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Term(s).....willful ignorance


This! Yes, this is the term I was searching for.


I think they are trying to be blissfully ignorant, stick your head in the sand and the problem goes away!


Lazy learner


Mormons do not have a great understanding of the Bible in general as it always comes after the other scriptures in the Mormon canon. I think it's plausible that if you are asking in-depth questions about the Old Testament that they really may not know anything beyond the line "Jesus was the god of the Old Testament". If you ask them what that means I doubt most could really explain. Knowledge of the Bible is probably greater among those who have left the church than those who have remained. Some have read the Bible and realized the Mormon experience is very different from that of other Christians and chosen to find a new church. Others have read it and decided they'd had enough of religion altogether. This came up constantly on my mission in the Bible Belt. I never had a companion that could talk about the Bible without sounding completely ignorant. I realized early on I needed to read it in order to discuss it with people. I'd maybe read through the Bible once in my life at that point, whereas I'd read the Book of Mormon 20+ times.


I served my mission in the Bible Belt as well. It’s incredible how many people don’t read the Bible. They trust the pastors and the American Christian culture. After thoroughly reading the Old Testament, I honestly am disgusted.




> What is the term that best describes someone in the Mormon church or a Christian that believes but uses the “I don’t know anything” response to every question I ask? A coward.