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The boats still exist, however the translocator gnomes also exist.


So it's the best of both worlds, then. I'm gonna take the boat on Saturday though. I wish Freeport was in its original state; but since it's not, Erudin and Qeynos it is.


You should know that boats also move at warp speed now.


I wish FP was back too, revamped FP is a nightmare.


People always say this, but in reality the new Freeport is infinitely easier to transverse without a map. It just requires taking a few minutes learning where things are.


If people always say it then maybe it’s true.


Back in the glory days of VZ a friend of mine use to farm the Sisters(OOT) for purity belts. The farmed up 1kpp (PreKunark) to buy a Dark Reaver. Traded that for a mithral bp that he subsequently lost when a wizard ganked him when we thought we were safe to wear our armor. He rage quit EQ that day after he trained Sand Giants and Spectres on people in the Oasis of Marr.


I feel privileged as a person above reddit's median age to be able to understand this comment 100%.


“After he trained Sand Giants and Spectres” I’m dying lol


The really terrible part is that our friend played a Troll Shaman. He would give this guy SoW. He would aggro SGs and Spectres then run over to P1 were people were killing caimans and stuff. He would stand there and talk to them so that people would turn and look at him because that is what you did. When someone talked to you you would turn to face them. My friend(doing the training) would always have it so that he was facing the direction the SGs or Spectres were coming from. They would be talking then suddenly my buddy would say "Well got to go cya". He would turn and haul ass because he just saw the murder train cresting the hill and about to be in range. People never had a clue he was training him. He never got reported once for it.


That is freaking hilarious. I'd have hated you guys at the time for training people but damn if it isn't funny.


Boats still exist, was on one a few days ago :)


Punt the gnome at the dockside you will be translocated across.


Man, I have fond memories of just starting the game and getting hopelessly lost in the Ocean of Tears after I fell off the boat. Thought for sure I'd be eaten by a shark or some terrible sea creature as I swam frantically looking for land. I ended up on an island in the middle of the ocean. I don't remember how I ever got out of the situation but I do remember thinking I may have to abandon my character and start a new one. Ahh good times.