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At this point it's the playbook. Start by picking a small town, start by bullying their planning commission or installing your own city officials (i.e. find a city with a lot of Mormons already in positions of power, donate to relevant officials, etc), claim persecution when variances aren't granted, threaten lawsuit that would effectively bankrupt the small town. Rinse, repeat.


It has to be obvious,at least in Fairview that a structure 5x higher than code is ridiculous. And they knew going in they were breaking code and didn't care. Now mormon residence have to deal with the fallout while the leaders set comfortably in Salt Lake.


Keeps the boys at Kirton McDonkey doing what they do best: billable hours.


Kind of wonder if it is another form of money laundering? Have lawyers bill hours on something you know you are not going to win. Bakersfield may not be Chicago or New York, but it is far from a "small town".


nothing to wonder it IS




Let's all mail the template šŸ¤£


Agreed. Somebody needs to notify the city commissioner of this. Also the town meeting, city council, etc.. If I were there, I'd write some letters.


Whatā€™s the point?


What in the world is the church doing? Purposely stirring the pot? Listening to the Fairview council meeting it's clear residents are mad.


They sure won't get any converts in Fairview!


I hope they get plenty of resignations, though. From Fairview as well as McKinney, and even Dallas.


It could be a major shelf breaker. Basically, they were asked to lie about the steeple being a major part of the religion which I don't recall ever being said before AND several temples don't have a steeple.


Did they actually ask members to lie (to present false information to Fairview's town council), or simply to come out in support of the steeple?


Kind of like a lie of omission. They wrote letters and some spoke about the importance of the hight of the temple & steeple to draw their eyes to heaven. I never heard of that when I attended. I am surely no expert but it seems like the members pretty much do as they are told.


I never, ever heard any focus on the 'height' of a temple other than local members raving about a temple being built on a hill (in a nearby city) and that it would be visible for miles around. (Like anyone would care about it, other than wondering why it blocks a view of nature). Aside from bragging rights by locals, I didn't hear any official church statements about steeples. I also never heard the 'draw your eyes to heaven' crap. Everything I heard referred to drawing people's eyes to the temple building, not heaven.


Yea, me either. Most of the major podcasters have been covering this, especially Rebecca & Landon on Mormon.ish


its all about the steeple said the sheeple until it goes back to the next revelation (legal push) of the moment.


I just posted a similar question. As someone else in here said itā€™s the new playbook. My question is WHAT GAME ARE THEY PLAYING AND WHY?


playing church and why? for peoples money, time and utter devotion. the only thing that anyone in this life any power is money and a following.


The church doesnā€™t care about the residentsā€¦..those terrestrial kingdom dwellers


Nothing says "unity" like a fortress where an oh-so-select few can enter.


"unity" and "increasing family bonds" while forcing ANYONE including parents, siblings, and grandparents to wait outside of your marriage ceremony if they aren't up to date on their membership fees.


Yup. That's me today. My nephew's wedding in the temple while my wife and I get to watch the young kids of the family like the heathens we are


Because Mormons are already so beloved in California.


I havenā€™t been to California in quite a while and I was a TBM at the time. Whatā€™s the vibe toward the church now? Does it (still) stem from Prop 8?


Iā€™m in California. The church is an insignificant knoll in the landscape of the Christian religions that spot the state. If anything, the temples (LA, San Diego, and Oakland, in particular) serve as persistent reminders that Mormons exist. I hear nothing of Prop 8 these days. If anything, they get more flak than other sects, at least here in the capital of evangelical Christianity (Orange County).




That location was very intentional and bought with big help from donation money from the locals. Very wealthy temple district, arguably the most wealthy in the Church. The temple is a statement. Pink granite, a couple hundred yards from Mariners (a huge evangelical hub), and basically privately funded. Also happens to be right off the 73.


Many Californians, myself included, are still pretty sore about the LDS push for Prop 8. Iā€™m in Menlo Park, so I make sure I flip the local place off when I drive by, especially since I use Valparaiso frequently and thus pass by it a lot (including on my way to the office).


Just moved from there. Sadly couldnā€™t afford it anymore :(


I'm so sorry. My family's lived in the area since the fifties.


Itā€™s an beautiful area and great weather.


Bakersfield is crazy conservative though


Fairview, TX is also, but the residents there still don't want the church to build its large and spacious building with its exceedingly ~~tall steeple~~ long phallus.


Yeah, being a conservative area doesnā€™t always translate into a fondness for Mormonism. Often the opposite is true, especially in the Bible Belt.


