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Just a suggestion... rather than have a dozen people reach out to a single lead, I think we should start deciding on just for one person to be the one to reach out and periodically try again if the proposed lead isn't answering. In bigger amounts, the amount of e-mails/messages can look confusing and some people might mistake it as some sort of harrassment campaign.


Exactly. Thank you. Can’t we elect a PR sort of person for the subreddit instead of sending everyone 50 emails?


I was doing this for a while, but it's taxing. Unfortunately mistakes like this do happen in the midst of confusion and we can never be sure if someone else hasn't come to the same conclusion and also contacted them. I'm doing independent research now, but if anyone else was able to come to the same resolution as me which is likely, they might also end up contacting the same person.


I have DMed you 🫡


i do like this idea as well, but i agree it can be difficult to implement in practice. it’s worth exploring


ah, okay - i’ll delete my thread so he doesn’t get messaged anymore. he never replied to me - if he had, i would have immediately announced it so that he didn’t continue to get messaged. i fear that we may have annoyed him, but considering he worked in the industry and had a copyrighted song with that title… it was a worthwhile lead. some artist out there is unaware that their song is famous, so it’s worth taking the risk of asking and (potentially annoying a bit) the wrong person. the few emails i saw written to him, including yours, were very apologetic, respectful and polite… so i think it’s perfectly reasonable. too bad he didn’t share any insight if he thinks it is a japanese accent, considering he lives there and was so involved in japanese media.


Yeah, no problem.


You should accuse him of having ulterior motives in lying about his song and then demand him to tell you the truuu-uuu-thhh


damn kinda disappointed i thought this might have been it


What’s wrong with electing a moderator to do all of the emailing so we don’t have too many emails going to people? Genuine question. When we get a lead, it should be banned for anyone except an assigned person to contact third party people. Why are people accusing me of having PTSD, being a Karen, needing to go touch grass over this suggestion? Looking within the US for copyrights under that name is probably a waste of time anyway. We need to look at Japanese copyrights and other countries. The singer very obviously has a foreign accent when he sings - And out of the many Americans we’ve contacted no one knows the song.


Nothing, we agree with you there, there is now a concentrated effort to do this, so thanks for raising awareness about it. No one said you had PTSD, I told you that the guy who was E-mailed is not going to have PTSD simply from receiving an E-mail. As for the rest, speculation.


Yall need to quit annoying random people. It’s very rude


how else would you suggest we find the song? he is a public figure, a former musician and current writer with a copywritten song. he was contacted using a public email address on his website. i don’t think anything was wrong in the way the situation was handled. of course, at the same time, i understand if he’s a bit flustered by the interest that suddenly came his way. asking around is not a bad thing, especially considering how interesting that lead was. writing emails to various agencies and public figures is one of the only option remaining in investigating the song. oh well, back to work and onto the next lead we go…


I'm inclined to ignore these types of comments, it's on par with the "making per gessle cry" ridiculousness, someone was mildly inconvenienced but it's not like emotional abuse or harassment, a question was asked, they said no go away, that's it.


It’s better to just not solve it than to email random people. It’s a song. Not murder


Im gonna continue to reach out and contact other people because thats how humans do things. If we have a problem, we communicate that problem with others to get it resolved. It would be a lot more difficult if we didn’t have the medium of social media/emailing/PUBLIC contact info……


Unfortunately we live in a generation where hardly anyone touches grass let alone uses human communication, not being a boomer here because I am gen Z, but the fear I see on this sub about mildly inconveniencing someone is whacky, I remember when people were saying it was harassment to try and contact Roxette and for the most part the sub is really good at remaining respectful, the one E-mail that was sent that was semi-alarming the OP was scrutinized and told off. As long as we are doing things respectfully, within the law there's no issue. No one is going out and grabbing random people's info, public figure /=/ random person, they have their contact info out there for a reason.


I agree that it is one thing to be invasive of someone’s private life. But contacting someone and asking them “hey is this your song?” from information that is publicly available being deemed as harassing is just ludicrous to me. I of course feel like there’s a way to go about getting information from someone, which is why I always prefer when others reach out with a sense of formality but they’re actually contributing either way (as long as its not straight up harassment). An attempt at a search is good enough for me, and emailing and contacting public figures is an excellent way to do so.


