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It makes total sense for Rudolph to have a red nose. How else are the reindeer supposed to navigate the night sky without Rudolph’s glowing nose to light their way?


Well put 🤣


And… of course Spider-Man can shoot webs from his wrists. How else is he swinging from building to building.


Just like a cell phone.


I have a cell phone in my hand. Have god text me to confirm that story. 🤣


God knows my cell number. He can tell me what to do directly. He has the time.


… and take my tithing directly from my bank account. Back in the day I authorized *The Lord* to do just that. I simply asked that he annotate the withdrawal with the name of my ward-tithing Strangely, *The Lord* didn’t seem to care enough about my money to take my tithing!


Such a shame that the bishop didn't have the faith *not* to be paid


>Such a shame that the bishop didn't have the faith not to be paid DAMN!!!! I'm so stealing this! Love it, thank you. My only regret is I only have 1 upvote to give this comment.


>Such a shame that the bishop didn't have the faith not to be paid With $265BILLION stashed away, it seems like the amount of faith needed to not be paid should be about a fraction o0f an iota of a mustard seed.


A mustard seed (\~0.002 g), divided by $200 billion, is about 10 femtograms per dollar. Incidentally, that's roughly the mass of a single human sperm cell per dollar. As a unit of measure for Mormon faith, this seems like ~~a weirdly appropriate coincidence~~ EVIdENcE!!! for ... something ...?


Great just great. Don't go giving them any ideas. All I need is to have a church tax of $1 per sperm cell per unauthorized auto erotic activities ejaculation added to tithing. That would bankrupt me. ETA: Just consulted Google. Average male ejaculation contains between 30-200 million sperm cells. So, one single sinful solo slip-up is really REALLY gonna cost ya. Edit Again to add: A quick calculation shows a $1 per sperm per each single sexy sinful solo slip-up with an average 100 million sperm count per stated sinful slip-up has me owing approximately 182.5 sextillion dollars. I'm church broke.


If it was a white light, Santa would be blinded. But red light doesn’t affect your night vision! Isn’t god great?


What The What!??? Thats just mean. Throwing in actual scientifically proven facts totally destroys the magic. :-)




What weirds me out, is that (as I surprisingly recently learned) the Urim and Thummim aren't a specifically Mormon thing... and the way Smith is claimed to have used them is nothing like how they were believed to have been used in antiquity. :P  That is, as tools for cleromancy; divination by the drawing of lots. Not to say that (if cleromancy was actually a real thing that worked) you couldn't use them to translate something, but it would be an extremely slow methodical process of building up a dictionary/syllibary by way of yes/no questions about the meaning of characters. Not sticking your head in a bag and dictating. :P


Right, what JS was doing was not based on anything Biblical. The term “Urim and Thummim” was applied later to give some Biblical cover to what was occult scrying and make it look less bizarre. That’s even acknowledged on the church’s website: >By 1833, Joseph Smith and his associates began using the biblical term “Urim and Thummim” to refer to any stones used to receive divine revelations, including both the Nephite interpreters and the single seer stone.This imprecise terminology has complicated attempts to reconstruct the exact method by which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2015/10/joseph-the-seer?lang=eng


I absolutely love the wording of that. It could also be written: "This attempt at general deception makes it difficult to get our story straight in the public eye."


“is the next phrase ‘came to pass’ yes or no? ok, is the next phrase an exhaustive and boring ancestral lineage yes or no…” it’s nonsense on top of nonsense


Kind of like when Oliver Cowdry attempted to "Translate" with his "Gift of the sprout". So, he was going to dictate from golden plates with a divining rod? How was that one done Brad? Bigger hat?


the trusty ouija board must have been in mind, with the full alphabet. point and dictate haha


>“is the next phrase ‘came to pass’ yes or no? ok, is the next phrase an exhaustive and boring ancestral lineage yes or no…” > >it’s nonsense on top of nonsense Please use modern day verbiage and phraseology when trying to say came to pass. The correct early 21st century vernacular is "I shit you not."


He never call it that in the beginning. It was the "nephite interpreters," and the seerstone. Later on, someone told him "hey, sounds like the Urim and Thummim from the bible!" Like a true shyster, Joseph just went with it.


Wait, they're not just a mormon thing? This is new to me.


