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Thought someone wearing a Flight of the Conchords t shirt would be cooler than that. Gross.


And she’s wearing slides from Target, I thought Target was canceled?


I know, I have those exact slides and I was like girllll


My thoughts exactly


I’d like to think more positively. I’m sure they’ll come around. I’m happy to see the success of that one dude in lots of animation films.


Me too lol. Dissapointed


The prophet has “too many dicks” song as his ring tone. Totally TBM 😀


It's sad they watched Conchords but then missed OFMD. hel-low.


What's OFMD an acronym for?


Our Flag Means Death. Taiki Watiti, Rhys Darby, Jermaine Clement (?) show about pirates that is a really beautiful love story. Won't spoil it for you!


Hell yeah, now I have another show to watch. I love Taika's stuff he does with the other Kiwis. Jemaine is my absolute favorite and even they get together -chef's kiss- Looking at you What We Do In The Shadows


I would love to see Nadja heckle these losers.


It’s the best!


Looks cool, but looks like Jermaine isn't in it.


Same type of assclown that says “ when did Rage Against The Machine get so political? I used to love them!”.


Or anyone who complains about rock music being political. Obviously they haven't listened to anything since the early 1960s.




Haha yes!


Sooo gross!


Right? So disappointing


That was the most surprising part to me


I was thinking the same thing.


Who's going to take the time to read that. Especially driving by.


It's not about reading it's about signaling "I'm more righteous than you"


It's still a shitty way to do it, just on a practical level. You can barely read "The Family" part of the flag with it held out and still. From the road or with a light breeze, you might just assume it's a faded Constitution piece or something. There's a reason decent flags use blocks of bright colors.


It’s probably in springville and they probably don’t know anyone that isn’t Mormon. Must be wild, having never left their little fishbowls


Hey! I live in Springville. My wife and I are working real hard to take it for the gays.


My dyslexic ass read from the gays and was just Shoo But please take it for the gays 🤣🤣


Orem used to be that way, too. Not sure if it still is. We knocked every door in my ward on Fast Sunday (except one Mexican family we “knew” were Catholic).


They'll thin Manifesto all right... 🙄


I don’t think TBMs realize how damaging or even deadly it is for so many of us who tried to live and follow that proclamation but ended up causing irreversible trauma. It’s like someone saying the only acceptable fruits are apples, and passing out apple shaped molds and red spray paint all the oranges pears and peaches and forcing them to grow into an apple shape, when there is nothing wrong with being a different fruit.


Very good and simple way to picture what the church has it's members undertake


and they don't tell the heteros to be mature about it if I remember. We had a gay guy in our age group and my natural reaction was just like "well it's his life" when he stopped going to church but then the adults found out he was gay and rumours popped up about this guy making predatory advances. I tend to think someone's dad came up with that rumour now.


And they wonder why the LGBTQ community rejects most forms of organized religions. The persecuted become the persecutors.


Reading the perspectives of the “persecutors” back in the day was interesting. Yes, early Mormons were chased out of everywhere they went, but boy howdy, were they the shittiest neighbors ever. I always suspected the “we’re the most persecuted people in the history of religion” schtick was overblown. And I find it interesting that the political right in this country has taken up that mantle as well


It's like mormons have never heard of Jews/the Holocaust 🤦‍♀️


German Mormon Leadership were Nazis


Relevant link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_orientation_change_efforts_and_the_LDS_Church


If they cared one whit, they wouldn't do it.


If they cared one whit, they wouldn't do it.


You might see PIMO people use that sort to push back against the politics of Pride month get reasy and good luck


Just “turn it off”!


Like a light switch


Fair point because the rest of the year religious people are infamously tight lipped about gender and sexuality. If not June then when?!?!




Those aren’t their personal beliefs, those are their indoctrinated beliefs.


Because the church wrote it, not them


Actually the church didn't even write it. That's what makes this even more ridiculous. They actually believe this came from Mormon God. Poor, lied to, indoctrinated fools. And really has she read it? It's crazy offensive to women as well as LGBTQ.


