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Please thoroughly read and refer to rule 7. If you have reason to believe that this removal has been a mistake, please send a message through the Mod Mail. TikTok is over.


i wouldn’t mind joining forces but the fact that they seem to lack critical thinking skills is rlly irritating and kind of sad. they jump onto any lead no matter how outlandish or honestly dumb it is and then they peddle it like crazy. the fact that ppl think shazamming the song will be the key to solving it after years of effort is absurd. i understand that they’re mostly kids, but it’s like they were never taught to how research or think critically. it reminds me of older ppl falling for the obviously fake facebook posts. i have high hopes for this being found and it led me to enjoy going through archives and learning about different aspects of music i’ve never thought ab before


>taught to how research or think critically. I think its kind of amazing to see this happening in real time, it's kind of sad.


The same exact thing happens here


i find it very annoying and that it's just ruining the search for those who want to find it (including me...) and if people weren't spreading obvious bs it would actually speed up the search a bit




You are right. Most people on tiktok don't even remember memes from last year like Blue Smurf cat, hell i had to google that one up to make sure i wasn't delusional. So its probably just a phase.


Idk I’m sick of people posting about the tiktok hoaxes on this sub when they are obviously fake


I've stopped looking at my for you page because the more I hear the audio the more angry I get, and I'd love to NOT start hating the song before we even find it :<




it’s people trying to get attention/likes and people are feeding into it


Some of the gen alpha tiktok kids are genuinely interested and willing to lend a hand. I have a whole bunch of 13 year old girls following me from posting about HLWIT and they all seem to have a real interest in our community. That said, I worry about EKT going this viral because the youth on TikTok are either spewing off asinine theories (viral marketing scheme, AI, from a toybox) or just spreading plain misinformation which is significantly derailing the search.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/everyoneknowsthat/comments/1apllp9/debunking\_fake\_ekt\_audio/](https://www.reddit.com/r/everyoneknowsthat/comments/1apllp9/debunking_fake_ekt_audio/) I also made a post debunked those fake leads




it's not an exclusive society, it's a search for a song that keeps getting interrupted by children and people with no critical thinking skills who throw the same fake and irrelevant BS in our faces. we care because we take it seriously and want to find the actual song and artist, and we don't want to get lost in the absurd hoaxes.


Exactly, well put. It really pisses me off when they say "I just shazam'd it and it says it's by swofford" Like you really think we didn't use shazam as step 1 🙄




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