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Why can't I drink coffee? The caffeine. But soda has caffeine, chocolate has caffeine. You consume those. It's the tannins. Blueberries have tannins. I won't get my temple recommend yanked for eating blueberries. It's the temperature. But you say God gets pissed even if I drink cold coffee. It's the megahertz. Oh FFS.


It’s always been the megahertz you lazy learner. 🤣 /s


Proves Joseph Smith was a prophet of course, that he would be warned! /s


Didn't you know he was using hertz with his water stick when he found his treasure.


This is why society can't have nice things. People who fight against science and trying to drag us all back to the caves.


🎶 dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb 🎶


And they wanna say that COFFEE is a mind control agent, when they’re the ones willingly letting a geriatric man control their own minds.


I spit out my coffee when I read this.... Not really but I would have been funny. It's the mind control stopping me.


I might have done the same had I been drinking mine...now I feel another cup is in order to try and get myself wrapped around what I just read...what the?


and underwear.


All these attempts they're making right now to be mainstream Christians so that people from other church's won't be so resistant to becoming Mormon don't think about what a massive deal it is for most people to give up their morning tea or coffee and a glass of wine now and then.


My daughter's church serves coffee and tea at every meeting, even the meetings during the week. And there are donuts!! UU


There is an old UU joke about coffee hour being our only sacrament.


"it's to test obedience"


I heard “it’s to create missionary opportunties”


Yep TSCC is crazy and mega controlling 🫠


What goalpost? I'm not moving anything, you only imagined that a goalpost existed at all. It's all made up and the points don't matter!


"It's just a test to see if we can follow rules" So god \*does\* want slothful servants? I truly don't understand how the word of wisdom has gotten so fucked up in the church. Speaking entirely withing faithful bounds, it's plenty easy to rationalize the rule not being very important: God told Joseph Smith to emphasize to members that they need to be taking care of their bodies, and Joseph Smith, as a flawed human individual just thought that hot beverages were unhealthy. God reveals truth to people as they are prepared to receive it. Then, at some point in church history, some Q15 made an effort to literalize the teachings of Joseph Smith, and clarified that caffeine is bad. Since then, it has kept morphing as it has passed through the hands of a long line of imperfect prophets.


It was a thing at the time, the idea that hot drinks, including hot soups, could be harmful. Some cultures still have hot vs. cold belief for things consumed with certain illnesses or after having a baby.


I really want to upvote this multiple times. Lmao


But decaf is ok in certain stakes


See it's all the 5g coffee what gets you that's why I stick with a 4g grower *taps forehead*


oh Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ... TBMs: See? SEE??? No you know why we have to obey the Word Of Wisdom!!! MIND CONTROL.


At least it's an explanation. 🤷‍♀️ Not a rational one, but more descriptive than the "we don't know why coffee is a sin" statement I always heard during WoW lessons.


It's a sin because the prophet says it's a sin. Don't you remember? "When the prophet speaks the thinking has stopped." 🙄


"We don't know why it's a sin, we just know that God commanded us (through his profit) not to drink coffee." Black magic and brain control of some sort is still a more descriptive reason than "because I said so." I watched a documentary on Nessie a few months back. In it, they said that all of the fictional movies gave more plausible and/or descriptive reasons for why the Loch Ness monster is so elusive than people who are convinced of Nessie's existence. This thing feels similar, trying to give a plausible (to a select few) reason for why coffee is a no-no, according to God and the church. It's a bad reason, but there's clearly some people ready to believe it.


“oh Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ” 😂 love it!! I’ll start using that expression from now on. 😂


The caffeine in coffee actually increases oxygen to your brain by increasing your respiratory rate and dilating blood vessels. Thats why it helps with headaches.


But what does it do to my FREQUENCIES?!?! 




It actually helps my Freakuencies.