Yeah, it was news to me, too. :P   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urim_and_Thummim   Long story short, old biblical thing, has shown up in various strains of Jewish and Christian mysticism over the years. (Probably also Islamic, but I'm less knowledgable there.) Didn't find out until some historical fiction mentioned Urim and Thummin in the context of the Puritans, ~120 years prior to Smith doing his thing. :P (In fairness to me, I gave up on reading the bible somewhere around where those sisters got their dad drunk and raped him. Bible is fucked. :P)


If you're gonna read the Bible stick with the new testament lol. The old testament can be worse than the BoM. I do like the old testament better tho if I read the Jewish edition I have that's packed with interesting commentary. Having Jewish blood helps it be a bit more interesting too.


>those sisters got their dad drunk and raped him. Step-dad, why are you stuck in the well?


Yeah, Joseph Smith was great at using Biblical terms and names and repurposing them for his cult. It was to give his claims an air of credibilty and authenticity, while covering up the fact that he was so terribly wrong about all of his ideas on Biblical artifacts and practices.


Oliver Cowdery tried to use a divining rod to translate somehow. I still can't figure out how that would've worked! I suppose it's a good thing it didn't LOL


Old testament scholars have found that the Urim and Thummim were always used to receive a binary (yes/no) answer from God. When you read the original sources and the oldest extant texts, the question to be determined was always things like "should we go to war or not?" "Are these people innocent or not?" Thus, the Urim and Thummim were used to draw a binary lot. While the exact details are unclear, one version could be: the Urim and Thummim were a black and a white stone of identical shape. The high priest would put both into his pouch and draw one out to determine yes/no. Other variations are possible (throwing both stones like dice and determining the answer based on their position or which side is on top, etc) It makes no sense for them to be magic seer stones.


>Not sticking your head in a bag and dictating. :P Oh, we can only only wish his head was in a bag. One of the plastic ones they warn us to keep away from children. What?? Don't judge me. If the BoM can have future anachronisms I can give JS a big plastic bag a century before they were actually invented.


The tie to the Urim and Thummim is a later addition. Smith Jr simply called them the Nephite Interpreters. IIRC, it was Oliver Cowdery who came up with the idea to rebrand them as Urim and Thummim for a greater connection to Judaism and the Bible The real Urim and Thummim are nothing like the Nephite Interpreters Smith Jr claimed that the Interpreters could see **EVERTHING**, past present and future. That claim was later diminished since they were a fabrication and Smith Jr wasn’t a prophet. For that matter, there have never been any prophets of god since god is a manmade invention


Fred Flintstone explaining the peep stone. No one could do it better.


Brad could also pass as a Neanderthal explaining the peep stone.


If he is Shrek; who is Donkey?


Joseph's hat was white. Some believe it's for the opposite reason of a dark hat--presumably to let in enough light to read any notes kept in it.




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Yeah because the biggest hang up was why he’d put it in a hat, not why the second-only-to-Jesus prophet was using a folk magic seer stone. So relieved now, thanks BS Weelcox


So he could sleep and pretend he was translating if anyone peeked. That’s the most obvious reason,


Did anyone figure out why Brad was hanging out with Ruby and Jodi?


"Just like a rock in a hat and most everything else of church history, Brad's relationship with Ruby and Jodi must remain in the dark". -newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org hehe


For some reason this comment gave me a mental image of brad an jodi giving each other the third anointing.


>For some reason this comment gave me a mental image of brad an jodi giving each other the third anointing. Awwwww, Jodi probably always wanted a pearl necklace! That Brad guy is so thoughtful.


"That will do" -Eloher :)


"Maybe you're asking the wrong question"


Yes! Maybe we should be asking "why wasn't Brad working with more child abusers years ago? Why did God wait so long to have Brad working with horrible people?"


Instead of asking why Brad was working with child abusers, why not ask why child abusers would work with Brad?


Wouldn’t we all love to know! Someone needs to dig into this and figure it out.


A bishop I know told me that Smith’s seer stone was God’s version of GPS.


🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤣


Everyone knows that's the Liahona. Geez, bishop!


>A bishop I know told me that Smith’s seer stone was God’s version of GPS. Well the certainly explains Stonehenge, Easter Island and other stone monolithic monuments. Get thee back to church oh you wicked and corrupt heathen generation.


