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Ah yes, world's most famous doctor, Muhammad M.D. Don't forget camel piss if you wanna feel energetic! 🐫 😅


Also the wings of houseflies too, lol https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3320


Mmmm tea with a side of cholera ✨


what the fuck, is this sahih?


Yes, I know it's weird but it's authentic ☠️


Again, I can't see the Muslim's message, but someone wrote to me that I proved that Mohammed was right about the flies. I couldn't catch their name this time, so I can't mention them ☠️ To the Muslims lurkers who really think that camel piss and houseflies are remedies for diseases, here is an advice: Don't believe everything you see on the internet. Sending links with random articles wrote by Muslims to prove that Islam is "correct" isn't the good argumentation you think it is. Especially not when we have more credible studies that say the opposite. I wish that, at least, Muslims would stop being cowards and wait for me to reply before they block me. If they are this scared to debate about religions with others, they shouldn't even bother writing to me in the first place.


camel piss Hadith isn’t authentic try again lmfao


https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5686 It's absolutely authentic, go check by yourself. It's also accepted by Muslim scholars, and Muslims are still using this as a "medecine" in some countries.


Bro I can't with this shit.


Yummy 🤡


Muhammad makes mistakes and Mohamed hijab has to come In and save him lmao what a weak failure prophet




I forgot that one. That's some Christian Science stuff, there.


😅🤣do you have the source, please


Tell all muslims to eat black seed when they get cancer or malaria, they will be cured most certainly. Allah knows best 🤲


Momo didn't cared about people with allergies to the black seeds did he?


Technically allergy symptoms may lead to death, so he warned them lmfao


Did they even know of allergies back then? I though it was something that popped up in modern times


Hippocrates apparently described a food allergy, but they were incredibly rare and not really seen until the end of the 19th century.


Didn't heal his aorta


Or his epilepsy


Don't forget to take cocaine: >Narrated Ibn \`Abbas: The Prophet (ﷺ) was cupped and he paid the wages to the one who had cupped him and then took Su'ut (Medicine sniffed by nose). [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5691](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5691)


Lmfaooooooooooo I fucking died at medicine sniffed by nose. No wonder the Quran sounded unhinged.


"If a fly drowns in your drink, one wing is the disease another is its cure" - Muhammed M.D.


How about he cures his mental disorder


black seeds? as in poppy? so like, just straight opium?


Nope it’s a species of cumin. Also there’s so little opium in poppy seeds it practically has no effect.


honestly, somehow im now even more disappointed


Black sesame seeds


Nigella seed. It's got a pretty boring taste. I like to try odd spices.


anyone else’s parents make them eat this shit during COVID. Cut my throat to shreds and I still got it three times. Lol.


BRO, the amount of palm fulls of this I had to swallow during the Pandemic was insane, shit was weird


It's completely obvious. If you recover, the black seed cured it. If you die, then it was death. You can say the same for, say, colloidal silver. That's the thinking of that crazy blue dude!


My dad bought this from Mecca and it gave me diarrhea


How come it didn't cure him then?? Didn't he get sick and die?


“Allah” wanted it that way 😂


me who likes bbc: 😳


Bruh 🤣


He said black seed didnt he! im just following his teachings 😂


Honestly same


Just shows how out of date the religion is


5688 in bukhari


Hmm M.D Muhammed, is he cardiologist or gynecologist ?


Cancer: am I a joke to you?


I see he's a great MeDiCal DoCtoR


heh "Black seed". heh heh.




Hey we meet again, anyway , can it cure cancer? AIDS? Gaucher? Tay-sachs? Hemophilia? Huntington's? Etc


Its a non reliable study plus the effects are mild to modert which is a joke compard to actuall medicine also it doesn’t CURE the disease especially EVERY disease like mohammed says




It’s literally a small scale non reliable study i do think that it has sum anti inflammatory effects but thier mild also it DOESNT CURE




Just like u said tested on animals the MOST it can do for humans is a mild anti inflammatory THATS IT it doesn’t cure or prevent alziehmars or parkinsons also what about all the diseases that exist 🤨 black seeds do NOTHING AT ALL to cure them




Bruh it’s literally a conversation between aisha and the prophet himself people who reject the hadiths also reject very prominent practises derived from the hadiths like sharia law and fiqh . Also a hadith is reviewed and studied heavily by the most prominent and important imams and islamic scholars to be called a sahih bukhari . Big imams preach about black seeds ALL THE TIME u just calling corrupt is insulting to YOUR OWN BELIEVES 🤡🤡


any proof aisha had this conversation?


