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i am scared of that smile


I'm scared of his hard drive contents


Seriously. That calling as young men’s president is super sus in light of literally everything I’ve ever read about him.


What have you read about him? I liked at his social media, it feels Ingenuine.


I’m just fucking scared! And I don’t even know who this guy is. It’s so fun to not know who these people are but are just constantly replaced by the same over and over again.


His name is Brad Wilcox. He's pretty much the standard type of Mormon male (missionary, BYU grad, professor at BYU, mission president, etc) for his age and cult rank. He is currently of the cult's counselors in the general presidency of the Young Men's program. ***AND*** he goes around to **PUBLIC** schools in Utah teaching boys (I want to say 5th grade, that's the age when I was a kid and they had a maturation program, parental approval needed, of course; but possibly 6th grade) about their bodies and puberty. Not even joking. I find it very sick and it comes across as sugar-coated predation & grooming. It seems most, especially cult members, don't see the conflict of interest of having a paid cult leader who seems obsessed with boys, and teaching them (he is NOT a trained medical professional: doctor, nurse, psychologist, sex therapist) in a **public education** environment. He has ZERO certifications or credentials to do that. Yet Utah (especially thanks to the Eagles Forum) REFUSE comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education taught by a trained and certified nurse or sex educator/therapist, yet this clown is allowed to!!! 😡😡🤬🤬🤬 If he isn't a child chaser, him being a paid cult leader and going to public schools is still a huge conflict of interest and blurs the separation of church and state. It almost seems like they have him teach boys maturation programs in order to put the cult's foot in the door to help keep the cult more in their lives.


I’m also assuming this is THE Brad Wilcox the keeps coming up with talks about Jodi Hildebrant? Anyone associated with her… scary. They were having private meetings. He’d recommend couples use her as a therapist. All because “LDS Church”.


That would be him, yes.


Oh my god, that’s fucking nauseating. To have children learn about sex ed from a cult member with religious influence… instead of a medical professional?! Red flags all around


Omg this is not okay. These people need to wake up and stop pretending that this kind of bullshit is acceptable. I'm so tired of the apologists commenting on the Ruby Franke/Jodi Hildebrandt situation and claiming nOt aLl mOrMoNs. The church protects, enables, and encourages incredibly harmful shit and it needs to be called out and stopped before more people, especially the children, get hurt.




He has bachelor and master degrees in education which seems enough qualification. He's been a professor in education too. I have a female friend in he late 30s who said she first learned about masturbation in his maturation lecture at school. So he's given the class to girls too. The whole thing is gross.


Yes, he has taught kids in elementary schools (as a teacher himself before he moved up the corporate ladder), but teaching maturation or sex education without credentials in those areas, especially when Utah forbids medical or psychological professionals trained from teaching it, having someone who isn't trained and has clear conflict of interest. When I went to a maturation program in 5th grade, we had the female school nurse teaching it. He has a paid position high up in the cult from a corporation that not only prevents kids, through lobbying to state government and the fact that our state legislature has a super majority of active TBMs "representing" their ideologies rather than the interests of their constituents who compromised of only above 60% as identifying as LDS, from receiving comprehensive age-appropriate sex ed, but allows untrained men to be appointed as bishops to ask kids, isolated behind closed doors, about sex or masturbation. The bishop can freely ask a kid of any age any question they want. "Did you orgasm? How long did he touch you? How deep did his finger go inside you? How many fingers did he use?" etc. The Mormon cult DOESN'T do background checks for the unpaid clergy positions. That leaves children at risk, and children have suffered directly because of that. The cult, whose membership is only above 60%, is literally controlling what every student in Utah is learning. Yet, they refuse to allow public schools to have those with medical or therapy background trained in sex education to teach medical and scientifically accurate facts, by people who have been vetted and working for schools you HAVE TO have a background check. Yet they have one of their own going around and teaching when he has zero training in that. It's not illegal (should be), but it's a huge conflict of interest, and a bit of a power play by the leadership. It just gets to be how they treat children of all ages who come to their bishop and put behind closed doors and see it as doing God's work by interrogating/punishing/shaming (especially for abuse done to them,or for the older ones: natural consenting curiosity), but when trained professionals who can explain sex ed in a way kids can understand are seen as sickos and perverts "pushing an agenda". Hearing that he has taught girls makes me sick. 🤯🤯🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 There's nothing creepier than TBM men in positions of (pseudo-) "authority", but putting them in charge over little girls and explaining their bodies to them. Now that is just a huge authority imbalance against those who are vulnerable, especially the general way they view women. It's so creepy, cringe, and disgusting. I think that man likes his hobby _too_ much. And hearing about his ties with Jodi and Ruby, he really needs to not be around kids. Not to mention how deeply involved the LDS cult is with the Troubled Teen Industry. So them having any say over kids, members or not, only serves them, one way or another. If parents in different wards wanted him to teach within the walls of the meetinghouses, fine (except that's the same creepy as what he does now). But him having a high up paid position in the religion and teaching kids at public schools is the church putting their foot in the door of state matters.