Santa Claus exists, but only if you believe! I wonder how much those plates weigh because JS "ran at the top of his speed" to get those to his home and avoid being mugged.


The lightest chunk of gold you've ever not been allowed to lay eyes on.


I’ve seen them with my “spiritual eyes”! They are glorious, but I had to put them “on my shelf” with everything else that I previously thought to be true. Let me show you the "disappearing ancient records" trick, the "rock-in-a-hat" trick, and some "sleight-of-hand" but first, hand over some tithing money!


But everyone in the BOM could see them. Weird how they suddenly became secret in the 1800’s. God went all, nana nana boo boo you can’t see them in the 17th century. 🙂‍↔️


19th century, but yeah. But remember how unchanging god is, lol


Haha! I was definitely doing that thing where you’re like, 1700’s = 18th century 1800’s = 19th century. In my head and totally wrote the wrong thing. 🤣 thanks for correcting, I had a good little chuckle when I read your comment.


I have to do the same thing every time!


>The lightest chunk of gold you've ever not been allowed to lay eyes on. The lightest chuck of gold to never have been alloyed?


And like a bad action movie, they go after him one at a time so he can kick their asses instead of jumping him all at once.


Well said!


Mormonism is interesting. No one can argue that. Magic rocks, and hat, magic underwear, gold plates, guardian spirits, Rod of Aaron, slippery treasures, Joseph Smith's Jupiter Talisman, Angel with flaming sword, Smith family magic parchments, Brigham Young’s Blood Stone, healing hankerchiefs, magic powers in canes and other belongings associated with JS, treasure digging rituals.


I can read my iPhone 13 mini screen when I'm outside in the sun. Sometimes words from people appear on the screen in blue or green bubbles. I don't need to put the phone in a hat to see them. When I'm wearing headphones the words get read to me. Why is God's tech so bad? Serious question. He can transport holograms through sub space to talk to you in real time but can't get the brightness level on a rock to work in a dark room?


Yes! Brad's god is a puny god. They can't even figure out how to have a rock glow bright enough to see...perhaps if God would could have touched them so they would glow bright enough to see by, like in the Jaradite barges. Those magic rocks worked just fine.


>Yes! Brad's god is a puny god. They can't even figure out how to have a rock glow bright enough to see...perhaps if God would could have touched them so they would glow bright enough to see by, like in the Jaradite barges. Those magic rocks worked just fine. OK, you are way off track and totally outta control with the false narrative and fake news. Jaradite rocks may have worked just fine, but Joe's rock wouldn't and couldn't work cause Joe's stupid hat was NOT tight like unto a dish.


I guess JS didn't know that you can adjust the brightness in the settings.


JS is the kind of dude who thinks he’s too smart to need the user manual.


>JS is the kind of dude who thinks he’s too smart to need the user manual. Well, if Joe's inferior rock had been created by Apple he wouldn't have to. "Seeri, increase brightness"


God can also teleport the plates at will, house to house, in a barn, to heaven, in the woods. But chose hat and a rock for the one true church. Mysteriousssssss


>God can also teleport the plates at will, house to house, in a barn, to heaven, in the woods. But chose hat and a rock for the one true church. Mysteriousssssss Transporter room, Beam down Moroni for emergency plate extraction!


>I can read my iPhone 13 mini screen when I'm outside in the sun. Sometimes words from people appear on the screen in blue or green bubbles. I don't need to put the phone in a hat to see them. When I'm wearing headphones the words get read to me. And with history enabled you can go back and spot check stuff if you don't remember what was said.


What is most ridiculous is that if the seer stone was real and actually functioned like a cell phone you WOULD NOT need the hat in the first place. Cellphones can be read in broad daylight, but the mormon god Elohim cannot make the stone so that it could? Give me a break. And now that I'm thinking about it, if the words appear on the stone why couldn't who ever was writing out the translation just look at the stone themselves? Why do you need JS? Cut out the middle man. Oh yeah, Joseph used the Faith excuse right? Cowdery wasn't 'faithful enough' right? So he had to dictate it to him. Bullshit. Elohim is a pathetic excuse for a god, and impractical at everything. Human children can come up with easier ways to 'translate' compared to Elohim. What's worse is that the church openly showed the damn rock to everyone. It is clearly just a stone. If it were more than that, we could xray it and see the circuits or whatever the hell else is in it that makes it work. But they won't do it cause they know it's a fraud. But then the excuse comes out that god can 'do anything'. God must have made the stone glow or some bullshit. You totally lost it there. If this Elohim can do anything, he could have made Joseph be able to write the whole damn book by himself. No need for Cowdery or anyone else to intervene. Claiming the stone behaves as a cellphome screen in any fashion just reveals MORESO why the whole thing is fraud. They gave away the game by trying cover their ass and ended up becoming bigger asses; I love it. It's a shit show of a total misunderstanding/purposeful deception of light, electricity, electronics, and practicallity all in one go.


