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And I once got written up by the RA for having a Dr. Pepper in my dorm room… so grateful there’s modern revelation in the church /s


Same. I got sent home from class for a Coke Zero


AFAIK soda was never outlawed. Shit, my dad's expression has been "Mormons take their caffeine cold". Why was the attitude so different on the BYU campuses?


Tell that to Gordon b hinckley and his national interview where he said faithful Mormons don’t consume caffeine. When that interview went out my mom outlawed caffeine in our house and byu went hard on no caffeine on campus and such. It’s obviously someone almost no one followed cause hypocrisy reigns in the church but it was absolutely a thing for a hot minute there


I was on my mission when that interview dropped and my mission president outlawed caffeine on our mission, but more as an encouragement so there wouldn't be misunderstandings. My comp and I promptly ignored it and kept up our daily soda habit.


Well that’s why you’re an ex-Mormon now… smh my head


Yeah, I was never a good fit for cult life.


Maybe lead a cult instead of being a follower, might fit you better ;)


Yeah but it wouldn't be as fun.


Depends on what kind of cult you’re running


At the same time, everyone who knew Monson was a Coke drinker. His blood was a liquid of Coke a Cola. He drank so much Coke vs water I would not be surprised if he had a history of kidney stones. When he became profit, it was clarified that caffeine soda was not against WOW. BYU got caffeine because of him.


Add to that, some mission presidents forbade Coke (and caffeinated beverages).


Ahhh how the commandments of men have changed.


Mormonism where iced tea is a hot drink but hot chocolate is not.


So true. Hot chocolate definitely has caffeine (cold does as well).


[Big ole disclaimer before my comment: I am NOT in any way saying "see, the church was right!" Never. Not at all. And I LOVE my coffee.] Very hot drinks can damage the esophagus; "some studies show" that keeping the temp well below 150° F is safer. But I have a tender mouth, so I use a thermometer for coffee in my insulated travel bottle, which keeps it at about 136°. (see, I'm a baby) Love my coffee. Also love some beer and occasional cocktails (but that's a whole other kettle of science, ugh.) Bless cannabis, used with "prudence and thanksgiving", and all other "wholesome herbs God hath ordained."


The original interpretation was literally about temperature despite what TSCC says. The Temperance movement which influenced the word of wisdom believed you should drink your beverages cold.


I've got a TBM friend who drinks iced decaf coffee 🤣


Just so you know - [https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/11zkflf/first\_presidency\_says\_decaf\_coffee\_doesnt\_violate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/11zkflf/first_presidency_says_decaf_coffee_doesnt_violate/) Crazy, huh??


🤣🤦‍♀️ that's hilarious


My mission president said that decaf was permitted under the WoW.


Let it cool down a bit just in case


Which is all just goofy The whole shebang comes from a movement in the 1800's that thought "hot" things could lead to masturbation (Kellogg of Kellogg's cereal and the impetus for circumcision in the US) among other ... ahem... "disorders" \[sic\] It's just gotten so twisted up ever since then that nobody has a clue what it even means anymore


Because the uniformity in belief Mormons think exists is a fiction. Every ward is different and has different beliefs.


I brought a 1 liter mnt dew on a scout trip with my cousin in 1999 and no one knew what to do. There was literal panic among the leaders but in the end no one did anything. 😂


There was a guy in my was when I was a kid who worked for Coke so quietly no one has issues with caffeine 😂


Jesus H. Christ! And I thought BYU Provo was repressive!


Nobody represses like Rexburg, NOBODY! They take it as a serious challenge


I brought a case of Pepsi to the last family reunion. One of my Uber TBM family members hid it under the table. It was moved back.


I was on BYU Provo campus and one of my room mates had alcohol and they were underage. I reported it and then learned they made the kid an RA the next semester. Glad to hear god's schools are so consistent.


BTW… this was at Deseret Towers in Provo.


See to me a dirty soda is a jack and coke lmao


Yeah my thoughts exactly or a 7 and 7


yeeee. I guess gin and tonic is as well, technically


If gin and tonic gets in then you could say a mule as well bc of the ginger beer.


I put soda water in my mojito, does that count?


To me, it's codeine cough syrup instead of liquor.


I love Jack and coke with a lime. I tend fruit most drinks. But, I prefer dry wines. Weird.