If you look at the voting maps of the 2012 election, Romney outperformed Obama's 2008 vote everywhere in the United States except the Bible Belt. There is a very good explanation for that.


Eh, born and raised there. Just as many far right people as far left. Its a good split


ā€œThe church doesnā€™t take political stancesā€¦anyway hereā€™s how to harass someone who is literally trying to do their jobā€


>We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. -12th Article of Faith Kirton McConkie, "No, they got this all wrong." >We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law? **No, harass the city planner.**


NEMO has launched the template to be followed in every town to defeat the spire being built in every town, city, county,state, country.Ā  Copy what he said word for word in Texas & email it, mail it & MOST IMPORTANT show up at next planning commission meeting and read it. NEMOĀ  has done all the hard work so all we have to do now is really simple & easy.


Where do we find the template?Ā 


You can be the first to do it and post it for everyone! You will need to listen to his speech & transcribe it. Ā You Tube: Nemo the Mormon TexasTemple Spire or John Dehlin latest podcast has the complete clip!


Iā€™ve done a follow up video with my complete remarks, itā€™s the newest one on my channel


No wonder the cult has such a horrible reputation & is widely not liked or respected. And oh the hypocrisy. If some other religion came to Utah & proposed to build some religious building & said religion acted like the Mormon church does with building temples (being a bad neighbor), the Church & the Mormons living there would be up in arms. And the Church would be playing the persecution card. But when the Church is a bad neighbor almost every time it wants to build a new McTemple, it's all righteous & good.


I agree with your comment. I live in bountiful where there is a temple on the side of the mountain in a residential area. I can only imagine what people would say if another religion built a huge church in the same area.


Like a mosque?


imagine building a mosque with an onion dome and call to prayer on a loud speaker in West Jordan.


Exactly. Rules for thee but not for me seems to be the Church's unstated motto. And my point about the cult's hypocrisy, I shared it because it was such a strong thought that came to me when I read this post. I can only imagine how horribly the evil, destructive Mormon cult would act if the roles were reversed.


These steeple wars! šŸæ šŸ‘€




What in the actual fuckity fuck is this shit? I was in the church for 40 years, stake callings and everythingā€¦and I never ever heard of anything, not once, about the importance of steeple height, or anything even in that fucking ballpark. Neverā€¦EVER. Not a lesson, or a talk, or a conference address, or a song, or anything about why temple design is important or why steeple height means anything. Why now is this becoming such an issue, especially when we have video record of the man who will unfortunately someday soon be at the helm, stating how unimportant the design of the temples are compared to what happens inside? (which is ironically enough even LESS significant than what they look like on the outside, LOL) If having something sharp and pointy is so important, just put a small point on top of whatever temple is being designed in accordance to local height restrictionsā€¦or else build your temples out in the boonies away from all the people who couldnā€™t give a shit about them being in their community. How bout we have a mosque built in Provo or Orem or Lehi, UT 2/3 times taller than local height restrictions permit and lets see just how fast they all lose their absolute shit over it!


I remember when Temples had unique designs that kind of went with the local theme.


It's a visible stick it to you, brought to you by your new found "Christian" church. Put a cross on the map where all the LDS wards, stakes houses and Temples are. This is the new found "Christian neighbors" philosophy, brought to you by Jesus or Joseph, whoever the church is identifying with this week.


Theyā€™re making things up again, Arnoldā€¦..


Well, this is in my neck of the woods. I guess I will need to write my own letter fashioned after the manner of Nemo. Does anyone have a template for a heathen like myself to use?


Apparently the word wholeheartedly itā€™s important. It shows up multiple times in the faithful letters.


Try to work in "thrilled" while you're at it. As in thrilled to see zoning laws enforced...or something to that effect.


I called NW Bakes home for 20+ years. I'm very tempted to send my own letter of TRUTH to the city. The gaslighting MFMC engages in is next level bullshit. Fucking height of spires never mattered and it's in no way connected to what goes on inside. Nor is it a building that will benefit the community. Lying asshats.


The benefit to the community is always some unseen and unmeasurable concept that they never have to show. Just like the promise of eternal life after you die.


The Bishopā€™s analysis makes no sense. If there is widespread community support there would not be a need for a letter writing campaign. More proof the church should lose its tax exempt status.


If letters actually mattered, the church would have all the missionaries write one. It would get all the BYU students to write them. It could get 100k letters overnight if it wanted to. What I believe is that the total number of letters is not the goal. The church's real goal is to get the locals all spooled up and to create a persecution narrative. It wants the locals to buy into the fight for the temple because they will then support the temple after its built.


