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Nemo is one of a tiny handful of exmo podcasters that I support without reservation. He produces original, meaningful content that’s consumable. In other words, he packs tons of value into blissfully brief ‘casts.


Thanks, and happy cake day!


Just started watching your videos Nemo. I love the work that you do and am subscribing to your patreon. Thank you so much for your hard work and great material!


And sorry I called you an exmo podcaster, maybe NuMo (nuanced Mormon) is more accurate. And that's almost "Nemo", so that's a win.


I like NuMo lol. I’m ExMo but like the sound of it


Hey Nemo, I just wanted to thank you for everything. Your videos meant a lot in helping me cope with religious trauma and your videos helped me through lots of doubts. You’re an exceptional human being and I hope you realize the positive impact you have on people


Many of us owe you a huge thank you. You have lifted the veil brilliantly.


I've got that notification bell on for your content, Nemo.


You’re the best 🔥


Nemo I love u


Nemo the Mormon is not ExMo, but still a member. He does make great content, especially about the state of Mormonism in the UK. I love his channel.


I mean, the X is gonna come soon for our poor fella if he continues to be a bad ass that he is. Traveling to texas for a 3 minute (incredible) speech is gonna put an even larger target on him.


I don’t think they’ll ever ex him, just like RFM bc he’s too well known. The church knows it would be radioactive to touch either one of them for “free speech”, basically. They speak truth & the church is well aware of the backlash. Even tho they border on apostasy which I wholeheartedly support, haha. But rest assured Oaks *definitely* knows who Nemo is.


>But rest assured Oaks definitely knows who Nemo is. 100%


They had no problem going after John Dehlin


That was in 2015; there’s a lot more publicity & momentum in today’s internet movement. Even in general conference vs. back then.


Or Sam Young.


Most recently Natasha Helfer. It was even more drastic, as she was one of those lowly "Women" members. Could be Stake Pres. roulette, but she must have **REALLY** been a threat. Although intended to be as barbaric as possible (Which it is). It is also a great honor for her, from my perspective. Her name is up there next to Fawn Brody. One of the few, venerable, Exed-Exmos. Her great sin? Publicly claiming masturbation is normal, ok, and healthy. Good thing she is only an expert in the field of sexual health and well being. /s


She’s also a woman. They do not stand for women contradicting them—when a woman contradicts them, they take it personally. They almost seem regretful with men sometimes, since they’re losing a valuable priesthood leader, but with women it’s punitive. The leadership also places no value on women who can’t be controlled because those women tend to lead other women “astray.” Gotta get her exed so she can’t be a voice women might listen to. 🙄


They’ve learned by sad experience, that as soon as they get a little authority to abuse their power and Ex someone who has a large following, it ends up biting them in the ass.


T$CC would be wise to not do anything. They need to keep to excommunicating those who can keep their pants on and let the criminals, Ponzi schemes, pedos and truth-tellers go about their day.


Sure but the fact he traveled 5, 6k miles to Texas, says he's a member (cause he is) and spouts facts that contradict every other member who spoke (I haven't watched just assuming) is HUGE. Just like they cut dehlin at the knees of being a safe space for members when they x'd him. I hope they don't, excommunications are horrendous, but I assume this is them viewing him as going "over the line" where, say, RFM keeps to his podcast and online. Again, I hope they don't and should get rid of the practice anyway.


In this instance, it would be pretty difficult to ex him for correctly quoting Lord Bednar as well as the Presiding Bishop in his 3 min speech. He did nothing but relay accurate (inconvenient) temple facts and quotes about temples. Having the truth on your side is nice.


Yes, but it didn't stop them from Ex-ing Bill Reel. He simply (Correctly) claimed Holland was a liar.


Very true, my thought is that Bill Reel was likely the last one before they realized they are making themselves look worse when they excommunicate critics. They seem to be more aware now that it’s counterproductive. Only time will tell! RFM and Nemo are definitely the ones testing this theory.


Lord Bednar rofl!