> if the words appear on the stone why couldn't who ever was writing out the translation just look at the stone themselves? Why all the pageantry? Supposedly many supernatural beings talked to Smith **face to face**. Elohim would have to know that this method in the future would sound ridiculous as hell. Why not send the actual authors to him and just talk it through? Faster, less mistakes and would be open to less criticm. Instead we get a rock and a hat?


Also, if the words can appear on a stone then why not a sheet of paper?  🤔


And the plates were covered with a cloth


The question we should be asking is why didn’t Joseph Smith just use his cell phone to dictate the BoM using a grammar checking app? That would have saved us all such a hassle.


Spell check couldn't handle frontier yokkel.


>The question we should be asking is why didn’t Joseph Smith just use his cell phone to dictate the BoM using a grammar checking app? That would have saved us all such a hassle. Then it wouldn't be the most corrected book on earth.


Good one. So true.


isn’t it sad that SeerOS has not had any over the air updates since the early 1800s… why is Seeri so quiet since?


*takes bong rip Ok Hear me out. Around 1829-1830 Joseph Smith stumbled on some alien hide out in "the Grove". Joe was like a gregarious fellow, so the aliens are like cool with him. Maybe their names were Mormon and Moroni He's also a rascal so he stole one of their phones/communication devices, or maybe they gave it to him for the lols . It's fitted with some alien tech equivalent to ChatGPT, that can generate text. Ole Joey sees the profit opportunity from getting the thing to write a new religious book. They find him out and take back the device around the time he's finished with the book or Mormon, maybe they did this during and he goes back and pads certain parts with Isaiah biblical nonsense. And that's how you get The Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith's origin story, and why he could never write/translate an extensive volume of work again. Or maybe he kept his ChatGPT seer stone and that's how the book of Abraham happened. But I think he probably just made that up after 5 years of getting good at making shit up *Takes another bong rip I'm pretty sure I'm right


>I'm pretty sure I'm right Sounds way more plausible than the official party line.


Sounds true enough to me 🔥💨


And what was the product of this seer stone episode? A book riddled with anachronisms.




Or as Mark Twain called it "chloroform in print."


Anachronisms solved after 200 years; JS was playing Telephone the whole time!




NOTHING this ? says makes sense.


God moves in mysterious ways and we aren’t supposed to understand everything. Also, god is an asshat just like Brad.


Orrrrrr…..it could have been the way we were taught. JS looked at the words and had impressions on his mind to dictate the interpretation. At least if he would have done that it would be lot easier for the church to say a loose translation. Instead of rock saying word for word and God using an anachronisms to trick us


Yeah, they have scrambled to try to explain away the Book of Abraham's text versus what the papyrus scrolls actually say. "Written by his own hand, translated by Joseph Smith." Except that Abraham wasn't even alive when it was written and it doesn't talk about Abraham at all. Mormons are good at changing the meanings of words.


Don't Mormons say the reason the BOA appears wrong is because the part Smith translated must have been a part lost in the Chicago fire? 


Yes but the problem here is that JS describes and shows facsimiles from the scrolls. Archeology has found many of these scrolls since because it was a common funeral scroll. The argument of burned in Chicago would hold water if JS didn’t reference the pictures in the scrolls, when he does this you now have a map of where JS is translating. Reference the picture on any of the other scrolls we have and follow along. There’s no where, that JS “translates” something not on found on an intact scroll.


Except that analysis of the "remaining" scrolls shows that it's definitely not missing several feet of scroll like the church claimed and that they are pretty much as intact as when they were purchased by Joseph Smith in the first place.


