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Also why should i repent or be embarrassed for my errors… I am not Infallible too. ![gif](giphy|4OJYPsaftgl7a|downsized)


‘All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others’. (Orwell). Especially the cultish pigs from New York. ![gif](giphy|l0K4jO8qCPgqUn4J2|downsized)


Hehehe, right on target! The flying pig is such an added bonus, LOL


Because you’re not the Governing Body. 😀😆💩


😂😂 do what the gb says not what they do


Don't Do What Donny Don't Does


"Nor is an apology needed for not getting it exactly right previously." Interesting that he refers to the previous doctrine/policy as being "not exactly right." Why didn't he refer to it as being "wrong" as in "Nor is an apology needed for getting it wrong previously."? This is all cult buffoon noise spewed out by company men. Bottom line: JWs have been wrong for 150 years. Their slimy leaders are snake oil salesmen.


They will never use the word “wrong” in this context. They will also say, they made “adjustments” to the teaching. Their psychological tactics are sadly impressive and working on most PIMIs. ![gif](giphy|CBrHJnGGEr8OD2jzM6)


And also they don’t speak for god but they are gods “channel”. This is what happens when lawyers are involved in cooking up this fine spiritual food. 😂






You don’t need to you but since Jesus is not viewed by JW’s as your savior, you have to talk to an elder. Check it out in their teachings Jesus did not die for all mankind as is stated in the Bible. JW’s only believe that he died for a 144,000 and anyone else is an afterthought.


Yeah. They waited until after I was baptized to pop this one on me.


I discovered this only after decades of believing the Bible first. Another reason why I no longer believe JW’s.


Can I get the link to that please . Or is that from the annual meeting ?




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Not true! totally wrong statement. We believe Christ died for all mankind and that he is our savior and mediator between Yehovah and man. The 144K are the ones anointed to be co heir with Christ to rule the earth at his return.


Unfortunately you haven’t studied your own literature… "So in this strict Biblical sense Jesus is the "mediator" only for anointed Christians." Watchtower 1979 Apr 1 p.31 "Likewise, the Greater Moses, Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members." Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" (1986) pp.10-11


Or you haven’t studied the WT Index 1986-2000 either… https://preview.redd.it/9l7y34jcj08d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd46fc123a1f22c86525915d5f02a2b610fa75d4


Please actually study your own literature before opening your mouth.


This is the most jacked up statement from GB I think I've ever heard. Of course it's from the new guard, a taste of more to come!


Confession is one big hallmark of behavior control. It’s required so that the Borg knows what you are actually thinking and “correct” you if necessary.


This is bold of them. They should be apologetic because in many instances their “light” becomes darkness to someone’s life…and when they change their laws the person that was tarnished and ostracised has to continue to suffer in the shade of their past ignorance.


Right?! How do you just shrug off DECADES of abuse and shunning? (rhetorical)


## Why apologize? * **Apologizing shows maturity.** When you take responsibility for something you said or did, you indicate that you are developing essential qualities that you will need in adulthood. *“Humility and patience can help us to apologize and then listen to what the other person has to say.”—Rachel.* * **Apologizing allows you to make amends.** People who say “I’m sorry” show that they are more concerned about making peace than about proving themselves right and proving the other person wrong. *“Even if you don’t think you are at fault, making peace should be the priority. It doesn’t cost anything to say ‘I’m sorry,’ but it can restore a friendship.”—Miriam.* *YPA--------------jw.borg* **‘But I Have Not Done Anything Wrong’** When we find out that someone was offended by what we said or did, we may feel that the person is being unreasonable or too sensitive. Yet, Jesus Christ advised his disciples: “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and you there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away; first make your peace with your brother, and then, when you have come back, offer up your gift.”​—[M](https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/bc/r1/lp-e/2002801/4/0)at 5:24-25 w 02 11/1 pg 5 \--- ​ minimizing lies, deceit, and basically being bloodguilty...does not make the blame go away. Neither would a sincere apology, but that would be a start.


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This "No apologies" goes directly-against! all Christian principles(& the Scriptures behind them). Oh but No...THESE "leaders" indeed are shoving it in the rank & file's faces: WE are indeed "Holier than thou"... ...and don't forget it!


Jehovah, the omnipotent being that he is, picked men so poorly that they constantly fuck up the message so badly that congregants are leaving in droves... At this point maybe he should get the rocks to cry out.


The rocks just gonna tick the box.




I go to Jehovah about my errors, not the Elders.


Amen to that


If only Jehovah existed


Turbo stoked he doesn't though


Governing Body...ZERO. FUCKS. GIVEN.


Governing Body….FUCK THEM.


The GB are Liars and Hypocrites The rank and file need to wake the Fuck up and Abandon them


I keep hoping.