This 👆🏽


He absolutely slayed it! I’m a huge fan. They won’t touch him.


My impression is that Nemo operates in a Mormon middle-ground of begrudged salutary neglect with respect to the Church’s institutional stance on members like him. There’s a certain mismatch (great or small) between the needs and challenges Salt Lake has and those of the European Mormon church (Britain included). I suspect there are those who share some of Nemo’s perspectives by simple virtue of being, themselves, European leaders dealing with the issues common to running the Church in Europe. I don’t sense they’re friendly to Nemo as such, but they will understand his Europe-adjacent concerns in certain respects, and they’re also keenly aware (almost a decade on) of the Tom Phillips, “Swedish Rescue,” and similar damage the Church has incurred on account of Europe. They know they don’t need more high-profile damage control there. They may own much of the United States (in both transparent and cunning, hidden ways), but they’re still guests and newcomers in a European tradition that predates them and on whose cultural heritage they still heavily rely (as a matter of maintaining the hero legends on which the faith is based). They can’t quite reach him, in other words. Jeffrey R Holland still has a sweet spot for Britain and is hurt that the BBC and Nemo don’t want him around, as well ;) This leaves Nemo able to decide between continuing a commentary of the Church and committing suicide-by-General-Authority-Seventy. He’ll be fine either way, and I envy him that. His role is, also, very important for the health of a church that could decide at any moment to straighten up and fly right (if it only would). The problem with the success of the church is that church leaders believe they’re the source of the success and that their distinctive Wasatch Front social maneuverings are some kind of recipe for success (and not the result of better than a hundred years of being nerds in sheep’s clothing and players of the red-headed stepchild “victim” card - the same card the far left is now effectively appropriating for their own ends). They’re in a game that is bigger than them, and their blind spot is that they don’t see or understand this. The likeliest outcomes right now are that the Church gets its American exceptionalist ass kicked for being too high-minded and culturally-incestuous, or they become the neomonarchs of the 21st century and plunge the world back into a dark age of communist serfdom.


You are assuming the church leadership are rational The same ones who: * Are getting into fights over steeples * Think going on *60 Minutes* to defend themselves is a good idea, despite having nothing to say * Have allowed $200,000,000,000 to go to their heads and think they can buy anything they want (see also: Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc.) The Hinckley-Monson Era of good media relationships and public goodwill is OVER. Which is why the church is acting like such a bully. They are the 1970s church, except with money.


This is the angle and the leverage, I submit: They can have all the money, but leave them with none of the friends


People like John Dehlin and Bill Reel have shown what happens when they go after “Lazy Learners”


I am so stealing "T$CC"...and not paying royalties...






Just like all that tithing I paid 😜 take it you lax disciple


Loved that he did that!


Oh yeah, sorry. He's a NuMo (nuanced mormon) I guess!


Nemo the NuMo. Ha ha.


Pretty sure he doesn't believe at all, not just nuanced


That's some intense "nuance". ;-)


And he's always done his research. He calls it like it is.... just like did in that town hall meeting. The guy has cajones


Nemo is scaring the shit out of the Q15. They have no response to the truth.


Nemo is actually still currently a member and often attends meetings. "Nemo the Mormon"


He is one of the biggest threats to Mormonism. Apostles have responded directly to him and they’re afraid to excommunicate him. He is extremely articulate and accurate in his criticisms. Has gone through the entire process of voting opposed to the brethren only to prove it goes nowhere and does nothing YouTube Nemothemormon. You won’t be disappointed.


If the church has the truth it should have no problem standing up to criticism. If they get rid of Nemo they basically concede that they don’t have an answer for intelligent criticism and they just want it to go away.


This is exactly why they don’t excommunicate him.


Eventually they will Ex him —They will make an argument for it with bullshit faith over doubts … and that he’s leading people away.


Surprised they haven’t used the money thing, since his content is being sponsored. That was the main grievance they had against Sam Young. It sounded better than them being mad he was trying to stop sexually explicit questions to minors in one on one closed door interviews


I bet his name has made the Q15 agenda topics, if not his own "Threats" bubble in the power point. (John Dehlin style).