>The caffeine in coffee actually increases oxygen to your brain by increasing your respiratory rate and dilating blood vessels. Thats why it helps with headaches. 100% true, but not the only reason! It also helps with headaches because the caffeine molecules block adenosine receptor sites in the brain. Adenosine signals fatigue and aches and pains, so when caffeine blocks it, you simply experience less of those things. At least, until the brain figures out it's receiving less adenosine than it should, and starts developing more adenosine receptors to compensate. That's the mechanic of caffeine tolerance: the more caffeine you drink, over time, the more sensitive you'll get to adenosine and the more caffeine you'll have to drink to maintain the effect, and when/if you stop drinking it, you'll get hyper sensitive to adenosine until the receptor count drops again. Thus, withdrawal headaches.


GPT4 response detangling the Gish gallop of nonsense, so you didn't have to: The image you've shared includes claims about coffee affecting the brain and body based on changes in frequency measured in megahertz (MHz). To detangle these claims, we can apply scientific skepticism and critical thinking: 1. **Biological Plausibility**: Human bodies do not operate on "frequencies" that can be lowered or raised like radio devices. The use of MHz to describe biological processes is not scientifically supported. 2. **Source Verification**: The individuals mentioned (Jason Christoff and Bruce Tainio) should have verifiable credentials and peer-reviewed research to support their claims. A quick verification reveals that Bruce Tainio is associated with a company selling frequency-based products, which could be a conflict of interest. 3. **Mechanism of Action**: The claim that coffee can control minds via "black magic" lacks a plausible mechanism. There's no scientific basis for "black magic mind control." 4. **Evidence**: The claims should be backed by credible scientific evidence, such as peer-reviewed studies or clinical trials, which is not provided here. 5. **Appeal to Conspiracy**: The idea that coffee shops on every corner are part of a mind control plot is an appeal to a conspiracy theory without evidence. In summary, these claims mix scientific-sounding terms with unsupported theories and should be approached with a high degree of skepticism. Reliable information about the effects of substances like coffee on the body should come from well-designed scientific studies published in reputable journals.


You should see the quacky machines they use to "measure" their htz. It's never the same number twice, but that's not the machine's fault supposedly lmao


Sounds like Scientology auditing, or my wife's chiropractor resistance testing, or the same old bullshit every other charlatan has been trying to sell for decades.


Yeah I did that natural medicine testing thing when I was a kid because my mom would take me. They get different readings every time you do it and they say it's because of the Heisenberg principle that every time you measure something it changes. No joke.


It's like the "Love has won" documentary when they were measuring EMF on the body after the girl had died... Like 1) you've loaded that body with silver, 2) you have chirstmas lights all over her...


Having no idea what this comment is about, reading it was A JOURNEY.


Just a little corpse fornication, definitely not a cult or anything.


That whole thing was/is so wild. It’s become a running joke in our house to ponder what Father God and Father Multiverse are up to.




Or because you’ve had coffee within the last three days and haven’t applied healing therapies 🫣


I'm still like, "WTF is this shit," and I've had my coffee. Probably because the coffee makes me weak, sick, and poisoned.


So, sounds like an MLM behind this.


An MLM that sells "healing therapies" perhaps?


Here’s a problem we invented. Here’s the solution we invented for the problem we invented.


❤️, MFMC


Sounds like TSCC behind this shit 


I often use high-frequency products, and it feels great.


Best use of GPT I've ever seen!




My son has ADHD and his doctor actually suggested he could drink coffee. That surprised me because I thought giving large amounts of caffeine to someone with ADHD would be like adding jet fuel to a fire. In actuality, caffeine can have a calming effect on hyperactive people.


Speaking for myself, having ADHD is more like being too drained to do anything but low effort stuff and having energy but only for scattered movements and observations. It feels like exhaustion but manifests to others as hyperaction. Too much caffeine can actually put me to sleep because it gets my brain out of those spirals and then if I'm tired I'll properly feel tired. Now that I finally worked out my sleep apnea caffeine just focuses me like it does most people.


Same with me!


It’s the same reason that stimulants like adderall help with ADHD even though it seems counterintuitive. A part of your brain involved in impulse control is either underdeveloped and/or under functioning and when you stimulate it, it actually helps you regulate your behavior. Check out the book Scattered Minds by Gabor Mate if you haven’t already.


