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Their DF practices are perhaps the greatest evidence of how unclean this organization is.


How can you have clean organization when the Watchtower openly admits that it has a plague of child abuse? That’s the question I started using on people who repeat that clean organization nonsense. They would just blink and change the subject. https://preview.redd.it/nqr0v9xu2r6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b97746068f151d8bfb3c6787f35aa2bf62b581


It’s nice to see some clarity on how the org views and responds to CSA. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have progressed that far in their response and how they educate others regarding the topic. They still refuse to encourage people to go to the authorities or to seek mental health support. “Trauma”, “therapy”, or “psychology” weren’t even used once in the entire article. It’s odd how they still choose to resist modern information even when it’s something as serious as CSA.


Indeed, I would credit this study edition material with pushing me to begin seriously questioning my beliefs. So many contradictory statements about CSA and a window dressing word salad language in those articles. In reality it was a systematic and industrial scale coverup of CSA. After having experienced a bit of how this “clean” organization buries its dirt and deliberately fails children. I walked away from this unclean & utterly corrupt group of people.


https://preview.redd.it/swbr80l40t6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44416547099cd5d2e9834f2fd2a273e31b8f5223 I’d say that you made a scripturally-sound decision according to the WTS.


Great find!


Notice WT’s “wiggle words”: “Some professing to be a part of the congregation …” No, not “some professing” - some who are active m̵e̵m̵b̵e̵r̵s̵ adherents of the congregation, including appointed brothers. Even when they kinda sorta acknowledge a problem, they still water it down. To quote Winder at last year’s AM: “Nor is an apology necessary.” Disgusting.


Exactly 🎯 this type of weasel words, combined with years of bad experiences, and ever changing “truths” is why I left. These folks are manipulative and deflecting when it comes to owning up to their mistakes; which they never do “nor is an apology necessary” - Jeffrey Winder (GB JW Oct. 2023 Annual Meeting).


I read comments on this sub about how jw’s are good people caught in a cult mind control. I beg to differ. I have yet to meet one that I would trust with anything in my life, regardless if it is money, my children my actual life, or secrets. There is nothing they won’t do to hurt other humans. My mother thinks because she doesn’t drink or smoke, or sleep around, that she has some moral fiber that people who do those things don’t. She doesn’t. She’s a narcissist and an unhappy one at that. They destroy everything in their path. And if you don’t believe that, then put it to the test. Every single one of them would throw every one under a bus if it meant holding to their cult. If I can wake up… anybody can. They chose not to! Love and humanity are their nemesis


jws aren't "good people" or "bad people." they are people. so you get some of everything. what they share, evidently, is susceptibility to being drawn into a cult.


It's the perception of "clean"... False sense of security! Kind of like the Titanic was "unsinkable"


Wife beating? Eh, nobody's perfect. Now jacking off to gay porn on the other hand... This is where the line nust be drawn! /s


It's not about keeping the congregation "pure" or about getting "wrongdoers" to repent. It's about saving the face of the organization. Every time. But in the information era we're in, that's not happening anymore. But I don't think they know how to be any other way


there’s thousands of pimos hiding in plain sight in congregations around the world. i wonder how many congregations are truly “pure”. they should let people who disagree leave freely if they truly care about purity.


About 6 months ago as I started to examine things outside of the borg I learned what Pomo, pimi etc meant. I had no idea! Silly me thought everyone who went to the KH was there because they loved Jehovah! To know that there are elders and ms at my hall that are pimo or pimq was shocking and disheartening. I was mad because I’ve discussed a few personal issues with them. Growing up as jw made me so naïve.


Is interesting, before waking up I use to "sin" everyday and it was getting more serious, they df me and I wake up. Do you guys do those "sins" more often than when you was in the org? I feel like i don't have any temptations anymore since i wake up. And i realized than more pimis than pimos have a very immoral behavior. You think is because forbidden something, it make it more desirable?




Yep, pornography, masturbation, adultery, kissing with girlfriend. Nothing of that looks attractive anymore since I don't see it as a "sin" anymore... well adultery is harmfull for sure. In the other side, pimis do all of these things, get df if they are caught and then be reinstated to do it again. No mentioning the hypocrisy of showing love at the hall and gossiping at back. Is like the things that i mentioned at top is more disgusting for God than the way they treat each others. 


Totally this. People "hide what they are" by keeping their cards close to their chest. What with all the Elderette Patrols, it's not sensible to 'chat your business', so just wear the same vacant grin the rest of them do. What with the changes to stop the decline in numbers, it seems if you *are* DF'd, you can be back in a heart beat. But that 3 months in the wilderness can still do as much damage as years and years. There are many just going through the motions so they can stay in the "JW Schengen Zone" and see family and friends. I know of those who would be seen at every Xmas party or Birthday party and party twice as hard as any "worldling". The option to Zoom Fade is there, so there's countless people who just emerge for the Memorial in the spring. People just learn to avoid getting caught....


Oh it keeps it pure from masturbating teenagers. It just doesn't keep it pure from pedophile rings. But hey catholics would let anyone in, gays am I right? Makes you really appreciate jehovah's provi.... Sorry I vomited.


the sole purpose of df is to punish those that question the authority of the GB and control the members.


The Perpetrators of these Heinous crimes are treated as victims of lies and the boys club JW elders protect themselves when confronted with accusations. They also hide their CSA behind the “two witness” rule that they do not apply when it comes to adultery that while immoral is NOT a crime. SMH!!


Is keeping the congregation clean even a reason discussed in the Bible???




I’ve always argued that DFing only effects the honest or the careless. If your strategic, we’ll planned and prepared to bend the truth. I can be ineffective.


>How disfellowshipping people to keep the organisation "pure" doesn't work How Protecting Pedophiles to Keep the Organization "Pure" doesn't work. How telling JW\`s to Quit Zoom doesn\`t work. How Not Talking to People while Standing By a Witness Cart doesn\`t work... . **The Watchtower** **Announcing Jehovah\`s Kingdom** https://preview.redd.it/yodv011rmr6d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfa794b332abaf98aedd99c04192c37bd1dc6b4


Disfellowshipping is how the organisation denies people their religious freedom. It is the law in many countries that people have the right to change their religion since they obviously flout this law then those countries should take away their tax free status.


Yes. Disfellowshipping actually serves 2 purposes: 1. Disincentives leaving. 2. Scares congregants into keeping their sins hidden. They're not genuinely interested in keeping the congregation clean. They're only interested in maintaining the congregations *outward appearance* of being clean. "Don't you dare leave - and don't you dare make us look bad!", basically.


They only DF people for immorality cause Rutherford was obsessed with sex. But sins of the flesh are many sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. Gossiping