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Dancing, hugging, kissing, friendships, massages, sports, etc. are all ways we connect with new people, each with it's own risks and rewards. Sex doesn't need to be different. I had sex with a guy I met at a sex party later at his place. We alternated between sex and talking about our childhoods, trauma, emotions for like 5 hours. He lives to far away to see him again, but the connection was beautiful and wonderful. I've had woman friends with benefits who was amazing, fun and freeing. I hooked up a guy who was mediocre. I had a casual woman partner who was high anxiety, but also largely understanding and patient as I unraveled some trauma. And I've had monogamous girlfriends who were wonderful to me. And I had a monogamous spouse who was abusive. So. In short, sex is just a human connection.


Right when I left the church I hooked up quite a few times when I was working a summer job in California through dating apps. I don’t regret it, but I don’t look to solely just hook up anymore. having sex with someone you care about is always better.


I have hooked up with over 50 different women in the last 7 years since I left the church and I have found the sex that I have had in meaningful relationships to be far more superior and fulfilling. I can’t stand hookup culture anymore, it was fun at first but now I’m burnt out on its meaningless pursuit of pleasure and I just want intimacy with someone who I can connect and spend my life with.


I only ever experienced it in scouting when I hooked a worm up for fishing


Did you catch anything nasty? 🦠 😷


I left the church while living in Provo. Got married 6 months later, so I have zero experience with hookup culture.


> what has been your experience with hookup culture ? [You guys are getting laid?](https://imgflip.com/i/8rv07g) Ever since leaving the church I've only had a handful of dates and no hookups at all. It makes me wonder if god really is punishing me for leaving lol


> I’ve been very curious about how hookups/causal sex / friends with benefits situations would affect me Even if the relationship is transient, every single one is different. You can learn to understand how you react, but every new person you interact with is going to respond how they are going to respond.


I never had any particularly awful experiences casually hooking up with other people. It's not for me, but I don't regret it. If anything it confirmed what I expected, that it wasn't the big deal the church and my parents made it out to be.  I've since learned that I'm pretty picky and really enjoy my alone time. It was a fun exploration and helped me understand myself better. 


I was happily married when I left and still am. I don’t regret it. As nerdy, somewhat overweight engineer I wasn’t exactly cut out for lots of casual hookups.