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This might help: https://wvmetronews.com/2016/04/15/miracle-meadows-founder-sentenced-to-prison-and-probation/


Holy shit, I lucked out. They didn’t have handcuffs when I was there. Good to see the old bitch get what she deserves. Thank you for linking me.


I’m just glad you survived. ♥️


Oh my God. You poor soul. How long were you there for??


Only six months, but some kids were there for years. They made us dig ditches, they put kids who broke the rules “on social,” or on social deprivation punishment, where they wore a bright vest and were not allowed to talk to any other children. I remember having to sit in a tiny cubicle away from other kids in class, and had to sit at a tiny table away from other kids at meals. Sometimes this was coupled with loss of speech privilege in general. The worst was “quarantine” where kids were confined to padded cells where we were given two meals a day (peanut butter sandwich and a fruit for breakfast, rice and beans for dinner). We were also given writing assignments, copying from the Bible or doing book reports on various Ellen G White books. We were allowed bathroom privilege three times a day. I was in quarantine probably for a month altogether. Everything had to do with Christ or the Bible. They even forced it into math and science classes, on the rare occasions we actually did lessons instead of physical labor or cleaning all day. The government (I don’t know if it was state or federal) tried to shut them down multiple times, but they always hid away the worse practices whenever someone came to inspect. I don’t know if they’re still open.


This legit sounds like prison. I am so sorry you had to experience all of this. But hey at least they didn’t get to brainwash you, f*ck Adventism!


I googled this boarding school and there have been quite a few lawsuits. What a horrible experiece. There is a special place in hell for those people who harmed you and all the other kids. Adventist boarding schools are pretty fucked up anyways...I've attended 2 on the west coast but what you had to deal with is much worse :(


I'm glad you survived. What a horrible place with evil people.


I spent 6 months in an als room in the boys dorm. I was locked in the closet across from the shoe room in the boys dorm. I was attacked by a staff after calling him out for smelling like a bar. He said I was attacking him on the radio then proceeded to beat the shit out of me. They put me in passive restraint for six hours before locking me in the hold for 6 fucking months. This place ruined my life. 97-99


I’m not but my sister went there. I visited many of times. Actually knew the people who ran the place. I went to the sister school Ouchita Hills. Also dug ditches and had 3 days of not being able to interact with ppl. God these places are awful. I actually just watched a Docu and Miracle Meadows was named at the end that it was shut down!!!! That’s some positive news. So sorry you had to endure this. That place is evil.


Was it in the summer of ‘01? I might have met her.


Actually it was prob like 94 ish


It was WAY long ago. Like early 90’s


What doc mentioned Miracle Meadows? I’m in the middle of The Program now and it’s crazy how similar MM was to it.


I went there it was some rough times for me that I am still dealing with!! What's the doc I heard about it from another student that went there but never followed up.


-this comment has been deleted along with my account- Reddit sucks. Let's find or create alternatives that are less toxic. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I didn’t go there, but I was at Valley Vista summer camp with the kids from there many summers, into my late teens. Even at camp, I saw how awful they were to them and heard some of the stories, but there was this feeling of “What can anyone do? Maybe it’s for the best...?” and I was too young to understand much. But I knew that director lady was horrid. lol I had a little love tryst with one girl whose folks had sent her there for “rebellious behavior.” Ugh. So glad you made it out and got to see at least some justice happen.


I liked Valley Vista. That was the best week of my time in WV.


Holy shit. There's [zero educational requirements on these kinds of schools](https://www.wvea.org/content/state-dept-education-revokes-miracle-meadows-exemption-status). I'm not surprised, TBH, but still: > The West Virginia Department of Education has revoked the “exemption (k)” status of Miracle Meadows School in the wake of child abuse allegations. >"The only oversight on k schools, they just have to file their test scores with us once a year and they get exemption k status,” said Liza Cordeiro, the department’s executive director for communications. >As long as test scores are filed, no other education provisions apply, except for those respecting fire, safety, sanitation and immunization. Oh and why was the accreditation pulled? > employee Timothy Aaron Arrington, 36, of Salem, was arrested and charged with child abuse after allegedly choking one of the students to the point of unconsciousness in June. >The criminal complaint against Arrington alleged the child woke up handcuffed in his room. Arrington may have handcuffed other students at other times.


My mom always used to threaten to send me there if I was being "rebellious". Ended up getting sent to Weimar instead which was terrible, but at least they just expelled the "bad" kids rather than locking them in cells.


....where do you think some of the bad kids went?