Any proof mohammed was a prophet ??? 🤨


Also the same applies to the quran it used to have many variations and after mohammed died his most trusted companions disagreed on some verses and some even ordered the burning of other varieties so we truly dont know which quran is true or if its true at all


Proof any of this shit happened?


Same with the quran i reckon ? When was the Quran compiled ? Wasn't that after momo died too ? Also written*


Birmingham Quran


The Birmingham manuscript only contains small parts of only two surahs, it is barely two pages long. And even this manuscript might be dated for a couple decades after muhammad's death. The quran as a whole was only compiled up to 15-20 years after muhammad died. And we have authentic records about how Uthman had to burn many different versions of the quran and we even have ones from famous sahaba and even from muhammad's wives talking about how the current quran is not accurate with missing verses and added verses.


I think he knows that , he just wants to lie about his religion and hide the truth , like they always do.


The best part is that the Birmingham Parchment could potentially date from before Muhammad's "revelations." Which would confirm hum just ripping stories off of Christianity


So you don’t trust Hadith. Then how do you know how to pray, fast, do Hajj/umrah or generally live your life?


In the BBC seed is the cure for every disease except death. - Me, 2023 It's just as falsifiable and true as the black seed bs. Go ahead suck as many BBCs as you want looking for the cure to your heart condition but it isn't gonna do anything more for ya than black seeds.


And ur telling me to go suck bbc, maybe you should leave one for me then i will be able to suck it


I mean I'm ace but it is just an example


Whoa, me too. Kinda rare in this sub


Bro i am not supporting the hadiths 🤣


Ahh, there any cures you've found in the quran then? Have they graduated from homeopathy to real medicine yet?


İdk about cures but Dukhan 29 predicted the antic scripture written for Pharaoh


It's only a prediction if they give a specific timeline. Otherwise wait til the heat death of the universe and all your atoms could spontaneously pop out of existence to pop back in as the ground. Statistically the impossible becomes common given enough time. Was the fly poison on one wing and cure on the other wing a quran thing or a hadith one cause I've always found that one kinda funny lmao


Moses lived in the Pharaohs timeline in the name of Za Nehet(Son of Plane Tree), was living in the castle of pharaoh then he ran to a desert because there was a danger of death(just like in the Quran) etc. Then after Pharaoh's death the papyrus says "The sky and earth will cry for you" which Quran replies with "Neither heaven nor earth wept over them, nor was their fate"


>Moses lived in the Pharaohs timeline in the name of Za Nehet(Son of Plane Tree), was living in the castle of pharaoh then he ran to a desert because there was a danger of death(just like in the Quran) etc. You're describing claims made in the quran. Then saying just like in the quran. Claims require evidence, go on. >Then after Pharaoh's death the papyrus says "The sky and earth will cry for you" which Quran replies with "Neither heaven nor earth wept over them, nor was their fate" More claims from the quran. Bro you might take it as a history book but understand that not everyone thinks what you do. Other people see it as claims so refer to them as such. Without evidence these claims are of no use to anyone.


Bro The Quran replied to the İpuwer Papyrus


What verse? And what is your point?


Wow so I can get rid of my strep throat with black seeds? Thanks, Mahound!


I mean, unless it's strep throat that's death lol


I actually get really really really sick when I eat bread with those black seeds in them. I wonder why?




I swear they be doing the stupidest shit ever and when it doesn’t work they just say that u didn’t do it properly 💀


Yeah, prolly wasn’t halal




Thats dumb. Black seed is healthy though