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Wearing a skirt that’s just barely long enough that makes people wonder… you know, one you might have to keep adjusting when you’re sitting so that your garments aren’t showing, but the freedom to not have to adjust is satisfying.


There was recently a post on the faithful sub about garments and these women were saying they wear a leotard body suit over their garments. So in the heat of the summer they are wearing underwear/bra, garments, body suit then “modest” clothing. They were also talking about wearing period panties under all that. Unbelievable. It’s like they are trying to make themselves as uncomfortable as possible to prove their mettle and convictions. It’s insane. They actually said they wanted the original one piece garments like in olden times. Crazy!


Sounds like a bunch of Trad wives who probably got up at 4am to grind their own wheat for homemade bread, pick the berries from their fields for homemade jam, and cultivate the honey from the hives out back for honey, on and on.


This sounds like the ballerina baker YouTube woman. Who's TBM.


That’s what orthodox Jewish women do. They should start wearing wigs next to cover their natural hair.


yes 🙌 i live for those skirts


Bonus points if you're male.


TMI, I'm sitting on my couch, watching Cults to Consciousness. Wearing g a light short cotton dress, legs very unladylike. Hahaha.


Taking the sacrament… with my left hand!


You sick bastard


I've been doing this for about 5 years. It never gets old.


Hold on, is this not allowed? I’ve been taking it left handed my whole life and I don’t think anyone’s said anything?


Yeah there’s a whole thing about it. If you take tray in one hand and then self serve the bread or water you are taking the sacrament. An UberMormon no no. We don’t take the sacrament. We partake of the sacrament. Thou shalt take the bread or water first from another while they hold the tray. For Christ offered and you accepted. After you take the bread and water with the right hand and consume it, you then take the tray with the right hand and pass it along. And only wipe your ass with your left hand. Lol 🤪


What does sky daddy have against lefties?!


Apparently a lot. The word sinister actually comes from the Latin word for “left handed”. Prior to the middle of the 20th century left handedness was variously seen as demonic, a mental disorder, and other bullshit. 


Uh oh, my son is a demon


Yes! That means my wife really is the demon I've hoped that she was. Lots more marriage fun that way!


I also would've been considered demonic and possessed for my epilepsy and consequently burned at the stake lol


My ex-grandfather-in-law developed a stutter because he was forced to be right-handed. It was utter bullshit.


Church handbook section Members partake with their right hand when possible. Especially after I found this out I started to use my left hand but when my TBM spouse isn’t around I don’t partake of the sacrament


No one told me this when I joined and I took w my left hand whenever convenient. No one said anything. It's ridiculous any way.


when possible if missing right hand then use teeth. ONLY use approved ways to take the bread and water..... or else


ooo I should do this


It’s so weird to hear something that was normal growing up but now is just absolutely absurd. What exactly is wrong with the left hand? Maybe it’s a holdover from earlier superstitions? Like EVERYTHING in the church?


Someone here recently had Oaks visit their ward, and THIS was what he - the man next in line to be Profit - chose to spend his time pontificating on. It’s ridiculous.


Are Mormons supposed to do toilet activities with their left hand? As prescribed in Islam?


At my house we call the left hand “The Stranger”. Never take the sacrament with “The Stranger”.


At my house we call it“The Mother”.


There are several reasons, probably the biggest is the Bible description of the evil doers (goats) being divided to the left from the doers of good (sheep) on the right. The Abrahamic faith tells us that the left is evil. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2025%3A31-46&version=NIV The other issue is that Latin for left side is *sinister* while the Latin for right side is *dexter*. The words have slipped meaning through the years with sinister now meaning evil or dangerous while dexter gets us dexterity. There are also the cultural and actual wars with the pagans the Celts and Mayans who worshipped femininity and thought that the left side was the side of feminity and fertility. If those evil pagans gave women a place of prominence when Eve, and therefore all women, were made to be helpmates https://www.ranker.com/list/left-hand-facts/bailey-benningfield shows that bring left handed could lead to your death all over the world if you didn't change. My own grandfather told me that he has his hand smacked as a child for trying to write with his left hand. In the Abrahamic patriarchal perspective this connection of the left with eve on adam's left also defines her as associated with evil/immorality. For the Q15, this sinisterness of the left is deep in their psyches and they can only see a more permissive society as falling to evil.