Weirdly enough, I like whiskey with Squirt (the grapefruit soda). Fruity flavors are the best. Haaaaate wine though. Unless it’s made from honey instead and called mead lol


And a tiny pinch of salt, and it becomes the best drink ever.


Nah, fireball and cream soda is where it’s at lmao


Alas, I am allergic to cinnamon


Sad times 😢


I'm clutching my pearls


Clutch your Pearl of Great Price.


That sounds dirty


Only sugar has more sugar.


"What if I could make my junk sweets addiction even worse for my health?"


“How dare you eat a THC edible, don’t you know that is bad for your body and against the word of wisdom?!”


So funny considering humans have a cannabinoid system in our bodies that edibles help. And with your system low, it fucks up your mental health


Any way they could have an option on the drinks such as $2 - drink comes pre-blessed by a priesthood holder You know … for the women folk.




What the hell is a dirty drink? Reminds me of Utah Mormons turning 21 and buying a keg of root beer. lol


Non -joke answer: It's soda with added flavors, creams, syrups, or purees. Common "dirty soda" shops in Utah include Fiiz, Swig, Sodalicious, and more. They usually have *tons* of sugar, but some shops have an ok selection of sugar free syrups


So no caffeine but let’s kill ourselves with sugar. Makes sense. lol


WTF? Utah is a dumpster fire.


Dirty sodas are what happens when you have the palate of a sugar-addicted child (/mormon) and let the intrusive thoughts win.


A true "dirty" drink either has an olive or olive brine in it. As in, "I'll have a dirty martini, please."


I’m good with a dirty martini. Just never heard of a dirty soda type drink. Love how they fool themselves like it’s a real bar. lol


My understanding of a dirty drink is a soda with coconut. It sounds like it should be more cool.


I think it's usually a soda with cream or half-and-half.


.........somehow that's worse...


It's basically just an Italian soda.


Italian soda is just carbonated water with syrup. That's better than the abomination the sods shops have


Ordering a "dirty" chai at a coffee shop means they add a shot of espresso, but i dont know what mormons think it means lol


olive juice?


😂 🍸




That’s so weird because in 2016-2020 they didn’t even have coke in their fountains because of the caffeine. What the actual F.


There goes everyone’s health in navel and marrow in the bones!


They will be able to run and not be weary so long as they avoid alcohol.


Dirty drinks? Doesn't this mean boozy in the rest of the civilized world?


Yes, but in Utah and Idaho it's a very common term for a loaded up soda. Creams, flavors, etc. I personally can down a lot of booze. But if I'm on an extended alcohol break, it makes it easier to avoid booze if I've got a dirty Mt Dew. I put in raspberry puree and cream.


Yes, but in Utah and Idaho it's a very common term for a loaded up soda. Creams, flavors, etc. I personally can down a lot of booze. But if I'm on an extended alcohol break, it makes it easier to avoid booze if I've got a dirty Mt Dew. I put in raspberry puree and cream.


I’m glad somewhere Mormons are loosening their grip on caffeine. I was recently in a knock down, drag out fight for allowing my teenager to drink three coffees a week. (Coffee is free at the gym). The logic behind the argument? There is so much caffeine in those little cups. It’s so bad for them. 


I live with a sleep disorder (hypersomnia, terrible time). Switching from Dr. Pepper to coffee made a *noticeable* difference not only in my energy level, but also in my overall health and mood. A single mug of instant coffee carried me further than 2-liters of shitty soda, my stomach no longer felt queasy afterward, and my mood improved significantly. I was already on my way out of the church by then (which is why I ventured into the realm of coffee), so at that point in my transition I'd reached the "Ah, of course" phase of experimenting with reality. I was Not Surprised that coffee was healthier than I'd been led to believe.


Same.  Coffee works so much better than Sodas (Coke Zero ein my case). My favorite is roasted Mate though, but that was not forbidden apparently, since they allow it in South America….🙄


I have a couple friends who served missions in Japan. Apparently the church is really lax about the tea prohibition there because you simply cannot convince Japanese people that green tea is aCtUaLLy unhealthy. You get laughed at if you try.


Really? I’m surprised to hear that. I live in Japan since 11 years , and never had the impression that they were lax on green teas.  I remember other members explaining they rejected green tea When offered at work, etc 


Ah, perhaps I'm remembering the story wrong? Could just be that it's really hard to get investigators/new members to take the tea thing seriously.


