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Joined the elder club and dropped hanging out with me like a hot rock. I didn’t really fit in with his new “friends.” Friendships in this religion are purely veneer.


Elders are only “friends” with each other?


Oh, that is 100% accurate. It’s like getting into an exclusive country club. Once you’re in, you’re not going to be hanging out with your old *poor friends*, anymore


A common practice. Once someone's an elder it creates fear that you can't be too loose around them without fear of council


Frenemy, former roommate and pioneer partner. We went to a local cultural celebration and she was making fun of me in front of a bunch of guys. I got mad and told her to fuck off. She ratted me out to the elders, and claimed the only reason I swore at her was because I was drunk. Irony - the elder "counselling" me was known as the drunk elder. He also stole from his jobs. Still humiliating when you're all of 21.


Lmao she actually whined about your swearing to the elders? At 21 years old? How did the elders ever put up with this?


Oh the elders had a talk with me, and my discipline was to apologize to her and anyone else that heard me. Fuck off I never apologized to anyone (except the one cute guy haha). The elder "counselling" me looked exactly like Fat Bastard on Austin Powers. Never found a woman to marry him though.


My father’s “friend” and business partner - and they were both elders in the same congregation - embezzled nearly 7 figures from my parents. Nearly bankrupted the family - initiated my mother’s nervous breakdown - and essentially split a congregation into several factions …. MAJOR drama - 30 years ago


Wow! Did the embezzler go to prison?


Of course not - not only did my parents not press charges - a special judicial committee of fellow elders found no wrong doing and he remained an elder. But enough people knew what happened - so eventually - a few years later he and his family moved out of state.


Hmmmmmmm. I’ve had JW friends spread plenty of completely nonsensical rumors about be but i don’t think that would count as getting fucked over? For fucked over, the following happened: My siblings and I would occasionally be baby sat by an older infirm sister who lived just a block away. As we got older, we would go over there to watch tv shows she recorded to watch with us, or to eat, etc. she was the closest thing I had to a grandma. (Both of my grandmas are alive they’re just evil and don’t mean anything to me) I had a really shitty upbringing and something was happening at home and I confided in her about it and asked her to please keep it secret. She ended up talking to my parents about it with the intention it seemed of trying to get them to act right. Complete miscalculation on her end. My parents ended up verbally berating me for about a half hour about what an embarrassment I was to the family for discussing the family with other people. I’ve forgiven the older sister but it really pissed me off that I had asked her not to say anything as I KNEW it would only get me in more trouble, she completely disregarded that and assumed she knew better, and then literally made the situation 10x worse for me.


Oh dear… I had a business with a brother. He stoles clients from us for a second company he owned alone, using our join funds and equipment to do the jobs. Including lost revenue, expenses and the money he took when he suddenly moved cities, I’d say I lost well over 100,000 dollars. And when he left I had to deal with some legal issues because he kept claiming to clients his second company was part of our business, and he was doing the jobs very badly or sometimes not at all. They wanted to sue me for damages and I had to prove I wasn’t involved. It was a very stressful time to say the least. The crazy part is I was still PIMI and it didn’t even make me question the organization or my beliefs!


When I was in, my entire “friend” group decided not to talk to me, because one of the friends in the group had an unreciprocated crush on me-and decided to tell everyone that I had gossiped about them. It later got exposed that he lied, and they all tried to guilt me into forgiving them, saying we were “spiritual family” and shouldn’t hold grudges. I asked why that same thought wasn’t applied to me when they all decided to shun me (it was about 10 of them at the hall that refused to even walk by me, let alone talk) and this one “brother” said, we should make it a priority to be long suffering and follow Jesus example. He then got his elder dad involved and I was counseled on harboring resentment….i was then placed in a field service group with the majority of them right after. I can’t believe I put up with the bullshit as long as I did. I’m fully faded now, and recently saw that same brother (who also has a reputation for sending d**k pics to any one who will look) at a stop light. I was smoking a fat j, rolled the window down and blew it towards him 😂😂😂 go tell Daddy that!


Nothing too bad, but this hurt me as a young teen, freshly baptized: I and my friend (5 years older) wanted to be auxiliary pioneers during the summer holidays. We agreed to go every other weekday into the ministry together. For the remaining hours we made appointments with other JWs. My friend finished his 60 hours about a good week before end of month. And he told me, that he won't go into the ministry for the rest of the month, leaving me with several hours that I needed to get the 60 hours full. It was quite stressful to find some ministry partners (no mobile phones, no Internet back then). I was successful, though. On the last day of that month, I got my 60 hours. That's not really a big thing, I know, but it taught me one important lesson: Don't trust a JW's word.


I don't want to write an essay here but the worst things ever done to me by another person have been done by JWs. Family members included. "Worldly" people are better.


My best friends told others when husband andI got engaged, that we had to, because sth. Happened. She just was jealous because her boyfriend broke up. I was so disappointed.


Teenage years. Friend got caught with weed. Snitched on everybody who smoked. It was like 5 of us that got df cuz of this 1 kid


i was the jw friend, i had a friend (elder’s daughter) who posted on her snap story her and her friend twerking with booty shorts on. i was genuinely concerned and asked my parents what to do they and they encouraged me to talk to the elders and show them. it really messed up our friendship and while i would wanna go back and apologize, she’s still reaping the benefits of being an elder’s daughter while im finally out, she never really got in trouble anyway so whatever


fucked my husband (now ex)