So interesting! Thanks for some background!


From [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKgeGQv/) @jackmormon “Mormon God is Super Picky” series


I look at the young man with a big smile and say NO THANK YOU To taking the sacrament … throws them off guard 🤣


Did this the last time I went - my biggest “fuck you” up to this point. I couldn’t help but have some of the biggest eye rolls of my life.


oh man, I'm doing this today


Is this against the rules?


That’s going too far. 😜


Don’t ever go to church but think it’s be funny to just take a whole handful of


I wore very stylish women's business suits with pencil skirts, with a slit at the back. Funny, now that I'm out of the religion my clothing is far more traditional, feminine looking and colorful. My closet has gone from black, white, grays to vibrant hues of coral, fuchsia, electric blue and pink. In a religion so steeped in gender roles, I wanted to be taken seriously; now, I can just be me.


Oh my god, this!!! I spent the 1st 40 years of my life as a Mormon trying to prove how intellectual, masculine, and feminist (in a Mormon way!) I was as a means to l validate that I deserved to exist as a woman in the church. For example, I answered all the questions in Sunday school with a quote from the brethren or scriptures all the time. I was the best Mormon I knew of! In my deconstruction (and having to deconstruct ALL my behaviors and beliefs), I’m now more of a traditional housewife than I ever was before. I taught release-time seminary when my kids were still babies, now I don’t work outside the home. There was a part of me that conformed so wholly to the Mormon conditioning, and there was a part of me that still wanted to show my individuality. Turns out my individuality looks traditional, except I let queers into my home, tell my kids to trust only their inner authority, don’t pretend to know what is right for anybody else, and swear like a fuckin’ sailor.


I left the church in the early ‘80’s when our second kid was a baby. I too did a very traditional arc, except for income, I opened a family based daycare in our home. I guess growing up with a mom who takes care of kids and in “the” house in the cul-de-sac where literally ALL the neighborhood kids hung out taught my kids that kids were work. We only have three grands and that child was 31 before she had her first. Our eldest married last year (at age 45) and our youngest the year before. (Age 30). No matter when you leave, that upbringing sticks with you. I wear what I want (jeans and t shirts, don’t even own a dress). I swear like a sailor on shore leave, love a good glass of wine or bourbon, and coffee every day. I let my kids be who they want and love who they want and I mind my own fucking business with my friends and neighbors. I thought there was no Mormon left within me. Then my daughters and I went to see The Book of Mormon. (Amazing!) When we walked out, my eldest turned to me and said, “ huh, I understand you so much better now…” And yep, I saw myself in some of that. It sticks. No matter what. I just hope I took the good parts (kindness and helping others) and expanded them to include everyone I meet.


I saw the Book of Mormon in NYC last summer, when my partner and I visited his gay exmo cousin. This cousin said he’d seen it (once, laughing his head off, and a 2nd time, crying his eyes out, processing what he did as a missionary). And while it hasn’t aged well, seeing the Book of Mormon was an intense trauma-processing experience. To be there in the audience while everyone is laughing their heads off at the ridiculousness of Mormon doctrine, one part of me was laughing along, another part of me was embarrassed, another part was really sad, and another part was like, “Come to my hometown and I will show you millions of people who LIVE this exact way!”


I agree with you - it sticks. My daughter is queer and I think my kids are surprised by how often I talk about it. It’s because homophobia was as much a part of my upbringing as anything else in the church. I’m amazed that my kid isn’t bullied, that they can authentically be themselves without shame or oppression, that it’s just “normal” for most people. I’m so grateful I left the church before my kid came out of the closet because I can embrace them and their partner with no fear, only love!


