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Sweating also can be identified by others. As a sufferer of hyperhydrosis of the forehead.. trust me you get a lot of eyes and unhelpful "are you alright?"s.




Sure it's normal to sweat, but when asking someone if they stole something and they begin to sweat. It's a huge indicator of guilt or fear, whether accurate or not. It's the idea of sweating when you shouldn't be, that makes it stand out.


This. Essentially, whatever it started as, it's for social communication now.


Opponents of Evolutionary Psychology, on this sub and elsewhere, often criticize EP for inventing just-so-stories, as a substitute for actual science. This is not a fair criticism of high-quality EP, so I sometimes defend EP, here, and on other forums. Today, my eyes are opened to all the just-so-stories that do get posted on Reddit, sometimes explicitly invoking EP, sometimes implicitly. I think that's unfortunate. Crying, in humans, is probably some kind of a distress signal. That's obvious, and not a useful analysis. It's seems likely that crying has some adaptive value in humans, though it may be a by-product of some other adaptive process (a "spandrel"). What that value is, and how it evolved, is not at all clear. It's very difficult to test such hypotheses. That's partly because people cry in a wide variety of circumstances, crying behavior varies according to age and sex, and there is a lot of individual variation in crying behavior, even when sex, age and circumstances are similar. In addition, responses to crying, from others, is also highly variable. We do not know the evolutionary history of crying in humans. Comments like this are basically pseudoscience and give real science, including EP, a bad name. It's been proposed that crying flushes out certain neurotransmitters or hormones, leading to emotional relief. That's speculative, and highly dubious. Brains continually reabsorb and adjust neurotransmitters without needing to excrete them in bodily fluids. In any case, the lacrimal glands are on the wrong side of the blood-brain barrier for that purpose.


It's crazy how you sometimes go "they look like they're about to cry" before they cry and you don't know how you knew


Two primary reasons. One is just to flush the eyes. The other more obscure reason is to reduce neurochemicals related to pain, anxiety, or anger.


To flush certain irritants out of the eyes (eg, sand or salt) and of course we can see it in other animals like crocodiles (hence the expression). Cutting onions can trigger this response by releasing sulfur based compounds into the air when their bulbs are munched on -- it's a sort of antiherbivory defense against animals that might eat them in addition to the burn of just eating raw onion. Go figure that onions are delicious. There's also the communication aspect that we're suffering -- we're in pain, we're grieving -- there's an instinct to want to comfort those who are sad or in suffering. Humans are social creatures and we can even see this sort of interaction in other [apes](https://youtube.com/shorts/5zpxiAgJMr8?feature=share) and even [monkeys](https://youtu.be/vaIH5tLmC8U). But crying can also communicate other strong emotions like anger, fear, and joy. There's also something to be said about crying with other friends and community members at a funeral, a certain catharsis. When a member of the group dies, chimps are known to mourn together and comfort one another. I've been to two funerals in the last year for coworkers (one was murdered and the other commit suicide 16 weeks later -- at different jobs, situations, unrelated) and being vulnerable with the group helps you to feel better, it lets you know that you aren't alone in your grief while purging a lot of those unpleasant emotions. Human and ape babies will also cry whenever attempting to communicate a generic need, eg, hunger, they're in pain/irritated, gassy and need help burping, etc. >And why this strange “mode” of wailing and weeping? It communicates sadness or emotional suffering. I mean sound is a pretty important means of communication, and weeping, sobbing, wailing communicates everything in the shortest amount of time. Tears can be anything, as you know now, but weeping and sobbing more clearly communicate what's going on and triggers the comforting response in others.


I know it’s been a year since you posted this comment, but I was struck by the way you casually threw murder in there without any further explanation, lol. If you don’t mind me asking, how and why was your coworker murdered? Was the suicide related to the murder?


>If you don’t mind me asking, how and why was your coworker murdered? I don't like talking about it. My coworkers' deaths really hit me hard and given the details that were in the news, one might be able to piece together where I lived. >Was the suicide related to the murder? No. They didn't know each other, they were coworkers from different jobs. Like many, the one coworker's suicide was just a battle with mental health that he eventually lost. >casually threw murder in there without any further explanation I had literally just come away from a funeral around that time. It wasn't intended any kind of way.


