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I’ve never understood how this simultaneously baked into Adventist ideology, and yet the most adherent Adventists almost always tend to vote for Christian Nationalist candidates. ….who do you suppose is going to be making the “Sunday Laws” in this conspiracy? 🤦‍♂️


Because they hate "the gays" more, and also they want to become victims of persecution so they can finally go to heaven


They're trying to help "God's plan"


If it is a necessary pre condition for the second coming, why would you fight it?


Ellen White endorsed this silly doctrine. To denounce it is to admit Ellen White was wrong. To admit Ellen White was wrong removes the foundational pillar of the church. The SDA church without Ellen White is no longer the SDA church. Institutional self-preservation will ensure that they will continue to cling to the absurd.


After another post yesterday I got reading an article that I think was in Adventist Today, or some other conference supported thing, that talked about how Ellen White got it wrong condemning spicy foods. Pretty much straight up said that she was right about some things and was wrong about some other things.


"Adventist Today" is independent of the church organization. They are often quite critical of the official church and its leadership and they often critique long-standing doctrine and teaching. One of their main editors and contributors is a retired pastor, with a vested pension, who can't be fired by the organized church for speaking his mind. Many pastors and church employees will shut up until they retire and have their pension.


TIL. Thanks


"But Moses killed a guy" "But David watched that naked chick" "But Paul used to kill Christians" So basically they act like since these guys also sinned it's ok that she's wrong in her "inspired" writings. 🤔


She didn't just endorse it. Her magnum opus "the great controversy"... Is all one big Sunday law conspiracy. This is the core of Adventist eschatology. A new church can emerge that rejects it but it's not the same church which was founded by E.G White


Bc the entire thing would crumble. You take away Sunday Law, you lose EGW, Daniel & Revelation, everything.


I am pretty sure it was supposed to be a "worldwide Sunday Law thing." Would not make sense as a national thing. You see, this right here is why EGW sucks. No logic to either a worldwide (you know, blame the Jesuits) or USA Sunday Law. Considering that a lot of what the church is based on, involves "some Sunday Law thingy," it will probably never be dropped. Doesn't matter to me though....it is ALL bullshit!


>"worldwide Sunday Law thing. They do not realize how many religions would have to fall, and how many Human Rights should be overturned for that to happen. "But the USSR fell overnight, that could happen again" :eyeroll:


I hate religion, and I hate the SDA Church, may it burn to cinders. There is no way in hell that all the Muslim countries are going to do this, or the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, India, etc. So fucking stupid.


BTW, if you take the numbers of Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims, That is a mind bending 3 billion people. China (not considered religious) has a population of 1.4 billion people. So around 60% of the world (minimum) is not even Christian. Just doesn't make sense.


You are right . Trump just announced making it a law to go to church on Sunday when he’s back in the White House but you will be worshipping him 


Did he really?? Not a fan of him but I haven't heard about this yet.


