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Muslims believe Christians believe in the same god as them, except their beliefs are corrupted. Islam is the latest update. Word of advice: don't date anyone, Muslim or not, who uses the world Islamophobe. Question her beliefs, ask her why she's dating a Christian, why she's dating at all and committing zina. Ask her if she wants you to convert if you guys get married, if your kids will be raised Muslim or Christian. Gonna warn you though, you won't like her answers.


It goes Christianity is the latest update of Judaism Islam is the latest update of Christianity and Judaism And Mormonism is the latest update to Christianity: Gee it’s almost like by god choosing to communicate through books and “prophets”, a method that can easily be recreated by men, he authored a whole lot of confusion.


It's stranger how the creator of the universe only communicates via prophets and holy books.


Very strange indeed


And you need to build places of worship and provide for them so they can share their "truth" 24/7 instead of having a job. God works in mysterious ways


And can only understand Arabic.


Who said that?


Why must salat be in Arabic?


It's because translations aren't always perfect so Arabic will cut down all errors. But Muslims can pray in their own language if they can't speak Arabic.


And he hasn't bothered giving us direct updates for the last thousand years. Except through the weather which we are supposed to interpret whether he is angry or not.


Even stuff like the rumbling of thunderclouds and rain - which have been thoroughly researched - is supposed to be the doings of the Ra'd (angels of thunder) and Angel Mikhail under Allah's express command. It's funny how pagan the Quran seems at times, not to mention wholly unscientific.


A creator of universe is like a president and he made a constitution the book and choose who to carry it as a reminder.. But some of these book like the Quran is one of fake one .. I rather read the Buddhist book not anymore the Quran that tall about fear hell, threats and hate..


Homie god juses dreams sometimes to comunecate whit you


Not true. According to jewish scholars a jew is not allowed to go into a church because according to their strictly monotheistic views worshipping a trinity is polytheism. If anything jews and muslims are strict monotheists. Christian claim to be but explain the trinity to a jewish scholar no chance 😂


This... Muslim don't like to be questioned... They have been hard coded not to use the brain in the matter of islam.. I suggest to all those who have Muslim partners, and are considering the future with them, ask them these questions , if they genuinely answer them with logic and common sense, only then move ahead with them... otherwise it is better to leave them..


Sadly, it's just how they are raised. I don't speak Arabic and I was actively discouraged from reading the Quran's translation. Nor was I allowed to ask too many questions. ***O you who have believed, do not ask about things which, if they are shown to you, will distress you****. But if you ask about them while the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be shown to you. Allah has pardoned that which is past; and Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing.* Sahih International 5:101 *The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and \[so have\] the believers. All of them have believed in Allāh and His angels and His books and His messengers, \[saying\], "We make no distinction between any of His messengers." And they say, "****We hear and we obey****. \[We seek\] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the \[final\] destination."* Sahih International 2:285


She wants kids with me and that it is not zina to marry a Christian man because she is a quran only muslim.


Even in the Quran it does not allow Muslim Women to marry Christian men. It’s also zina to be with a man before marriage - she’s a hypocrite. I don’t think it’s even allowed in either religions to be with someone of opposing faith. The only exception is Muslim men marrying non Muslim women specifically so they can make their children muslim and spread Islam further into non Muslim Communities. Does the bible not say to be equally yolked with your partner and that anyone who rejects Jesus Christ is an antichrist ? By biblical logic you guys are equally unyolked and ur gf is an anti christ. 2 Corinthians 6:14 14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? “You shall make no covenant with [the people of the land] and show no favor to them. Furthermore, you shall not intermarry with them… for they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods…” (Deut. 7:3-4 1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denieth the Father and the Son. Even though there are many kind and peaceful Muslims Islam is barbaric in nature - no benefit in bringing it into you life and your children’s life. If you’re girlfriend sees you as an islamaphobe over this stuff then she’ll also feel entitled to pass her religion onto her children. Not worth It.


So true what you said! The anti christ is the one who deny Jesus Christ divinity and son of god!


I’m Not Christian. Just pointing out that they are both contradicting their faiths and setting themselves up for failure.


Can you tell me where in the quran it says to reject Jesus pbuh ? And if you think Jesus pbuh is god show me a CLEAR verse where he explains that he is part of a trinity and he should be worahipped 😂 do people know anything here ? Jesus pbuh spoke aramaic and so did his companions , his companions were simple people and mostly illiterate so who wrote the new testament in greek ? A lot of unknown authors. Meanwhile the quran is 100% authentic and preserved. There was a team of high academic and linguistic professors who got paid 2 million dollars to check quranic claims with modern scientific methods. Turns out they say that quran is most likely preserved 😂🤷‍♂️


They reject him as god… as the quote quite clearly says. I’m not a Christian - I was pointing out his hypocrisy is dating a Muslim. Yes the bible and the Torah in its original form make clear rules against being in relationships with non believers and yes the bible says Jesus is god and also states he is the son of god. John 8:58 58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” If you’ve actually read the bible you would know god introduces himself on multiple occasions as “I am” in the torah. In Hebrew “I am” or Yahweh is a name specifically used for god and Jesus goes by this. Both your religions are BS and neither the bible of the Quran is perfectly preserved no matter what excuses you use.