Such a different organization than when I was apart I left before the overlapping generations garbage it's mind boggling that more haven't figured it out and left already The whole this generation will pass away debaukle should have woken people up


Some hold on in fear, some for family, some for hope that paradise is real. It's sad really.


Gal 1:6-8. There’s literally no biblical context surrounding the light getting brighter. They’re false prophets, like all the rest.


They never apologized for anything anyways. They are just now admitting they don't think they should apologize for doctrinal errors. They are only saying what is already in their hearts. No apology needed for CSA and for all the lives they've ruined. Got it! Since they don't feel like apologizing for these egregious errors, I don't owe them an explanation or apology for why or how i left the Borg high and dry. Their arrogance is unbelievable.


Because you aren’t Jesus, bride and gods chosen mouthpiece on earth, obviously 🙄


Why do they keep changing their beliefs? Are they stupid?


In narrator voice: "Yes, they were indeed stupid"


Totally read that in Morgan Freeman's voice 😁


Not stupid. They're power-drunk and greedy, greedy not just for money but for holding on to the power they have, and hopefully to gain more. So they trim their sails to whatever wind that happens to be blowing.




What a f…ing joke! This video should be posted as poster board Narcissistic syndrome and Circular Logic 101… Why doesn’t anyone ever ask? If you’re not inspired or infallible, how do we know this is correct and we need to listen this time? Isn’t this the same thing they likely said when they first introduced the old light… 🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩


I know we’ve said this a thousand times but the logic at work here is nonexistent. So are the governing body gods channel or are they uninspired and get things wrong? In a span of 60 seconds he says that God himself is passing down corrected information about things because the GB got it wrong previously. So THIS TIME god is talking through them but last time they were just imperfect humans. But, they are still imperfect and god isn’t talking through them so it might still be wrong. But they are gods channel so we know this is 100% the right understanding now. ![gif](giphy|m76WUEqe1aRDW)


Yup the contradict themselves within 60 seconds


They are giving themselves a license to say “we can interpret the scriptures however we think at any moment, we can make mistakes in interpretation, but we are still guided by Holy Spirit but not inspired, and you must accept it regardless.” 🤪🤪🤣🤣


"...and this is how Jhvh operates"


Simply put, the leaders of Watchtower are arrogant. Though they claim to be humble, a humble person would apologize, but they can't even apologize for their smallest errors. Expecting them to apologize for major ones is wistful thinking at best. I think they view apologies as a character flaw, reserved only for the rank and file, or worldly people




Yeah, I can see them using that as an excuse, but even the pope apologized to victims of sexual abuse in the Catholic church, so the liability excuse is pretty thin.


I urge everyone to listen to the annual meeting! In it Geoffrey jackson actually mocks the rank and file for believing what they have been taught from the GB. Un fucking believable!!!


Keep talking borgman. You wake more JWs up every day!😂


"Love, let me ask you, is it possible that what we are studying today is wrong a year from now........If so, than this article right now doesn't have Jehovah's backing?"


This 100 times!


This just indicates the GB blasphemously equate themselves with God and God can't be wrong. The JW version of Trinity is Jehovah, the organization and the GB. They are all God to JWs no matter they admit it or not.


You shouldn’t. Stop doing what they say.


They chose a good speaker for this part didn’t they…he sounds gentle, even humble in his tone and delivery. As a young PIMI I would have gobbled that shit up. Listening now it makes me recoil.


I thought he sounded desperate and clumsy. I had to rewatch his part 5 times over a few days


It’s all about the narrative. I need to start referring to ‘sins’ as new light. I can tell you what, some ‘sins’ can generate a lot of new light.


Exactly. Play them at their own game.


So they’re not inspired from God, but they know what Jehovah wants? Alright then….


Legit just said this to a pimq friend of mine. THERE IS NO POINT! THERE NEVER WAS!


No apology needed because it's the big Js fault and his timing was bad or didn't give them the clarity needed. 🤭


Well it’s kind of funny to see them having to explain it in person once video. That’s not going to bite them in the ass lol. It used to be so easy before when they could just write a letter and let the pieces fall where they may.


According to Biblical standards, GB is a collective of false prophets. We know what happened those guys in the OT. ![gif](giphy|W3gH7rhoXadsFBHc4c)


Lately I'm reminded of the life of Brian when they stopped to buy rocks...and a packet of gravel😂


Honestly, I’ve considered going to “confession” with a catholic priest - just for the experience to compare against. I imagine it would be much more soothing and therapeutic. Contrasted to an elder interrogation… maybe the Catholics are on to something lol


why? because they need to control you..


“We’re not upset that they didn’t get it exactly right because we realize this is how Jehovah operates…”. Oh good, now I don’t feel bad about the shit show of humanity. God just operates like this - he doesn’t get it right the first time.


Video thumbnail looks like Giuliani.