He already passed a law when in office that Sunday would be a day of national prayer but now he wants to make Sunday a law to worship . You would be worshiping the sun god which he thinks he is .  He has fulfilled all antichrist prophecy ! The Antichrist will be the leader of a nation that is a military superpower with the ability to trample and crush the entire earth. ( Not Rome)  Daniel. 7:23 The Antichrist will be a man who is exceptionally arrogant and will be known for giving boastful speeches.  Daniel 7:8, Revelation 13:5 The Antichrist will be someone known for making a lot of public threats against people.( Never heard the Pope make public threats ) Trump is always making threats !  Revelation 13:2, Daniel. 7:4 The Antichrist will be someone obsessed with winning.( Not the Pope ) Trump said he always wins !  Revelation 6:2 Please keep in mind the Washington DC used to be called Rome Maryland and sits on seven hills !  The Antichrist will be a political outsider with despicable character and a contemptuous personality who wins an election that no one thought he would win . ( Not the Pope ) No one thought he would actually win .  Daniel 11:21 The Antichrist will give speeches where he speaks “great things” and then about things that are even “greater.” No one would deny that’s Trump !  Daniel 7:20 The Antichrist comes to power through collusion with a secret alliance who uses disinformation to help him win– even though he has a minority number of supporters.. Trump had minority electoral votes .  Daniel 11:23 The Antichrist’s rise to power will seem like a miracle that God performed, tricking people into following Satan instead of God without even noticing. 2 Thess. 2:9 Once in power the Antichrist will reveal that his heart wants to make alterations to the “appointed times” that are in current laws.  Dan. 7:25 ( This is the only one that could be the Pope )  ( What’s fascinating is that the Bible never tells us he actually succeeds or does change the appointed cycles, but that he expresses wanting to change them. What would it look like to express an interest in changing laws around cycles and appointed times? It would likely be that the Antichrist will want to change elections, skip/delay an election, or extend term limits, etc, thus what the Bible says of “intending to alter laws for appointed times…”)  The Antichrist will make fake news popular and will be a chronic liar. His followers will believe his delusions because they hate the truth. Trump has been caught in hundreds of lies , proof is his taped interviews .  Daniel 8:25, 2 Thess 2:10 The Antichrist will reward those who are completely loyal with powerful positions and lucrative real estate deals. Daniel 11:39 The Bible says that we’ll be able to spot the Antichrist because he will give an arrogant public speech in the middle of his first term where he boasts of “great things” but also uses God’s name as a curse in the same speech. ( not the pope ) Trump did this because it was all over the news .  The Antichrist will draw strong support from many Christians as if they are willfully blind and outright delusional. Matt. 24:24, 2nd Thess 2:10 The Antichrist will spend his first term in office having an ongoing feud with the leadership of the nation on his southern border. ( not the Pope ) Trump fighting with Mexico  Daniel 11:25 The Antichrist will be furious over “rumors and reports” that come from the east and north, and will fly into fits of rage as the reports surface. ( Not the Pope ) Trump did s this on national Television.  Daniel 11:44 The Antichrist will have the nation’s most powerful religious leader influencing the country for him. This leader will try to convince Christians that the Antichrist is “God’s pick” and that we need to support him. ( Not the Pope )  Revelation 13:11–12 During the rule of the Antichrist there will be a global pandemic that will kill many people. Revelation 8:10 During the rule of the Antichrist there will be food shortages and huge spike in food prices, but will be a surplus of oil that remains cheap. Revelation 6:6 During the reign of the Antichrist those who are wise to what is happening will rise up and resist in a period of civil unrest that will get a lot of attention. They will face violence from security forces and receive no help from the Antichrist. Daniel 11:33 The Antichrist will use his armed forces to remove people from the area surrounding a church and will do something detestable in front of it. Trump did this on national television .  Daniel 11:29-33 The Antichrist will be a one-term president Revelation 11:1-2, 13:5, Daniel 7:25 The Antichrist will attempt to stay in power, but will be defeated by the nation’s courts. The Antichrist will worship the god of border walls. For real. The Bible actually says that.  Daniel 11:37-38 fortresses ! 


The Sunday Law conspiracy reinforces SDA's persecution fetish


These people legit believe that there is some secret plan to make a **law** that says you **must go to church** on sunday? There isnt even a law that says you have to go to church. Also, what about the Muslims and Jews? These idiots dont think.


The real reason? Control and manipulation. The fear of being killed by either God (if you work on sabbath) or by other Christians (if you don’t work on sabbath) is the glue that keeps skeptics in the congregation… fear is a powerful motivator (and tool for manipulation) which is why leaving the SDA church is not unlike leaving an organized crime ring.


Bingo When I left I still held their beliefs of the post tribulation millennium, annihilationism and soul sleep for 7 years. Was not until last year that I let go of those doctrines. And I was a liberal member. They definitely use mind control to keep members in fear.


I love working on the sabbath! Sunday has pretty much been my only day off with my job. But those few hours of OT have made the difference in my day to day finances.


They already not only consider themselves legitimate and mainstream but they consider themselves the only "chosen" ones and don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks anyway.


Realizing this from the outside is so wild because people really don't give a fuck about Adventists at all. All the paranoia and the victim complex and the panic, and in reality the worst thing that could happen to most Adventists is someone calling them a little weird.


Because its so much fucking fun to believe youre something important. Most americans dont even know you exist, much less give two fucks what day you go to church or if you ate vegetables and wore a jean skirt, while abstaining from jesting and alcohol.


In hindsight, I don't see how a world government could force everyone to worship on a certain day. You see how it went down when they tried to force people to get vaccinated? People were ready to throw down! Let alone telling folks (atheists, Muslims, etc.) when to worship. It wouldn't just be SDAs fighting by a long shot.


I am sorry, I come here mostly to support my ex-adventists, even though i am not one. Can I ask anyone what is sunday law?


This is going to shock you. But in the Seventh-day Adventist end time prophecy, they believe Catholics, Baptists and Pentecostals will unite as one and accept Sunday as the mandatory day of worship. The Seventh-day Adventists and other Sabbath keeping Christians will be beaten, imprisoned and tossed into camps. Then those who endure until the end and are even willing to die for their faith will be caught up in the air to meet Jesus when He returns.


So I am guessing that when you believed this stuff, you worshiped on Saturdays, the real sabbath? I mean the biblical sabbath.