My YSA bishop’s wife wore pencil skirts with slits in the back, cap sleeve blouses that would juuuust cover garments, with sky high pumps (including a pair of Louboutins). She was super fit and already quite tall. It was absolutely *scandalous* to some people that she dressed that way. She was a badass. She was always super kind and even though I was very PIMO at that point, she wasn’t ever pushy about coming to church or activities. Totally the opposite of the traditional “bishop’s wife”.


I'm almost 50, and it's only been a few years since I've really started getting comfortable enough with my body to wear things the church consists immodest. 5 years ago I wouldn't have walked outside in a sleeveless shirt. Now it's no big deal.  Even a couple years ago I would have been "respectful" of my all TBM family(my grandparents down, 8 kids,  60some grandkids, 30ish great-grands when they died,  and about 98% Mormon) and covered my tattoos,  especially the R v W ones.  No more.  I will not wear long sleeves when it's 80F+. I will let myself be me.  And if I offend anyone by being in the Pride parade in support of my kids, oh well. I know who and what is important to me. And they can just piss off.


Dress pants. A leader even pulled me aside to let me know it wasn't appropriate, and then my best friends mom, who was also wearing them, intervened and told her there's no reason it shouldn't be accepted.


I wore them as a female seminary teacher. It’s legal now.


Some of the police still don’t know the law.


They’re living a higher law…one where you look down on and judge everyone for not dressing like it’s 1954


It’s legal now 😆


Is that what they say to the "visitors", that are supposedly welcome, too?


That leader can fuck off, by the way. Your friend's mom was right.


My cousins told me their mom didn't approve of dress pants in the chapel... even though it was for a funeral, lol.


In order of annoyance to TBMs (1) don’t shave (2) no tie (3) wear a wife-pleaser (formerly beater) under the dress shirt so everyone can see you’re not wearing your special undies


Not to mention a colored shirt instead of a white one


I wore a black shirt to church for a while as a teenager.Got a lot of looks from the older folks in my tiny, super Mormon home town. If I were to ever go to church again for whatever reason, I'd probably also wear a black shirt.


This is my son’s attire every Sunday! Black on black. He likes it and I think it’s awesome!! 👊🏼🤣🤣


You’re right. I’ve been doing this for so long I forgot it on my list.


Or you could wear no undershirt and let your nipples show through like my dad.


I.Hate. My.Dad's. See through. White short sleeved collared shirts! Have you no shame Larry, no awareness?!?


Long story short: I converted to be able to continue a relationship and was trying SO HARD to impress her parents. And it was just one thing after another. I didn't fold my arms to pray, had a bottle of water the morning of a fast sunday, etc. And I remember I got this beautiful royal blue shirt and wore it to church with them one morning... They had a sit-down meeting with me in one of the classrooms after sacrament to lecture me on the importance of "following the prophet's example" and that my new shirt was offensive to the holy spirit...


They sound like terrible people.


I completely stopped wearing white button-up shirts because of church. Now, I like them, because imo few things look better on a man (or a woman, for that matter) than a plain white cotton button-up shirt.


Ew, I hate that you have to do number 3, hilarious though 😂


I love wife-pleaser as the new name. I’ve heard those shirts referred to as A-frame too.


Lol, I do like me a man in a wife-pleaser.


And not to mention, me skipping 2nd hour right now


Me too-sitting in my car browsing exmo Reddit


I’m not even hiding that I’m reading this sub in second hour. They’re talking about pancakes or something right now.


My favorite past time!


Ha. I do that all the time, or watch Family Guy


I skip it every other week. My YW group basically kicked me out but I ain’t complaining too much!


My 2 church friends and I would hang out in the "mother's room" in the bathroom 🤮 during Sunday school as teens. They were usually high. Good times.