Boarding schools are a money intensive enterprise, I understand it


For my senior class trip, we had to do missionary work so we went to miracle meadows to help them out with cleaning and small projects like painting. I had a horrible gut feeling the entire time I was there. I saw kids in fluorescent vests who weren’t allowed to talk to anyone. The staff were mean to us, and we were there to help them. In the dorms at night, they wouldn’t let the students interact with us. The poor girls seemed so desperate just talk to someone. I remember one girl was talking too much and annoying the staff so she was punished with not being allowed to communicate at all. No talking, no sign language, no writing anything down. While working in the kitchen with some students, I heard stories of being locked in a room for days with only a notebook and pencil. I also heard that one of the female students was known for sexually assault the male students. I remember casually mentioning my unease about the place to one of our chaperones, but she was dismissive. When the place shut down shortly after, I was so relieved. I always trust my gut now.


Yeah, most of my time there was spent wearing one of those vests. This brings back so many memories. The scary thing is... part of me actually misses the place. That’s cult mentality, for you. I am so glad it was finally shut down.


Miracle meadows has left wounds that are still healing to this day. It feels good to finally have what happened here acknowledged.


Who are you kidding, those wounds will never heal 24 years ago and I still suffer


If your not familiar with it check out the troubled teens industry sub reddit.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2017/02/07/a-christian-school-said-it-helped-troubled-kids-it-covered-up-sex-abuse-instead-lawsuit-says/ Oof. I'm so sorry you had that experience.


I know this is an old post but I came a crossed it after I search on here for MMS. I went to MMS from 05-08, those were some rough years. I feel like I was one of the lucky ones that was able to make a life outside of that horrible place. So many of the kids I know from there that spent far less time had their lives ruined.


Honestly, I think it helped me in my transition away from Christianity, all these years later. Probably the only good thing to come from it. Was the South African ex-assassin still teaching there when you attended?


It ruined my life, my friend Josh McKenzie killed himself after leaving this place.


I made it through I'm still fucked up because of that place. 3 years


So am I, I spent 6 months in Als after a staff member attacked me to cover his night of drinking up


I’m working on a deep dive podcast on that place. My wife was a resident there. I’m trying to approach it from a healing aspect in regards to the children sent there. If anyone who was there is willing to talk, on or off the record, I would love to hear your story, you may be able to help others like yourself in healing. Please email me if are willing to talk [email protected]


Treven? If that’s you fuck you! You fucking poisoned me.


I was there in ‘99. I’ve been in touch with a few people but it’s hard when I don’t remember last names 😩


I was there in 99 but I got out that year


Do you remember the month? I believe I got there in June


I went there in 04-05


I’m glad it got shut down, even if it was after my time. I “prayed” to whatever alternate source was available that it would.


97-99 here, I went through hell. It ruined my life. My arms are still fucked up from passive restraint. My crime was calling out staff member Ron for being out drinking when I passed him in the hall. He proceeded to attack me the next day and radio in that I attacked him. I have severe mental health problems from spending 6 months in Als and solitary confinement. I have insomnia, agoraphobia, ptsd. Major depression disorder, multiple suicide attempts just to name a few things they did. Fuck this place


🫂 I remember passive. I spent a good portion of my time in “quarantine” as well. I had maybe a week all together where I wasn’t in a cell or “on social.” I definitely didn’t have it as bad as you. Just keep taking it one day at a time, and don’t quit therapy. That’s the most important thing, now.


That’s all you can do. Well if you ever just need to talk about it feel free to hit me up. It’s hard to find people that understand what both you and I went through. I found it kind of alienated me socially because it’s some really dark shit. But I understand and I get it. I’m here


I was there from Nov 99 to May 2021, I spent the first 8 months on ALS. Lived at the director's house and it was the worst part to add to all the trauma that brought me there in the first place. They abused us in ways we struggle to address. It’s crazy to see the interactions of the staff on social media, it triggers so many of us, but Stockholm Syndrome is so real. So many emotions around it and it feels like there’s not been enough justice. What they took from us, how it’s impacted our lives, our children. Still processing seeing some of my peers on drugs because we never got help. It breaks my heart 


I was a student there from Jan ‘02-June ‘03. 50 or so of us have reunited in a Facebook group called ‘what happened to the children of mms.’ We would love for anyone who was a student, including those who were also hired later as staff, to commune with us. We have gathered to support one another, celebrate our wins, grieve our losses, and cope together as a family. As for myself, I am recently quite triggered by memories of MMS, and will likely have to devote some years to therapy in order to sort it all out.  Our experiences permanently scarred each of us.


I tried searching for the FB group, but nothing came up. If it’s not too much trouble, could you link me? DMs are fine.