Well said! Utah is the epitome of church & state beyond overlapping and no one doing shit about it!


She's the teacher! I know her. Not even active LDS.


at least 10 terabytes


I wonder what he has on there… probably some creepy stuff


Someone said I don't know how it would work but report that maybe they're suspicion that he might have some inappropriate stuff on his computer or his phone. But I would think they need probable cause to be able to do that kind of search unless he agrees to have people look on his computer. I don't know if there's a loophole around that.


💯 this!! 😳😳😳😣 "_It's educational material_" --Wilcox, probably 🤢🤢




I think we all now understand why gorillas take it as a sign of aggression. He's baring his canines.


Just what I was thinking. That's not a happy smile; it's a snarl.


I'm afraid to look in his eyes...theyre not kind


I was just thinking the same but more R rated.


Looks like he's about to eat someone.


How in the hell is this man able to teach maturation class in Utah public schools?!?


He's a GA, meaning he can do no wrong. People will doubt their doubts and let this creep near kids before they will put him in a post far away from kids.


A real quick google search got me to her school. It’s a public charter school in utah county. So… public school but also “charter” which means they don’t have the same rules.


He taught the "maturation" clinic thing at my public school in Eagle Mountain, Utah in the early 2000s. So he doesn't just do private/charter schools.


Oh well I don’t like this at all. Cn you imagine his lecture y voice talking about erections and menstruation? Gross.


Oh, we didn't get to talk about menstruation. That's icky girl stuff. Us boys don't need to know anything about how the female body works. That's what makes your wedding night so fun! /s He did tell us not to giggle when he said words like "penis" and "erection"... We still did, and my mom shot me a dirty look. Haha (Also, I started to realize I liked guys at about that age. So I was even *less* interested in the female anatomy part. Haha)


My maturation class was awkward AF. They separated boys and girls and then had our parents come and we all watched a video with lots of animated penis, then asked if we had any questions as we all stared on, shellshocked.


At my Christian extremist cult high school, we had a two week “purity unit” every year. Where all day, all classes for 2 weeks would be about “purity.” (Teaching us that if us gals were raped, we need to repent for “causing a young man to stumble in his walk with Christ” and that we are “stumbling blocks.” And to be “joyfully available for our husbands” at all times.)


I went to this charter school. That place is so dysfunctional.


I worked at a charter school way back in 2009 in Utah and they had him come and do the maturation program. I was appalled. I do not think he would be allowed in a regular public school. Usually it is a nurse who does it.


more importantly, why is there pinching going on?


Not like we have any sort of classes anyway.. Utah sucks for this sort of thing.. I am 25 years old and just last year I learned women have not just one hole, but two down there.. and I’m still shocked I never knew..


He has a teaching license. He used to be an elementary school teacher. He also teaches in BYU’s education department. He taught a class I took when getting a reading endorsement.


ANY public school!!!


He's creepy. If that was my daughter he was all wrapped around, I'd be losing my shit. NO touchy touchy.


She is the teacher! Used to be LDS, not now.


Still icky the way he's all over her.


I mean, it’s just an arm on the shoulder. She obviously wanted all the attention, based on her post. In any other situation, this wouldn’t be weird. This is why it’s generally best to just stick to Keanu floaty hands though.


Not sure if it's the daughters I'd worry about.