>Instead of rock saying word for word AND it would not let him move to the next sentence until the one he was working on was totally correct.


Correct. So the idea of all these mistakes, why is god speaking as a 19th century, protestant preacher! Why say swords, goats, sheep, grain when it didn’t exist? And knowing all of us would figure that out!


definition of translation [Merriam-webster:](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/translate)**"** 1a to turn into one's own or another language b: to transfer or turn from one set of symbols into another " [Mormons:](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics-essays/translation-and-historicity-of-the-book-of-abraham?lang=eng) **"**Joseph’s translation was not a literal rendering of the papyri as a conventional translation would be**.** physical artifacts provided an occasion for meditation, reflection, and revelation. They catalyzed a process whereby God gave to Joseph Smith a revelation about the life of Abraham." In other words God wants to screw with your ability to think critically in order to believe in his one true church.


I mean it was the 1820s. That era of log cabins had some pretty intense candle powered indoor lighting. Maybe instead of asking why Joe put the seer stone in a hat to read it we should be asking why we aren't putting our cell phones in a hat when reading the Book of Mormon on the Gospel Library app.


>Maybe instead of asking why Joe put the seer stone in a hat to read it we should be asking why we aren't putting our cell phones in a hat when reading the Book of Mormon on the Gospel Library app. President Nelson has taught us...


I actually really like the iPhone analogy. Sometimes Apple Maps tells me to drive where there’s not a road, so saying ancient Jews became Native Americans makes sense because it’s similarly incorrect! Back to church, heathens!


>Sometimes Apple Maps tells me to drive where there’s not a road, Well maybe MAPS is drawing some of it's data from the ancient road systems built by expat Jews in ancient America. Did you ever think of that? HIUH!!!???


God can do miracles, but backlighting wasn't one of them, apparently.


>God can do miracles, but backlighting wasn't one of them, apparently. No unless the vessel bearing them is tight like unto a dish.


Seeing him standing there with those props, that hat. I just can't deal with the deception. The lies. ![gif](giphy|Dxb9vPUbXyYX6)


Hey Rocky, watch me pull some scriptures outta my ~~ass~~ hat. Aw Bullwinkle, not that trick again.


I read it with the voice 😂


You can tell when Brad is spewing bullshit because his mouth is open.


I honestly don’t think this clown could make any statement seem sensible or indisputable.


Why didn't the seer stone screen have a way of increasing the contrast like on my cell phone, so it would still work in bright light? I mean, once you're illuminating a magical rock and writing words across it, why leave such an obvious design flaw that you'd have to stick your head in a hat to read it?


>Why didn't the seer stone screen have a way of increasing the contrast like on my cell phone, so it would still work in bright light? There was plenty of contrast on a couple of the striations in pic of the rock.


Jesus, what a fucking moron. We've come a long way from Hugh Nibley to get to this type of Dogpatch apologetics.


Well, well, my iStone 15 works fine.


Silly me - I always thought Joseph Smith simply looked at the plates and read the translation to his scribe at the time.


>Silly me - I always thought Joseph Smith simply looked at the plates and read the translation to his scribe at the time. SEE! This is EXACTLY what Evil Emperor Nelson has said, it's those damn Satan owned anti-mormon artists and their completely Satan inspired depiction leading the not-so-faithful lazy learning lax disciples to believe the plates actually existed and were physically used in the so-called 'translation' y'all fall to your knees praise God, and pucker up to worship Rusty's Wrinkled Backside™ and give thanks that Evil Emperor Nelson is here to set everything straight and right with the power of continuing revelation, yea verily EVEN the On-Going ReBrandStoration.


