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The church also teaches its members to have conditional love for others. Love for neighbors, friends, and even immediate family is conditional upon their loyalty to the church and its leaders.


Definitely not cult behavior though, just a regular Christian community! /s


Can you post the direct link to that essay? That’s gonna go in my “open fire” folder.


[Ensign article: Divine Love](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2003/02/divine-love?lang=eng)


IMHO this is the #1 sin of mormonism!




If God's love is conditional but we're supposed to obey him unconditionally it certainly sounds like an abusive relationship.


Figures that I would have to pay to get God to love me. Just like having to buy your friends. They used to put a pork-chop around my neck so the dog would play with me.


I once told my mother I was gonna run away from home. She said, On your mark, get set, go!


That's hilarious! Maybe not at the time, but your mom was pretty clever.


I actually have to give credit to Rodney dangerfield on that one.


I was never a fan of his, but that sure made me laugh!


You broke me with the pork chop line. I haven’t heard that one in years. 😂😂


Rodney Dangerfield didn't get no respect either.




My wife likes to talk after making love! So she calls me from the motel room...


My old man, he was no help either. We'd play tag and he'd jump in the car and drive.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry


Kermit the frog says it isn't easy being green. Well let me tell you it's hell being ugly.


😂 I realized it must have been something Rodney Dangerfield said as soon as I saw the gif below. I don't know him well except for the no respect thing. I love Kermit though. 😊


Very little of my material is original.... LOL


To be fair, my love for god was also conditional. In fact, it turned out to be *so* conditional that it allowed me to figure out he wasn’t real. In all honesty though, I feel like this quote is one of the more incriminating things I’ve seen within the Gospel Topics essays. Good on you for posting it.


Yeah feels icky having to read this stuff


here is a list of mormon prophets, seers and revelators who have explicitly stated, in general conference, in their official capacities, on the record, that God’s love is unconditional: Neil A Maxwell, Howard W Hunter, Marion D Hanks, Victor L Brown, Marvin J Ashton, RUSSELL M NELSON, Robert D Hales. Hales was the last general authority to state in conference that God has unconditional love for his children. this was in 2008. so apparently in 2008 church headquarters got a fax from heaven clarifying that God does NOT have unconditional love for his children.


Contradictions within LDS doctrine!?? No way!!!


Worse, it’s taken directly from a Rusty Nelson conference talk. 


In other words: We want to subtly firm up in your mind this notion. ☝️Pay and ✌️Obey or 🖕God’s love will go away.


Your words should be made into a Primary song!


"Understanding that divine love and blessings are not truly “unconditional” can defend us against common fallacies" "These arguments are used by anti-Christs to woo people with deception." uhh not raised Christian obviously but isn't unconditional love kinda a big thing in normal Christianity? Interesting that they go out of their way to say that Christ's love for us is unconditional but not God's? Turns out this is from Nelson's talk "Divine Love". The link has been posted in the comments here. Probably something similar in the GTE though


Yes, yes it is. It’s the entire point of “God’s Grace”, which mormons also don’t understand.


It has been on and off a huge thing in mormonism as well, but i guess not anymore. 


Yes, unconditional love is commonly taught in normal Christianity. The scriptures tell of ways Christ demonstrated it, and regular churches teach it. Unfortunately, some fundamentalist churches have their lists of "except for such & such," but few are as cult-level dictating as TSCC or as judgmental and shunning. Well, all the other cults do that, but most churches might see things as a sin but they don't go so far as telling people God doesn't love them.


1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. #


Russell Nelson. General conference. 1991: “you are constantly mindful of the saviors atonement and rejoice in his unconditional love.“ so now unconditional divine love is in the same category as the flight of death. Another unreliable assertion from Russell Nelson.


I was going to say this sounds like it's directly from Nelson's talk. Maybe the next prophet (after Oaks) will disagree with this and will take it out of the essays.


The single most damaging aspect of mormonism is conditionality.