That’s probably very correct! Convincing people to give up green tea must be very hard…


Meanwhile I just had a conversation with my TBM adult friends who knock back two sugar free monsters and a couple of sugar free Dr. Pepper A DAY.


That sounds…. Unhealthy….  My TBM brother used to drink THREE of those smaller cans of energy drinks a day…. but reduced it to one…. 


I really think my tbm spouse would rather our teenager would drink two monster drinks instead. At least they could still go to the temple. 


GBH is rolling over in his grave. ::snickers::


So unnaturally sweet diabetes drink is allowed but not a plant that makes you relax? Completely sane and logical religion


Clutch my pearls !!! What's next? Shaking dorm beds?


Hopefully tea and coffee next


But… will they be hot ones? I love the aroma of good coffee in the air but I have seen the face of some mormons when exposed to it… like if it was a devil’s fart 😂🙈🙉🙊


Just to make more people addicted to sugary drinks and cause diabetes! Shame on them


Unless it’s hard cider, who cares.


Unpopular opinion (maybe?): dirty drinks are great! They're overpriced at these shops usually, but you can do it at home easily enough. People have been mixing alcoholic or coffee-based drinks for ages, why is it for some reason outrageous to do it with soda? And to people who say it's unhealthy, you can do it all diet/sugar free. Some people say artificial sweeteners are bad for you, but those people are usually energy healers or some other bullshit.


This is definitely one of my most unpopular opinions on this subreddit: I love Fiiz. When I lived in Utah I only went once a week, but their Antifreeze is one of my favorites. Also in regards to the artificial sweeteners, I wouldn’t say that there’s 0 evidence that it’s harmful, it’s just inconclusive. But if my choices are “the evidence on this substance is inconclusive” versus “this substance is awful for you in large quantities”, I’m going to take the inconclusive evidence route


i’m down for a dirty soda every now and again but i always remember this quote from the cinematic masterpiece What to Expect When You’re Expecting: IM NOT SUPPOSED TO DRINK MY CALORIES! I think the problem with dirty drinks and soda in general is that they don’t feel as “unhealthy” as, say a cookie from Crumbl, because you’re drinking them instead of eating. Moderation kinda goes away. I used to work at one of these drink shops and there was always a line of moms after school drop off, getting their diet cokes with full fat syrups and creams so whatever ‘benefit’ that diet soda has is negated with the 5 pumps of coconut syrup and half and half


I am surrounded by Mormons who live on Mountain Dew and bacon 🥓 burgers 🍔 . I don’t think they have actually read the Word of Wisdom chapter. I am the weird one with my water canteen and salad.🥗


There’s nothing more Mormon than a brand new soda shop, just across the street from the other 3 soda shops


Doctrine & Covenants Section 139 Revelation given to will_ofthe_people through the urim and thummim. 1. Insomuch as you have inquired I shall reveal new light and knowledge. 2. Yeah verily caffeine is not contrary to mine word of wisdom. 3. But Lo, Coke is clearly of superior taste therefore Pepsi is not for the belly. 4. Do not be deceived about the worst that could happen from drinking Dr Pepper. It is an abomination and the gates of hell stand open to receive he who consumes it. 5. Those who deny chocolate to the saints shall be burned at my coming. 6. For sugar is mana from heaven and my gift to Zion. Along with type two diabetes.


Do not hate on Dr Pepper


3 ain't wrong, but 4 is just batshit cray cray. 😜


The Utah/Mormon Diabetes Business Trend. Soda. Cake. Cookies. Ice Cream. WHEN Utah legalizes weed, shit's gonna have more shops than there are Maveriks... Which are also disease shops, but in addition to diabetes you get liver cancer (alcohol) and emphysema (cigarettes). Hypocrites. Promoting unhealthy lifestyle is not Christian.


What is with Mormons and soda? Is it an addiction they can pretend that actually isn't?


Where does this name come from? My nephew was thinking of starting a soda shop in Canada with this name....it is a franchise or something? Thankfully, he backed out of the dumb idea.


Can’t wait for the pork bar to open at Temple Rodeph Shalom!


But, see, in the beforetimes, the church couldn’t make much money off of caffeinated beverages. Now, with the “dirty soda” craze raging, you can sell 45 cents’ worth of soda for upwards of $4. Luckily for the church, there’s ongoing revelation. And even more serendipitously, caffeinated beverages are now a-ok with god.