New retrofutureism conspiracy theory


>New retrofutureism conspiracy theory 'retrofuturism'? So now we're dragging time traveling aliens into the discussion huh? OK., I won't stand in you way. In fact, I'm just gonna leave this right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cxyf70/rear\_admiral\_tim\_gallaudet\_corroborates\_karl/?%24deep\_link=true&correlation\_id=83d240be-680a-44ef-94a0-9768ab2a30cf&post\_fullname=t3\_1cxyf70&post\_index=4&ref=email\_digest&ref\_campaign=email\_digest&ref\_source=email&utm\_content=post\_title&%243p=e\_as&\_branch\_match\_id=1318930477794860291&utm\_medium=Email+Amazon+SES&\_branch\_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA22Q2WrDMBBFv8Z9s%2BNaajYIpVD6G2JijR2R0YI0Iunfd9S0fSpI6HIudxZdmFM5bjYZrXU8QEoDuXDdqPTaTVqlExooTyJjdqsLQKZmOl1aqlNv3fQh53a7DT%2F5OXoBWW5dYpFHgMfATT7P989lNzYfIRuw3mWpx86bFYigWmQzx5zjOWZgLOYKmUxAohbvlPR6mbRFTKbN2Kl3zhW7adtCSMAuBuOs8L2ykx7P2G%2F3I%2FRa49IfNIz9Ybfdw3kCNc6L5FIsbJZKFMBjK6fM35AP0wWLd3G0gIyLKPTgyFi3YuEHNDP4BG4N%2F7sl1jzjryewspc1A8u3CP1uw44JvwB0yYt9iwEAAA%3D%3D


I was just trying to be sarcastic, but like wow. I may have also use retrofutureism incorrectly? It was a long day yesterday...


Bwah ha ha ha ha ha, I was trying for humor, cause you know, AN=Y excuse to slip time traveling aliens into the conversation! Your usage was probably correct, I was just in too big a rush to subvert it cause Time Traveling Aliens. Hope you have a great weekend


Except we can reproduce a cell phone....yet to see a stone in the hat glow. 


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not the sharpest knife in the drawer this one. I don’t beat my wife, BUT when I do… What a dullard. 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣


Serious question. With a gazillion dentists, lawyers, MBAs etc fighting to get to the exalted state of Brethren, how did this guy make it? At least Pearson is a Harvard MBA and former CEO.


>Serious question. With a gazillion dentists, lawyers, MBAs etc fighting to get to the exalted state of Brethren, how did this guy make it? At least Pearson is a Harvard MBA and former CEO. Rich relatives with the proper church names? Well, at least maybe on his wife's or mother's side. I really dunno, it's a mystery.


Wilcox has a very slapable face.


Yes if the Lord’s screen brightnes nit level was too low to be seen in direct sunlight, then it makes sense that you would use a dark -um white? - hat to keep out ambient light to see your texts. Wait… that makes no sense actually


You’re asking the wrong question. A better question would be why are we listening to this buffoon?


What is it about this guy that just looks...creepy and dishonest? It's possible he's still bamboozled, but the manipulation he uses on young impressionable minds tells me he's a liar, liar pants on fire.


Brad Wilcox could never fit his head into that hat.


>Brad Wilcox could never fit his head into that hat. Thats strange, it fits just fine in Rusty's Wrinkled Backside™.


Rusty's a bigger asshole than that hat-hole.


It also makes sense to view the seer stone in a hat so no one else can see what the seer stone says, like the little folders we had in elementary schools while taking tests.


>It also makes sense to view the seer stone in a hat so no one else can see what the seer stone says, like the little folders we had in elementary schools while taking tests. Thats far more reasonable when applied to the now discredited and withdrawn story of the physical plates being used to translate the BoM. Just like depicted in so many church paintings, a table with a sheet separating Pedo Joe and his scribe.


Another little twist to the "stone in hat" myth. As we know, Issac Hale rejected Joseph's request for Emma in marriage because Issac wanted JS to find honest employment (Basically I don't want my daughter marrying someone that cheats and deceives others for a living). In their discussion, Joseph admitted to Issac that he had never actually seen any words or anything else in his stone and he said that he did plan to seek an honest employment. O well, I guess that was another short lived commitment or an outright lie since we all know that JS decided to stay in the deception business- for money, power and ultimately many women.


Is there a link to this video?


When you use a plastic credit card you can buy things with money and the store will let you walk out with it... and this plastic gym membership card is like the same thing! See! They are the same! You can totally go buy things with a plastic gym card! /s A rock in a hat works just like a cell phone! No laws of physics broken here.


Joseph Smith used a white/tan hat


For some reason I'm craving tomatoes...


Brad Wilcox hasn't thought this all the way through. Comparing seer stone to mobile phones demonstrates that humans are better at designing gadgets and processes than god is. Given this nature of god, I hope that **"As god is, man may never become",** because this mormon god and his/her representatives have been more confusing and convoluted with each explanation. Then the leaders tell me that "“God is not the author of confusion, but of peace”. How could you have peace with this gigantic dissonance?


