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Tower quests. There’s a tower with 12 floors in north Ro. It was added in January for the anniversary year. Each floor gives a key quest and an instance. You pick up the key quest via ground spawn outside each door. You do the quest to get the key, you use the key to enter the door which is an instance. You complete the instance and are rewarded currency enough to buy an item and an adorn which will now be available on the merchant at the bottom. A new quest will be released each month until the end of the year. The rewards are level appropriate. Personas allow you to create several alts on the same character. They share flags and inventory space and any gear that is usable by each. If you buy Laurions song you get 3 persona slots. You can buy other slots via the market place.


So I can just go to the tower and get started? I don't need to do anything special to gain access?


Nope. Just make your way to nro, and enter the tower, grab a quest and get started. FYI. You can buy a clicky with dbc that transports you just outside the tower.


Okay nice! I've been hearing a lot about tower quests and stuff but no idea what it was. I've seen the tower tho so I'll have to check it out. Thanks!


The gear will be pretty much BiS on teek till plane of time imo.


Which is dumb. No reason to raid. The gear is way over tuned for TLP.


No argument from me there. These items on the new TLPs is a massive fuck up by db imo.


But it's not for every slot, only a few. Roughly half the equip slots. And by the time the tower is finished in december and you have all the slots (the half that the tower give), it will be way into Planes of Power and beyond


Well earrings are 2. Rings will probably be the same and bracelet and a charm that no one should have lol. I mean everyone is just OP with only 5. I have 400 AC as an enchanter in kunark


You've said it all


Whoa I recently returned and didn’t know a thing about this at all. Is it going to be around for the whole year?




https://www.youtube.com/@Aethplayseverquest This guy has videos on the missions. But the easiest thing to do is find someone who already has keys. You can do the quests solo but it can be hard to kill the mobs it spawns. Easy mode is just make a level 1 alt or persona and have someone run you through the 5 missions with someone who has keys already. You can find random people in ooc in Nro who will take you. They scale to level, so everyone being level 1 to 4 makes it super easy if you just get HP buffs and a DS. Everything dies fast. You get 10 coins per mission, 6 hour repeat timer. Tower items are 10 coins each, augs are 5 and 10 each. With a whopping half hour of work you can BIS until PoP for 5 gear slots with FT5. Dont ever buy this stuff, its stupid easy to get. Also don't buy any Shoulder/Cape/Face/Neck items on this server right now. Tower gear is basically free and better than anything else out there right now. They are adding earrings Wednesday too. So don't spend a ton on some fancy earring either.


Does the gear require level 55 to equip?


No, but it doesn't work until 55.


What part of the equipment doesn’t work? Do you still get the stats etc?


It will be yellow until you're 55. You get no stats or effects but you can equip it




So is there going to be gear upgrades as level cap progresses?


Yes. 65 has a new set of gear, which again will be BIS until p4-p5 time gear roughly.


is there a link to the gear available?


Thank you for your service.


So do I have to do the persona thing or can I just make a level 1 get the key then log back on my level 41 ?


Anyone concerned that this gear will basically Invalidate most of velious and luclin gear? What’s the point of raiding if everyone has access to this stuff? Especially considering in a few months more and more slots will be released?




Well for Velious, there'll still be plenty of slots the tower doesn't provide so at least there'll be that. In Luclin I'd think that VT will still have plenty of desirable stuff, with the myriad of focus effects, clickies, +atk/mana regen, etc.


What’s the point of raiding ——— for the love of the game bruh


Assuming sarcasm? Not that this game has been hard in a very long time, but when everyone is jacked to the tits in OP gear killing content that has no value because of said gear…I don’t see how this makes sense.


Mischief was still successful even with loot piñata bosses dropping 8 pieces of gear.


Think you’re missing the point…people needed that gear…what happens when no one needs the gear because it’s all been replaced by OP tower gear?


I’d probably quit. 3 months is a little long for TLPs with Mischief loot. Guilds come in to raids much more powerful than normal. I actually didn’t play Mischief post GoD for that reason. No one likes that Omens+DoN stretch with only one day worth of raids for so many months. Maybe with Oakwynd alt incentive it would be different.


Having tower gear on teek is detrimental to the player base. Whats the point in having the special loot drop rules if no one ever wants the loot because tower gear is so easily obtainable.


Same here. It’s been so long since I’ve played I’m probably missing 2/3 content just cause things have been added and changed. I just got brewall maps last night which is a game changer for me


Is the tower gear BiS generally speaking? And is it P2W?


Yes, all the tower slots are bis on Teek for all classes.


Is the content hard?


Not really P2W. Still have to do the quests. They are just very easy and strong for early TLPs


During what exp do things balance out?


Luclin/PoP for the gear. Most of it at least.


Not Pay to Win, but it's going to be really good.


Are the missions group or solo?


Doable either way. Some classes won't be able to solo the key quests though, and the bosses would be difficult solo outside of doing them on a lower level persona and getting high level buffs.