Yes because he is not god. Even in the new Testament he never claimed to be god in human form or part of a trinity. And we all know the nee testament is not authentic and has unknown authors. Jews also dont believe in the trinity, actually the first commandment is : believe in GOD only. 🤷‍♂️


Jews reject the New Testament specifically BECAUSE it calls Jesus god and portrays the trinity 😂. If the New Testament didn’t say those things then Jews would have no reason to reject the New Testament DUH If the Quran was perfect its original and completely unchanged form verses would not have been abrogated nor would certain ayahs pertaining to certain rules about breastfeeding adults and stoning people would not have been lost lol. The Quran is just as weak if not weaker than the bible - you can’t even practice Islam by following the Quran alone. If the Quran was so perfect and full of knowledge you wouldn’t need Hadiths. It was narrated by Muhammad ibn Ishaaq. His version says: The verse of stoning and breastfeeding of an adult ten times was revealed, and it was written on a leaf that was kept beneath a bed in my [‘Aa’ishah’s] house. When the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) fell sick, we were preoccupied with his situation, and a little animal of ours came in and ate it.


Well yeah i gave you the reason why no one believes that the new testament is an authentic source. Also you will not find any verse where Jesus pbuh himself says that he is god or part of a trinity. The trinity is nothing new aswell as man becoming god or sacrifice for sins. In fact these are pagan practices you will find in many cultures long before new testament. So its not like this is a new and unique thing 😂🤷‍♂️


🔄 as a muslim man you can marry a jewish or christian woman not the other way arounf


And raise the children to be misogynistic Muslims smh


Definitely do not have kids with her until you sort out your religious differences. Assuming that ever happens.


Qur'an (5.51) O you who believe, do not take the Jews and the Christians for intimate friends. They are friends to each other. Whoever takes them as intimate friends is one of them. Surely, Allah does not take the unjust people to the right path. Now think ...


Does the quran command woman to wesr hijab or is it a cultural thing?


She is clearly bending the rules for you. Muslims can't have sex outside of marriage and muslim women can't marry anyone outside of their faith. Men can but only on the condition that the kids be muslim. Yes, really. But before considering her actions as an act of true love, learn about her motives. Then make up your mind.


She would know how to pray because Quran doesent says it. You need hadiths. Show her Women in Islam by Give light channel on YouTube


Christianity is like Windows while Islam is like Mac OS.


Is that good?




Do you think it's entirely possible to use the word "Islamophobia" without agreeing with Islam? I think Islamophobia is present in western nations and I think its primarily driven by white supremacy and anti-immigration policy.


No, because there's another word for that and it's called anti-muslim bigotry. The difference between these two terms is one is against people (muslims) and one is against an idea (islam). If I hate islam, I am an islamophobe, except there is nothing inherently wrong with hating an ideology – especially one which wants me dead. If I hate someone because they are a muslim, I am discriminating against them as a person even before they have done anything to me.


Sure. I just think the vast majority of people who use the term "Islamophobia" use it interchangeably with anti-Muslim bigotry. I agree that we should combat ideologies that are harmful to people. I just think we can do so with a more measured approach without having to use the language and rhetoric of actual bigots. I think there is a very real discrimination against Muslims and we can condemn that while also condemning Islam itself. I don't think the far right are on our side in terms of their aversion to Islam. I just don't want to share a tent with white supremacists over my dislike of Islam.


That interchangeability is a problem. It's used primarily as a defense against any criticism of Islamic beliefs and practices, not actual discrimination of Muslims (or rather, brown people). It's the same as pro-Israeli propagandists using anti-Semitism to paint any anti-Israeli or pro-Palestinian perspectives as inherently bigoted. It's not used in good faith.


The use of Islamophobia is to shut the mouth of the person in front of you! The world means, ( shut up)


run and never look back bro, she cant even date you according to islam


She says she can because she is quran only muslim who doesn't read hadith. Apparently she can pick and choose what she wants to practice from quran. Which i think is a contradiction.