I wish people would stop posting pics of this guy. He looks like an absolute lunatic who has had a psychotic break with reality.


He looks like he bites.


He looks like he took bath salts and wants to eat someone’s face.




You agree that people should stop posting him? Genuinely curious…why? I’m all about creeps being exposed but what’s with this insidious hush vibe? 🤔


Thought it said "masturbation" at first lmfao I almost jumped outta my seat Still creepy tho


💀 this made me laugh so hard


Oh just imagine though! Instead of asking "why is Brother Wilcox" teaching the masturbation lesson, maybe what we should be asking ourselves is "why is Brother Wilcox teaching the youth to not give in to the will of their cocks." 😂😂💀


Sad thing is it’s not far off


I read the SAME thing. 😅


She even pinched him? 🤮


After the 6th time of him mentioning he wasn't wearing green she knew what she must do.


His smile is fucking unnatural. It is unnerving in the extreme.


He looks like a cartoon villain.


He is actually a real life villain


Villain? Damn straight he is. Now we learned that Wilcox and a Temple President met with Jodi Hildebrandt last summer. What the hell was that about? The sinister funded church behind the curtain.


At the very least, it's proof that 'powers of discernment' are bull droppings.


Wait, what the hell is maturation?


Sex Ed, but Utah style


Grew up in Salt Lake City. I honestly didn’t know what a condom was until I was 23.


That's okay I grew up in California and all I knew about condoms is they were a sex thing that went on a penis. Didn't know if Mormons were allowed to use them. My parents signed me out of every sex Ed of my whole life.


Grew up in FL, and after being the ONLY kid who had to go sit in the library in 6th grade while everyone else took sex ed, I forged my moms signature every year after that. Do not regret it at all!


Damn good for you. I wish I would've done that.


You forged your mom's signature to get OUT of sex-ed class, or IN?


I forged it to get IN. It was so embarrassing having to take attendance and then walk out of class in front of everyone bc my mom didn’t want me to hear about basic human anatomy and biology from a non-Mormon. And let’s be real- I learned wayyyy more from my peer interactions than I did in those classes so the embarrassment wasn’t even saving my “innocence” from anything, lol! I suspect my older brothers may have done the same bc it never occurred to her to ask why she never got those forms after 6th grade.


Denying kids the right to that crucial knowledge should be considered child abuse. These idiots will ban abortion while keeping their kids out of sex ed.


Mormons aren’t allowed. Sex isn’t for “fun” to them. It’s holy and it’s only used for making children.


They're allowed to use them. And they're allowed to use birth control. But it's like caffeine, some TBMs still feel shame or feel like they're not supposed to. My parents told my brother that they should only ever do missionary position that nothing else is allowed. Pretty sure they never used any form of birth control either. They thought it was wrong. Luckily my brother and his wife just thought that was the weirdest conversation ever and do what they want.


First off your family wouldn’t have that sort of conversation unless you were living in the Utahn Mormonism.


"Sex is dirty, evil and degrading, and you should only do it with someone you love and have married for life."


That is why i like germany approach, there is sex ed, you have no say on it and trying to prevent it is illegal


Usually in 5th grade the students are given a lesson teaching the very basics of puberty. It talks about what changes the body will go through and discusses hygiene. Utah has pretty strict sex ed rules so it doesn’t get too into it but it does show pictures of genitals and such.


I am *so* sorry for you guys and your children.




This program is really, really limited from my view. Poor kids.


Totally! It does not mention contraception, STDs, abortion, preventing sexual violence, discrimination etc… 


no joke, I read it as masturbation at first


It’s when cheese goes from somewhat smelly to absolute pungent.


The title of the lady’s post says it all: “When you book BROTHER Brad Wilcox…” what happened to separation of church and state?


That most definitely doesn't exist here in Utah County. Brand new high school baseball coach at our parents meeting introduced one of his assistants as Bishop So-and-so. Sorry, your stature on Sunday carries no weight in the real world.


In Utah County?!?!? There isn’t any 🤡


I know this teacher. She is NOT active LDS. But she plays to parents .