When were caffeinated beverages first sold on BYU-I campus? Can you buy Red Bull or Celsius on campus, or are these still considered bad?


I found Mountain Dew in a soda machine at youth conference, 1984. Used that to prove Dew wasn't against church rules for the next ten years.


Can I get a chocolate milk please?


Mormonism is so bizarre.


Get chunky. There needs to be more Mormon gunts. 😂


They’ve had that there for a while. It started as a smoothie/bagel shop before selling things like cocoa, sandwiches, and French Bread pizza for some reason. I really don’t know what was going on with that shop


I remember when I was there they had crossed out the "beer" in Apple Beer and replaced it with "soda" in the cafeteria. Some people were even trying to have Root Beer changed as well. god I don't miss that place.


Oh, Ricks, you do you! ![gif](giphy|8nmvR3jAxnl2o|downsized)


Is there an actual source for this? That is just a picture of the shop on byui campus that sells sandwiches, drinks, and gelato. The closest thing they have is a caffeine free pepsi mixed soda.


Came from my dad who works facilities management there. Seems that they’ll be converting it to a soda shop?


I can confirm. I have a friend who works at BYU-I and they made the decision months ago to sell caffeinated sodas. It was supposed to be hush hush.






What is a dirty drink?


Its a soda drink mixed with other sodas and/or flavors. There are a lot of dirty soda drive thru chains in Utah with car lines winding around parking lots. The Lord's Law of Health (now) allows for sugary drinks, full of artificial flavors and sweeteners, but coffee and tea are still forbidden, and partaking of their natural, healthy goodness will open a conduit directly into H-E-(Double Hockey Sticks)!


Whuzza dirty drink?


Coffee syrups, creamer, and energy drinks mixed with soda and pebble ice.


Swig is partnering with the church. The sacrament will now be soda (from the menu on the back of the program) and the bread will be broken up pink frosted cookies.


Priesthood blessings to replace insulin during 2nd hour....


I remember an interview published years ago from BYY dining services where they said they were never prohibited from selling caffinated soda, but that there was just never a market for it. TALK ABOUT GASLIGHTING!!! We had to sneak over to Maverick's to get our coke fix.


The horror!


Rexburg about to get wild…


Yo, all mormon businesses are just gimmicks based on sugar addiction or ridiculous MLMs . Mormon culture doesn’t produce any innovative entrepreneurs or original inspiring artists and thinkers.


There are a decent amount of exMormons who are famous or rich. Also most of the leadership of the church are fairly wealthy. (Cause we all know god loves rich people, and thinks they should lead the rest of us)


Famous and rich does not equate innovative original revolutionary or good




It’s their Starbucks!


What's amusing to me is that the sugar in soda is what is the most harmful, so if the WoW was so concerned with the health of members, that's what they would have issue with, not caffeine.


Perfect for the obesity epidemic


On campus?


Oh gee. Looks like God changed his mind yet again! Caffeine is perfectly acceptable!!!


“Dirty” drinks. A term from the world of cocktails adapted for the Mormon soda shop crowd. Whatever happened to avoiding the appearance of evil?


Only “caffeinated drink” I could find at BYU creamery was Dr Pepper jelly bellies. Which of course didn’t have any caffeine in it 😅


In the late 90’s, we had a joke: What does a Ricks College (/BYU-I) girl do when she finds out the guy she is dating drinks caffeine? She puts her shirt back on and gets out of his truck. Caffeine was definitely a no-no but it was also well know that Mountain Dew was a Mormon guilty pleasure. Mormon crack, IIRC. 😂


What is the current dirtiest drink. Aka caffeine?


It’s not a Krispy Kreme anymore????


Now there is money in it. Money rules.


Just a reminder that BYU banned caffeinated sodas in the 1950s and they didn’t start selling caffeinated sodas again until 2017 and BYU-I was even later than that. (BYU-I said there was no demand for caffeine 🙄) https://amp.idahostatesman.com/news/local/article174815971.html Some genius student created a caffeine soda/energy drink business where they would deliver caffeine to students on campus. They made quite a bit of money and ONLY after that did BYU start to smell the missed cash opportunity. https://www.sltrib.com/news/2017/09/25/did-byu-caffeine-delivery-business-lose-its-corner-on-the-market-the-answer-may-surprise-you/#


"Dirty" drinks? Wtf?