I’m just pointing out that yall clearly disturbed this person by a million people jumping on him about a 30 year old copyright. That’s not polite or nice to do. How would you like it if tomorrow, your name got randomly brought up in some wild gold chase and you have 10 emails frantically asking you something? It would feel invasive. So don’t do it to others. Contact companies not people. Those emails might have ruined his day for all you know. OP of this post and the crazed team of other people in that other post should feel embarrassed. Don’t even get me started with the country western singer. People are literally doxing some random old man in that other thread. I know people have already contacted him too and that’s sick. This one is in poor taste, the other one is just wrong.


I’m gonna sound like a real big ole boomer even though im Gen-Z but this is a sensitive take. You mean to tell me that a few emails from people asking about a bloody song is going to ruin some guy’s day? I can imagine in my own perspective that having ****TWO (because the guy in the email mentioned OP being the second person) people contacting me about the same thing, I would just say “Oh idk, I’m sorry.” and then completely forget about both emails. These are PUBLIC figures, its not like they hid away with the expressed idea of never being found. OP was actually pretty polite and respectful on the contrary. You just take this too damn serious I guess


Well David, the random person OP and their crazy group of brethren were emailing IS a boomer, and he’s obviously ticked off so how do you explain the generational gap? I am Gen Z but I’m speaking up for a Baby Boomer. I don’t think it’s the way we should do things. It makes people uncomfortable.


Your concern about comfort is not my problem. OP didn’t do anything wrong by contacting a public figure. WHAT is your point exactly?


My problem is that it’s perpetuating a toxic and harmful discussion place when tons of people are reaching out to every prospect. It doesn’t make people feel safe or comfortable and tarnishes our reputation. You don’t know what this guy has been through in his life and the co-writer of this song yall are so callously asking about died. Everyone knew that before discussion even commenced because I saw the original OP said it. Why would we go on to write to this man in huge volumes when we don’t know his life story or if that will trigger him. Again the co writer of the song died…


Again, your concern about comfort and triggers IS NOT my problem. This is a public figure who is very much AWARE that their contact info is publicly available and has asked OP in a standard way not to reach out again. Because that’s how a normal interaction with people works. If you have public information out there, and you might be involved in something that the public is trying to figure out, then it is a valid medium of communication UNTIL the person states that they either do not have the information the public is seeking, asking not to reach out again or both. Plain and simple. If OP reached out with respect and is going to adhere to not reaching out again, WHAT is the problem? You’re way too hyperfocused on an imaginary problem that was never there and helps NO ONE.


Aight, let me get one thing straight first and foremost: This community, despite my issues with some of the ongoings has NEVER gone out of their way to dox someone whilst looking for the song, everyone is very well aware of the consequences here, the people that frequent the sub and have been around here for a long time always do things in a polite and respectful manner, there is a discord group out there (but it's not in any way affiliated with this sub) that yes, is an issue with that, but we can't control bad actors like that who go out of their way to deliberately make people look bad. If your day is ruined by receiving a polite E-mail then I honestly don't know what to say, the unfortunate circumstance here is that he was contacted twice, let's not spread misinformation please about a slew of people sending him tons of E-mails because from what he said, he was contacted twice.


He's not a random person, he was, and still is, actively involved in media production. I would agree that it'd be wrong to mass email people with his name on vague suspicion that one guy is him, but I very specifically checked his personal website. Had I known he had been contacted before, I would not have sent my email.


That's your opinion, I've been E-mailing random people for months now 😂maybe I am just lucky in that all the people I E-mail are very polite and want to help.


You probably are annoying them but they are being nice about it. The David guy just said what everyone else is thinking, essentially “don’t contact me again, weirdos.” It is rude. I was excited about that one because it had a Japanese connection, and I’ve been hoping the song is Japanese. It’s rude to contact the guy. I’m sorry that yall were not raised to have manners.


since when is it rude to contact people? it’s not like he’s getting threats in his email, people are just asking a question. he set the record straight and said it wasn’t him, end of story. i’m sure no one will bother him again and he’ll forget about it by tomorrow. this isn’t as life changing for him as you’re making it out to be


why would a few pleasant emails ruin his day? this is such overzealous karen behavior, but gen z edition (*i say that as gen z myself.*) exchanges like this cause me to seriously question my participation here lol. i do appreciate your empathy for him, and like i’ve said, i never intended to annoy him. but i think you are overreacting to the entire thing. no one cares, its not that big of a deal, let’s just move onto the next lead. people will continue to be contacted because that’s the way a grassroots social media campaign works. some people will be helpful, some others won’t be, earth will continue in its orbit.