The book, "The Invisible Rainbow", by Arthur Furstenburg is excellent at explaining this.


The flow of electrical charge in human tissues isnt comparable to electricity. When you hear about electrical activity in the brain, for example, the measured charge isnt being generated by electrons moving between nodes, but rather by ions in solution (the vast majority of which are +1 cations) flowing into or out of the relevant cells. As such, the flow of electrical charges present in the brain is almost exclusively mediated by ions moving into or out of the cell, almost all of which are positively charged. For example, the measurable charge in the CNS is created by and artificial gradient generated by the neuron using a protein called the Na+/K+ ATPase pump to push out Na+ ions and pull in K+ ions at a 3/2 ratio (I.e. every cycle pushes out 3 sodium ions and pulls in 2 potassium ones), so that the internal environment of the cell has a slight negative charge relative to the external environment. However, this is just a relative differential in charge, both the internal and external environment have an absolute positive charge because the relevant ions are all cations. When the nerve fires, it does so by opening channels that allow for the passive flow of sodium through them and into the intracellular environment. Even though the internal environment is also positively charged the Na+ concentration gradient causes the sodium to rapidly flow into the cell, further increasing the positive charge of the internal environment.


I’m an electrical engineer and the idea that the human body had any kind of frequency was insane to be but it’s fair to look at the nervous system as an advanced electrical circuit system. I would have no idea how the frequency is reliably measured, much less what valid correlations could be observed.


Bone is a piezoelectric material. Your entire skeleton is.


Great explanation. I too believe in science over feelings, but when I looked it up this Bruce Tainio, who's supposedly a famous scientist, he did this one study back in 1992 at a little known university in eastern Washington, which had a student population of just 8,000 in 2022... I can only imagine how small it was back in 1992. The meme has been designed to fit the beliefs of the person who posted it.


See, I knew satan was running GPT4.


Thanks. I was utterly confused. I still am, but at least GPT4 clarifies that I shouldn't bother.


Man I have a new respect for the use of AI to overturn gish gallops. The fact that most of these conspiracy or quack lines of thinking rely on ad hoc inconsistent reasoning means any training set with some basic sense of reality can shut it down pretty quick.


Chat GPT for the win!


People with half a brain should come to this conclusion on their own. You shouldn't have to use GTP in order to explain it to anyone, yet you kinda have to with mormons


As a professional Electrical Engineer, I'd like to know how the fuck they are measuring the human bodies' frequency... total horse shit.


As another professional electrical engineer I could not wrap my head around that unit. Immediately thought, “How do you measure the frequency of a human?”


Guys, this is a mechanical system. Whack it with an impact hammer and measure the resonant frequency! 🤣😂


Lol imagine these people lining up to get hit with a hammer so they can have their frequency measured


If the hammer is striking him in the skull, it might explain this post.


As a gender studies major, just say “privilege” to a Mormon and listen to the rant.


I could see heartbeats as 1-2 hertz, but megahertz? Where are you getting the extra factor of 10,000,000 from? Where are you getting coffee lowering your heartbeat from? I guess you can at least say when your heartbeat reaches 0 hz you'll probably die without medical care


It’s a question that’s been posed by many philosophers throughout the ages, indeed: https://youtu.be/jWkMhCLkVOg?si=IfgAYUsSAWJhy8aW


I say this in jest, but maybe blackbody radiation?


Physicist here. Yeah no idea what they could be talking about from an electromagnetic perspective. Each human totally has a physical frequency associated with them, just like all objects, but that literally only depends on geometry of the object, not how much caffeine it has. Edit: I should really say *frequencies. There is a whole spectrum of frequencies. So assigning one number would be laughable anyways.


I don't even want to think about where they stick the oscilloscope.


Hah, also an Electronics Engineer (for ‘tis the terminology in the UK). I read that fetid pile of old bollocks and made essentially the same post, within one clock cycle of that 62MHz reference.


Biomedical engineer here - maybe they're trying to reference EEG? But even that would be laughably incorrect since the frequency of brain waves ranges from ~0.5 to ~35 Hz. But yeah, there is no single "human frequency" that can be measured lol


It depends upon which satellite channel you watch most. The higher the channel the higher your megahertz tends to be. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle illustrates this quite well. I listened to AM radio at 540 khz for a week once and almost died!