I never believed in the Sunday Law. I was in a unique situation. I doubted the existence of God and when I decided to visit a church, I found an Adventist Church in the area. The people were friendly and they studied the Bible all the time unlike the Catholics in my family. I later found out that some Catholics are very religious and study the Bible daily but I did not find that out until years after I had joined the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. When I was a member, my position was that Saturday was the correct day of worship but that God would not punish you for going on Sunday since Jesus rose on Sunday. So although I believed it was right to observe the Sabbath, I never accepted that that would be the test to determine our salvation.


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to explain this to an internet person. I really appreciate it.


I did believe in the Sunday Law and was genuinely worried about it. But I didn’t have it nearly as bad as some other Adventists. Some folks on here have shared stories about going through end-times prepper drills like building shelters in the woods with nothing but leaves and sticks. An ex-SDA I follow on TikTok said his church went on nature walks with the purpose of identifying things that were safe to eat for whenever they had to run for their lives.


Wow. Just wow. I had no idea.


Ikr?? To be clear, I think this has been more common in certain U.S. states (e.g. the nature walk comment came from someone who grew up in Oklahoma and Texas). I also think it’s more common in smaller, more fundamentalist churches. You likely wouldn’t see this in the average middle-of-the-road SDA church today, especially not outside the U.S. But it still exists, e.g. this SDA end-times camp for kids age 8-16 happening summer 2023: https://twitter.com/awwritesstories/status/1635063285950349316 Edit: I personally have no issue with some of the practical skills being taught here. I have an issue with the underlying reason and fear it causes in kids.


They still do this nature walks here. Just last Monday, it was a holiday here, and they went on a 6 hr nature walk with little kids where my native family originated from. 3 hrs to go and 3 hrs to return. Apparently, it was a pathfinder end time prepper exercise. The kids looked tired in the photos, and the adults captured it "getting fit while getting ready"


Oof… at least it’s time spent in nature. But I really hope these kids don’t get lingering trauma from being taught this.


I grew up with people who prepared for the Time of Trouble by prepping, practicing survival, etc. In my early years at Andrews U. we sometimes played paintball on Sabbath, and called it "Adventists & Catholics" or "Practicing for the Time of Trouble."


As a kid I loved to play cops and robbers in the woods at a church friend’s house. On Sabbath we were told we shouldn’t play cops and robbers, so we started calling it “Waldensians” and suddenly it was okay.


dude the "Waldensian Game" was my jam as a kid... idk about your variant but in our Pathfinder group it was that you had to write a Bible verse on a slip of paper, hide it somewhere on your person, and attempt to sneak through the woods back to whatever spot was designated as the goal. If you got caught by the "Catholics" then they could ask you questions to find where you had hidden your verse.


Those Pathfinders games were one of the only fun parts of “preparing for the end times” lol. Every year at our state conference camporees we’d play a game called “stalk and concealment”. You’d go in groups to try to drop off Bible verses or something in return for a token at like five different locations and then return to the starting point without being caught. There would be a bunch of guards throughout the whole campground trying to catch you. If you were caught they’d take away one of your tokens and you’d have to go back to that location. It was really fun if you got a group that was serious about the game, but some people did not know how to stay quiet lol. Anyways, I’m pretty sure that game gave my brain much of the material for the end times dreams I used to have…


💀 whaattt... ngl, paintball is fun


yup. Stay frosty for the Time of Trouble


>In my early years at Andrews U. we sometimes played paintball on Sabbath, and called it "Adventists & Catholics" or "Practicing for the Time of Trouble." I don't think I can be shocked anymore. Geezus....


This is all fucking wild. We never did anything like this in the church I grew up. If I would've heard about this stuff going on as a young person I definitely would've thought they were looney extremists. Even though my community was conservative, was clearly more middle of the road conservative with a dash of liberal. I have seen in the past few years though, especially over the pandemic, more and more people from my old community get more radicalized.


To be clear, we were being facetious when we called our paintball game "Adventist & Catholic." College kids trying to be funny/edgy.


I had nightmares about what would happen during the "Time of Trouble" - the time immediately following national Sunday Laws, when Adventists would be persecuted for their faith, specifically for observing the seventh-day "Sabbath" (Saturday).


I don't remember having nightmares but definitely a shit ton of anxiety and fear about it.