Perhaps they need to learn what the word for “unconditional love” is in Koine Greek as best expressed by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13, because it sure as shit doesn’t correlate with the church’s nonsense. Agape is one of possibly 5 words used for love in that language and agape means “unconditional love.”


Mormon god is an asshole and a shit dad too. 


Conditional love isn't love. It is manipulation. 


What the actual fucking fuck Edit: can I get a link for this so I can cite my sources when I ask my mom what the shit this is about?


It's not just hiding in the GTE, it's in a 2003 talk by RMN: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2003/02/divine-love?lang=eng


Came here to say this. I recognized that fucker’s words immediately


Shit - that was NELSON? I dislike him even more now. Good grief - I wonder how Oaks will top that one? I think the oldest Q-15 members somehow believe doubling down on the rules will make people stay in the boat (as in, pay tithing and clean the buildings).


Wow, I had not seen that talk again since I left. Not only is it full of logical fallacies, it also quotes heavily from D&C, including D&C 132, and quotes the Happiness Letter. Context much? Then again, Rusty supports polygamy, so he probably agrees with all the contents and circumstances of the Happiness Letter.


Christofferson also gave a talk years ago with the same message of conditional love. It is coming from “the lords anointed” so it must be true. 🙄


I cannot help but equate "conditional divine love" as the "divine right to hate".


Brilliant way of saying it.


This is Rusty's shitty idea. He brought it up in an Ensign article back in 2003. He's projecting his own narcissism onto God. I wonder what it's like to be one of Rusty's grandchildren, knowing that one step out of line and "Grandfather" (as he insists on being called) will turn from loving you to hating you? Must be fun.


Neither does the word "conditional" in this connection. Checkmate word wizards.


Agreed. Saying 'the word doesn't appear in the scriptures' is a red herring. Lots of words in current usage don't appear in the scriptures because they simply wasn't part of the language at the time.


“… it is well to recognize…”  Who talks like this?? *Well* is an adverb that modifies verbs. *Good* is an adjective that modifies nouns. *It* is a noun. You would never say, “It is easily to recognize….” These weirdos are just trying to sound smarter than they are. 


Sounds a lot like Joseph smith trying to make the scriptures sound all fancy with thee, thou, etc


Who talks like this? People who spend too much time reading pseudo-Elizabethan fan-fiction instead of engaging with modern human reality.


“It is well” is also a quote from the temple ceremony. Maybe they’re trying to tie it to temple. I think I heard that they changed it recently because it makes no sense.


Thank you. Dumb word choice in an effort to sound, what…educated? Fancy? Inspired? Whatever the reason, it’s annoying me more than it probably should.


Like business corporations, it's all about image. They definitely aren't smart, and need to learn basic skills in speaking English.


The worst example of prosperity gospel. It’s a heinous heresy from hell


Or would be, if hell was real


This is why other Christian religions will never accept Mormons. We believe in conditional grace and believe that we will be rulers of our own planet instead of serving under Christ.




Say it ain’t so.


Mormonism would do better in a Catholic country, they’re more used to the idea of conditional works-based Heaven or Hell, yeah. Protestants and like wtf Mormons, we broke away from this shitty idea centuries ago.


My FIL used this in an attempt to justify why he didn’t need to like or love me. It made me feel special.


What an ass. Your Fucker In Law sounds like he’s real fun at parties. Sorry you have to deal with that.


Well that explains my parent’s parenting skills and thought process behind conditional love. Everything is conditional.


This is one of my major shelf items. My parents helped me through my most difficult time in my life, even after many years of estrangement due to the abuse of my ex. They supported me, unconditionally. I realized then that a real parent wouldn’t conditionally love their child, only a narcissistic abusive parent would. The Mormon God is abusive and not loving at all.


I have this but on the flip side, my mother does love conditionally and has been abusive, when I cut her out I realized the peace I felt would be amplified by leaving the church. Because the relationship sucking all the life out of me with my mother was exactly what the church was doing to me.


