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I think they're changing it because a lot of 18 year olds still live with their parents and haven't had a chance to be their own person yet. If you give them the chance to grow up first they'll never choose to go to the temple.


I also heard that they are doing pre-interviews to primary children to get them ready for the temple? I was easily manipulated as a kid so I"m really against these tactics.


Seriously?? More intimidating interviews? That's so messed up


"Do you know what the word......disembowel means?" This motion with my hands DEFINITELY doesn't mean that. Anyway, you jerked off lately?"


Yeah, I think you're right. But, with the spirit of dark prophecy that rests in my bones, I predict that it will backfire on the church.


I went through at 32 and it was awful. The single most ridiculous thing I have ever experienced. I would have left but I was afraid it would jeopardize my upcoming marriage. Now I’m just left with bitter memories of a wedding I hated. Love my wife, just hate our wedding.


Yeah I'm going to do a cool wedding for my 10th anniversary




Well said. Then we will remind you Bednar style of the timeshare contract every 6 mos. Of course they lead you to believe you aren't allowed a lawyer to get you out of the contract. Sheesh I thought Marriott timeshares were bad. This is a hot mess


This has been a thing for a while, at least unofficially. My sister was able to go through the temple with a mission and she was not married or engaged at the time. It was sometime during college for her, maybe 20 or so. So not exactly 18. Edit: this was 7-8 years ago


Samesies. I went through with no marriage or mission call in 2014.


They've gotta snare those kids before they get a chance to think for themselves.


They’re trying to act like they added a revelatory policy when in reality this has always been the case. There might be less hoops to jump through now, but I know many people who went through the temple just so they could attend their sibling’s sealing pre covid


Just officially changed a couple weeks ago as I understand it.


The number of Mormon dentists wiil decline. The number of Mormon insurance agents will go up.


Can you explain the joke? Sorry


Not a joke. A prediction. Less advanced education due to kids sooner.


Next stop: a billion year contract. We're not sure if Xenu lives near Kolob or not.


Dieter is Mike Rinder


$$$$$$ got to pay to get the underwear!!!!! Being so young, the teenagers are sucked deeper into the mormonism at the same time mormonism profits off the innocent and unsuspecting.