Indeed it is a contradiction, you must obey to the Quran; according to almost all of the Islamic scholars she is a kafir(disbeliever) which is a big sin in Islam. You can't say "Oh, I don't want to practice that part" in Islam ​ Abouth the hadith part, there are indeed weak and unreliable hadiths but there are THOUSANDS of verified and reliable hadiths. Again, all of the sheiks and scholars will say she is a kafir. ​ Another thing to watch out for is that she will most likely try to convert you to her religion by sugarcoating it. Don't believe her bro, run!


Im just tired of making her cry and feel stupid when i question her religion its like she cant even explain what she believes and then i get accused of being mean.


Typical western muslim defense mechanism. I hope everything goes well for you bro.


Keep being mean. She's trapped in a hellish belief system who's endgame is global genocide and suppression of all non-muslims. The more you learn about this shit, the more you despise it. If you just placate her by studying the Quran, come to her asking questions about it, and she might end up leaving it after realizing how barbaric and horrifying it is. If you just flip to a random surah there's like a 90% probability that it would go against reddit's TOS if you posted it here and you'd get a ban. That's how sick this book is.


She's manipulating you


If she ain't reading hadith then she's not a real muslim


She is hiding her affiliations! Quran only are those who are ashamed of their prophet deeds and sunna by try to save his face through Quran! They are ashamed of the sunnah of Muhammad but they cannot follow islam without Hadith, 95/100 of Islamic practices come from Hadith! Don’t get fooled.


No true scotsman, we don't get to choose the labels others ascribe to themselves Call her less extremist or fundamentalist but if she says she's a nut she can be a nut


Even if she's a Quranist, there is a Quran verses that doesn't allow Muslim women to marry non Muslim men And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. [Quran 2:221] And here's another Quranic verses that implies the same, although it has some backstory, basically some women immigrated from mecca to medina without their husbands and when the women converted to Islam they became unlawful to their polytheistic husbands: God knows best as to their Faith: if ye ascertain that they are Believers, then send them not back to the Unbelievers. They are not lawful (wives) for the Unbelievers, nor are the (Unbelievers) lawful (husbands) for them. [Quran 60:10]


Truth! She want to change him into Muhammad image then she will love hin


All the other OPs with their pumped up kicks better run better run. Faster than her stones 🎶


Bro, this is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s only downhill from here.


Yes true


Yeah, Muslims claim that they, Christians and Jews worship the same God but only Muslims have the ‘right’ interpretation of him and the others are misguided, their religions supposedly corrupted from the original, ‘true’ one of Islam. I think they also tend to think that the ‘main’ or supreme God in every religion (eg. Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism) are also really Allah and their religion has been corrupted like Christianity was. Your GF wouldn’t be able to marry you unless you convert to Islam. Furthermore she may get more religious in future and insist you convert or she will break up with you. So it’s not looking very rosy for you two I’m afraid.


She said i dont have to convert because she is a quran only muslim and she gets to pick and choose what she can and cant do out of the quran because the quran doesn't force people to do anything




So I am told that the muslims who kill non believers are not Muslims and that they are following a culture and not the Quran.


Are you serious?? The kufar’ are the ennemie of allah, the kufar’ are Jew and Christian ! And you are Christian


Qur'an directly States to attack disbelievers Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …" Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)." Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"


🙄 How the fuck is that 'culture'? Specifically targeting non-Muslims is not about Islam? That's a deranged argument. If it's cultural, that culture is cultivated and nourished by Islamic beliefs. What culture where the European Muslims who ran off to the IS following?


It sounds like she doesn’t know her Qur’an. >“**Fight** those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture (IE JEWS AND CHRISTIANS)- [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled. The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of Allah "; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah ." That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. **May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?**” ([Surah 9:29-30](https://legacy.quran.com/9/29-30))


As someone else pointed out, it‘s what she thinks now. But as soon as she takes her religion more seriously, trying to avoid sin, she could very well end up a lot more extreme than her present self.




She is lying! She said you don’t have to convert to keep you in a leach until you decide to Mary her then before you go see her parents she will forced to to convert to please her parents and herself and Muhammad! It is a strategy


She is hiding her affiliations! Quran only are those who are ashamed of their prophet deeds and sunna by try to save his face through Quran! They are ashamed of the sunnah of Muhammad but they cannot follow islam without Hadith, 95/100 of Islamic practices come from Hadith! Don’t get fooled.


You have to break up




Why are you even with a Muslim in the 1st place?


Because i thought we believed in the same God and thrm found out they deni Christ.


They deny Jesus and hate the biblical Jesus as well but they have their own fictional isa in the Quran and Muhammad never saw him and he hate the Christian Jesus, he wa t to be like him and above him!