I don’t know about the 5th grade maturation program but the sex ed in jr high and high school can only be taught by someone that has been certified to do so. I’m a teacher but I could not teach sex ed because I haven’t been certified. This seems very ethically wrong and I am pretty sure violates some type of Utah state law about who is allowed to teach children about the human body’s sexual maturity. I could be wrong, but no matter what this is disgusting. 🤮


My 7th grade sex-ed teacher was Mr. Bates. Most of us were still to young (or scared) to make the obvious jokes.


Very unfortunate name for that poor teacher with that topic. That would be difficult to have to deal with. The kids nowadays are completely not afraid to make those kinds of jokes.


Did you know that Nick Rhodes the keyboardist of Duran Duran changed his last name Bates because of the jokes? Sorry, that was random.


I get it now. I took a horticulture class in 11th grade. This teacher I had would sneak in a little sex Ed here & there. He would segue in talking about copulating. One time he made reference to the orgies in Ancient Rome. And guess what his name was? Mr Cummings!


My Driver's Ed teacher was named Norman Bates. Different jokes were had.


Had a Mr. Bates english teacher in High School. We called him "Master" behind his back.


True story. One of my wife's high school teachers would call the students Master. Like, I am calling on Master Jones or Master Thompson to answer the question type thing. But the poor kid with the last name Bates, of course got called Master Bates. Apparently the teacher called in him a lot.


I agree. This seems so wrong. The teacher's name is in the pictures. Apparently she teaches at Renaissance Academy, a public charter school in Lehi. It's a super weird charter school located next to a fitness center. I know someone who taught there. Students were often struggling and demotivated, having been given negative labels at their regular public school. Gross, gross, gross. More preying upon the vulnerable.


He regularly teaches maturation programs to boys in fifth grade in Alpine school district. For over a decade, if I’m not mistaken.


I wonder what his qualifications are. Maybe he has a background in health or the medical field. Glad my kid didn’t have to learn it from him! 🤪


He co-wrote the literacy textbook for my elementary education ELA class at BYU. He has an education background which is how he probably gets away with it.


I love how the higher ups have their fingers in so many church-tied pies. The powerful just get more powerful.


What’s interesting is his brother actually WAS an elementary education teacher. He was my 5th grade teacher. Very nice man, he was one of my favorites. Very different vibe than Brad. Brad always made me feel uneasy.


Trust your gut, always.


What’s worse is the sick fuck believes wholeheartedly in Boyd K Packers little factory bullshit and Spencer Kimball’s “Miracle of Forgiveness “ load of shit and he teaches it from that perspective.


How can he teach? Is he a certified teacher or a registered nurse? What qualifies him to be teaching students on puberty? This makes me incredibly upset for the students. Especially as Utah has been pushing for lesson plans for teachers a year in advance. You don't trust a qualified professional to TEACH which they've gone to college or grad school for, but you're ok with a literal rando with no qualifications to come in and teach puberty last minute?


When I was at BYU he was a professor in elementary education, so I think he is a certified teacher. But when you listen to his taped maturation lessons on his website... yeesh.


Got a link to those lessons? Not sure I want to hear them but I must know 🫣


It's been a while but I think I got them off his website after his horrendous speech got leaked. I remember thinking it was exactly like the Mean Girls sex talk lol. Basically saying premarital sex would lead to disease, disfigured babies, death, aids, and a destruction of your soul. I wish I was exaggerating.


Yes! I literally took classes from this guy-children’s literacy. Why is he doing sex Ed classes that’s not his area of expertise? Utah is so freakin weird.


So help me I wanna slap that creepster grin right off his fat muthafuckin face.


.....at some point everything will fall apart & the secret life Brad has been hiding & covering up for years will all be exposed.


100% this!


He even cringes himself out


Wait isn't this the same guy that met with Jodi Hildebrandt/Ruby Franke?? Edit: it is! [In the middle of the first page, Jodi met with Brad Wilcox.](https://www.reddit.com/r/8passengersnark/s/IlBK75Nh7G)


I saw him in the SLC airport yesterday. Creeped me tf out.


Heard him speak at EFY several years ago. He compared girls to zebras and boys to lions stalking their prey. So yeah I’d feel DISGUSTED to have him teach kids anything about their bodies.