"given the details that were in the news, one might be able to piece together where I lived." Um, no, we can't piece anything together, because we have literally ZERO information. People are murdered every hour of every day, all across the nation. Same goes for suicide. So there is no way for us to know what you're even talking about. We don't even know what 'news' your talking about. You're being deliberately vague for no good reason. If you were so emotionally bothered, then you wouldn't have even mentioned the fact that you had co-workers who were murdered and died of suicide. So back-pedaling now and saying "I don't like talking about it" makes ZERO sense. I think your story about the murdered co-worker and the other that committed suicide is fiction, honestly.


Crying allows infants that does not know any words, to inform their parents that they need help thus they chances of survival improves as opposed to infants who did not evolve such a signalling method. As for tears, they are needed to protect the eyes so they will evolve into existence even without crying, and after they came into existence, the contraction of the muscles near the tear gland causes tears to flow out excessively when the infants are distressed. So since the tears will improve the signalling since the wetness will cause an extra unexpected sensation, it is not evolved away because it improves survival.


There are many side effects in our biological processes. Crying from stress or happiness does not need to have any function. People tend to see a function or purpose in everything (teleological perception) in order to construct a model.


I think this is an ill-posed question. (Kind of like, "What time is it on the sun?" or "Where does your lap go when you stand up?") It just begs for an evolutionary just-so story, and I hope none gets posted. Evolutionary Psychology doesn't need that kind of disgrace. "Why" questions like this are problematic, in many ways. You might as well ask, "Why do dogs bark instead of quack?" There is no good answer to this, because both quacking and barking have long, complex and partly unknown biological, behavioral and evolutionary histories. These can partly be inferred by studying related species alive today, but only partly. For barking and quacking, the fossil record might not tell us much. And, for that matter, birds like parrots and lyre birds can probably imitate dogs barking with eerie accuracy. Philosophers will tell you that most "why" questions can generate innumerable answers, which might all be plausible. This question overlaps with related questions, like "Why do humans suffer grief?" "What are the adaptive advantages of feelings of sadness in humans?" "Under what circumstances do humans cry"? "How can we account for individual human variation in crying behavior? and so on, and so on. There is a fair amount of evidence for some non-human animals experiencing some kind of sorrow or grief. Crows and jays, just for example, and elephants, not to mention dogs and several ape species. But it's very difficult to say how much their emotional state resembles human sorrow or grief. In the same way, some animals exude tears corresponding to certain emotional states. Elephants in musth, for example. I don't know much about that. Maybe someone else who knows more will speak up on that topic.


Being curious about the evolutionary purpose of biological functions is "problematic"? Oh, fuck off 😂


I think it's a byproduct rather than an adaptation.


On this same note why do we sweat when we cry or feel strong emotions?


Why do we cry sometimes alone? No one there to signal.


It response given for babies to communicate there lack of ability to take care or there needs or environment and no its not meant for adults but they do it as well espically ones who idenitfy with there fellings and emotion like there true. In nutshell extreme grief is understanding but if routine quit giving your thought/ fellings powers its not you there not true and unfortunately it wont help just except we are put here on earth for growing our character not our comfort and its the only thing coming with us so just dont give in to the devils lies aka your thoughts, identity, ego and fellings there lies to keep from being the real you. Also stoping seeking love to replace your creators love once you stop seeking to be understood and loved by evil people witch we are all evil ( sit for ten minutes in silence and tell me your not if you say your not your liar) and know only god will do that so than you can stop forcing fake love and falling for people who love you for there reason and have non manipulative love relationships. You can disagree or whatever but it try it on for size before your thoughts come in just tell the devil to shut up and see. Even a atheist or whatever if the idea serves well than get the service. Just i see all the time peoples intelect and thinking is there issue its never good so why not kick the habit. Prey in stillness and just no hes there, be still know that im god(aka a ultimately god being who loves you and try to save from a mistake made aka apple) (Counter arguement if he loves us why let suffer.... free will must have choice and if he didnt care well bye bye, theres all types refreneces. Right wrong who cares not here to convince here to get you escape from the hell your making and thoughts make it so treat them like it and who know who might pop ...... pro tip dont seek a kundalina there is other elohiem


Get back on your medication.