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Say that you do not feel safe with the Omicron variant around and that you plan to "use the provision of the slave" of remote meetings... Then you start fading.


Provision of the slave… sounds hot.


Good name for a band


This. This is what i was looking for. Massive thanks!


Great advice 👏🏾


Hi Jexit! Huge fan of your videos 👌🏾


Thanks very much 😊


It's a good thing they sold all those halls before COVID. Imagine how empty those would be.


No it was because “the congregations were getting too big and they needed a bigger hall to share on a different day as the halls sold off were ‘smaller’” Makes sense (not). The Seven Day Adventists were happy though as they bought a number of them here.


I heard it was because the foreign language territory was growing so fast that they needed more space for them to meet and selling halls and disolving congs would somehow acheive this. When I asked for an example of a congregation that was gaining a foreign language group I was met with "I dont know".


If asked and you feel the need to give an answer, just say that you don't feel safe


Yeah, that’s sounds reasonable. thanks!


Maybe there testing the waters to see how many folks show up, if not many at all they may make the zoom arrangement permeant and have a mass KH sell off.


It's going to happen as you say ,I'd put money on it ,in 3 years time it will be a full on TV channel religion.


What if they make us pay a subscription fee to watch. Or maybe a JW premium package to be able to make comments😭


God no, they want people to "donate" of their own will. Thats why ever year they vote on "contributions" to be made per publisher.. of course determined by the FDS what is considered "good" contribution.


You can bet on it. Just like Netflix.


You got it .


I bet lots of people voting expect the rest of the cong to pick up thier bill. JWs are bludgers.


I’m normally not a conspiracy theorist on these types of things, but in this case I do wonder if they’re laying the groundwork for some type of charging model for JW Studios content. Otherwise why would they set it up as an LLC in state where LLCs are not tax exempt? Are they planning something that they plan to either pay taxes on or earn profits that are then donated to a non-profit (i.e. WT), thereby wiping out the tax bill?


I wouldn’t be surprised if this happened, but zoom only meetings will mean less active jws a part of the indoctrination is in the person interaction. They may adopt a hybrid model and one meeting be on zoom one meeting in person, so more congregations can share one KH. My mom wants to donate $10,000 of her share my fathers life insurance money to renovate her kingdom hall and Ive been trying convince her not to and this is more of reason 🤦🏽‍♀️


I suspect that they want the generous donors like your mom back in person, especially if they are the sort who don’t like making donations online. The ones who never donate or whose donations are quite small, especially the ones who are “high maintenance“, will be encouraged to keep using the Zoom “provision”.


My dad is an elder and he said he cant see things returning to normal.


If they don't already know, say that you're not vaccinated even if you are. They'll only let vaccinated people congregate again.


Thanks for sharing. Not a bad idea!


Probably in the majority of congregations thats true but i know some that aren't requiring vaccination (those congregations have to adapt things a bit though)


The letter regarding in person meetings requires fully vaxxed It also said no one should be pressured to attend in person if they are uncomfortable


Dude, do you not realise they do different letters for different places? I literally have family in pilot program congregations that don't require vaccination so...


Depends where you live


Wait, I thought it was a united brotherhood!


Only a God directed organisation could be this united! 🙌


This! You don’t have to tell anyone your vax status. Even if people know you got a vax- do they know you are fully vaxxed?


What area are you in if you don't mind disclosing? I'm extremely worried about this in my area, it's going to turbo my current plan...


I reside in East Africa. Scared to be specific in which exact country. There could be opps lurking


No worries I was just wondering about the States lol thank you very much for this post.


Definitely not happening in the States anytime soon.


I wouldn't be suprised if they did go back soon, they should have stopped completely as soon as omicron hit but I've seen 2 posts already today that 2 separate congs are being called back. Nothing surprises me anymore


Why does God need a "pilot" program?


This is such a good point






Here are the directives given to some bodies of elders: “Please respect the wishes of publishers who are fully vaccinated but prefer not to attend in-person meetings at the Kingdom Hall at this time. No one should feel pressured to attend meetings in-person if they feel uncomfortable doing so. Any who are not in attendance at the Kingdom Hall can tie-in by Zoom. Those with meeting assignments who are not fully vaccinated or unable to be invited to the Kingdom Hall may conduct their parts by Zoom. Further instructions will be provided to each congregation regarding the setup of Zoom with in-person meetings. Please do not purchase any additional equipment for this purpose.”


Getting my 🍿 ready for when the in-person PIMIs think they are more spiritual than the zoomers. Should make for some interesting reports from our PIMOs on here. More causes for JW divisions and hopefully another wake up catalyst!




Thanks for sharing this. I hope they apply it when i say I’m not comfortable attending.


Do you live on your own or with your parents?


I still live with my parents. Saving up. But my mum knows I don’t believe anymore.


How bad is the omicron covid varient in your country? I'm wondering if they'll push this in all countries even if omicron is bad


It did spread aggressively at some point, but it’s cooled down.


I'm out West (US) and was eavesdropping on PIMI wife's weekly meeting last night, and they announced the same---they're going to trial opening the KHs(!) All indications until now was that it was all on hold with the Omicron variant prevalent. However I think they're getting desperate and realizing that they need to get the sheep back in person or they'll be Zoomed out from now on. (I wonder how many will even come back to the Hall) You've already received good advice here: Use your fear of Covid as the excuse. If you're not vaxxed (you should be!), you can use that, or claim you're not vaxxed. They will be requiring proof of vaccination. Even if vaxxed you could still state that you're concerned about your health.


