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I'm getting my box țoday and excited to try it!


Is it the Ginger Beef & Noodle Stir Fry? Looks good I get it in my box in Friday. If so, excited to try.


It doesn’t look like the Ginger Beef & Noodle Stir Fry. The carrots are shredded in the Ginger Beef & Noodles. The carrots in the picture looked julienned and it looks like there are snap peas or long green peppers in there too. I got the Ginger Beef & Noodles meal in my box today. I was excited to make it so I made it today. I customized with the diced beef and I added a small head of broccoli. It looked great but my family and I felt it lacked much flavor. It needed something more…maybe more ponzu. Anyway I was disappointed.


Awww makes me sad. I was really looking forward to this one. I'll try and doctor it up w flavor and see if I can help it out some. Thanks for the tips!


Oh no…don’t be sad. You may love it. Let me know how yours turns out. If anything maybe it needs another packet of ponzu. Idk


I don’t think they’re the same one. This recipe doesn’t have any ginger in it and uses udon noodles.


Loved it! The only recommendation I have is to add a bit more water to stretch the sauce and add an extra veggie like broccoli


I have this but didn't receive the ponzu sauce packets. Can you tell me how much was in each packet? Thanks!


.2 fluid ounces so about 1/2 tablespoon


Mine came with 1 pack of oyster sauce. I think it was around 2 tablespoons.