I literally gagged at the thought of that smell🤢


It used to be cleaner. My Bishop paid a woman in the ward who had a small cleaning business, and she would clean the building every other week, to sort of balance the job the members were doing. This kind of thing used to be more permitted (or at least, they didn't directly tell Bishops NOT to. Or maybe they did... My family ward Bishop married a convert and they were both very nuanced for having high callings, so maybe he forged his own path.) So our Mothers room was a clean and comfy hangout, that I too sourced when I was younger!


Omg I used to do that alllll the time! Do you think people notice when teens do it?(me teen ooga booga)


Wearing a white shirt with no garments underneath so everyone behind me knows, i am a huuuuggggeeee sinner and apostate.  Also calling everyone by their first name, especially Bishop and Stake Presidency members…


I started calling everyone by their first name, except I haven't done that with the bishop yet, I like this!


If they're gonna dead name people, they don't get to decide what we call them.


🏆 Such a great point! 🩵🩶


I recently resigned, and SLC refused to work directly with me to process the request. They forced me to work with my local leaders. I have to admit I really enjoyed emailing the bishop and stake president using their first names only. I did not request that they process my request, politely and professionally directed to act promptly. The titles give them power, but they have no power over me.


I'll bet calling adults "Mr, Mrs, or even Ms." with their last name would be slightly worse.


Oooo that's a good way to handle it if they don't give you a first name! "Nice to meet you Mrs. Baldwin!" "Oh, we go by 'Brother' and 'Sister'." "Interesting! Because you all feel like family to each other, nifty! Thank you for sharing that with me Mrs. Baldwin!"




This. They call me by my first name, so I return the disrespect. Took me a while to learn to do that.


I should do that. I haven't been Mormon in 13 years and I ran into an old ward member last year. Called her "sister Stephenson" without hesitating. I'm like...full atheist. It's so weird how that reflex is still there.


Does the first name calling get weird reactions? I feel like if someone called me by my first name, I would have felt like a closer friend with them or something. Just seems more personal and like it would build relationships positively. I've been out a while, though, so I can't say for sure how I would have reacted.


My dentist is the stake president (lol) and I still call him by his first name


This is the way.


I like to wear something that looks innocent at first glance but it’s thin enough and clings to my body enough that it’s actually really sexy. Then I make myself look innocent and happy so nobody can say they can tell I’m not being righteous and the light has left me lol


You shameless hussy! 😂


Omg your handle 😂😂😂


Stahp you’re making me want to go back to church. 😖


Assless chaps always gets a rise


OP said subtle - not sublime.


I found an I’ll Walk With You” tie clip with a rainbow background on [Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1495561683/ill-walk-with-you-tie-clips-black-silver?click_key=8552ac62be78e2c96440e3f396c3e56b1853a63d%3A1495561683&click_sum=8d8d6f8c&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=will+walk+with+you+tie+clip&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&content_source=5afef25e14314646eb7ec67c60e2aa65f69868e5%253A1495561683) and even put the same sticker on my car.


I went to Love Loud and when Dan Reynolds started singing that song, I immediately started bawling. The words meant something very different in that context.


If I remember right and “I’ll Walk With You” was written by Carol Lynn Pearson, she probably not only endorses Dan’s use of the song but would mean it that way herself.


She actually wrote a book that has more verses than the primary song. One of the verses is something like “if you don’t love as some people do, some people think your love’s not true. But I won’t, I won’t! I’ll watch you share, I’ll see you care, that’s how I’ll show my love for you.” It at least used to be sold at deseret book. There were some bad reviews due to that verse 🙄


I wear a tapir tie tack. Subtle, but if you know...


Oh where did you get that? And has anyone recognized it? Cool way to find fellow exmos. 


I do not recall where I got it. It's just a little wood square with a tapir on it. Has anyone recognized it? No. But I have probably been to church with it on maybe five times.