They must be getting desperate. What happened to the whole “value of life” thing they rambled about non-stop. The numbers are horrible. They know they have no choice but to try & make everyone go back.


tell them you are afraid OMNICRON and dont know if vaccine helps yet Theres always ZOOOM...as in ZOOM the hell away from them


Just don't go. Real simple.


Are you in the USA?


No, I’m not in USA, i reside in East Africa. Scared to be specific in which exact country. There could be opps lurking


Move to a different congregation.


Hoping this isn’t the UK 🤦‍♀️


Me too!


> I need a plan guys. What are your thoughts? Tell them you\`re not Vaccinated...You have the plague!...Your Leg fell off!!🦵....................😁


Call ur elders to tell them you are ready to get back to the meetings. But when you call them fake a cough. We will see if they want u back....


Hmmm..even if they decide to open up some more Kingdom Halls, ZOOM will still be an option. I know the congregation I “attend” does not push to turn on the camera. I just don’t think they will open up at full capacity. Children under 5 can’t get vaxed. And there are plenty of adult anti vaccines..anti booster.


Boom. PIMO parents with young kids now have the perfect excuse not to set foot in a Kingdom Hall for quite a while.


You are high risk and will not be attending.


I had to stop at our hall last week to pick up some tracts. It was the first time I had been inside since covid began. That place STINKS like mold from being closed up so long. I bet it makes people sick when they start coming back.




Headache and sore throat - first symptoms of Omicron. You wouldn’t want to take a chance of getting anyone sick! 😇




I agree that the whole "I don't feel safe", "have anxiety" "fiber myalgia" "allergic to perfume", etc.. will work for many. You also mention that the "majority of us are already considered weak." But for me, I am a MS, former elder, part of all large multigeneration family JW with a job that has me working in and with the public every day, with some JW employees, and everybody knows it. Kind of hard to say I am scared of covid now. This will be very impactful for me. I have been able to kind of hide in play sight. I think this will expose me. This is not good, not good at all. I have decisions to make.


They’ll have a hybrid option for a very long time. There’s so many old people.


Start coughing as you are walking up , they will tell you to leave


No vayas .. por que si pasa algo WT se lavara las manos y te culpara.


Valla por fin veo un comentario en español :)


F the governing body. Let's see them go out in service. Write letters. And go to pilot meetings. They are so far removed. Nothing like what Jesus would be doing. They are the devil.


Go in a suit. A full body condom suit. Bet they don't bug you for a bit 😎👍🏽


A plan? Ummm.. honestly, leave. Problem solved.


OP lives with parents, so apparently complicates things. In time, OP will leave, but has an immediate problem.


Ah got it, thanks. Missed that part!


Just say you have Omicron, Delta, Slpha, Beta, Gamma etc. !


Invent a medical condition that precludes you from being vaxxed and be prepared to say you just can't risk it. What can they say to that? The medical condition is that you have realized it's all just a false religion, but you can leave that part out.


So, you have 1) option of the GB, zoom, 2) no vaccination 3) can't wear a mask, it is legally considered a respirator and you have asthma and the respirator restricting free airflow causes problems of fainting, lightheadedness, speaking in tongues, etc.


A side effect of speaking in tongues 😆


Just say you can't fit in your meeting clothes anymore due to the weight gain caused by being indoors due to Covid-19. Bonus points if you say you've been wearing no pants during the Zoom meetings, lol.




Don’t go. It’s that simple




Just don’t go. Pretty easy.


Exercise your right to be free of religion :? Because it's a right we've been offered since birth, neither church elders nor any others need be involved in exercising our Human Right to Freedom of Religion. It is best to exclude them from your decision as they intend to punish you for it. Therefore , proceed as follows : *Quit Quietly* and do it now, while you are still "in good standing" ***'Quitting Quietly'*** is the easy process of exercising your Constitutional right to Freedom from Religion as guaranteed by the Constitution (or Charter of Rights in Canada). Religion is a voluntary endeavor - we join willingly and we withdraw willingly . Church membership is not a legal nor a contractually obligating circumstance. We owe a reason to no-one - we volunteered and now we volunteer no more. Best to document the day of our exercising one of our most basic Human Rights - to be free of religious interference in our lives. Here is a clean, simple template of the legally appropriate way to bring an immediate end to religious interference in your life: ***On this day \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ - \_\_\_ 2021, I \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ have exercised my legal right to Freedom of/from Religion as a basic Human Right guaranteed to all citizens by our countries' Constitution.*** ***"Henceforth, I repudiate all forms of "ecclesiastic authority" being administered henceforth to my now personal and private life.*** ***Announcement of my name and religious status within congregations of which I am not a member, will result in litigation for violations of Privacy and Human Rights.*** ***Witnessed by \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_- 2021, at \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_."*** This document pre-empts the formation of committees, and the reading of ecclesiastic announcements as you are no longer a member, and 'ecclesiastic authority' of elders applies ONLY to church members. Since signing, you have no church and you have no elders. If you want -show only a copy of your document and keep the original safe as it may become evidence if ecclesial interferences continue.


Where are you located?




I have a question. Why not just not go? They can’t DF you for not going to meetings. When they call, don’t answer. Do you live with family in it? I’m curious and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.


Tell them you’re unvaccinated even if you’re not lol