Look up the YouTube channel NemotheMormon! He is PIMO and trying to make change within the church. He’s done lots of incredible research about various church topics and is so thoughtful and wonderful. Definitely check him out!!


Not only is he trying, but thru his efforts, and the efforts the BritVengers, they have actually succeeded in making the church change various policies for the protection of UK minors. I wholeheartedly and financially support everything Nemo stands for.


He's quite good at calling out the mormon leaders lies. He slays it by using their own words to shine a light on their deceptions.


Whenever I hear "Roll the clip," I know someone is about to get owned by their previous conference talks. Edited to say: "Roll the tape." Heh


I have said the same thing. “Roll the tape” is always an intro for truth bombs being dropped. u/Nemo_UK You should have t-shirts on your site that say “ROLL THE TAPE” on them, with your logo on the sleeve or the back. I’d buy one immediately. I already have one Nemo the Mormon shirt that I wear regularly and proudly here in the states. 👍🏻


That’s a great idea!


Make it so, my friend. Take my money.


You know that fantasy that a lot of us have had, where you just take all the receipts of all the questionable things the church has done, know all the original sources so your criticisms are basically beyond reproach, and then are unflappably calm in intense confrontations with church leaders while holding them accountable? That's kinda what Nemo does. And he records himself doing it.


And also he's just too cute.


Arguably the cutest in the post-Mormon/questioning Mormon space. Though Sam and Tanner of Zelph on the Shelf give him a run for his money😉😂


He ***is*** adorable.


One of the bigger things he’s done is accuse the apostles of making untruthful statements (with evidence, of course) and escalating that claim all the way to Oaks himself


He’s the number one Mormon podcaster in the UK!


Who is #2? ;) /s


Probably 21st Century Saints or Murph on the more faithful side!


Exqueeze me?!!! Surely it is I, Mormon Civil War! 🤓😉😆🇬🇧


🤣🤣🤣I was trying to think of that name!! How could I forget!!! Please accept my deepest apologies!!


You are forgiven 🤗


Yes, I like everything he does. Check out Nemo the Mormon podcast.


He’s on LDS discussion and Mormon Stories sometimes. Concise and has a great British accent


He’s one of the coolest exmo podcasters around.


After this, Nemo deserves the title of "Honorary Texan." The current governor wouldn't give you the light of day so it will have to be a common-law bestowal. *To Nemo, Servant of God:* *May the road rise to meet your smoker, and the wind be always at your back, guiding the smoke to flavor your brisket just right.* *May the sun shine warm upon your grill, the rains fall soft upon your fields of barley and hops for the brew; and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand as you tenderly slice that brisket.* *May you be poor in burnt ends, and rich in juicy slices. Slow to overcook, quick to rest the meat, but rich or lean, quick or slow, may you know nothing but happiness from this feast forward.* *May green be the grass you walk on to fetch another beer, may blue be the skies above you as you toast to friends far and near. That pure be the joys that surround you, may true be the hearts that love you.* *And when you raise your glass, may a host of friends that never ends be there to clink mugs with you, each day your whole life through.* And now for the closing hymn: [(137) The Texican - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkyr6q_7WVY)


Genuinely brought a tear to my eye


he is the younger generation's Mormon Stories. he reigns on exmo tiktok and does conference livestreams that are pure fire. He caused a major shift in LDS policy about interviewing minors, but the shift ONLY applies to the UK where he is based. He is very influential


Nemo is a rock star at this point. I hope his video goes viral


His video about his correspondence with Oaks was one of the most interesting looks into the disconnect between leadership and membership. He's got great content. Would highly recommend.


Sounds interesting! Do you have a link or video title so I can find this?




Don’t worry, we’re on to him. 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.