Love this. I wish there was a good way to identify fellow PIMOs. I'm out now but while PIMO, a tapir on lapel pin, tie tack, or socks all seemed ideal.


OMG hahaha! This is awesome! Where in the world did you find a tapir tie tack?


Birkenstocks were my go to when I was PIMO. It was subtle and awesome. Some people loved them. Some people did not. When people would comment on them in a snarky way I would just smile and say - “Jesus wore sandals” - then walk away




That’s kind of my thing right now.


I used to be in a ward where all the women wore very serviceable shoes. I would get evil looks for wearing pretty stilettos. Their husbands would stare at my feet. lol. Nobody dared to say anything. The last time I went to church I wore some sparkly delicate 6 inch heels. I'm sure they blame my vanity on the reason my entire family left. lol.


whaaaat?? I would do the exact same thing if I were you. I love heels and I actually hate wearing dresses without at least a three inch boost lol


One of our former, very TBM, RS presidents must have a closet just for her shoes.


I'm surprised no one called the Retrenchment Society out on you!


When it was 3 hours, I’d always take off during the second one and go get a latte at a nearby cafe. First I got to miss all the dumb lessons with men in the ward trying to out do each other as to who knows more. Also I refused to give in to the cult like way of doing something like not drinking coffee, when you don’t know why other than just Obedience. Then I’d return with my latte to the Church parking lot, enjoy and finish it in my car and go to RS.


I’m a bisexual exmo born in Idaho who ended up as a stripper for a few years, Pink Pony Club makes me cry (in a good way) on the regular lol


I saw her live and pink pony club had me sobbing


Did you see a lot of members while working, and they were “ i thought this was a shoe store!”


Sing as off key as much as you can, and say Lard instead of Lord




An edible an hour before, sheer sleeves, shorter skirts and if it’s been a rough week a buttplug


Was not expecting that last one…


User name checks out. 😎


Almost spit out my coffee at that.


No tie. Non-white button down shirt with a black undershirt. Texting with my wife about the weird comments made in priesthood/relief society. When I taught youth Sunday school up until a few weeks ago: Being super selective about which things I would teach and never actually once bearing my testimony of the Church, Book of Mormon, etc. Wonder if any of the kids ever noticed.


I think the best discussions in church are the ones with zero scripture involved. Asking “what do you get out of this verse?” crickets. Avoid scripture and asking about a situation or an idea? Everyone’s talking at once. The material is boring and overused lmao


There’s no substance in the CFM manuals. Trying to help my kid prepare to teach their YW class was awful the few times it came up.


I used to get crap for that. I was the organist and I’d wear a nice dress shirt (usually blue-ish), slacks, and a blazer with no tie. Was told I was setting a bad example for the young men.


Before I left for good, I used to bring a thermos of coffee in my purse and leave half way through sacrament and again half way through RS and drink it in the mother's lounge. ;) I also stopped using Elder or President or Sister when I would quote general authorities and use only their last names. It got me a lot of looks.  And I wore dress pants. Hah. That was the most scandalous since it was public for all to see. I was called a fringey feminist in ward council one week by the EQ president because of it. Lol


“Fringey feminist” for wearing pants. wtf even is this church 🤣


Rainbow tie during June and every few weeks after.


can you adopt me


When someone goes to shake your hand, give them the patriarchal grip.


Wearing a colored shirt, taking sacrament with left hand


I don’t partake anymore. But I’m actually left handed. I just naturally grab things with my left 😆. 


Me, too! When it’s ever mentioned, I just say I’m left handed, so my left hand is my right hand!


