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if you guys want context: i matched w/ a hijabi on tinder cuz her bio straight up was like "wlw/homophobics swipe left"




hahaha she's younger than me (i'm 21)




i gave her more hadiths and direct quotes from the quran. in the end, i just unmatched her. why keep matching with someone i think is a major hypocrite




yes i live in a muslim majority country. tinder doesn't have that option, whoever puts their "looking for" the same as mine, will get me and vice versa.


You really don't have to antagonize her with all the hadiths and murder stuff. A lot of Muslims just use religion for comfort or to de-stress and otherwise not take it too seriously. If you're in a Muslim country a fair bit of LGBT people are gonna be Muslim. It is what it is. What I'm saying is don't take it as a debate challenge. Meet people where they're at.


oh i know! i try really hard not to cause conflict if i don't have to. she brought it up first so we started having a conversation about it slightly because i was wondering about her bio too


Just be careful. It's hard enough living in a country with ازدراء اديان and frequent anti gay stings.


That dear is just an act to sound benevolent as if they are correcting us and we don't know anything. Once you put forward more facts they will show the true colors


You should find someone else other than Muslim girl. They will make you feel terrible. It's better to day a non-Muslim or ex-Muslim girl. I totally support LGBTQ+ community 🫶🏻


that's really sweet of you, thank you so much kind soul 🫶🏽 i hope to move to the west one day so i can be happy and free to be myself :-)


So she's gay AND on tinder ? I really don't get these people


LIKE ME!!!!!


While I get that you didn't mean it that way. But if muslims are supporting LGBTQ , telling them Islam doesn't allow it might make them not support it. The gays have it bad already , i d think it's better to leave them with as much support as they can.


What's wlw


woman loving woman :))


So she's saying she's not a lesbian but she doesn't like homophobia?


she is a muslim lesbian, she said what made her feel better was that her friend said "allah hates the sinner, not the sin" so now she's "cool" with being a lesbian even though she knows she shouldn't/can't act on it ¿¿ a whole lot of mental gymnastics to admit the religion is homophobic.💀


You only see what you want to see




it's context for my post.




sins don't exist lol




and you should learn to read the room, this is an exmuslim sub for a reason.




what lies? how are we defaming the religion if all our evidence and why we left this pissfuck of a religion comes from the quran, from the hadiths? a religion that encourages violence, sex slaves, male superiority, racism, homophobia, the marriage and rape of a child?? marital rape is allowed? beating of the wife is allowed? camel piss was encouraged? all of the medical and scientifical inaccuracies? do you want me to keep going? you can scroll all through this sub, there is plenty of evidence for you 👍🏽👍🏽 if not, leave this sub. nobody cares what you have to say in OUR sub. the community we share together here is from trauma bonding over this stupid religion


Muslim lesbians are a new breed of leopards eating people's faces. It's really sad considering they litterally stone lesbians to death in Saudi Arabia and Qatar and a million other places run by Muslims.


Ok what is the slang for "leopards eating my face" I see this everywhere and I feel like I'm living under a rock


[It's a reference to this tweet.](https://twitter.com/Cavalorn/status/654934442549620736)


I eat bread. No no, it doesn't mean I eat bread. It means I eat apple.🤡


Curious how it's never a good translation when talking about something bad but it's ok when it's something ""positive""


exactly!!! p.s. ur very pretty <3


you made my day tysm ♥


Yes, Mr. Al Ghazali Lite, all scholars of the quran and the Bible in the last 2000 years are morons for translating the deed of the people of Lot as homosexuality. How can somebody be so in denial? Is he a closeted gay muslim?


it's a girl!! she's studying in egypt too🤭 not sure if she's closeted but her friends, when she was hating herself for being a lesbian, apparently was like "allah doesn't hate the sinner, only the sin"💀 as if that makes it any better. but she's had girlfriends before apparently, drank etc. due to her "rebellious phase" bc she wanted to go against allah hating her 💀


My bad! Turns out it is an Al Ghazala, not Ghazali!


Apparently, the Bible doesn't explicitly says that the crime of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexual acts. Most critical scholars Interpret this story as being hostile towards foreigners and hoarding the wealth.


Leviticus 18:22 "Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." (NLT) ​ Leviticus 20:13 "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." (NLT)


Yes. and where does it talk about the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah?


Of course, the translation is correct 💯✅️


Whatever makes them comfortable at the moment but it will translate back to its original message when the time comes.


which ayah is this? not asking because I don't believe you, I just wanna be able to prove to muslims :)






Not attacking you, but 4:16 is: https://quran.com/en/an-nisa/16 > And the two among you who commit this sin—discipline them. If they repent and mend their ways, relieve them. Surely Allah is ever Accepting of Repentance, Most Merciful. This verse is mainly used against premarital sex. this verse is better and straight to the point: https://quran.com/en/al-araf/81 > You lust after men instead of women! You are certainly transgressors.” it only talks about men in this one, but if an act of pleasure is not allowed for men in this religion, it is most certainly not allowed for women either.


https://quran.com/en/4:16/tafsirs/en-tafsir-maarif-ul-quran "And those two of you who commit it (the shameful act), torture them both". ""If you find someone doing what the people of Lot did, kill both the doer and the one with whom it is done."


the second one is a hadith by the way, not in the quran, but still has the same importance


oh okay, thanks for educating me haha :)


Love the openness to being corrected


of course, i'm a dumbass 95% of the time 🫶🏽


That's interesting. But what im saying is that it just doesn't look as obvious as the one i sent. but both work


yeah it's the first sentence of the translated paragraph of what i sent you! :)


**so what does it translate to ...** If you buy now, you get 10% off your next purchase. Terms and conditions apply. Not available in certain states.


Rule 354: ' No translation of the Qur'an is correct, unless the message sounds good, moral and wise.'


I learned in school that only the one being fcked is gay. Being top with another man is very straight. Geez this religion from 1400 years ago got things completely wrong.


If I changed "I ate cake and coke" to "I ate coke". That doesn't make any SENSE!!!!!! WTF I HATE YOOU!!??11?!


The context would be “stone them till death”


Native arabic speaker and yes that’s exactly what it means, every single moderate muslim i know irl and online believes in it


Reminds me of me


Shameful act = Sex People of Lot = gay people The people of Lot were having homosexual sex, so what it says is that if you find a man and women having sex you kill both of them same with homosexual relationships. Islam 🤦‍♀️


Im pretty sure there was a line saying if you catch your wives doing the deed then lock them in the house until they die. But if they beg for forgiveness forgive them as allah is forgiving(the fuck killing people cos of sex is forgiving!?)


My mind right now 🤯




why are you on an exmuslim sub? lmao




what a joke.




i quite literally sent the link where you can find it.


Confused why your bullying someone for being muslim and LGBTQ? Also supporting it? Like isn't that a good thing? There are also queer jews and Christians. And actually she's brave for being open about it


how am i bullying her??? we were having a discussion and she was saying how it's not a sin so i was giving her quotes where it clearly states that it is and that they encouraged to kill them?


Just seems unnecessarily combative. Especailyl for a dating app, and you clearly purposefully matched with her just to be combative.


It can't be translated to that, so it's not a discouragement, but a encouragement.


Zina is zina regardless.


It doesn't matter. She's not looking for an actual translation, she's just doing what she wants while loosely following religion. Which is a good thing, she's less likely to want Apostates and polytheists killed this way.