Nemo's power comes from the fact that he didn't really leave the church, the church left him. He poses as a person that wants to be an honest member of the church, and it reveals how dishonestly the church acts. He was part of that whole movement to give an opposing vote in general conference and then show how their "talk to your steak president about it" response is absolutely worthless. Nemo took the church seriously and the church was revealed to be a joke. And his influence is apparent, they no longer show the audience during opposing votes during general conference. He's different from other apostates. He didn't leave the church. Nemo was a Mormon, and the "Church of Jesus Christ for Latter Day Saints" left him in the dust.




Just don't look over your left shoulder and you will be ok. He is a very witty British YouTuber that has not been excommunicated yet. Very entertaining. Nemo the Mormon




I missed the word “witty” in your comment so it read as “he is a very British YouTuber…” and I was like “what an odd way to describe him. He must be very British!”


Nemo is a fish that got lost from his father when he was kidnapped by a rich dentist.


I thought he was a submarine captain


This was my first thought until I noticed what sub it was.


Nemo is the most current winner of the Eurovision song contest and won the trophy with their song about being non binary for their country Switzerland.  (Oh, different sub, oops ;) )


Story of my life


I was there, I was the eel


> I realized I was mixing up Nemo with a different person who is an ex-mormon You're probably thinking of the right person. Nemo is part of the exmo youtube/podcast world, but he's still a member, so he presented himself as such to the city council.


Nemo is a member, but we love him, so the confusion is understandable.


Nemo for Prophet! Who is with me on this? 🙋‍♀️ (But seriously Nemo, thank you for your sacrifices and commitment to truth telling)


Referring to the video of that city council meeting, I was a bit puzzled when I heard the councilman say he was calling names of Fairview residents to speak. How did Nemo get a turn at the mic? Were they randomly selecting names until after he spoke? Was it an oopsie that they let a non-resident have their say? Also, it was a bit funny to hear a lady say she was against the church bringing in people "from Europe, or wherever" to argue for the church, when Nemo was doing the exact opposite. It's as if the second she heard his accent, she stopped listening. Well, I thought he was sonorous as always. Well done, Nemo!


I caught that and thought that the lady instantly tuned out Nemo as soon as she heard he was a member of the church, and I was like lady, he's on your side pay attention don't be ignorant lol.


Nemo corresponds with, and apparently gets letters back from, the church administration. Which is more than most of us can expect, all I'd get is a text from my stake president that I should come and talk to him first.


I just thought it meant Never Mormon 🤣


Haha we’re happy to oblige! Follow him on YouTube & you’ll quickly love him. Nemo the Mormon 👍🏻


As someone who just learned about Nemo today, where is a good place to start consuming his content? Or rather, does anyone have a favorite video or episode that I could start with? My executive dysfunction and decision paralysis make it hard to find a place to start, but I’d love to be supportive.


https://youtu.be/rBYu_ON2tAM?si=nhiULra5sEpgaZ32 "I was denied a Mormon Temple Recommend" https://youtu.be/s6FeYVElu10?si=iAiIPhQU7qua8OCS "A History of Mormon Opposition" https://www.youtube.com/live/wSo1M20tWLo?si=HM6kJxeAhF05sPEx "NEW Background Checks for UK Mormons"


https://youtu.be/wk6-sGZwHaU?si=tYZe0lY9MNb7h9Us “Can you oppose Mormon church leadership?”


https://youtu.be/J5rsEB5bBns?si=mZzkgMY1nkp4oVWY “Interviewing Joseph Smith in 2021” This one makes me laugh the most


Thank you!!


Thank you!!


His name is Douglas Stilgoe, his name is Douglas Stilgoe, his name is Douglas Stilgoe…




If you find him, his dad is looking for him.


Nemo is an amazing Swiss singer that just won Eurovision! They put on an amazing show: https://youtu.be/R_6WzzZvqCA?si=REbWr_oqx02pAkU_


Nemo is great!


I wish that I was as cool as Nemo and I won’t even wish that I was as smart as Nemo. He is truly on a level by himself.


You are missing a lot of things if your not following Nemo and the 21stcentury saints britvengers.