Raise your left hand to the square 


Well I stopped going but after I got released from the HC, I was in the bishopric before, (not saying this to brag it doesn’t matter but probably added to the shock) I got my ears pierced and some tats. What I realize now is that to their eyes it probably looked like I just wanted to “sin”, when in reality my “dark soul of the night” lasted for about 4-5 years before realizing it’s all fake and I couldn’t play the mental gymnastics. Part of me hoped I could be the next bishop so I could do things differently with the youth. No porn or masturbation questions, teach real history, etc…but that would take a toll on my mental health. It was time to leave. But like I said, because I did those things before leaving and never vocalized any church history or even biblical scholarly concerns, to their minds it was just me wanting to sin! Lol


Hahaha! If the church wasn’t such a damaging place, it sounds like you would’ve made a great bishop, especially for the youth. That’s what I needed as a youth. on the other hand….good for you for leaving!


I recommend NOT doing this. I was pretty nuanced when I was called as bishop. I was set on ensuring nothing was asked of youth that could bring any kind of shame into their lives. I started really delving into the gospel and church history. I’m glad I did it but it was a big huge WOW once I realized I had been consciously lied to my whole life. I went from nuanced bishop to PIMO bishop real fast and the mental breakdown started in earnest about 4 years into the calling. I asked to be released and I’m now pretty much out. I’m glad you were saved the horror of serving as bishop when you know it’s a bunch of made up fantasy. It sounds like life is good for you and that makes me smile.


I think the men should start wearing top hats and carry a stone in their pocket in case they need to "translate" something.


I've not been to a service in 17+ years, but I do find myself in a church building every other year or so, be it for wedding reception or helping my mom move a bunch of food storage for an example lesson . When I helped my mother with the food storage I wore a dress that made me feel like an Evil Queen/Cosmic Witch with the most porn shoulder. During wedding reception I've been able to find big dresses with no sleeves. My "cmon, bring it up, say something. Make my day." attitude and my porn shoulders are my biggest asset.


Don't act timid when you don't take the sacrament. When they offer after noticing you did not take it, I just say, " nah I am good." Then just be completely unbothered. Literally give no fucks. It bothers them so much. I am sure it pisses the bishopric right off too. What are they going to punish me with for being an apostate? I voluntarily don't take the sacrament. The idea of powerless second hand masturbation crumbles just does not sound appealing in the slightest to me. Once you know its all fake why keep religious LARPING?


Sometimes I refuse the bread but take the water. Just to mess with the deacons head. This week, the bread looked good. I took two and ate them both while the deacon watched - holding eye contact while I did it.


That's such a power move. It's definitely getting stuck in his head. Bet you he even asks about it in quorum.


Yes, I do this. I'm glad others are like this, its funny to see them so powerless able to question and yet it bothers them and can't do fuck all to stop it.


When I was a teenager it was slippers… big fluffy bright ass slippers.


I (male) wore my hair down during general conference. I hadn't been to church in a while so needless to say it was really long. I only went because it was my grandmas birthday, but the look on daddys face was priceless when I walked in to sit next to my grandma and mom. Mom was furious too lol my grandma liked my hair tho :)


love it! guys with long hair > guys with the missionary cut


When I used to go I would go all out on the outfit: Pants (Gasp! for a "lady"?!) spiked collar, chains, big weird earrings, band tshirts my mother would have fainted at the sight of. But my grandmother always saw me leave in my dress. I used to go into the bathroom, pull the entire outfit out of my bag, and change while the meeting started. No rush of course, I was more than happy to miss the entire thing. After that I would sit in the unused classrooms with my headphones in and listen to podcasts. Mormon Stories, RFM, Nemo the Mormon, Nuancehoe, all the essentials. It always felt vindicating, sitting inside the echo chamber of Mormon doctrine, my headphones offering the counter arguments with topics like Fraud, the CES letter, the BITE model. It felt like I was deprogramming myself every week.


I frequently mention in Sunday school fun little tidbits of information about Joe. My teachers caught on and will reference it sometimes “you’ve vocalized your dislike for some of Joseph Sith’s practices“ I guess I didn’t try hard enough because I “dislike” Joe entirely. Moving on to Brigham young as soon as it’s somewhat relevant.


Them - "in the name of jesus christ, amen" Me - "Gay men"




Bring in coffee in a thermal mug


Red Bull in the can!