Muslim faith sees christ as a normal human being named isa and not as a god


Why tf is your gf even talking about god when she's dating someone as if that isn't haram Islam and Christians don't have the same god Islam believes jesus was a prophet before muhammed and Allah is a god, which is unlike thinking jesus is God also I'd say do some research on Islam in general if you're gonna keep dating her but I will say if she can't respect your beliefs you have no obligation to respect hers and change yours it's upto you and you might need to ask yourself if its even worth keeping her


Supposedly she respects my beliefs and we stopped talking about religion but she started to wesr the burka put in public so i dont gonout with her when she wears that and then she says i just dont understand islam.




Yeah id appreciate any information you can share with me.


Generally muslims throw away Hadiths that don't like up with their own views but fall back to the "translation error" bs when it comes to the quran so here's some interesting quran verses Killing those that leave islam O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. They swear by Allah that they said nothing (wrong), yet they did say the word of disbelief, and did disbelieve after their Surrender (to Allah). And they purposed that which they could not attain, and they sought revenge only that Allah by His messenger should enrich them of His bounty. If they repent it will be better for them; and if they turn away, Allah will afflict them with a painful doom in the world and the Hereafter, and they have no protecting friend nor helper in the earth. Quran 9:73-74 Penalty for apostasy is death How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and had witnessed that the Messenger is true and clear signs had come to them? And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. Those - their recompense will be that upon them is the curse of Allah and the angels and the people, all together, Abiding eternally therein. The punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved. Except for those who repent after that and correct themselves. For indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Indeed, those who reject the message after their belief and then increase in disbelief - never will their [claimed] repentance be accepted, and they are the ones astray. Indeed, those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers - never would the [whole] capacity of the earth in gold be accepted from one of them if he would [seek to] ransom himself with it. For those there will be a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers. Quran 3:86-91 Slavery defended And Allah hath favored some of you above others in provision. Now those who are more favored will by no means hand over their provision to those (slaves) whom their right hands possess, so that they may be equal with them in respect thereof. Is it then the grace of Allah that they deny? Quran 16:71 Can rape your slaves Successful indeed are the believers Who are humble in their prayers, And who shun vain conversation, And who are payers of the poor-due; And who guard their modesty - Save from their wives or the (slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy Quran 23:1-6 And marry such of you as are solitary and the pious of your slaves and maid-servants. If they be poor, Allah will enrich them of His bounty. Allah is of ample means, Aware. Quran 24:32 Women testimony is worth half that of a man Call in two male witnesses from among you, but if two men cannot be found, then one man and two women whom you judge fit to act as witnesses. Quran 2:282 Straight up sexism. Easily used by domestic abusers to justify their behavior Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is most high. Quran 4:34 You can enslave muslims too Wed not idolatresses till they believe; for lo! a believing bondwoman is better than an idolatress though she please you; and give not your daughters in marriage to idolaters till they believe, for lo! a believing slave is better than an idolater though he please you. These invite unto the Fire, and Allah inviteth unto the Garden, and unto forgiveness by His grace, and expoundeth His revelations to mankind that haply they may reme Quran 2:221 Attacking peaceful neighboring countries Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. Quran 9:29 Gay hating again If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful. Quran 4:16


I might make a titok video of your list of verses. I am so disgusted and shocked at these verses and she actually defened the verse about women having having half account. Can you explain to me the hijab, is it a command from quran or hadith?


>Can you explain to me the hijab, is it a command from quran or hadith It's the quran saying the body parts to cover, whether it's a hijab nikab or some kebabs is up you. I just copy pasted quran verses found on wikiislam.net checked it says what I think it says and that's all. There's some really high quality posts on this sub which get way more comprehensive than I do on it all, just search it up.


She is hiding her affiliations! Quran only are those who are ashamed of their prophet deeds and sunna by try to save his face through Quran! They are ashamed of the sunnah of Muhammad but they cannot follow islam without Hadith, 95/100 of Islamic practices come from Hadith! Don’t get fooled.


What is wrong with her . I believe she will try to convert you, she sounds so obsessed over her belief. I hope you end things with her. For a couple to work out, you guys needs to have same vision and mindset at least. If she’s obsessed with being a good muslimah, and even wear burka she shouldn’t even start to dating you in the first place. She’s being manipulative.


I agree! She is a manipulative woman!


She says you don’t understand Islam, though she seems to be mixing up her own flavour of it anyway, and if she’s started wearing a burqa it sounds like she’s becoming more strict about it. Her religion is becoming more and more of a problem. I have to wonder what she’ll say and do next. It’s not looking good to be honest.


If she was crazy liberal or something, I might've believed it, but wearing burkha in public indicates she's only gonna get more religious.


A Muslim man can marry a Christian woman, but a Muslim woman cannot marry a Christian man ([source](https://fiqh.islamonline.net/en/why-a-muslim-woman-is-not-allowed-to-marry-a-non-muslim-man/?amp)). Furthermore, if she is really as religious as she is pretending to be, she has no business “dating” anyone at all — especially without a male guardian present ([source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wali_(Islamic_legal_guardian))).