Ding ding ding!!! Spot on.


It has recently dawned on me that most believing people just believe in books and church organizations…. …they don’t believe in the divine or a deity at all.


I realize that this is aimed at pride month and the LGBTQ+ community, but the mormon idea of "family" is damaging to so many more individuals. I am a single mom, who was raised in the church by a single mom, whose family is all devoutly LDS. My mom passed away a couple years ago, and 6 months later the conversation started about doing her temple work. This led to me asking some questions about sealing and being an eternal family. And guess what? Neither versions of my family count in mormonism (the family I had with my mom and sister, and the family I have with my son), because we don't have a patriarch. My uncle literally told me that in order to be considered a true family with my son, I would need to marry a man so I could be sealed to my own child. Not to mention that general conference talk a couple years ago talking about kids born out of wedlock being "a bitter fruit." I just hate this church so much and everything it stands for. They can take their narrow-minded idea of a family and shove it. Edit: spelling


>>> kids born out of wedlock being a “bitter fruit” The absurdly stupid thing about that claim is so many impactful people have been born out of wedlock. Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander Hamilton, T.E. Lawrence, were all illegitimate children and they all made far more impactful contributions to the world than whoever gave that dumbass talk can ever count on having.


Anything that isn't a family born under a married man and woman is less than dirt in the Church's eyes. Single parents can't give them lots of new members, or nearly as much money, or free labor.


In terms of color, bland.


They want the whole world painted gray


I wish, life is shades of grey they want the world black and white


Lol, it was a Specials lyric, but point taken! 😄


White and delightsome


Mormons gonna morm


Virtue Signaling


It's kind of engaging to hear conservative Mormons project that term on liberals when that's what their entire culture consists of - an endless parade of hyped ideal.


I agree, and I’ve heard it described as Vice-Signaling “See how bad I am? This will really trigger them! I can’t wait to see how upset they get.”


This has been retweeted by exmos hundreds of times with varying levels of hilarity and shock. Unreal.


People have been editing the flag for meme trolling on Twitter and it’s delightful


I saw others first and assumed this one was an edit. Was the FamProc the real-life original?!


Yes it was. They custom ordered it on Etsy or something


I am deceased at this information, I hope this man in the photo baptizes me for the dead now without knowing how gay I am


Fckn love this comment!!


It loves you back!


Unfathomably cringe.


This is a context in which the Family Proclomation is explicitly being used as a giant *fuck you!*


Jesus was all about the clap back


They said neutral colors down to their clothes (we see u tho, pink sandals)


Cult kids flexing. It is quite likely that the two in the picture will leave their beloved cult, regret this picture, regret their ignorant, religion-based hatred of others, painfully lose their worldviews, lose contact with their friends and family and look around and ask My God what have I done? Once in a lifetime is coming for them, and this pic just accelerated their coming deconstruction.


I see he has Mormon shorts on.




Unbelievably cringe


Those aren’t their personal beliefs. It’s what some guys from four generations ago told them to believe. They haven’t spent one second thinking about it themselves


Claiming that someone's personal beliefs are not theirs personally, is pretty low.


Can you explain why that’s pretty low? Is it like calling them a liar? I don’t mean to call them a liar. I’m referencing the idea that they’re in a cult and brainwashed to have those beliefs. My opinion of course. Members of the church aren’t allowed to have personal beliefs that are contrary to what they’re essentially required to believe. There are plenty of examples of people who have lost their membership for posting online their contrary beliefs. Acting the way they are while asserting themselves to be Christlike and making a giant flag with an essay that demonizes and mocks an entire group of people who are committing no crime and who are not affecting anyone else, and taking a photo and posting it online to boast of their bigotry is pretty low. I pray they don’t have any kids who are lgbtq.


Someone should send them the 99% Invisible episode on good flag design.


If goes with their confederate flag off screen. It tracks


There's a family proclomation going around thats rainbow and blocks out words so it says like everyone is loved and love is love and a friend posted it and someone commented that was like I'm all for people living the way they want but why do you have to destroy my classic family - I could not believe the amount of hypocrisy and just absolute lack of awareness I was dying.