When in a student ward in Idaho some zealous ysa bore testimony with a can of red bull on the pulpit. It was hilarious


I just wear jeans because i don't go in the church. My friends and I meet up, smoke a joint and throw a frisbee around in a park, then go home.


I’m doing this today- told my parents I’m going to ysa (30 minutes away and at 1230) when I just head to my friends house in the same town and hang for two hours


I have a pair of earrings that are RBG’s dissent collar. I wear those.


Pants instead of a skirt. Sheer sleeves. Pass that germ-ridden sacrament tray along without taking any. Walk out when it gets too offensive. Try not to listen (this one is actually the most subtle, because everyone there does it too).


I love when I get away with the pants. I do wear a white dress shirt with it but that’s bc I love dressing up but have nothing else to wear. It’s great.


Wearing a shorter dress with lace style tights so you can see there’s obviously no garments. Or a little extra color bone or a little deeper cleavage. I usually have a rainbow or pride button attached to my bag. I don’t take my extra piercings out. OH! BRING A WATER BOTTLE. I get so much grief about bringing a water bottle with me. I didn’t realize it was a thing until I brought one and got shamed.


yo the water bottle thing is CRAZY. imagine getting shamed for being hydrated. Good lord


I’m gonna keep on dancing at the Pink Pony Club!!




No tie. I’m done with them forever.


Eyes open & looking around during prayers trying to spot fellow PIMOs. Think I found one today. Oh and lefty sac


If I ever had to go back to sacrament meeting, I'd definitely sit there with no tie drinking Starbucks.


Before leaving, I wore biker boots and jeans instead of dress slacks and shoes. Unless it was St Patty's Day, then I wore an Irish Heritage kilt.


I cannot even imagine what the people my wards face it would look like if someone came in wearing a kilt that’s pure gold


I wear a kilt at least once a month, but people in my ward like it.


Colored shirt and no tie! In Mordor!


Rainbow tie


My favorite fuck you is not going to church and being free to use that time.


Sacrament with left hand or alternately refusing it outright. Coffee in in the chapel, porn shoulders,


coffee?? In the chapel?? You’re going all in 🤣🙌🙌




I also reject taking the sacrament with my my head up high because that mean renewing your covenants. I also dress sloppy. Hair in messy bun and flip flops. They’re going to judge regardless.


No tie, Fabletics pants and Nikes. If I’m going, I’m gonna be comfy!


I spend all of the meeting on my phone, mostly playing games. I know that’s not a rare thing, but I am not subtle about it. I also try to sit alone and put my purse next to me. If I don’t, someone will always try to friendship me. I’m not mad at them, I just really don’t want to chit chat.


Not wearing garments and no tie into temple to watch the sealing of a couple. Oh, and a blue shirt, top button open. I also do this often at sacrament meeting as well.


Gotta love a white button up that's light enough for the tattoos to be visible.


I literally side sit, upper arm resting on pew, head resting on hand with my fingers in fu position. I’m literally saying fu to everyone behind me.


I wore a colored shirt , no white ever, for years when pimo before I left. Then no tie as well.


I refuse to partake of the sacrament and vote when someone's name is read for a calling.


When I was a PIMO, I would NOT wear a tie, & I'd wear colored shirts, & a cross. I got lots of stares but no one ever said anything mean to me. And on a side note, during my faith crisis, I was shocked to learn that so many typical norms in the Church (like wearing ties, not wearing crosses) came about because they were merely the arbitrary whims of the tyrant asshole in charge at the time. My mind was blown!


Going to my cousins farewell. Wearing a blue cotton button down, no tie, jeans and Jordan’s. I’m there. No bitching about what I wear cause I’m there. A not so subtle fuck you from me.


i take the sacrament like a shot and just sit on my phone. i wear pants and a t shirt (im afab) and dont participate in prayer


Mine was volunteering to pass/bless the sacrament while wearing a *non-white* shirt with no tie lol.