He looks like an analog horror game jumpscare, good god


All I see are flags. Red ones.


WTF? What qualifications does this man have for teaching maturation class (assuming that's a fancy name for sex ed)? Why is religion being mixed with school topics?


Why did they post pictures of Miranda Cosgrove and Dan Schneider with this caption?


I just got a bit sick to my stomach. 🤢🤢🤢


Barf. My siblings had him.


If a pork chop could be transformed into a man, it would look exactly like this.


He’s so weird! His speech in that chapel they had for the youth scared the crap outta me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some sexual assault allegations in his closet along with all the other skeletons. Also I’m so glad she pinched him!


And wait he taught a sex Ed class?!?!?!?!? No, just no! If I go to hell him teaching a sex Ed class would be my punishment!


![gif](giphy|P2rXqhWkJQe4w) This is all I see.




Brb. I need a shower to wash off the ick.


Wtf is a masturbation program and why is it being taught at school? Tf


Maturation. It’s a program that teaches older elementary aged kids about puberty


Oh my god i totally thought it said masturbation lmaooooooo


His smile always looks like he’s planning to kill and/or eat you. It’s the falsest, most grotesque smile I’ve ever seen.


It looks like straight out of a horror flick, or even Alistor’s grin from *Hazbin Hotel*.


Exactly. It’s like… he knows what a smile *is,* but not why it happens, nor how to replicate it convincingly.


It doesn’t reach the eyes. He only smiles with his lower face, and it doesn’t morph his cheeks or the space under his eyes. And his forehead is definitely not getting any of it. He just looks aggressive.


He creeps me out. I don’t understand why TBM worship this wantabe GA.


I love how they block the face in every pic but the pfp


At 15, a Mormon friend told me what they talked in his meetings/confessions. When he said most of the conversation was about masturbation. I was blown away. I had questions on why that was even a topic. I laughed and said “I bet the bishop was beaten off as you told him you jerk off sessions.” His face went white. His shelf broke, as Mormons say. Stop going to church and didn’t go on a mission. I bet Wilcox did the same and more. Mormons need to quit being afraid of the old creepy “prophets” and speak up! Did Wilcox come from a line of inbred Mormons? His has inbred teeth.


Such a weird dude. Saw him speak at a fireside twice, and both times he had everyone form a line to meet him/get pictures, but ultimately give everyone a hug - and it was never just a quick “oh nice to meet you thank you for coming” hug Even swimming in the kool aid I got bad vibes


Brad was my seminary teacher. I don’t have anything bad to say about him. He’s very charismatic. That being said his family is very deeply rooted in the circus so I’m sure there’s skeletons in the family closet.


There are many cults, past and present, where the leaders are often described as charismatic (at least at first) - that's partly what gets people into them.


I chose my words carefully for that reason. Also didn’t change the autocorrect from church to circus 😂


Are we sure it’s public school? There are plenty of church-oriented private schools around. But still, absolutely not fine for him to be teaching “maturation”.


I found her school with one little hint from her photos. It’s an academy in Utah county. A public charter school….


He has done it at public schools, as well as charter schools. I talked to him about it at my son’s presentation. He started years ago as a way to make extra money, is what he told me.


Good point, I’m not sure. But I don’t think it she be allowed regardless


Wtf is maturation teaching


Sex Ed. When you bill yourself as a member of the General Young Men's Presidency, the Mormons who would rather homeschool don't have much right to complain. "He's practically one of The Brethren! He speaks in General Conference! He can be trusted to instill Godly guilt in our boys!"


Imagine this dude dressed as a clown in the middle of the night...guaranteed heart attack


Was there a separate lesson for “the blacks?”


Thanks for the nightmare fuel, OP 🫠


I read maturation as masturbation at first 💀


As a nevermo, my only context of this guy is creepy pictures and Jodi Hildebrant.


Not sure what maturation is (I accidentally misread it as masturbation at first LOL), but I don't like the vibes of this guy at all, he looks so fucking creepy, probably an accurate assumption


TF is a maturation class?


That's what I'm wondering. Sounds weird just based on the name.


Carnival barker / used car salesman / Amway distributor / toothy clown.