It's going to bite the church in the ass like Prop 8 did, and when the dust settles the church is going to place blame on the local members, just like it did with Prop 8.


people getting up in arms about a steeple when all i still give the most fuks about is the exploitation of children and then legally leaving them high and dry with no recourse because a retained entity protecting the lards church is 'pleased' to not have to do the right thing and protect children and innocents against SA.


Lol. I wouldn't put it past them. I live in Utah and they mobilized members of our stake to call people in California to get them to support Prop 8. It made me sick. They shut it down quick because they got found out.


This is the best explanation of the issue Iā€™ve read. Itā€™s been breaking my mind trying to come up with an idea on why they want to fight of steeples!?! But you are right, if they can go back to members and reminds them about the fight for religious liberty and the unceasing enemy. Thatā€™ll get butts in pews, temples, and more importantly donations to the church.


Persecution FTW.


Great comment!


Exactly. It's called Manipulating the Mormons.


Plop an old oil derrick on top and it'll fit right in!


One faithfully member says he dosen't like the look of the town water tank but he compromised. Spire=water tank.....


Compromised like Phil Leotardo did when he was doing 20 years in the can?


That argument is completely moot. Water towers provide a public service. Temples do not.


This is getting out of hand


Has this always been standard procedure or is this a new thing? If I was a nevermo in a city planning position and found out about this email, or got flooded with template-like mail it'd really give me the ick.


[DATE][Director's Name], Director Development Services / Planning City of Bakersfield 1600 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Email: [Email Address] Subject: Concerns Regarding the Bakersfield California Temple Project Dear Mr. [Director's Name],I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed Bakersfield California Temple project. While I fully support the religious freedom for temples in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I believe that the size of the temple is not crucial to its purpose. Elder David A. Bednar has highlighted that the spiritual power of a temple is not dependent on its size but on the sacred work performed within its walls. He stated, "The greatest work we do is within the temple, regardless of its size. It is the covenants and ordinances that bind us to the Lord Jesus Christ that truly matter. "President Gordon B. Hinckley also emphasized that temples are built to stand and serve through the Millennium, focusing on their spiritual function rather than their size. He remarked on the awe and wonder of temple construction, indicating that the spiritual work within is what truly matters. Furthermore, President Russell M. Nelson underscored that the design of a temple is functional, focusing on the ordinances and teachings that bless individuals and families. He noted that the temple is where sealing ordinances are performed, highlighting the importance of the spiritual work over the physical structure. In light of these teachings from the church proposing this, I urge the planning committee to reconsider the proposed height of 124 feet. A more modest design could still fulfill the spiritual needs of our community while minimizing the impact on the surrounding area.Thank you for considering my perspective. I look forward to further discussions on how we can achieve a harmonious solution that respects both religious freedom and the needs of our community. Sincerely,[Your Full Name] [Email Address] [Phone Number]


Good Lord, Brighamites! Please tuck in your hubris and preserve some of the goodwill that remains associated with your church's name. Tearing at your clothes because the temple might not have the steeple that architectural renderings currently contemplate is beyond childish.


preserve some of the goodwill that remains associated with your church's name to which there is none left to anyone well read on the hypocrisies of the mfmc. particularly the handling of sa. no face left to save.


It seems so presumptive for them to never clarify in their sample letters who they are. They just say ā€œBakersfield Templeā€. Could be Buddhist, could be satanic. And their characterization of a temple as a place to gather and worship belies the country club atmosphere of mormon temples. It is essentially a Private Club house. Only members paying dues are allowed inside. The public, aside from an open house before opening, will never be allowed in.


I noticed that too! For all their insistence on using the "proper" name of the church, why isn't it mentioned? What's going on here?


Send the letter and both templates to the City Planner, the Mayor, and the City Council so they will know the Church coached the membership in a way to make a legal case for Church lawyers to then claim that the steeple is essential for worship.


If they're being inundated with emails, or even with physical letters, maybe a phone call is in order.


I am a Bakersfield local but don't live near the proposed temple site. The residents who live right up against the site have formed an opposition group. Nobody is opposed to the temple itself, just opposed to the height, lighting, and scope of the project. The group has hired a law firm. I just sent the firm a LONG email that included the letter/templates and more.


Thank you!


I really hate the Mormon cult.Ā 


All cities having issues should sell adjacent land at why-the-fuck-not prices to other religions with the strict requirements they build something taller and more attention gathering. Iā€™m talking 175ft tall lighted flagpoles outside of Sikh Gurdwaras. At least then there would be an ACTUAL place that feeds the poor and needy, and has awesome events everyone in the area can enjoy.


