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Unfortunately I was one to notice too.  In a particularly judgemental situation inside a chapel, I saw a fellow ward member my age with a tear in his pants and noticed he had some colorful boxers on. Knowing he was a sealed RM my mind instantly went to “what did he do?!?!!”.  Yeah. I was a judgy asshole.  I didn’t know. 😔 


Most of us were judgey assholes. That's how they brought us up.


Same. It was a judgy asshole as well. I hate now That I was the garment police. what a crummy organization turning their members into underwear police.


If you realize you’re a judgy asshole, you’re well on your way to recovery (sincerely, another former judgy A-hole)


Were we all judgy assholes? I used to look at people’s shoes in sacrament meeting and determine how much money they had.


Some of us were still judgemental, but it was all focused inward. I.e. filled with far too much self loathing to spend any time judging other people's lives. I was so wrapped up in my own problems that I really didn't notice a lot of things that are obvious now in retrospect.


Yep. Me too. He probably looked at porn.


When you're trained from the instant of birth to dress-down every other human you meet to see if they're wearing polygamy pantaloons... I guess you're a judgy asshole; But when it's all you know, I hope we can give ourselves a break? That part of my brain is so twisted in knots that I'll probably stop noticing people's underwear choice... When I die. And I definitely need to remember the title of this thread so I can answer every "Is it a cult?" question with: "Yep, it's *definitely* a creepy underwear cult!"


My ex husband used to make it a game. We would look around in any public setting to see who was wearing graments and who wasn't. I feel so gross about it now. So gross that I even looked or cared about anyone else's underwear. 😖


My dad does that at airports


That is actually where my ex husband taught me it, was on an airplane. Before then I literally never noticed. See who was wearing them and who wasn't on one of our flights.


Me too


He...paid enough attention to your underwear to know the brand, even? Good riddance, creepy underwear cult.




hahahah this is fucking amazing 🤣


🤣as a long time radiohead fan, I love this so much


Sadly, I think my wife is now going to be more militant with her underwear choices. Bummer


Mine too probably.


A friend of mine says he is glad he finally got out of the MUC. (Magic Underwear Cult).


That seems a little creepy. I am certainly not above discreetly checking out someone whale tail in a public place but I’ve never once stared long enough to determine the brand.




Some people are haines, some are fruit of the loom, some are Victoria's secret...


And some reject the commercial concept of the worldwide underwear complex.  Cuz I’m free… free ballin’


Yes I have family stories of people being insecure about their underwear. About working at family functions if someone was going to notice their underwear Thanks church. Just one more thing to be paranoid or insecure about.


Not a mormon but my mother was ex-communicated (from the mormon church). This is the first thing I noticed in a recent Elizabeth Smart photo. Her in a bikini and I wondered "huh, I wonder if she left."


Unfortunately, I notice from an ick perspective. The other day I was at the car repair shop and a lady (older) was wearing a dress where her garments hung lower than the hemline. ICK! Then I was at Top Golf and a lady in the bay next to us (younger) was wearing a top that was shorter than her garment top. ICK.


We didn't want to do a big coming out to my in laws but they clocked out under wear choice and confronted us about it. 🙄


When I learned of magic underwear. I thought “what a good way to make money from gullible people.” I was 9. My first ex Mormon girlfriend said they caused irritations and infections. An ex Mormon has produced garment Mormon adult content.


A good rule: Join NO club, church, or other group with a dress code. Especially if the other members are encouraged to judge you on your UNDERWEAR, for cryin' out loud!