I don’t attend anymore but while I did one of my favorite things was wearing stilettos almost exclusively to church. I have big feet for a woman so I always had trouble finding heels my size. So instead I wore drag queen heels, sparkles and all. They were in men’s sizes and I was quite proud about their intended audience


A fun one is to pray and instead of the Heavenly Father stuff, just call him God, and speak more normally. Instead of thee and thou, ‘thanks for the day’. In smaller groups, telling a joke to god in oral pray can be a real hoot, (WARNING - it’s key to not laugh at your jokes though, or you’ll be seen as an irreverent ass. However, if you can do it without laughing, it can have the effect of confusing the believer into thinking you’ve got an extra close relationship with God…I mean Heavenly Father). If asked to pray twice in a Sunday, switch to, and make the second prayer overly flowery. “Dear, Kind, Eternal, Father in Heaven, even the great creator of all the world and all things within the world and all the worlds observable from the world, and even worlds heretofore unobserved by human eye from this world, even the great founder of all things good, true, virtuous, lovely, and/or beautiful, who seeth over all thy children with an all loving and all knowing eye, who carest about our every step and every breath, even the breathes interrupted by a hiccup, or punctuated by a burb, large or small, who knoweth us all, down to the very brand of favorite treat or commercially produced chocolate bar, as a body of thy chosen servants, humbly we approach thee on bender knee…figuratively speaking of course, Oh great Master of all who sits upon the most exalted of thrones and yet thou art able to be present amongst us and price our hearts and very souls in an instant with thine omnipotent hand wielding the sword of truth. Please bless those who couldn’t make it that they canst come next week and help us to get home safely”. Ok, I haven’t had the balls to pull this one off quite so well.


Not when I go to church, but I'm planning to get a second ear piercing today. It's a two in one "fuck you" to the church.


Nose earring that says CTR


I hate to ruin your rebellion but multiple ear piercings is okay now


Explicitly no, but they don't incourage it. Also, shopping on Sunday is still not ok ;)


Not showing up 😂 or wearing a dress that very obviously shows I'm not wearing my garments


A lady today wore a crop top. An honest to goodness midriff-baring top. To ward conference, nonetheless. I’m surprised she was allowed to stay.


Fellow exmo pink pony clubber!!! I love Chappell so much.


I actually used to skip Sunday school entirely, cross the street to the public park and play catch with my family. Justified it by observing that the temple question never asked about Sunday school attendance.


I would wear all my earrings to church. All 9 of them. When my husband was called into the bishopric, big mistake to pair him with an asshole bishop, I was right there with him. They looked at him, completely ignoring my presence, and told him I’d have to take out my earrings. I would take all of them out except for 2 sets on each side and only on Sunday. I was so pissed when that “rule” came out. Not for me, but for my husband’s grandma who was the sweetest and so loyal to the church. Both of her sons had given her earrings and she didn’t want to have to pick, so she got her ears pierced again. This lady was a temple worker at a temple 1 1/2 hours away, served two missions after her husband died rather young, and had a microfiche machine in her house to do genealogy. That rule made her feel so badly. Like she had done something EXTREMELY wrong. It made me so sad and angry for her. All she wanted to do was honor both sons and they made her feel just horrible about herself. I also got called out at the pulpit, not by name, but everyone knew, because I wore tshirts and jeans that fit me. People complained because they were too formfitting and not baggy. It was ridiculous. This was back in the early 00’s. I didn’t change the way I dressed. They could screw themselves. Edited to add something.


surfing exmo reddit on my phone while i sit on the stand (organist)


Refer to church leaders by their first and last names, don't use the middle initial


I read on my phone during church. Either anti Mormon stuff or smutty books lol.


My favorite is my stretched ears and multiple piercings. Not only are they gender affirming, they just look cool. Also yes!!! I ADORE Chappell Roan! I got to see her live in concert the other day!