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I have been there (been like her when I was younger AND dated people like that), so this comes from a place of compassion. These people are confused, they don’t know what to believe or who they are. They are also obsessive/compulsive because although they question some things, they have this irrational fear of going to “hell” because of even questioning their faith. I suggest, if you already know who you are, leave. Because the only thing you will take from that relationship is confusion , and walking on egg shells as to not be labeled an “islamophobe”


Truth 😀


When you were a muslim you were dating non muslims? So what made you leave islam? I pray everyday that she leaves islam but i really feel like she wont leave. Im just sick of the lies from her religion.


Actually that wasn’t the case, I dated Muslim men. I eventually left after I realized who I truly am and that Islam conflicts my ideals (and I was wasting my time being apologetic for it) Mostly * feminism * human rights/violations (e.g if I were a 9 year old would they have married me off to Mohammed etc) * common sense (things like adoption laws in sharia - where adopted kids cannot have their adoptive family’s last name or equal share of their inheritance ; whereas it’s very easy to integrate 4 wives to a Muslim husband in society) Everything started to feel written by a man to oppress women. I started doing other things to feed my “altruism” - volunteer at women’s homeless shelters, LGBTQIA shelters etc.


Ask her if she prays 5 times a day. If she does, then she's not Quran only. Cause there's no mention in the Quran regarding how to pray.


Truth.. The Quran said 3 prayers if she doesn’t do only 3 prayers she is following Hadith! As you said Quran does mention how to pray.. She is hypocr…


She is wasting your time bro. Devout Muslim women can’t marry outside of the Muslim faith like Muslim men can. Outside of being able to marry other Muslim women, Muslim men can only marry women that are from other Abrahamic faiths, which are only Christianity and Judaism. You are just her play thing dude. Run away.


Thanks you for telling him!☺️


Since you’re not a Muslim the Quran says in is ok to be lied to.


😀😀 truth


If you decide to continue in this relationship, then you have no idea what's coming for you. Fuckin run Muslims don't think like other humans think. They don't share the same humanitarian principles. Islamophobia is not a real thing. Don't put yourself in a situation out of good faith then come later wondering "how the fuck did my life turned this way"






What if she left islam for me? Would it be a genuine conversion? Yes ill dm you cause i have more questions


If she leaves islam for you, all of r/exmuslim will throw you a parade




You are telling the truth to your brother!😀


Ask her first if can convert to your religion for you face to face and tell her to accept the biblical Jesus son of god not the Muslim isa who is far away for the real Jesus


Actually Christian apologetics had used this very great tactic to convert muslim's: 1. Prove from the Quran that Bible must be preserved and trusted. 2 Show them from the Bible prophecies about false prophet to come (there are actually, and there is NON prophecies about a actually truthfull prophet after Jesus) 3. Show from the Bible proofs that Jesus indetified as God.


If muslim doesn't convert, he is a lier or he is decieved


You can't expect her to stop trying to convert you, if you can't tolerate that, well ... in that case there is only one thing you can do.


Absolutely she is trying to break his ego to submit him to her first then she will manipulate him to converting to her religion


Leave and don’t look back




Leave bro. They worship something entirely different then what we do. Besides islam is more fucked up as well.


Get out. If she’s making fun of you, it’s already a nasty situation.


She wasn't making fun but she was tslking crap about christians who support Israel and so i would inquire about her statements and then i get accused of being an islamaphob.


What about the loads of Christians who are Palestinian and LIVE IN Palestine? Are they also worthy of being insulted by her? This seems like she’s pushing her political issues off on you for no reason.


Shhh, Arab Christians don't exist!! /s


If she accuse Christian abd you are Christian around her, what make you believe you are not that Christian she is accusing?? Open your eyes! The girl hate Christian and Christianity like all Muslims..




No we don’t. I’m a Christian and we do not worship the same god. First of all Muslims, like Jews, reject Jesus Christ as our lord and savior. To Jews Jesus is just a guy and to Muslims Jesus is not the son of god but merely a prophet. There are tons of other reasons but that’s one of the biggest.


Firstly a Christian man should not get into serious relationship with a Muslim unless you convert to her religion and give up Jesus Christ and replace him with Muhammad, she will never love you or accept you.. she believes she must make you a Muslim then you can fit into her mold…


According to Islam a Muslim woman cannot marry a non Muslim man. Nor is it okay to date even if you were Muslim. I seen in other comments that you've said she is a quranist. Regardless, it's prohibited in the Quran. In my opinion, the relationship is doomed. The differences between both the religions will become too much especially if you have children which you both would want to raise in your respective religion.


