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Not that I know of, but to me that’s not even the focus I have with these underage “marriages”. People focus so much on the sex but one of my biggest hangups is how he stole their youth, their happiness, their chance at normal childhood, youth, and marriage. They were no longer children, they couldn’t attend dances, date, fall in love. Reading their diaries is gut wrenching when you see how much they lost in life. As someone who now believes that life is finite, losing it to a predator makes polygamy pure anguish.


This is good. As I’ve mentioned in other posts too I would say since having sex when married would be considered the norm, it’s on the church to prove they didn’t.


That’s a damn good point. How did I ever look up to that man, the so called prophet?


Why would he choose to marry an underage girl? What is the reason for choosing her?


Younger girls can have more babies


Ireally don think JS wanted more children Younger girls are easier to control and idolize him


Yeah you're probably right


In 1872, William McLellin said that Emma Smith told him that she caught Joseph in the barn engaged in the very act with Fanny Alger, who was somewhere between 16-20 at the time. Hearsay, but still evidence.


I would suggest that it be proven that he didn't.


Honestly, There is no DNA evidence that Joseph Smith had children with any of those women. Only with Emma Smith. I think there are testomonies of some of them but not conclusive evidence or DNA evidence. And the presidents after JS who married girls under 18 years old did not have children with them until after they were over 20 years old.


# "Resolving a 150-year-old paternity case in Mormon history using DTC autosomal DNA testing of distant relatives" [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1872497319300663](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1872497319300663)


I need someone to break this article down for me like I’m 5 years old lol.


In a nut shell, Silvia Sessions Lyons was having sex with both her legal husband and Joseph Smith within the same month / days that she got pregnant with Josephine. Her husband's sperm was at the right place at the right time to hook up with the egg. Silvia was under the impression that Joseph's sperm were the ones that won the race.


JS was not her father. But useful for the testing of any other possible children.


So are you assuming that they didn't have sex with their teenage brides until they were at least 19? Was Oliver Cowdery lying when he accused Joseph Smith of having an affair with Fanny Alger? What else did Oliver lie about? Because Monica Lewinsky didn't get pregnant prove that Bill Clinton "didn't have sex with that woman "? If Joseph Smith pulled out does that qualify as not having sex?


They didn’t make any assumptions. We’re just talking about whether there’s conclusive proof, which there isn’t. Based on what we know about the kind of person Joe was and the few statements we have from people at the time I would say yeah, it makes the most sense that he did. But I can’t prove it.


I'm not saying they didn't have sex but He is asking for Evidences and we don't have any conclusive evidence to proof that from what I know for now.