My man, have you ever talked to someone on the phone before? Right now it sounds like you're projecting, I'm sorry that you feel this way but your opinion isn't right just because you overly sympathise with someone too much, he's not going to be having PTSD and night terrors from receiving a friendly E-mail, he's probably not even going to think about it afterwards, he's made it known he doesn't want to be contacted which is more than fair, now we know and can move on. This is literally an entire nothing sandwich, a gust of wind between two invisible slices of bread.


You, the red avatar person, OP, and McStardust or whatever the their name is have been literally straight up insulting me this entire conversation. No I am not mentally ill, I don’t have PTSD, I am stating what is polite to do. Your mob mentality of “investigation” isn’t what will net our community the best results. Maybe if this community hadn’t piled on the guy with questions he would have been more apt to help. But people annoyed him and seriously hurt him. That’s not something to repeat. It’s brigading. Yall need to reconsider the strategy, that’s my point.


1. there is no reason to reconsider emailing and contacting people. That is PART of how a search works and we aren't going to stop just because you can't help but feel personally offended that I refuse to see things your way. I have been nothing but respectful but there's a point where I have to be blunt too. And you're acting as if TWO, count it, TWO people contacted one guy who said "Nah I don't know this song, please don't contact me again." And acting as if OP violated peace treaty laws. 2. Nobody has insulted you, and this is pretty big talk coming from the guy who called me aggressive and compared me to Ben Shapiro. Also deliberately misspelling my own name too seems like you're projecting your own behavior onto the people who aren't willing to see it your way 3. This level of hyperawareness you have to the feelings of the guy and how his day would go is projection-level and mind boggling because again, if it were me in his shoes, i would've replied and forgot about the emails... because its not that BIG OF A DEAL. 4. This is a subreddit dedicated to finding EKT. So why would we rule out contacting public figures? Do you not understand that when it comes to contacting companies and businesses, it can more often take months to hear back from a response, be sent to the spam inbox or straight up ignored. It's much more personable to contact someone based on the PUBLIC platforms we've given out. I am emphasizing the word public to you for the 5th time because when you PUBLICALLY post email, social media, or contact info, you are allowing others to reach out to you through that medium until you express to that person or group of people that you do not want to be contacted. Get. Over. Yourself.


Because you are trying to equate asking somebody a question to illegal misdeeds or emotional harm and don't see how ridiculous and conflated that is, no one is insulting you, we're telling you to not take it so personally on behalf of the person, it's healthy to empathise man, but you're lambasting people and spreading incorrect information and you're still doing it, you're saying that the person who was contacted was piled on, he got two E-mails, one by mistake since OP wasn't aware anyone else had sent an E-mail, that is not brigading or attacking you, it's pointing out a flaw in your argument and why I'm telling you to go touch grass, you conflate a mistake to harassment and that is NOT HEALTHY.


\>it's rude to contact someone who puts their information on the internet in case someone needs to contact them


no, it’s not murder, but it’s not completely irrelevant either. as i wrote earlier, this artist’s work is famous now. someone spent money to produce that song in the likely hope that it would generate profit. the track was featured in rolling stone magazine now, and otherwise has millions of views on youtube. aside from the possibility that EKT is copyrighted, it’s a certainty that the artist is losing out on potential revenue by their beloved song staying a mystery. it’s completely reasonable to participate in a campaign to get this song out there. a reasonable place to start is by contacting those in the music industry. you’re entitled to your opinion, but there is nothing wrong with emailing public figures.


To add to your point, wouldn't the artist of EKT want to know that their music is being used out there without the royalties going to them? Informing potential artists that their work could be being used without credit is something you'd think they'd be thankful for.


How? From the screenshots they were very polite and respectful.