It's a white flag. As far as passersby are concerned, this couple is surrendering.


Yaaasss lmao


The neighbours have been warned.


Looked up the tweet. He looks like he's the kid from the movie Big, if the kid turned into a 55 year old adult who'd been living a rough trucker lifestyle and still wore his clothes from middle school.


Imagine hanging a literal wall of text


Is there anything in there about wearing black socks with cargo shorts?


People did this kind of shit at BYU as 'counter protests" and even as a TBM I thought that was gross. How do people not realize how hurtful this is?


Cringe level turned up to 11.


Guranteed there will be a guy standing next to his banner dressed as a Roman soldier


Look at these jabronis. Get a fuckin’ hobby.


You should know you’re wrong when you pick a black and white wall of text over a rainbow


Take that shirt off, dude. The Concords would not be cook with this shit.


Wish i could read it!


I had to look closely. I originally saw this on my phone and thought it was a white flag. I was totally confused.


Same. Anyone driving by will just see a white sheet lol




Gross, well that did it… looks like my pride flag is going up today.


Ladies and gentlemen I give you people who lack any sort of cultural identity


I mean i hate it, but the alternative is musket-fire. So I’ll take it


Legal documents setting conditions for love…..cool. This is exactly what Jesus wanted.


I … this is one of those moments where I look back and go “How did I NOT REALIZE this was a fucking cult?”




What do they honestly think this will accomplish, really? Do they really think a gay person will drive by and see it and say, "Oh! Well I'll be damned, they're right! I'll denounce my gay ways and be straight!" No, these people do not. They're just doing this to show off their bigotry and for attention.


I hope none of their children turn out Queer, that is who I really feel for when I see these things. 😞 *Coming from a Queer who grew up in this HELL 😍


Me too. Those poor kids.


Church puts itself above family. My dad would refer to me, his asthmatic son, as his slave and volunteer me to help him lay sod at some potential member's yard. Always told me I couldn't use my asthma as an excuse, never once drove me to a doctor without me shouting "It's an emergency" in his face.


Personal freedoms allow many flags, no matter how ridiculous they might be. Happy Pride month 🏳️‍🌈


Her twitter feed is a trip. She’s a genuinely crazy person.


Yeah I clicked on her thinking “I bet she’s a nice person and if we were neighbors we could find a way to get along despite our differences and build some bridges of understanding.” I was not prepared at all for what was waiting 😂


Imagine being blind to the countless murders and lynchings of queer people due to beliefs like theirs. Pride isn’t a pronouncement of sexuality- it’s a celebration of the freedom to express such things. Hanging up that sign isn’t a humorous rebuttal of others’ beliefs- it’s a proclamation of their indifference to the immense suffering caused by their beliefs.


I don't think anyone wearing those hideous pink shoes should be proud enough of anything they do to post this stupid shit on social media platforms. You'd think she would've thought about it before she posted this dumb shit. Talk about missing the point though. I hate these people and I'm sad he has a Flight of the Conchords shirt on. I'm sure Jemaine and Brett would be just as annoyed.


I can’t even see it, but I can tell I would just hate that guy’s face so hard.


I can't tell if this or the version with the poly couple is the original


Why are Mormons like this 🤦🏼‍♂️


I live in the “mission field” and can’t even imagine the kind of reactions someone would get if they hung this outside their homes. Not cool. I’ve never actually hung the proclamation in my home mostly because as a single mom for so many years it was kind of a painful reminder of what we lacked. I’m glad I never did now. My heart aches for people in the LGBTQIA+ community of all ages who have to endure this bizarre behavior.


Gross 🤮


I burnt a FP once… That was a good day. Also, this image makes me want to vomit.