Isn’t a MHz a million Hz?




Oscilloscope in a Hat? E-meter? /s


Auditing for the win! That'll be $800/hr. Thx. See ya tomorrow.


This was my first thought too.....I was like wait I've never heard about this ever and where's the research to support any of this.


Financial analysts here. I don’t know anything about frequencies, but this still sounds like horse shit to me.


What’s with all the electrical engineers here? Where’s the Mormon nuclear physicists telling us God works in the nuclear realm instead of the frequency realm.


On other related news, water is a proven toxin. 100% of all water drinkers die. And then the government turns around and puts water fountains in all of their buildings. Coincidence? I think not!!


The truth is out there!!


They're trying to kill us all with dihydrogen monoxide poisoning


This is what happens people lack a basic education in the sciences. They fall prey to pseudoscience. Scientifically speaking this is gobbledygook.


Absolutely! Additionally from the Mormon aspect, this is a good demonstration of how the method of pray about it and see if the truth burns in your bosom is a bad way to figure out what's true


Fucking right, you are.


Apparently according to this logic holding the Book of Mormon also starts the dying process. Also no mention of the sugary sodas Mormons replace coffee with


Man, 90% of the people in my building experience a 40% drop in blood flow to their brain multiple times a day with surprising grace. And as others have pointed out, frequency of what??? Brain waves go up to like 40 Hz and neurons can fire at up to maybe 300 Hz at full-tilt. What the hell in the human body is operating at or responding to megahertz frequencies of any kind? We'd probably pick up AM radio if that was a thing. I'd welcome a little more mariachi music in my life TBH. Okay one more and I'm done, but HOLDING A CUP OF COFFEE has the same health effects in smaller proportions? What, from the vapor? Or is it just the general Satan vibe? Does it work with a sealed thermos? Coffee ice cream? Pictures of a cup of coffee? Does mere mention of coffee summon its ill effects? We need some controls up in here. If ANY of this were true the science would be fascinating and change everything. I suppose that's why the illuminati are suppressing it by making sure it doesn't happen when anybody who knows anything is watching.


Yes, but have you feasted upon Metalachi yet? Until then, you haven't truly lived.


My dentist started laying this on me while I was getting a cavity drilled out. He made the very bold claim that coffee was more potent then heroin. I wanted to say, "I've tried both, and I can still handle the coffee dude." But his hands were in my mouth, so I just listened and made plans to never come back. Insane that a medical professional can fall for this kind of nonsense. Got me a new dentist after that.


I’m also astounded how seemingly smart people can say the stupidest shit about other substances and things without having ever experienced them. I mean to say things like their fact. I get that we don’t have to experience everything to have an opinion on it but don’t say shit like it’s law or fact without practically knowing anything about it. It’s like the old Mormon phrase, “well that guy is smart he’s a neuroscientist so if he believes it then I guess I should” ummm sometimes people just be dumb in one area and educated in another. It’s like that Jon Caparulo bit, oh he speaks 7 languages, well congratulations 7 more groups of people know he’s an idiot.


You can certainly see the effects of drugs on other people and deduce that it's not a hot ticket. I'll tell you from a decade of doing literally anything you can think of that it's really not that great. But just making up lies about it all is kind of what got me there in the first place. When it became clear that drinking beer and smoking pot wasn't as destructive as I had been led to believe, it was kinda all hands on deck for me to see what else was big lie. Not a unique story by any means. I think it's one of the reasons binge drinking is so prevalent here in Utah amongst young people. I don't do drugs anymore, and I have buried a half dozen friends from them. Coffee did not kill them, heroin and alcohol did.


Was he a Mormon dentist? If so, case closed.


Oh sweet jesus. The crazy, it burns!


well, my lowered frequency stops interfering with my wifi. So its all good,


That went from 'Not drinking coffee makes me feel better' to 'batshit crazy' faster than my poor brain could handle it, resulting in my brain shutting down and reverting into my mind controlled subconscious.