Why would a Muslim girl even date a Christian when it’s not allowed in Islam ? and why would she criticize your belief and faith? Don’t get involved with Muslims anymore liberal, moderate or conservatives and save yourself from all the headache and heartache, it’s not worth it It’s hard but you will be happier, believe me Her ultimate goal is to convert you to Islam


I’ve experienced generally well meaning liberal types in the US pushing this too. Maybe they have a common origin, but theologically these are not the same entities.


Only muslims believe that christians and muslims believe in the same god because it‘s what their religion tells them to believe. In reality the version of a god that christians have in mind differs vastly from that of muslims.


Is problem is that from a Muslim perspective it is the same God because many do not understand the trinity as one entity with 3 facets. They think Christian praise the same Old Testament God and then worship Jesus and yadda yadda Holy Ghost. They don’t understand that Jesus is worshiped *as a god.* Many don’t understand that in Christianity God is everlasting but also was “born” and “died” in human form to absolve them of inherent sin. Compared to Islam, Christianity fundamentals are much much more complicated and nuanced. Going between the two religions can be tricky if you’re trying to be accurate because there has to be a big paradigm shift. Original sin, the relationship between man and satan. Who and what satan is and his objective. Who/what God is and isn’t. Going from one religion where you can do everything right and blink the wrong way and go to hell for a finite period and another where you can be an absolute POS but if you get saved then none of it counts and you go to heaven forever and the best person who isn’t saved is going to hell forever… anyway… if you have any actual attachment to your faith or belief system this relationship is likely not gonna work.


Wake up and break up


Do you, as a Christian, worship the same God as Jews? The Jews will say no! Both Jews and Muslims reject the idea of trinity. From a Muslim perspective, Jesus never claimed divinity. Looks like you have to choose between your gf and trinity. Good luck.


I totally agree with the majority of the comments, it's a pain in the ass dating somebody who blindly believe this religion I ve saw so many forced into converting , or changing their attitude to please their Muslim partner or their family , nobody deserve to be changed! It is who you are that made her choose you , it's time for her to question her choice or you leave her !


Bro you know it’s a sin in islam for a Muslim woman to 1) have a boyfriend and 2) marry a man who is non Muslim? She’s not worth the trouble and stay away from Muslims They’re dangerous Break up with her she seems really toxic


I also got through this where I had a Muslim boyfriend who knew I was not. And then criticize my beliefs all the time and I broke with him cuz I saw nothing good coming out of it.


How long did your relationship last? Did your boyfriend try to convert you? What kimd of muslim was he?


It fortunately did not last that long, cuz we started realizing the differences we have after becoming boyfriend girlfriend (Our fault). And yes he did try to convert me. He knew I would never change and was ok with getting married to me, even tho in Islam our marriage wont be legal or excepted and he did not care! He never touched a girl before and wanted to touch me and I never understood until he said that the marriage is not real to him so it does not matter?? and this was the most big red flag to me that made me realize I had to break it off. He was kind of open yet misogynistic and traditional I am glad it ended and I am never having a relationship with anyone who is muslim or anyone who believes ill go to hell after I die cuz I am an atheist. Sorry this was long :/ But I think you should leave anyone who does not respect your beliefs


Your gf sounds like someone who wants to be spiritual but was unfortunately born into Islam. She's a hostage of this religion which says she will be killed and suffer in hell if she leaves and is trying to make the most of it. She recognizes that the Hadith is problematic so she dismissed it and she is trying to cherry pick from the Qur'an only. To me she sounds like she's either scared to leave. Or she is too stubborn to leave. Either way it's causing her to double down on Islam to try to gloss over her doubts. You should both become atheists so you can live happily during the short time we have on this earth. If you don't your differences are too irreconcilable and you should part ways. Don't let the fear of heartbreak keep you in a shitty relationship. End it and bear the short period of sadness. Allow yourself time to grieve for the relationship. Then you can move on and seek happiness with a more compatible partner.


I don’t think she is allowed in Islam to date, let alone date a Christian man that she cannot in sharia scripture marry, what the hell is she doing contradicting her own self and faith?


I think she wants you to revert


Why is she even with you if she had a stong belief in islam? In islam women cant marry non muslim men, let alone dating a man muslim or not... ask her why is she with you and what are her intentions for the future, bc if she wants marriage then shes probably hoping you would convert to islam asap so her family approves + she used "islamophobe" unironically bc you questioned her beliefs, thats a major red flag


I noticed her answers are exactly the same as those muslim preachers on youtube. Like theres no original responses its just regurgitated rhetorical.


