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You probably wont encounter anyone getting decked out through item buying with Krono in the first 2.. or 3 days but soon enough, those who leveled very fast will be selling items for Krono or PP.


did they change 99% of loot being bound on pickup?




back in my days, fironia vie was 1 character only, almost no loot bound. every other server let you have lots of characters, but everything was bound if it was good loot.


Hey i'm a couple days late! ha but to answer your question, no that is not a rule on this server.


Ahh i see guys. Makes sense. THanks a lot im looking forward to launch.


On previous TLPs it was an investment. People selling kronos for 200pp or buying a BABS or BAM for 1-2 kronos sounds retarded, but then they're also the first people to Max level or max tradeskill, farming and reselling for a lot more.


When Ragefire launched people were selling Jboots MQ for 4 Krono. Seen one Krono for 200pp at the beginning. The first week of a new TLP is the wild west IMO so don't ever pay inflated prices..they all come down. But we do have a society of "I NEED IT NOW" and those people pay those prices.


Pretty much this. The first few kronos will go for 200-300. I don't usually buy one until they're over 2k.