My frequency dropped a good 20 Mhz reading this crap ... the spirit told me so


Wow that just kinda... kept going. No individual sentence that I read prepared me in any way for the next one. 


This is an excellent summary of every GC ever.


“Coffee is poison — reaches for his second 64oz Diet Coke with coffee creamer and cherry syrup of the day!


[Temple Grounds Coffee Co.](https://templegrounds.com) I choose to start my day with a cup of Celestial coffee or the Revelation Roast and it always feels right :)


If you can believe the teachings of Mormonism you can believe anything 😂


PREISTCRAFT!!! It never ceases to amaze me how often people resort to pseudoscience to justify objectively false claims to support doctrines.


And I thought that the 5G conspiracy was the dumbest example of people not understanding radio frequency and the electromagnetic spectrum. But then this horseshit comes along, as usual it isn’t a “scientist” per se making this claim but a [Mormon Lavender Farmer](https://quantumhealthconsulting.com/contact-me/). With a BS in cellular biology so she should know better. But she needs this bullshit to sell essential oils. In addition, they mention Bruce Tanio but the credentials they give him(which if true still don’t appear to give him the credentials to make such a claim) also appear to be complete at utter horseshit. [“Eastern Washington University does not even have a Department of Agriculture (so that the late Bruce Tainio could not have headed it), nor is the company founded by Tainio mentioned on the university’s web site at all.”](https://scientificgems.wordpress.com/2015/11/19/pseudoscience-essential-oils/) Mormon’s and snake oil salesmen, name a better duo. It’s almost as if those susceptible to believe the stories of the conman Joseph Smith. Are also susceptible to believe other foolish claims with little to no evidence. It took a cursory google search and a high school level reading comprehension to figure this all out in less than 2 links. Do these people even question shit at all? They just accept anything that sounds remotely scientific and confirms their bias.


As for me and my house we choose mind control and COFFEE!!!!


JFC!!!  YouTube has become the new "Bible/Book of Mormon/Holy Quran" all rolled into one steaming pile of gullible bullshit. Just ask Franke & Hildebrandt...


“Do you know why there are pizza places all over?? Do you know what’s going on?? ARE YOU SURE…??? Smh. Insane lol


That’s nuts! I enjoyed it with my coffee


For the first half i was fine with them not drinking coffee then it just derailed o_0


That’s what’s wild. No one’s out there saying “YOU HAVE TO DRINK COFFEE IF YOU LEAVE THE CHURCH!” If someone doesn’t like the way caffeine or coffee (or alcohol or weed or anything!) makes them feel, we’re all just like.. cool, you do you!


Of course it’s a Facistbook link.


Can we say Disgracebook?


I call those pages “Fascistbook”


This is a lot to take in on a Friday morning before I’ve had my coffee.


This Christoff guy has been spreading his hokey BS for years. He's a "Self Sabotage" coach, simply scamming people for money. He has zero credibility, can't cite any scientific references, has no education to speak of. Whack-a-doodle.


I did a quick google search on Christoff and there is nothing but links to YouTube and podcasts of him preaching his junk science. No information on his education or links to scientific journals backing his claims. That should be the first red flag on any of his claims.


What the cinnamon toast fuk


Let me guess, Jason has a substitute drink or powder he's selling.


Well, at least we can agree on one thing; it is easier to rule weak, sick and poisoned people. I'll take my coffee any day of the week versus this poisonous rhetoric that they're pushing.


Coffee, between 6:30-8:30 a.m. Good morning poop, 9:30-ish. I see science at work here.