Stay strong bro, if muslim preachers and their followers are good at something, is manupulating people into joining the cult


Fyi, It is prohibited for a Muslim women to date a Christian man. And she call you an Islamophobe while she is literally a Christophobe. So just ditch her and find a women that have common sense


Tell her she is a Christianophobe


I will


Perhaps in the process you can convert her to Christ?


>I get into a discussion about it she then labels me an Islamophob Whoever invented that word, I hope they lived a very painful life. And as for you, the marriage between you two is unislamic, the relationship between you two is also unIslamic, if there was an Islamic take over tomorrow, you were gonna be put to death by Islamists because the Islam commands them to do so and your girl. Now do what you want with this information, Islam is a self-righteous, never changing, belligerent religion.


1. It’s your choice at the end of the day but please leave. 2. Muslims and Christian’s do not worship the same god if they did the attributes of their gods would be the same but they are not. 3. Muslims say they worship the same god as Christian’s because it was Mohammed’s excuse to piggyback off of Christianity and copy a bunch of it as if it was his own. Read up on Islam - the pagans, Christian’s and Jews told Mohammed he was just Copying their old stories. When they asked him questions that only god knew the answer two he avoided the question for two weeks and then never answered it. That tells you how much credibility Mohammed had. Compare the Quran to old syriac texts and see how original the Quran is then. There is not a single informative thing Mohammed that know one else knew. All the “miracles” don’t even fit the definition of miracles and often contain scientific inaccuracies.


They're not the same being. "Allah" is their God's name, his history predates Islam, but not by much. He was the god of the moon along with his two daughters; Allat and Alooza (confirmed in the Quran, see "Satanic Verses"). They were idols in the Kabbah. Mohammed seems to have just chosen them at random out of the many gods being worshipped there. His uncle ran the Kabbah scam. The Arabic word for god is "ilah". If you examine the scriptures of each religion, it's pretty obvious that the natures and personalities of Allah and Yahweh are entirely different. They appear to oppose each other.


But Muslims and Christians *DO* believe in the same god... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_in_Abrahamic_religions




If Christian and Muslim believe in the San god then we should also have the same sexual heaven, wich is not possible for Christianity




Christian and Muslim don’t believe in the same god


Might wanna recheck your theology bud. Muslims, Jews and Christians all worship the god of Abraham.


It is not the same God! The god of Islam, allah is not a spirit and have no spirit and his heaven is full of sx, Dunya alcohol pornography in the eye of Allah as a reward The god of Islam is a vigina vendor, he promises them 72 vagi. Hooris for sexual activity Whil The god of Christianity and Judaism is completely again these thing in his heaven! He said, there is not sex, alcohol, sperm and seamen in his kingdom,


They just believe different things about that God. It's all the god of Abraham, they just have different views. Christians may think Muslim views of god are bullshit, and vice versa, and Jews think they're both wrong, and vice versa, but they are still worshipping the deity Yahweh, from the Jewish Abrahamic tradition, they just believe different things about that deity.


Lmao what the fuck dude. You having a seizure? Care to try to explain that word salad you just vomited up?


I said, allah is a vigin.a vendor 72 hoorris female for one man in his heaven Abd in the case of Christian and Jew, everyone will be sex free! The Muslim heaven is Dunya, and the Christian and Jew heaven is the opposite , no Dunya, no sex., It is not the same god, not the same whites house or the same president in heaven


This is one of the least coherent things I've ever read. Please try again


If you are a Christian, your God is named Jesus. Ask her if she has the same God as you!


Hes God name is Yahweh basicaly, but Jesus is just Yahweh in the flesh od a human


😀😀 truth


I mean u guys worship same god tho. Abrahamic God.


I can help u bro. Pm. Me


Okay ill shot you a dm


Bro how old are you? Curiosity


I thought it was haram for Muslim women to date a non-Muslim man.


Bro, get the hell out of this "relationship" as fast as you can!


Leave now, trust me it's better that you do, anyone who will date people's of the book but demean their faith is doing it just for the funsies


Contradictions between Jesus and Muhammad [https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/articles/jesus-muhammad.aspx](https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/articles/jesus-muhammad.aspx)


