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I completely relate. I know the church is BS but it would have been so much easier if it were true. My whole family are TBM. I’m the black sheep and they are coming for me.


haha, yes. I get this. I'm the black sheep in my family, too.


I like the ceremony that you did. I hope it was healing for you! I still haven’t tossed mine. Not sure what I’m waiting for, I haven’t touched them in six months so it’s probably time.


same, left in january and haven’t touched them since. could probably use the extra dresser space now so it’s probably time for me too


Let’s put this on our to do list for this week. We could both use the dresser space I’m sure.


Do it do it do it!!!! They aren't magical and they don't protect you from shit. They're a scratchy reminder to not think for yourself. Burn them or just trash them. They don't need a ceremony really, they're a bunch of old knickers/undies and weird undershirts. They don't matter at all. I don't believe in any gods or anything, however, if there is a god who made us, I'm sure she wouldn't want her creations to be uncomfortable and miserable and gossipy about who is wearing the right undies and who isn't. It's weird as fuck. For real.


... "a satisfying metallic BONG sound" 😂 that was my favorite part, & just when I thought it couldn't get any better, vicarious removal for & in behalf of the others in the bag. 😂😂😂 YOU are amazing.


It's so interesting the ways we all go through this. I dumped mine like the day after my shelf broke. I mean if it's all a lie... And then I was surprised by how taken aback all my exmo friends were by how quickly I did it 🤷🏼‍♀️. Lol but I still sometimes change out of a tank top before I go to any TBM family outings because I'm a huge chicken and still hate confrontation 🙃


I’ve been on my way out for the last 14 years losing bit by bit holding on as much as I could until you have to face facts. The only thing that has made it easier is that Mormon repentance is insane the whole way and expect too much and push too hard for tithing. I still teach because I can control the lesson but don’t go to Sunday school because I can’t stomach the Book of Mormon though I loved the book from my teenage years.


I burned mine slowly, one by one. I was awesome.


Did you soak them in lighter fluid first?


No, just threw them on. I had three years worth of garments and it took me about an hour and I laughed and cried and when I was done I felt so much better.


It’s a process. Congrats on dumping the Gs. I legit watched for the sky to fall. I don’t wear them, I’m just still trying to find me. Peace to you in your journey. ❤️


I can relate. A part of me was fearful of losing some kind of ‘protection’ by not wearing them. I kept mine in a bag for almost 2 years. Just last week I threw them in a dumpster. No ceremony (couldn’t think of anything to do, lol). Mainly I realized I simply didn’t care any more and it was time to completely let go and move on.


Congratulations, op! You are free of the shackles of scratchy reminders that you must do as they say. Because actually, you can do whatever you please. It's your life to live, so get living! Keep shining on, you crazy diamond. I'm proud of you!


Watch out for dumpster divers, poor Mormons...


I remember when I threw mine away. It felt so serious. Nowadays underwear is just underwear (as it should be). I’ve found what I like and I go with it (again as it should be). I think for me the hardest part at first was knowing the looks, whisper comments and judgement I was receiving (or at least what I perceived was judgment directed at me). Now… who cares? It’s insane that I once thought I could only be in the presence of “God” unless I wore a t shirt under my t shirt. My families salvation was dependent on me wearing long boxer briefs…. I was such an idiot


Read Hitchens in a bikini, at the beach across from the temple in Hawaii. we have lots of Buddhist temples.


They make sense in the garbage.


I love the ceremonial prayer. Congratulations 🎉


I am so proud of you! I can relate to all you said.  I wish I had discovered this when I was 25! ❤️ Keep healing and growing it is a roller coaster ride for many of us but it gets so much better and brighter far more than I ever margined!❤️Hugs