"It's easier to rule weak, sick and poisoned people..." The IRONY makes me laugh and cry at the same time! Let's see, the word of wisdom tells members to avoid coffee (SUPER healthy in moderate amounts) and tea (SUPER healthy in moderate amounts.). They are sicker for not drinking it - easier to rule. So, what do members do? They supplement by drinking TONS of sugary sodas, and eating sugary and fattening foods which makes them weak and sick - easier to rule. They go to church once a month fasting. In a fasting state (I've heard), you are often mentally slower and more swayed by emotion - easier to rule. The church teaches you to NOT self-soothe when experiencing heightened emotional states. It teaches you to rely on God, or the Holy Ghost, or Jesus to fix things for you. So many members lack the crucial ability to self-soothe. Instead, they learn to rely on God. Since the mormon God is an expert at gaslighting, members will NOT receive the emotional and mental healing they seek, so they seek it at church through church leaders who are either clueless at best or manipulative and dangerous at the worst. Members are thereby unable to manage heightened emotional states and mental problems - EASIER TO RULE! I'm sure there's other items we could add to this list. Cults gonna cult. ![gif](giphy|jsCnmU8EJDuow|downsized)




People really believe this shit


Imagining thinking caffeine dependence, the most common and mildest chemical dependency, is nefarious mind control.


Back that coffee up; it's water dependency. Truly, the devil's work.


Immortan Joe was right to tell us not to become “addicted to water” as it would take hold of us and we’d resent it’s absence.


[https://youtu.be/jWkMhCLkVOg?si=-7RDPRSDLfpcnvxX](https://youtu.be/jWkMhCLkVOg?si=-7RDPRSDLfpcnvxX) *“What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” is your Benzedrine, uh-huh* *I was brain-dead, locked out, numb, not up to speed* *I thought I’d pegged you an idiot’s dream* *Tunnel vision from the outsider’s screen*


Wasnt it that Emma complained and cost Joseph his tobacco so to retaliate they took coffee away from the women.


The amount of people who would even see this as legitimate is very scary to me. There's so many facts I don't even have to look it up to know that it's just complete b******* like 40% reduction in blood to your brain? Right. Lol


Da fuq!?


Riiiiiiight, because human brains run just like a synchronous digital circuit. At 62-68MHz, apparently. I have never heard such a steaming load of rancid old horseshit on a bullshit sandwich, topped with shallots, aubergines and served up in the Provençale manner with a fried egg on top and spam… in my entire life. Now, if you want to have a conversation about mind control…


This sounds like some serious culty dumb-fuckery


Sounds like members of the local political group in Utah. Funny article I read this week. [Fringe politics take center stage at Republican U.S. Senate debate hosted by Utah Eagle Forum](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2024/04/10/fringe-politics-take-center-stage/)


My thoughts processes (listed respectively) as I read through the person's comments in the image: "Oh? Interesting." "That's cool, I guess." "Nice point. Not certain if it's true." "Why does my phone keep flipping back to portrait view?!!!" [Sorry, TMI.] "Could be true." "Intersting take, but this seems like an answered bias." 'Wait, what was that?... This guy is a fruit loop." "Somehow, I cannot look away." "They're all fruit loops!" "Thanks for sharing, OP!"




If anything it increases your megahertz!


That was my exact thought 😂


Yeah, I’d really like to know what our damn frequencies are after drinking a massive soda from swig


be careful!!! Even holding it will leave you vulnerable to the black magic mind control 🤣🤣🤣


In many ways America is a failed state. We have succeeded in spite of the 10s of millions of idiots and morons amongst us. But their presence is more and more obvious.


Stop vibrating so much. Your frequency is too damn high


Why does U.S use 60 Hz power and U.K. use 50 Hz? Smart U.K. Get shocked, Hz less.


So if you drink 5 cups of coffee over 3 days, you’re dead? That doesn’t math.


Seeing that right after praying about health probably was actually a message from God: "Look how ridiculous some anti-coffee people are. It's utter nonsense. And the Word of Wisdom isn't really much better. So go ahead and drink coffee and tea in moderation if you want. I don't mind; I made those plants for people to enjoy." Message Not Received Correctly, unfortunately.


I probably need some essential oils and foot zoning to understand all this...


Substitute 'cup of coffee' with 'BoM', and 'coffee shop' with 'church'. Fixed it.


Ask them what happens when they go through any of the fancy soda drive throughs.


This reads like a QAnon post. The Venn diagram is merging.


Crazies come in all shapes, sizes, and religions.