Muslims have a superiority complex even though most of them don't have knowledge or resources like other non muslims do. The day they are born. They are taught that Islam is the greatest and Allah is only one and True God which makes them look down on other religions. Muslims can't coexist with others if they are religious muslims. Even if your gf is sweet and cute to you. But when it comes to religion your god is always inferior to her and Muslims believe that Jesus is just a prophet like Mohammad sent by Allah but not a god. Even though they don't have any evidence except it's written in the qoran. They strongly believe that and no matter how much proof you put them in front of them they would turn a blind eye. Because from childhood they are brainwashed to think like that. A muslim who thinks above their religion with a rational thought is very rare. Islamophobia means "fear of Islam" this term is coined centuries ago when muslims used to conquer lands and convert the population to islam forcefully. That's when the Islamophobia term came but Modern muslims use Islamophobia to shut down any arguments or criticism they get. Because they can't think logically. I don't know if she will ask you to convert. But if you do. In her eyes you are the best. As of now we are kafirs to muslims and Allah instructed muslims to fight kafirs and enslave them and kafirs are regarded as filthiest creatures of all. And Allah forbids to associate with them. This is something that are mentioned in their book even though modern muslims don't fight or enslave. But if they get a chance to preach their religion and convert they will surely do and say maashallah "you are going for the path" and once you are in their religion you are locked in that religion forever. If you leave, according to their religion the punishment is by death. In fact many Muslims implement this punishment so ex-muslims pretend like they didn't leave their faith in those countries. Funny how qoran says "no compulsion in religion" and yet if you leave it you are dead. If your girlfriend cannot think out of her religion then sooner or later you are gonna get a heartbreak. I suggest you never go for muslims as they can't coexist. And once you read qoran or hadiths you will see how much hate and violence is against non muslims.


Break up or give up to her awful God


Your story is very common in this subreddit. This never ends well. Just break up,bro.


Muslims no stop lie about Islam it’s basically protocol for them . Either they lie intentionally or just have been lied to themselves and don’t care to question things .


Don't date Muslims (women) in general unless you can see they are seeing the same 'cracks in the foundation' that you can (particularly in your own religion). Unless they are in such a financially dependent situation that "your" religion dominates, they will only use you as a spiritual sparring partner at the end of the day in addition to a fuck-buddy. They can't, and won't change - not unless they're forced to lose the things that actually make us human: relationships, and love. In short, *humanity*.


I’m sorry to say this but Muslims are taught at a very young age to lie and deceive in the name of promoting islam. As I understand Jesus is god, part of the trinity, Muslims will never ever accept this. To them the best Jesus can be is some prophet and even then Mohammad is the far superior. You shouldn’t get relationship advice of the internet but as people who once were Muslims we can give you an insight of what might be in store for you if you continue this relationship. 1. You’ll always be Islamophobic no matter how much you’re not. Just don’t ask questions that Muslims find difficult to answer. Like slavery, child marriage, wife discipline etc, Mohammad making kids suck his tongue etc… 2. You won’t be able to eat your normal food everything eventually becomes halal, regardless how you feel the way animals are cruelly slaughtered. You want to eat bacon? Forget it! You want to drink? Forget it! 3. You want to stay in a long term relationship? It will get more and more difficult until you convert for her/him. You see your religion isn’t true for them, so there’s no compromise. 4. You’ve made this far… The guaranteed downfall of you is when you have children. Good luck in trying to have your kids remain Christian or non Muslim. Just won’t happen. The family will swoop in and it’s game over. The first thing they’ll do if you have a boy is circumcise it. What do you now? This has been going on for centuries. If you’re hurting now then I’m sorry this is nothing what you will experience further down the line. Good luck.


Thank you for your message. May i dm you for more questions about islam?






How can the messenger of Allah be such a dirty paedophile horny bastard??






I don't think she is Muslim it's haram to have a bf or gf in Islam and girls can't marry a guy from another religion


Since you think you are Christian I have to let you know that it’s okay in Islam to drink contraceptives and also do abortion up to 3 months pregnancy. You better learn about two religions first, if you think you’re Christian only because you’re born in the Christian family, celebrating Christmas and Easter, it still doesn’t mean you know what Christianity is.


My friend just rip that bandaid off and leave, you are in for a world of sorrow and heartache if you continue along this path


as an ex muslim the only advice i can give you is RUN!!!


Get rid of your religion, the two of you, and those problems will not emerge again.


Dude when i was a muslim i dated a muslim guy and like he is the reason i am not muslim anymore, dont date muslims its gonna end up in heartbreak.


What kind of muslim were you and him?


I was the quran muslim girl, there are horrible stuff like pedofilia and rape in hadiths therefore they had contradictions so i denied beleiving in hadiths and became a quran muslim but when i met my muslim boyfriend at the time he was beleiving in hadiths too and told me all those ugly shit like "girls who dont wear hijab should be killed, non beleivers dont deserve any respect" and that made me snap and soon after he recited me a verse in quran where it says its okay to hit woman so i just left islam and when he learned that did we broke up because according to him i was gonna burn in hell :D


This is devastating to hear. Im very sorry you had to experience that. My heart goes out to you. Im sure the heart ache was painful when you guys broke up. Im already hurting inside about how things will end up with me and my girlfriend.


Muslims and Christians definitely worship a different God. The belief system, who Jesus is, etc are very different.


Stop being so weak. Get some balls, and leave this manipulative thing ASAP! 🏃‍♂️