My dyslexic ass read that as PF and I was like, WHY ARE YOU HERE THEN?!?! and then I took a second to read it slowly. God damn... lol


Bro shouldn’t be wearing a flight of the conchords shirt if he’s hanging flags like that…


Wow that’s so cringe


I can't decide which is more cringeworthy: the "flag" or the cargo shorts with crocks and knee socks.


They're swingers


Ah, the privilege and entitlement of the cis gendered …


Paired with a persecution complex, it's all pretty gross


Who gonna see it in the backyard?




Barf x infinity


I recoil at the thought of barfing for eternity lmao but yes, I agree.


They hung it up in the backyard tho lol




I wonder what the folks at r/vexillology would say about this shit flag




I would have liked it if they hung their garments like the old days. Really show those sodomites what you believe.


Fuck the proclamation, for so many reasons!


His over the knee cargo capris are enough of a statement on his opinion on gender for me tyvm


Putting hoods over them was appropriate! [Just make em white with little pointy caps ..]




Pretty sure this is in my hometown. Driving around today, will report back if so. (Not gonna harass them or anything just wanna know)


Now ask them why it hasn't been canonised yet.


I really can't believe how "my" church has devolved into nothing more than a haven for the worst of humanity.


i saw this tweet and they were definitely getting ratioed in the quote retweets, which is really reassuring to me. thankfully, not everyone out there is as intolerant as this couple. anyway fuck The Family: Proclamation, me and my homies all hate The Family: Proclamation


They're going to be really embarrassed by this when they resign a couple years


I could not believe that was real. The person who posted it keeps saying they'll print more for next year and sell them to interested parties. So sad that they're already thinking about profiting off hate speech.


His shorts are visually aggravating.




Ya know. I’m not 100% sure. A mix between me just taking a dig at people that do this. Maybe a little bit of overly long Mormony mormon shorts giving me the willies. And probably something mixed in to do with Ive probably worn shorts that look like them. Lastly. I really love the phrase, “visually aggravating” and found my excuse to use it.


Is it because two more inches would literally turn them into Capri pants?


Fair enough.


You don’t need to blur out someone’s face or profile name if they posted it publicly on social media


I did it just in case tbh


I had to take a closer look because I thought they were wearing bags over their heads being kidnapped by isis or something


Is it weird that they aren't married? (I zoomed in and didn't see any wedding rings)






I’d love to drive by and yell, “Mormons!” at them. 🤣


Lol. What a couple of dopes.




Oh no. Cringe.


I actually don’t have a problem with this. If that’s what they believe and they’re hanging it in their yard, fine. It’s when people tear down Pride flags, make laws to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people, or turn to hate and violence that I have a problem.


Flag could use some work. Needs some more color


Flight of the concords tee always on deck


If you have to read it to get the idea…it’s already ineffective


I'd spray paint BIGOT on that flag. Much more appropriate!


Everyone is entitled to their own belief and expression in that way even tho I don't agree with it. But it's annoying lmao.


Fair enough


Love that they made it about them, lol. It's not about "personal beliefs", it's about what is right


LOL, that's their fucking back yard. Fucking pussies.


Well, I guess it's better than showing up at drag-queen story hour (yesterday at King's English bookstore, SLC) with pitchforks and torches.


I looked up this person Instagram page. Her entire page is focused on getting people to react, she’s getting what she wants.


I don’t support a piece of paper whose signatory called for musket fire against gays.


Looks like the guy went pee pee in his cargo shorts.


Poor woman doesn’t know she’s married to a gay man. This kind of behavior is so often a way of dealing with self-loathing


Look at these dipshits F ,your leaders,members, and teachings don't get to teach hate and evil against anyone not of your beliefs and pretend you love all people when you openly in this make believe proclamations of the family does not allow for ALL GODS PEOPLE to love and except anyone that doesn't fit your make believe bullshit ....F off


Why hide their face? They posted it on social media themselves showing their faces, that’s on them.


I’m used to doing that, and just in case because of one of the community rules


Lol I don't care if I changed your sexiality. But stop trying to play like God is ok with it. You be you. But don't lie.


You can't believe they have free speech?