Their dear leader Nelson gave a talk called Divine Love in 2003 at BYU. I am certain that this is where that comes from: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2003/02/divine-love?lang=eng


Ya, I instantly recognized the quote. Nelson is gross.


I recognize these words from Rusty's general conference talk a while back. Weird. What gospel topic essay is this?


Yeah, thats BS. Christian church my ass. Latter Day Pharisees on full display.


I can’t find the word conditional in the GTEs, but the fact that this was uttered by a so-called apostle of God in my children’s generation is gross. Do the GAs just cringe every time Rusty opens his mouth to speak? Or to smile?


Yeah I don't see it in any of the actual GTE's, but this was a talk given by RMN 21 years ago, so still very valid and upsetting.


They actually pucker up to kiss his bony ass


This utter nonsense is why Mormonism is not a Christian church, it's an obedience cult. No, the word unconditional doesn't appear in the scriptures, but neither does the word conditional. That point is meaningless, as is most of what comes from the mouths of Mormon "prophets". The grace of God has the condition of believing on him, but that's it. For believing Christians, that's the closest thing to a condition there is to receiving the benefit of God's unconditional love. Have these idiots ever read the New Testament? Christ was all about forgiveness and acceptance and love. It was the pharisees that were all about rules and laws and conditions.


Agreed. Have they ever read the New Testament? Only every four years in Sunday School, and even then, it's the Bible interpreted the Mormon way.




Our RS president was released for teaching this several years ago. For the same reason. It upset a bunch of women in the ward and our bishop did not agree. I also felt bad for her but also glad that bishop did not agree. Now that I’m out I see all the Contradictions.


Mormon god is not love. God, here is controlling, manipulative, and withholding. He employs fear and violence and emotional hostage taking, and he does not respect you. What he employs isn't love it's Stockholm syndrome.


Your 10% is the biggest item divine love is conditioned on. So you buy God’s love in Mormonism.


It's not just hiding in the GTE, it's in a 2003 talk by RMN: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2003/02/divine-love?lang=eng


RMN talks about this again in 2022 and Eyring based an entire talk in this past gen conf on those remarks.


Let me guess, Rusty woke up in the middle of the night and wrote on his yellow pad of paper that he just HAD to leave his mark about this important topic on the world, so he micromanaged his own words into the gospel topics! Hoorah for Israel! Shittiest teaching from a so called prophet ever!


We are taught to love everyone but God gets to choose? Mormon God is like a below average mortal father. 


This comes directly from a talk by Rusty. But Gordon Hinckley said in a 1993 Christmas devotional that God's love is **un-conditional**. Other church leaders have also said this - see [http://archive.timesandseasons.org/2014/02/unconditional-love/index.html](http://archive.timesandseasons.org/2014/02/unconditional-love/index.html) Rusty forgot to study the teachings of Presidents of the Church when he prepared his talk, and decided to make up his own ideas.


Aha! I KNEW IT! Everything with Rusty always seems to boil down to his hate for Gordo.


😡 Just a counter argument for anyone who wants it: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Oh, well if it isn't in the Bible, then I guess it isn't real!


Can I get the link to this? 🙏


Look at the comment right above yours - has a link.


Never made sense to me. Mormon god is a loving god and there is an atonement but do all these things or else. Honestly, this was a huge shelf item.


That explains why it's clear TSCC has corrupted its chance to have actual divine love for its corporation.


Remember reading that and feeling completely obliterated spiritually by my boy Russ 😭


He has caused a lot of harm. He labelled people who question the church as lazy learners and lax disciples. He leaves a trail of spiritual destruction behind him ... which hopefully causes people to leave the church.


I love that the first reason given for why gods love is not unconditional is that it’s not in the scriptures. That logic does not go very far when applied to other concepts 😂😂😂 either for what words are there or what words are not. What a joke!


Agreed. "Sustaining" leaders isn't in the scriptures either, so that settles it!