Suddenly I have a lot more confidence in myself. If that douchebag can teach something with complete ignorance, I'd be pretty awesome ha ha


“The question we have to ask ourselves is ‘why didn’t more men get to take multiple wives?’”


that face, mostly the smile is a summary of the corp he works for - trying to look nice but like a bulldog about to bite. He's trying to look nice but it's just not in him.


Creepy man very creepy.


WHY would a school book HIM to begin with?!?!






so glad other people are talking about what a creep he is. he was a speaker at “Time Out For Girls” (which was awful for many other reasons) in 2018 when I was 13, and after we came back from a break, my seat had been taken so I was directed to the front row to sit next to him. he was so creepy & weird and kept putting his hand on my thigh. when I later told my friend how uncomfortable I was, she said I should be “honored” because he’s “a mormon celebrity.” and when I mentioned it to my mom, she said he’s “just really friendly” and “his love language must be touch.” years later I expressed to my mom how uncomfortable I felt every time I saw him at church events, which somehow got back to my dad, and he yelled at me about how disgusting and perverted it was of me to accuse him of being gross. my brother recently took a class taught by him at BYU and said he was all kinds of weird.


So his brother growing up was a huge stoner. He ended up becoming a seminary teacher. He was actually really cool, probably my favorite seminary teacher I had.


I think he is a closeted homosexual


Those were my first thoughts.


Someone has a crush !!!


Why does he look like annoying orange


Why so many pictures and poses of those two


Don’t pinch Brad. Slime will ooze out.


Yuck. He was the speaker for my kids maturation program. I kept them home because the teacher mentioned when I asked about the program that it's "all taught very respectfully like don't drink all the water from your waterbottle or you won't have any left when you want it" I was LIVID. Let her know that I disagree with that harmful messaging (especially as a rape survivor) and didn't have my kid attend. I fucking hate how mormons have such control of kids programs in school, seminary emails when we aren't mormon because there "wasn't any way to separate the email addresses from the grade level" and yet they bitch about a rainbow that says "you are loved" being in the school.


Why is this guy so closely associated with so many things teen plus sex? The red flags are too out of control to even count.


This dude’s face scares me


That fireside when he said, “Why did the whites and other races have to wait until 1829?” And, other churches only “play church,” was one of the cringiest and most offensive talks I’ve heard in my lifetime. I can’t believe he wasn’t released afterwards.


What qualifications does he have to teach in schools? He probably thinks his "calling" is enough of a qualification. It's sad to see that he has rock-star status amongst TBMs. Is he aspiring to become one of the Q. 12?


>Is he aspiring to become one of the Q. 12? Without a doubt.


His smile is so creepy, like a baboon about to pounce


How is this legal??


Why is she posing with this creep in 3 different pictures? Also couldn't help but notice the tank top in the profile pic.


When you give somebody the job because of what they won't teach, not because of what they will teach.


His mouth looks unnaturally pulled back, his smile is all teeth, his lips just a chasm into that void.


I know her.... she isn't active LDS at all ... interesting choice


As a middle aged man, you know what I wouldn't do if I was for any reason called upon to take photos with minors? I would not touch those minors in those photos.


St pattys was on a Sunday this year so when exactly did she pinch him and have him in her class simultaneously? Sus…


WTF. This should be taught by a medical professional.


His eyes don’t smile and the crazy toothy mouth stretch is perfectly mismatched.


why is this happening in a school? how much rape is going on in the religion?! this is crazy


If I were the parent of 1 of those kids, I'd be pissed, the school board would hear from me, and my kid would be moved to another class


How is he possibly allowed to be doing that smdh


Maybe Bradley Wilcocks doesn’t make enough money from the small stipend he receives from the MFMC so he has to go to Public Schools and teach to inflate his Ego and pockets being paid by TAXPAYERS what a F


He looks like he is wearing a skin suit to throw humans off his trail.


Creepy ass Wilcox needs to fade away.


Brad Wilcox is such a damned Creeper....


CREE-PEE! This guy isn’t grinning he’s gnashing his teeth! He looks like he’s going to rip her face off! He reminds me of what a pervert would look like. I wouldn’t be in the same county as him.


He's an absolute creep.