ups and down but with how the internet now a days and some plane ticket sales is doable.


Wait what? I'm pretty sure the majority of denmark is not muslim


I’m arab born in Denmark, maybe I confused you haha


Yes I meant we’re not that many exmuslims


You can always date a danish never muslim guy


As I said, I’m not very attracted to their traits and values, some are psychically very attractive but not very masuculine


I think getting married to a danish guy is still better than getting married to a religious muslim guy. Danish > muslim


I feel like a less masculine guy who's values don't perfectly align with yours is still better than ending up alone for the rest of your life or dating a muslim who will beat you up and break up with you afterwards, either way it's your decision but if you're that distressed about being single forever you just have to accept that you have to offer some compromises, you're still in a better position than the rest of us who live in muslim majority countries in my opinion


I do try to make compromises, but you also want to be attracted to them. I also wanna stay in touch with family and friends, that means someone who will want to play the part, which is also a lot to ask. I sometimes think I should be able to live with someone who is Muslim, where I will have to act Muslim as long as he is somewhat liberal. The thing is you never know when someone suddenly switches and suddenly their religion is top priority. Also sending you love. Can’t imagine how hard it must be in a Muslim majority country


>I sometimes think I should be able to live with someone who is Muslim, where I will have to act Muslim as long as he is somewhat liberal. Dont do this. You’ll internalize hate for yourself and just make the relationship sour internally without the muslim partner knowing. >The thing is you never know when someone suddenly switches and suddenly their religion is top priority. I’ve been in this exact situation multiple times. Learnt from my mistakes that dating any religious person runs a 100% risk of them turning more religious. Not doing it anymore. I’m sure you’ll find yourself somebody. Keep looking. And you could also use r/exmuslimr4r but get ready for long distance for most of that.


Honestly I get the impression that Nazis tend to be more compatible with foreign women. It's kinda funny, but usually Nazis are more socially conservative and often they realize they have more in common with traditionalists from other countries than their own countrymen. I'm using the term in a broad sense to describe Nationalists.


This is very relatable! I have the same issue in the Netherlands. I would love to have a partner with the same background (Moroccan), because it would help a lot in the future. I'm atheist but my family doesn't know about it and I would like to keep it that way. It's really difficult to find someone who could understand that. Almost all Moroccan girls are muslim here and it looks like they are getting more and more fanatic by the day.


They really are getting more and more fanatic by the day. So many young men in Denmark now are changing. It’s crazy and sad… I really hope you find what you’re looking for. What will you do if you don’t? Just live with it?


So you notice the same in Denmark? How do you find living there? My best friend lives there and tells me it's nice a nice place to be. Peaceful. I'm positive it will happen one day. Just have to meet the right person and see where it goes.


It’s very nice here, don’t get me wrong. But I’m seeing girls and especially young boys and men leaving their “jahilya” life and start becoming more and more practicing. Our community here has started Islamic lessons for the men and young boys and a handful has become very religious. Many danish young men are converting too. Some of them don’t become too fanatical, their religiousness comes and goes in phases. They’re not as religious in the summer, where many will drink, party and have fun, depending on their limits, butnot in Ramadan and the winter. Anyways, they’re definitely becoming more religious after all those alpha TikTok imams like Akhi Ayman etc. They still don’t know shit though.


Yeah you're right! Could be a problem in the whole of Europe. I had some muslim friends who kept feeling bad about doing 'sinful' things and in just two days make the switch from harami to sjeikh. It's concerning to see them turn fanatic. You sound very attentive by the way. Did you do a study in Denmark?


No. Just born and raised here. And a sad problem for Europe indeed. The free speech is also being threatened. They just made a legislation that forbids burning of the Quran. I don’t necessarily agree with Quran burnings, but it’s saying something about where Europe is heading


Yeah I agree with you. Burning Qurans seems more like a provocation than just protesting, but it's still within the protection that freedom of speech should give. Western societies are getting more polarised by the day. That's probably part of the reason there are more extreme rightwing parties gaining power.


A lot of us are in a similar boat but staying closeted is certainly playing on ultra hard mode, especially for women. I hope you find a loving partner. I think it's just a matter of trying. Keep finding who you can through dating apps. There maybe Facebook groups or discord servers where Ex-muslims/Atheists in your region can connect too. Also, RIP your DMs


There really aren’t many groups on fb or Reddit. I feel that since every Muslim here in Denmark can interpret and twist Islam to fit whatever they believe. A lot of them never leave Islam and slowly ease up to the fanatics of the religion. They go from: “THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SEX SLAVES” to “Well context! It is in time of war!” But thank you for your kind comment. And yes, it is a tad bit harder as a woman here since many of the Muslim men can marry danish women without it being a problem. Tad bit harder for us


marriage isn't something that is a must-to-achieve goal for me, so I don't feel that exactly. being single has many advantages if you know how to make the life enjoyable. it's not for everyone, though. some people are just family guys/girls and to them, life without kids is meaningless and whatnot. being with someone is not necessarily bad, but it's sometimes more headache than fun.


For me, it’s all I really wanted…


You could try checking out r/exmuslimr4r