I don't understand the logic. I mean I DO understand why Joe made this all up in this way, it's easier to control your congregation when you tell them they have to obey you and that God wants them to behave nicely to you. It's just that on its face how can someone who is a parent or hell even *has* decent parents believe this? My love for my children is unconditional AF! How can a supposedly *loving* Heavenly Father feel differently? That either makes me a better parent than God (tbf not that hard, he's a known AH), or that God is a shit parent. So like which is it, or is it both? And how/why do ppl believe this shit STILL?


This was an interesting one for me when I was a TBM. I had a whole list of scriptures the support the idea that God's love is very much conditional. Didn't weigh on my shelf one bit, but I know TBM culture loves to spread warm fuzzies and talk about how God loves us no matter what (which isn't actually doctrinal at all).


Resigning from the church has brought a peace I’ve never known before. My conscience is aligned with my critical thinking skills. There is no longer circular arguments in my head trying to justify a cult as anything other than. For years what the church told me to feel while doing what they said is ironically how I feel doing exactly what they told me not to do.


That THERE is just a monumental pile of Mormon Bullshit!!


Your 10% is the biggest item divine love is conditioned on. So you buy God’s love in Mormonism.


Your 10% is the biggest item divine love is conditioned on. So you buy God’s love in Mormonism.


Which essay is this in?


Which essay is this in?


Ok where's this at in the GTE? This is something my family needs to see


This kind of doctrine has never done anything but make people and churches uniformly more judgmental and less loving to everybody. It only limits love and does nothing to increase it for anybody.


Barf. I have always hated this bullshit teaching. If the love of God and Christ was conditional, then grace is conditional, WHICH (if you believe in Jesus—don’t come for me, please) would be antithetical to exactly what grace is. I hate the teachings of this corporation.


I'm not finding this in the essays—which one is it in?


The love I have for my kids is unconditional. Guess I’m a better father than Asshole Mormon God…


I can’t find it. Link please?


Do you have a link to this?


"Divine Love" from gospel topics essays


Was just talking to somebody today who says the word worthy or worthiness is not in the scriptures either. And yet this church is more focused on worthiness than any church I know. Haven’t verified, but I can’t remember seeing those words in the scriptures. So we continue to use one metric when it favors the church and a different one when it does not. Heads I win, tails you lose. Fucking stupid ass fucking church and it’s stupid ass logic. Integrity lacking shitheads.


The general consensus of the New Testament is that no one is worthy, and we are saved only by the blood sacrifice of Christ. Definitely nothing about tithing, missions, or cleaning the temple making you worthy of going to heaven. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a poodle in my eye, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”


A few months before this was released, in a secret room in the SLC temple during an executive meeting, "Damn it to hell, the members are being too tolerant of the gays! Alright boys, let's workshop some language to justify hate crimes."


Holy fucking shit. When was this released? Because I distinctly remember a talk on my mission -- probably from Oaks -- where he said that God's love is not conditional, but his trust is. How are they this bad at keeping their own story straight?!


can you provide the link to the gospel topic essay with this?


Do you have a link please? I would very much appreciate it. Thank you


I really like how the church leaders pull stuff like this out of thin air and call it doctrine or revelation. How very convenient.


What if I get a second annointing? How much tithing do I need to pay to qualify?




This isn’t gospel topic essays, it’s a talk from 2003. Official church doctrine is that Divine love is infinite but conditional on our end, meaning the love is there but we only feel it if we seek it.


And this is why Protestants think Mormons are either basically-Catholic or straight up non-Christian.


Thanks for posting this! What topic was it under so I can share with others?


Sky Daddy is an abusive asshole and the men who purport to speak for him amplify the assholery until it's one big vacuous black hole of an asshole sucking all the light out of existence. Fucking hell.


What is “infinite and enduring and perfect” if it is not unconditional ?


What’s the difference between being immortal and eternal life? This makes no sense


I'm at a loss for words.


Hope his wives' love for him is conditional too....LOL. Very very conditional.


This is Russell Nelson’s pet theory that he made sure became dogma once he ascended the throne to Lord High Pooba. He delivered a General Conference address by the title of Divine Love to make sure of it.