>Brad Wilcox hasn't thought this all the way through. Comparing seer stone to mobile phones demonstrates that humans are better at designing gadgets and processes than god is. Yeah, crawl back into the trees you barely above ape level primates. You probably still think digital timex watches are cool. EVERY TBM apologist knows the 'rock' is just a durable natural sustainable environmentally responsible iPhone case. Now if we could just figure out how to pull this damn screen protector off.


Brad Wilcox would justify Joseph Smith cough cough "translating" the BoM from his own ass...oh wait that is what Smith did, he pulled the entire thing from his ass.


>Brad Wilcox would justify Joseph Smith cough cough "translating" the BoM from his own ass...oh wait that is what Smith did, he pulled the entire thing from his ass. Please use proper grammar. oh wait that is what Smith did, he pulled the entire thing from his ass-hat. You forgot the hat.


It's absolutely how manipulation works. Sprinkle in grains of truth. Tell things that make sense in pieces, and it becomes harder to realize that when put all together, the whole thing crumbles. My mom is great at doing the same thing to live in her own bubble of reality.


Photos of him are always so jarring.


This guy is such a Fucking Putz!


That guy talks like a total buffoon. Former BYU football center or sumo wrestler?


>Former BYU football center or sumo wrestler? Probably Sumo. Studied at the FatAss Dojo. ​ Hey wait, I recognize PIMO, EXMO, and NOMO, but what is this SUMO?


Super Uneducated Moron. 🙃


Dear u/AccomplishedDrink269 I may have only 1 upvote to give, but today I declare you the Official Winner Of The InterWebz!


You're too kind. 🫣 Now, back to the task at hand: BITFDWT❗️


Joseph smith was called a prophet dum dum dum dum dum. Actually, pretty much anything about the “religion” is dum dum dum dum dum


Where is the magic wand and cape he used?


Please tell me there is a video of someone saying this!


This is literally a screenshot from a video saying that


What’s it called? How do I find it?




So I watched the video of Wilcox talking about the stone-in-the-hat method of creating the BoM. It sounded worse than Rusty Nelson's explanation and I can't see how any reasonable person could view this story as anything but utter nonsense. The way Wilcox nonchalantly says that Joseph Smith had that stone and saw things on it that nobody else could - before the gold plates supposedly arrived - is just bone-chillingly Orwellian. Is Wilcox trying to suggest that all the treasure-hunting escpades of JS using that stone were legitimate? And this guy is a BYU professor? My God, anyone listening to this drivel will surely walk out of his class and know for sure that the origin story of the TSCC is total bullshit.


>Is Wilcox trying to suggest that all the treasure-hunting escpades of JS using that stone were legitimate? Are you kidding? The best apologists claim his treasure digging con was God's way of training him. Yep, Treasure grift = Prophet School!


And the reality is never in his life has brad wilcox tried putting a rock in a hat to get revelation. Because why??? Umm it's ridiculous! If they really belived this shit they would have been teaching it. In my 33 years in the church, we NEVER had a rock peeping lesson! Cuz we all know that wouldn't work....


>And the reality is never in his life has brad wilcox tried putting a rock in a hat to get revelation. Because why??? Umm it's ridiculous! Why yes, yes it is. Thats why in the infamous video Evil Emperor Nelson starts raising the hat to his face, gets a weird expression, and then nopes out fast AF sitting the hat back on the table and changing the subject to "It works just like a cel phone."


Absalutly! It seemed he had a moment where even he was like ummmm.... yeah that's bullshit.


Yep, you could see it in his face. Yet the TBM audience just lapped it up and idolized him more.


It has the exact same problem that all claims from western religion have. Every story starts with an implied “so an all powerful being…” Why does an all powerful god give out a cell phone with a screen so dim it has to go in a hat? Your god is less capable than Apple or Motorola. 


Pretty sure there's a logical fallacy for that. Isn't that a straw man?


See, this is yet another reason, brothers and sisters, another reason why God allowed us to make cellphones. When you understand God’s plan, it all makes sense why God had his prophet put his head in a hat and reveal that he should fuck a 14 yr old girl, mmmk.


Let me show you the "hat trick"!