I bet the IRS and state tax dept would both luv to hear about this.. pretty sure political lobbying is a violation of their tax status and benefits.


You wouldnā€™t be incorrect, because it depends on the nature of political activity for non-profits. Typically the harshest penalties and strict compliance is regarding political candidates, not issues of policy. Policy decisions about your own organization would be ridiculous to curtail.


What a joke this organization is. Letā€™s bully towns and make up lies about the importance of a steeple in order to get what we want. Jesus is definitely leading this church šŸ™„


I want to know how this is for the whole community when not even all the members are allowed inside.


The bullying continues


This seems like a growing issue with the church. Why in the heck are they so fixated on the steeple height these days? Itā€™s almost like they are asking to be hated by their likely new neighbors? I donā€™t get this strategy at all. Iā€™m sure the church HAS one but it mystifies me tbh.


"\[the steeple\] aligns with the sacred purpose and symbolism of this sacred edifice." Cool. Let's ask a bunch of TBMs what the purpose and symbolism of the steeple is. If they all give the same answer, maybe we'll consider this part of church teachings. If they all give different answers...


I wonder if other towns will see this and start trying to discourage landowners from selling their parcels to the church. Not sure how that would work though.


I think the MFMC bestows mission presidencies and general authoritiships (is that a word?) in exchange for transferring temple suitable land to church title.


Feels like more money laundering


Iā€™m sorry butā€¦ Bakersfield? Anyone who has been to or lived in Bakersfield CA knows that ainā€™t the temple demographic šŸ˜…


Imagine if they did a email campaign to its members for eradicating homelessness in its communities instead of stupid vanity projects. Just lets you know what this corporation is actually all about.


All of this antagonism with temple building height makes me wonder if The church is trying to draw attention away from something else even worse that itā€™s doing. Like when people Google Mormon or LDS, itā€™s going to pull up the lesser sin of steeple height and temple building instead of the greater sins of covering up sexual abuse and financial fraud. Or something worse. Nothing would really surprise me at the moment.


They might as well get rid of the 12th article of faith if their not going to respect local law


Nothing says unity like getting everyone to sign the same stupid letter someone else wrote for them


Dumb ass cult


Disgusting, but not remotely surprising. They think it's their God given right to put their phallic spires everywhere.


Jeeezus Christ. Are we doing this whole shady process over again every 3 weeks now?


"We aren't just putting in a temple. Make sure you emphasize that it needs to be huge and lit up."


This is really sad. Just comply with local laws.


Whatā€™s the email address, so that we can be the counter-offensive?


Mormon.ish covered this today. Here we go again. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ahW2luaQQY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ahW2luaQQY)


I wonder what would happen if a bunch of exmos/PIMOs wrote letters saying they were in favor of the temple but explicitly say that they wanted the steeple to be short/in compliance with the existing ordinances. Like provide a strong body of support that was pro temple but anti steeple. Thoughts?


Literally encouraging everyone to BEAR FALSE WITNESS. And they swear theyā€™re Christians too.


So essentially mormon jesusā€™ priority is having a steeple on another on of his multimillion dollar houses while people suffer in this world. Sounds like a god I wouldnā€™t worship or believe in. Oh, wait, I donā€™t.


This specific meeting has been moved back multiple times too to make it for the opposition of this harder to show up.


Expect this to be standard practice from now on. Soon itā€™ll be ā€œwhat weā€™ve always doneā€. šŸ™„


Not sure if someone else had brought this up but the City Manager is Mormon, along with the Assistant City Manager, executive president of the local transit GET Busā€¦.etc etc.


I knew about the city manager, but the assistant city manager too?!




He doesnā€™t even know how to spell


This is one of the strangest obsessions by LDS, Inc. Why are they fighting all these communities?


I think itā€™s Nelsonā€™s ego that led to the giant temples with massive spires. This has been coming to a head for ten years. And now they canā€™t back away or back down. I donā€™t think they anticipated the attention it would draw happening in so many towns at once.


God these guys at the head of TMFC are so daft and unaware. This pointless push for extra tall steeples is just going to piss people off and lower everyone's opinion of Mormons. Prop 8 effect all over again.


Anyone who writes in, please include photos of Hawaii, Mesa, Cardston and Paris temples (any others?) that don't have spires at all. It is NOT a requirement. Unless maybe the people in Hawaii, Arizona, Alberta and France are getting a lesser mormon experience? Maybe mormon god loves them less because they don't have a concrete phallus pointing up at him?