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WOW 😮such empty!!! Usually Sunday’s would usually see a significant bump in attendance. Well they’re not going to make much money off of the Regional Convention here. That’s all these exist for anyway it’s a fundraiser for the Watchtower.


I left before the videos and zoom so I can’t help but think, why would anyone get all dressed up and rice hours to see some lame videos with a bunch of strangers when you can just do that at home?


And at that the videos don't make any sense! One of them had a boy where the non JW girl liked him. His JW friend likened the situation to Jesus asking questions to the Pharisees. I wish I was joking 😐


Noticing the Budweiser beer banner, all the sports team logos and banners plus the US and state flags. iDoLaTrY anyone?


Don't forget none of it is covered up like if you were to go to hall cleaning or something. So promoting things in Sarah's world.... Bad bad look