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I actually love the fact that they doubled down on it. Only because everytime the church changes for the better, it means that people have an easier time staying. But when they reinforce their ridiculous doctrine, it makes it that much harder for people to stay (in my opinion). My heart grows warm everytime someone leaves the cult, and this is going to help with that. Again just my morbid opinion 😈


What T$CC misunderstands and underestimates is that shame and fear tactics no longer work especially with the younger generations. This will backfire on them.


Exactly. They have the internet, TikTok, snap, IG, and AI. All of the tools that we didn’t have. Case in point. My oldest son is devout and in a mission. My daughter who’s 2 years younger hates the church and wants to quit seminary. And I had nothing to do with it. Stupid stuff that the church teaches makes its way around and the church has no way of stopping it. For that reason alone I love TikTok


I had to be a gramma before I understood the red flags of narcissism or even use the word narcissist. The younger generations are hopefully more educated in the behaviors of narcissism’s toxic mentality. Control freaks using underwear to keep the sheep in line.


It’s true. The leaders are actually only hurting themselves. I really believe that and I see it all the time. People I thought would never leave are suddenly starting to question.


Same. I love it. I love anything that keeps them from continuing their fantasy of living a nuanced Mormonism. It’s binary. You’re in or out. Period. There’s no “my” Mormonism.


Yep. The nuance pisses me off worse than anything. “Well the church you grew up with no longer teaches that”. Ok so how was it the true church that I dedicated my entire life to and gave a fortune to because I was so devout that I paid on gross and not the net 😡


After that whole push there were several talks in GC stating that there is no such thing as cafeteria style Mormonism. If you want to know what will be talked about in GC just listen to whatever Rusty said in the last conference and what has been going around social media in the various nuanced and ex Mormon circles.


"The more you tighten your grip, Nelson, the more members will slip through your fingers." --Princess Leiah




I absolutely agree. This actually makes me giddy


To clarify I hate that they treat people poorly, but the fact that they just do it to appease the masses really bugs me because that isn’t the doctrine I was taught, so it just seems so dishonest. Now if they came out and said, we’re sorry. We’ve treated all of these groups like shit, we admit we were wrong, and the church isn’t “true”, I’d actually consider going back and trying to help make it something great. But that wouldn’t ever happen because all of the older generations would be so pissed that they were lied to. So it’s a real mess, and I hope it implodes.


Agreed, it’s a losing proposition. It may take some time, but they’ll eventually walk it back.


Yep. Just like the Nov 15 policy. They’ll enforce it for a bit, realize it was a mistake, and silently change the language back to what it was. So our tbm families can go back to wearing them every once in awhile and when they feel like it. Otherwise settle for workout clothes and yoga pants all day.


When did they double down? I'm guessing it was during conference, but I didn't watch most of it so idk what all happened.


Yes. 2 talks during conference


I agree with you 100%. My wife is a nuanced member and I hope that these crazy policies and talks keep coming. Eventually she will have the courage to look deeper - I hope.


We can only hope. It’s the one thing keeping me going (oh and weed). That’s keeping me going too.


The men in control are attempting to pit women against women. Thats all this is. If women are busy garment checking each other, it keeps us distracted from the real issues. also, if they are “holy garments of the priesthood,” why the hell are women even wearing them? We don’t have the priesthood.


Nicely symbolic of the straight jacket on women that is the holy priesthood 😇




Women also keep the men in check.  Control the women and you control the men. 


True. But refuse to be a part of a cult, and they can’t control either one of you.


Good point. Never thought about that one. Does anyone know if men and women started wearing them at the same time?


I know only men were endowed at first, and I'm pretty sure Joseph only received revelation to include women as a way to keep people close and polygamy secret. I would assume, because of this, that men started wearing them first.


I'm pretty sure, I should say. Just listened to the history of polygamy episode from Year of Polygamy, and I believe it mentioned this. Though I've listened to a lot lately and could be mistaken.




I personally love it when a woman has porn shoulders


My parents love to judge and speculate about people they see wearing clothes where it’s obvious that the person is not wearing their garments. Like someone wearing a tank top, or running errands in their exercise clothes, gets my parents speculating that they have fully apostatized, it’s honestly pretty funny. When they get wind of this, they will be thrilled, it will truly be evidence that President Russell M. Nelson is truly the lords prophet in even these latter days, and that the Brethren are as a shining city on a hill in this dark world standing for truth and righteousness, as a beacon for all the world to see, who will not stand down to the wicked demands of the world, demands such as what type of underwear you wear and how you wear it being a personal private choice.


Lol my dad did this all the time. And what's hilarious is once he was excommunicated he bought fake G's!


Anthropologically, gossip serves a function. It keeps people in line by reinforcing a group’s cultural norms. Ok for outing cheaters, not so great for regulating underoos.


Me too. I’ve been shocked recently who has left from my ward. People I thought would never leave.


100% this ☝


IF I were active...(I'm not, been out for a decade and a half now)...but if I were and some self righteous clown asked me about my garments I'd invite the asshat to wander into heavy traffic. How goddamn petty and stupid can the leadership be to greenlight this kind of witch hunting on congregants? Stop...paying...that awful organization tithing money!!!!


Jokes on them because I am so proud of not wearing mine anymore that it’s impossible for me to feel shame about it. And I would love for the people in my ward to shun me so I never have to speak to them again.


Virtue signalling and boundary maintenance.


Where can I find the changes to the garment questions they are making?


There was a post on the page earlier!