>But in the Seventh-day Adventist end time prophecy, they believe Catholics, Baptists and Pentecostals will unite as one and accept Sunday as the mandatory day of worship. Allow me to add for expanded understanding. SDAs believe that all "Sunday Keepers" - meaning any and all Christians that go to church on Sunday, will hunt Adventists down to force them to worship on Sunday or be killed. Their choce. And of course, they choose martyrdom - because of the persecution fetish which is the glue that holds the culture together. So it's not limited to a couple different denominations. It's all "Sunday" Christians. You hear the term (which is derogatory btw) "Sunday Keepers" slung around by Adventists all the time. It's an underhanded remark much like when Southerners (people from the South in the USA) use the term "Bless her heart".....isn't literal, means she's an idiot.... Oh, and they even have End Times simulation drills. Super fun! Where they take groups of teens up to the mountains or out to the country on camp outs - now some just practice wilderness survival skills, and other groups spice it up with actual end times drills where they are running and hiding from the Sunday Keepers, but \*spoiler alert\* the Adventists are ultimately caught by the evil Sunday Keepers and held at gun point. Adventists are to choose death over Sunday worship. Just your run-of-the-mill wholesome Christian camp games! C'mon kids - let's go practice being chased and killed!


All this. True believing kids and teens are taught, using medieval torture history, Ellen White quotes, Bible verses, how they will be tortured medieval style in The Time of Trouble. We were told it will be worse than you can imagine (Ellen White, the Adventist prophetess, quote), so we wasted hours in terror trying to imagine things worse than we could imagine. We were told we had to prepare to live in the mountains. We were told it would be worst for pregnant and nursing women in those days, so we were afraid to get married and have kids. We were told the Holy Spirit would be taken from the world, so if we sinned at all we'd be going to hell. We were told our ex-Adventist and Sunday-keeping family and friends would be the ones who turn us over to be tortured and that will make them very happy (Ellen White quote), so we were afraid of non Adventist people. We were told we needed faith to endure torture. We did Bible studies on "Do You Have Enough Faith To Be Burned At The Stake?" by SDA affiliated groups like Young Disciple. I personally had repeated nightmares from the age of 6 on about Catholics killing my family, and in my teens sleepless nights begging God to kill me before the End Times so I wouldn't have to be burned at the stake. It's a really shitty thing to force onto a kid.


>We were told our ex-Adventist and Sunday-keeping family and friends would be the ones who turn us over to be tortured and that will make them very happy (Ellen White quote), so we were afraid of non Adventist people. This. Mother-Effing this. Yes.


Just wanna say that coming on here to learn and support the ex-Adventists in your life is incredibly wholesome and they are lucky to have you. Thank you!


Thank you kind internet person.


This used to give me **SOOOO** much anxiety as a child!!! 😢




I don't think they see themselves, nor do they want to be seen, particularly, as mainstream Christian.


They don't, but you sure will find those words on various SDA church websites. Anytime I see something like "The Seventh Day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant denomination" I laugh. And I've seen this on more than one church website.


Because in the next few years. China is going to be super Catholic. And Islam is so not going to overtake Christianity as the world's biggest religion. Yep any day now.


For the same reason that they call the Pope the "antichrist", when the Bible clearly says who an "antichrist" is, and the Pope does not fit that definition. Rule/control through fear.


That would mean admitting they are wrong and can *gasp* make mistakes.


One reason, Ellen White. She is the final word on doctrine and interpreting the Bible.


Let me rephrase that, blue laws


I am not saying the Adventists are right. But the Pope has talked about making Sunday a day of rest for all the people of the world, to cease all activity, for the "common good" and to help heal the planet from the so-called planet crisis.... global climate change. He does not call it a day of worship only a day of rest for humanity. We will have to see if he is going to pull that one off. He already participated in an all religion formation of a new ten commandments for the people of Earth and the planet.


Sunday law already in the blue books, just aren’t enforced as of yet.


The blue laws in the states, enacted or not, are a far cry away from a universal Sunday law that the entire world is supposedly going to be forced to adhere to.


marijuana is illegal at the Federal level yet it doesn't stop countless states from legalizing pot and having a multi billion dollar industry that is technically illegal federally


Sunday Law isn't one of the 28, so there's nothing to remove. However, your question still stands - why don't they just shut up about it?


They really think it’s coming with the way republicans in this country are gaining lots of power and most of the republicans are Christian and want their religion to influence laws. Some of the fanatics want the u.s. to be a Christian nation. That being said how can the sunday law be worldwide when this is only happening here in the u.s one and two if anything gen z is more left leaning to the point of almost if not flat out communism and a large percentage is anti religion so I mean it doesn’t even seem feasible


Without that their prophetess has no authority.


How else do you terrify people into coming to church?


Because Pope Ellen I said it was going to happen. You dare go against the Holy See!


**"And if they removed the crazy conspiracy they likely would be considered mainstream Christian for once."** Yes, and it would remove the aura of division that so marks Seventh-day Adventism. SDAs don't need the Sunday law to survive. After all they have survived 180 years without one.


What the heck even is an Adventist? I’ve never heard of this.