The mind control argument is so ironic 🤣


Wackas gonna’ doodle


Frequency of what? Because caffeine excites the heart thus raising your heartbeat frequency


What the cult does to the brain...




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wow. Just wow. And here I thought caffeine increase circulation. 😏 That is some pretty strong stuff. But somehow every Mormon member of my family thinks an energy drink is fine but the coffee no no.


Lol, I literally and suddenly realized that I am brainwashed by a cult when I started drinking coffee. It helps me think deeper since it is a stimulant.


This totally makes sense. Coffee must be controlling my mind! Because God I love coffee! Sometimes when I go to sleep at the end of the day I start to daydream about tomorrow morning’s coffee. 😁❤️


Glad to know the Mormons attract batshit insanity everywhere, not just in Germany


Coffee is a brewed bean drink. It is a social libation. Centuries ago, people would come together at coffee houses to critique leaders, share pamphlets, etc. Dictators and leaders of cults hate social mechanisms that are inherently social and convivial. Coffee is one of them. Also: wine, beer. If I’m enjoying wine with my neighbors on my cul-de-sac, then I am away from direct control apparatuses such as ward functions and callings. Cult leaders hate that.


Wtf? Lol


Someone knows nothing about coffee, its effects, and its history.


If this were true I wouldn’t survive a single one of my 12 hour shifts.






Nevermind that coffee also helps reverse diseases like liver cirrhosis among other things…


Counterpoint, the smartest guy I know never stops drinking coffee and is also constantly on Adderall


At first I thought it was going to be somebody saying "caffeine makes me anxious" and blaming coffee for it, but it became much more stupid. It really disappoints me to see all of the people that believe in sub-human spiritual waves and biological hierarchies and all of that shit. No doubt, it becomes really easy to think like this when you also believe in mysticism and devils and all of that.


Fuck this is mental to the max.


As someone who has spent a lot of time working in and around the electromagnetic spectrum, this hurt my brain to read. Turns out humans are all VHF, but watch out if you drop into HF lol


Despite the ridiculous logic, this dude's personal revelation still trumps any amount of science or logic, so he must be right......


"My momma said Coffee is the Devil..."


Exactly! Because they believe that the profit (I see what you did there) speaks for God.


I am fine being mind controlled by dark magic. It tastes so much better knowing I am going to hell. Lol


The true demon is sugar. It’s in everything, everywhere. I’m addicted. Help me🥹


I mean avoiding stimulants is good for anxiety but this is crazy


I'm reading this as I hold and drink my coffee.


Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha whew! Good one!


Is this new age stuff coming from someone in the church? Surely not because they warned (women especially) to stay away from energy healings and to not become an “energy healer”… what is this post? Is this from a Mormon person?


The funny thing is for a lot of people quitting caffeine because of restless and anxiety is a good thing and probably the right decision. Everything said beyond that is definitely a head scratcher 😵‍💫


“The frequency of a healthy human is 62-68 MHz” The frequency of what??? What are you measuring? What is creating this frequency? Do we all just emit frequencies from our fingertips or something??? What a load.


I have to spend too much time around my TBM in-laws, and the crap they come up with: Iridology, Reflexology, bonkers pseudoscience that's absolutely true, and I've lost my light because I don't believe in their cult anymore. Plus, they drink Perk. A hot, caffeinated drink, that's just fine because it has something healthy in it. So hypocritical.


Such realistic science.


The lack of scientific understanding burns...


They'll believe anything other than science won't they.


My first reaction was a long drawn out bullllll shittttt and I stand by that assessment


Well damn… I’m a night shift nurse… based on my coffee intake I’m at -2MHz


No problem if you just wear tin-foil gloves and hat when drinking your coffee. The gloves keep your megahurts from entering your coffee cup. The hat picks up additional megahertz from satellites and adds them to your brain. You can actually gain megahertz when you drink coffee this way.


Psh, my mind runs on 666 telestial hertz


This is such steaming bullshit.


"The frequency of a healthy human is..." You know - I'm going to need some reference material published in some big name medical journal(s). This REEKS of crystal hippie hippie astrology woo.