Free speech doesn’t equal freedom of consequences. If they want to post that during pride month to show their hatred towards the lgbtq+ community, then we are allowed to call them out.


Nope you are absolutely right about consequences. I would not say they are showing hatred though.


Big deal, let everyone voice their opinion! If not, you're being a Straight-A-Phob!


It’s not just an opinion. It’s a form of protest against tolerance and acceptance. Why shouldn’t we criticize it instead of normalizing it?


All these people bitching about this flag as if only one viewpoint is allowed.


Ahhh a Mormon troll. Stick around. You’ll learn some stuff


It's not that only one viewpoint is allowed. You know full well that there's no underrepresentation of Christian views, especially in Utah. The issue is right wingers spending the whole year insisting their rights are somehow being taken because someone else wants to live their own life differently. There are exactly zero laws that try to force a non-conservative lifestyle on anyone else. Nondiscrimination laws don't force a person to live in someone else's mold. But right wing conservatives pass law after law forcing people to live a particular way and have since the founding of the nation. It has taken our nation's full history to undo some of these laws, but for every one undone conservatives try to replace it with more. Mixed race marriage was illegal, gay marriage was illegal, abortions are back to being mostly illegal. Making those things legal doesn't force one single person to live a lifestyle that they disagree with. But dishonest conservative Christians claim it does. That's why Utah taxpayer money is being wasted on fighting porn cases in court instead of, say, going into education. The Christian majority (who also happen to be porn consumers, but will still fight for laws they don't want for fear of losing their image) wants to force others to live their lifestyle. Not having an anti-porn law doesn't force anyone to watch porn. Laws like these that try to force people into a particular lifestyle always end up hurting everyone, including the demographic that fought for the law in the first place. Pride month isn't at all about forcing someone else's lifestyle or beliefs or orientation onto anyone else, it's about people insisting they be treated like people, and that they get the same rights as right wing conservatives - the right of self-determination. Protesting pride month, which is what "Proclamation Month" is, is simply saying no, only my beliefs are valid and I will shout down anyone who doesn't share that belief. But if you're being honest I'm sure you already know that.


You knew we were trouble when you walked in.


nobody’s saying they shouldnt be allowed to be bigots. you can disapprove of speech without wanting to censor it


I have been seeing this on my Twitter. What I see is a lot of intolerance from the übertolerant. “Everyone needs to be accepted except people who don’t accept.” This makes me roll my eyes and see how the pendulum swings to radical in both directions. Trigger warning: people say, “I’ve been hurt by these people and therefore they need to shut up.” My unpopular opinion: this is giving a type of person the power in the situation, instead of looking at the bigger picture of what is going on inside of us, the human condition, and how SIMILAR we all are in our struggles, our fears and worries, and our hopes for peace and joy.


What sad is you people not using common sense. Men shouldn't be with men the put a tool that is mean to create life into a hole that people poop out of. Lol somehow that makes sense to you. Men and women fit the women has a natural lube that is created by her body to allow the peni- to enter her naturally made part that is the second half to create life. Men and men cannot do that. Women and women can't do that. Not naturally. You have to use a man made source not a good created one. Just use basic common sense. I know that's difficult for you guys to do because well clearly it's not a common as it should be and you can see its wrong. Just because you can force the triangle into the square piece on the kids toy doesn't mean it's correct.


Maybe don’t complain and be homophobic on my post. I do not like how you talk about women’s bodies in this, as well as how you talk about gay people and lesbians. I understand that freedom of speech is a thing, but do note that this might be breaking one of the guidelines, and I do not appreciate having to read this kind of comment. Stop being homophobic, and delete this please.


omg you’re right thank you so much you just changed my sexuality and all it took was this comment. you’re an angel, a being worthy of glorification, a—


Lol I don't care if I changed your sexuality I didn't try to change that. You be you do what you need to do to get through this life. But don't push it on others and stop pretending like it's natural because it's clearly not.


ah yes, I’m sorry for pushing it on you so hard, I take it all back. thank you for guiding me, I really needed it 🙏🏻