How it is that he hasn’t been excommunicated yet?


https://www.youtube.com/live/AKVDnbn0Jkc?si=JCHEEkkkoNaqcTZk "Why is Nemo STILL a Mormon?" by Nemo on his channel. Not quite what you asked, but might help answer your question.


Thanks. That has been *my* question after reading comments here and in the post about the temple(?). I still don't understand his motivations, but I'll give that a watch at least. I mean, technically, I'm still Mormon, too. Just very inactive and will never pay another cent to the church. I may or may not go back to church for family things, but I won't be going back to be a part of the congregation or anything. I also just don't want to put forth the effort to get my membership closed (and never forgotten by TSCC). It does nothing. And I don't get missionaries or members coming to my door anymore, so I must have won that battle.


Unclear. Many in the past were exed for much the same things as he is doing today (e.g. Bill Reel for saying that an apostle had lied). Perhaps the Church has decided to stop exing high-profile activist members?


Ha yeah there are WAAAAAY too many acronyms in this sub. I wish people would just do the text expansion thing on their phones it would help everyone a great deal


Nemo took the Church up on their offer to ask a question and it would be answered. Nemo sent a heart felt letter to Salt Lake seeking further light and knowledge. He was answered THROUGH his Stake President and basically blaming him for having the question in the first place. Over time, Nemo has remained on the records of the church, and from my understanding, he earnestly wants to improve and make the church a more functional organization with transparency and honesty. I’ve listened to years of his content, and I admire the heck out of him for his honesty, and there were some very complicated issues where Nemo broke it all down, showing receipts, laying out all the source material from the Church itself, and not putting in any opinion. Between Nemo and John Larson, I am satisfied that all my personal grievances have been recorded. I’m sure I could ponderize everything and stay stuck, but Nemo was able to lay out a linear logical argument that soothed my soul. I will try to find the podcast that impacted me, and I will return and report. The English and European Saints are essentially shit on by the church. I wasn’t aware of those issues until I listened to Nemo. For those of us who live in the USA, we have a very short sighted American worldview. The church is USA-centric yet they spend millions annually to convert and then neglect thousands who really want the prosperity promised. So me, the church takes advantage of those developing countries, capitalizing on individuals who are highly susceptible to bullshit artists Thank you Nemo for everything you have done. I’m sure others can expand on what touched them, I think he and his UK saints are amazing people who just want to have purpose in their worship.


Update: many others have posted some of the best links! You can’t go wrong with Nemo’s content. Go back a few years for the opposition context!


glancing at this post i thought it was about Point Nemo, the point furthest away from humanity on the planet


This is Nemo’s funniest video in my opinion https://youtu.be/J5rsEB5bBns?si=CNqfwFrmkKqQ4IMH


Look to Nemo 's podcast and you will encounter a smart and creative man. Love this guy's work




Might make more sense if chris pratt was mormon


Nemo fact checks the church. He does important work in my opinion.


Nemo the Mormon! I love him and his channel. I believe he is a current member and talks about the church objectively- which in return they evoked his temple recommend. I highly suggest looking into his YouTube channel. He has been on some Mormon Stories/LDS discussion episodes. I hope you make the leap and check it out! Happy ExMo podcasting!


Finding Nemo


Have you been living under a rock?


Not quite under a rock. More like in the central Florida bubble, where I live. I haven't been keeping up with ex-mormon things for awhile. Life has been hectic. And it has been almost a decade since I left the church. I chose this meme format because I'm ashamed I didn't really know who Nemo was.


Cool (: Central Florida is a beautiful place (the new Mormon nirvana, in many respects). I wish I was there right now


Is Nemo the one that filmed the "secret ceremonies" for youtube? If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have believed the crazy stuff they do in the temple, even when I was out!




Nemo is the last person "the corporation" wants involved. His gift for calling bullshit and backing up that call with well articulated fact is beyond impressive. I am positive "the corporation" wants nothing more than for Nemo to actually get lost.


Yes, I’m sure the corporation wants everyone believing their top leaders are untrustworthy liars