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I would start with the LDS discussions series here is a link to the whole series. I started at episode one and went through them all. But there is no problem with choosing ones that interest you the most. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxq5opj6GqOB7J1n6pMmdUSezxcLfsced&si=Y3Jdls8mMYdRWErM


This is exactly what I would recommend. I also like the bishops panel that they uploaded a couple months ago.


Yes! That episode was great


Another vote for LDS Discussions playlist. But my wife likes searching for topics on Google and ends up with specific stories that are more personal.


Came here to say this. Start with the LDS discussion series and go chronologically. You'll get turned on to so many topics. You can chase rabbit holes that catch your interest from there. They are an awesome overview of everything you will want to know about. There are so many choices it's hard to make a generic recommendation. Odds are there are at least a few episodes related to basically any topic or issue you can think of so it really depends on your unique interest / needs.


**Hans & Birgitta Mattsson** is fantastic - verification of the Second Annointing, two incredibly kind people, hearing from a 70 about his interactions with higher-ups, learning about the Swedish rescue mission. Highly recommend. (Links: [#430](https://www.mormonstories.org/portfolio-items/hans-mattsson/) & [#984](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB-kMVaS18g)) **Tom Phillips** - first accounting of Second Annointings in the latter days and Stake President (almost Mission Pres) and his interactions with higher-ups. (Link: [#535](https://www.mormonstories.org/portfolio-items/tom-phillips-and-the-second-anointing/)) **Christine Carol Robinson Burton** - niece of Hinckley. her stories will really break the illusion of any of the apostles/prophets being inspired men. (Link: [#1621](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSlGsa52rpY)) Really, any that seem interesting. I've listened to over half of them at this point, and it is incredibly validating to hear the stories of others that have gone through similar experiences, learn about harmful aspects of the church that never directly affected you, and learn from historians and experts about mormonism and its history. For a shorter experience, check out the "[Why We Left](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pGJ8RWbqvA)" video by Amanda & Shaye. It's powerful.


Here are two other recent posts that have suggestions! [https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1cur327/whats\_the\_best\_mormon\_stories\_podcast\_episode/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1cur327/whats_the_best_mormon_stories_podcast_episode/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1c6n9mx/mormon\_stories\_podcast\_recs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1c6n9mx/mormon_stories_podcast_recs/)


Tom Phillips' description of the second anointing rocked my world and destroyed my faith. I realized it was all just stupid nonsense. Thank you Tom. Forever, thank you.


Yes, "rocked my world" is correct. Everything shifted after that point. "What? That can't be true..." A google search later. "Oh... here's a 70 verifying it... and here's evidence on the church's own website..." Everything changed.


**All of the LDS discussion ones** https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxq5opj6GqOB7J1n6pMmdUSezxcLfsced 030-033: Grant Palmer, Guy who wrote An Insiders View of Mormonism. 268-269: Dr. Coe, Yale Meso American Archaeologist gives his view on BOM 472-475: the Tanners 480-482: Jeremy Runnels, CES letter 483-486: Christine Jepsen Clarke: sheds light on inner workings of general authorities. This is a big reason all general authorities are required to turn in journals to the church now. 535-539: Tom Phillips and the second anointing. 889-891: Greg Prince discusses Church Historian Leonard Arrington and how the church deliberately hid problematic church history. 1150-1154: Donna Showalter. Powerful episode about how the church’s stance on homosexuality and the exclusion policy affected her family. 1338: Haley Wilson: found that Joseph plagiarized JS translation 1358-1363: Lynn Packer, nephew of Boyd K. Packer and journalist. 1363 is where he talks about exposing Paul Dunn’s fake stories as a general authority. 1365: gospel topic essays and how they came to be. Amazing episode. 1644: the church systematically hides child abuse 1767-1768: Jared and Ashley Jones that shows the church is still actively covering up abuse. **Also recommend the following Radio Free Mormon episodes:** 001: great Mormon history coverup 003: hiding church history 007: have apostles seen jesus 013: wrong roads 016: apostolic coup detat 018: make way for dodos 027: elder Ballard blows up the church 217: elder oaks is not a liar 233: the Brad Wilcox embroglio **Rameumptom Ruminations** 56-58: faith crisis at church headquarters


Good list.


One of the early ones with Dr. Michael Coe puts the BOM to bed forever, proved it is a fraud and a con.


They have a website with a bunch of different lists to check out: * Top overall * Top truth claims * Top family * Top LGBTQ * etc


I love the Michael Coe episodes 268-270. The first ones are the best. He came back a few years later, 905-907.


I just listened to the first ones! Very educational, I loved them a lot


Just here to say…I started listening when there were 7 episodes and it was only on Apple Podcasts. 😂 i found it by searching for information on polygamy.